finer'-f .V •*: WEDNESDAY, APWL 24i 1968 • • f A M r w a m fjattrlfpgter lEppitteg IjgraUi ATwage Daily Net Pn m R m The Weather Fer Hw Week I M M Foneael of V. Wm Omc 1 director o f the Town Devel< the diractois siUd that thsy AprU 10, 1968 Seven members of the exeoutlvie Hk* to bo sure Manchester p « l^ board of the Manchester Public Conunlsaloa could be About Town Martin said he doesn’t bellenr* the nven approve of a proposed short­ OIvaTi Bslglum— In a owvsm FMr end «ool teelgM. I HeaUh Nursing AssocifuUon yes­ Planner, Not Engineer, er work week with Its Mcom- out from soUd rook n w CHvst. not terday attended a meeting of the two could be practically combined, 13,974 IlM mid SOI*. Friday pwrtly Th« B u t Hturtford Art t«affua paiurlng lower salary sohsdule. far from the Frond! bordar, an New Bngiand regi<mal board mem­ since a pbumer would work out Mamlwr o f the Andtt Mid » Mttle warmer. Ri|h I WlU iBMt Tiiuraday'iit 7:30 p.m. solutions to interior rnnbiams and said bs has not h a w stomle-powtr plant la betne buUt bers of Public Health agencies of by ths Franoo-Belgian Nuolsar Bunsa of OlnalstlMi At Sunut Rtdfe Clubhouie in Baat Connecticut at Mansfield Center. Need, Board T old a development'official w6nld%ork any complaints so far about tM MmuiheeUr^A CUy of VUiage Charm Hartford. A film on the Famoua with Industry. junpoaed .g^oitsning of ths week Power Company. The two ooun- Kepnesentatives of MPHNA were triea wlU share the coat. _____ Artiate School in Westport will be lilrB. Leon Thorpe, president; Mrs. Earlier In the wortcahop session, to 40 hours from 48. ahbwn, foUowed by a panel discus­ Jay Rand. Mrs. Herbert Snyder, YOL. UDOQl, NO. 175 (TWBNTYtEIGHT PAGES—IN TWO SECTiQNS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1968 (daedfled AdvartMag Page 96) PRICE SEVEN CENTS sion. llie meetingr 'is open to the Manch«ster needs a planner, rather than a town planning Mw. Jolm Dormer, Mrs. Leo Dob- engineer, General Manager Richard Martin told the board of public. Refreshmenta will be kin, Mia. Maurice O’Connor and senred. Mrs. John P. Cheney Jr. directors last night. He said the duties handled by the town planning engineer—a post vacant since Edward Rybezyk re­ The Past Chief’8 Club of Memo­ signed several months ago to be-< March Left StateNews come executive director of the rial Temple Pythian Sisters will gineer versus a planner was meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Manchester Revelopment Agency broug^ht up after Director Taylor home of Mrs. Noimie Hilding, 313 —could'be absorbed by the town asked why the new town budget FANTlSnC Charter Oak St. Member.s are engineering department. Living Cost Roundup lists only $6,206 as the starting Harriman Assessing Republican Director Harlan reminded to bring articlee for a figure for a planning engineer. cup auction. Taylor agreed, saying a planner could be concerned with a “sales Martin replied that he thought Advertisement— Job” of the town. the figure was sufficient to start. A t R ecord Dempsey, Critic In the '4>a3t, the town planning Taylor suggested that the. poei- The best time to plan your es­ engineer has worked mostly on tlon of a planner and an executive WASHINGTON, (AP) — tate is now. OONNE5CTICUT subdivisions, with the help of the Discuss Rail BiU WORK BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, engineering department, the gen­ SALE!! Living costs edged up one- 893 Main Street, invites you to CRPA Member eral manager said. Other major tenth of one per cent in Bfarch HARTFORD (AP) — A CLOTHIS come in and let them help you Ralph Scudieri, 866 Center St., work has been, done by outside Nikita’s Laos Stand to a record. dispute between Giovernor set your plans in motion. Mr. has been appointed a member of WOMEN’S FAMOUS NAME DRESS SHOES T h u a are the famous top planning firms, he said. WANTED! Higher costa of used oars, cloth­ . bhn N. Dempsey and GrOP Thomas B. Cannon. Trust. Officer, the Capitol Region Planning A new position of planner would Citations, Sandler, Joyce, Velvet Step, Accent and other Famons Brands. ing and home ownership items, quality Dickies made of is here every Tuesday, for consul­ Agency from Manchester. require a person who would not Clean, Late Model principally real estate taxes and louse Speaker J. Tyler Pat­ tom bed 2 x 2 long staple tation. No (*ligatlon of course. The town has three representa­ only act as a liaison between the water rates, boosted the Labor erson JI*. on the problems of eoHon. You know they're the An appointment in your home will tives to the CRPA, two appointed town and the Town Planning Com­ Department’s consumers price In­ be arranged If you wish. ;he New Haven Railroad end- To Deliver beat available to be uncon­ by town directors and one by the mission, but also plot out solutions USED CARS dex to 106.2 per cent of the 19B7-59 id up today in a direct con- Town Planning Commission. to various town needs, said Mar­ average. ditionally guaranteed. Re^. $9.99 to $15,99 0 Pair The TPC’s last appointee, John tin. "This planning ought to start TOP PRICES PAID The did high of 106.1 in the index : Tontation between the two Was first reached last S ^ e m b e r men before reporters. W > CAN PIT VOU l B. Barnlni, has moved from town with our problems,” he added. JFK Letter ►V. and ha.s missed at least three con­ Eight of the nine directors met N O W JUST and also stood at that level in The meeting climaxed a cor- Marendaz February. / reapond^ce between the governor P ants..........................$4.39 secutive agency meeting.s. with the general manager to dis­ Carter TRAVEL A6ENCY Under tow-n ordinances, £iny rep­ cuss several budgets in a work­ Save up to $12.00 per pair! (5 to 10, narrow and medium). You’ll want sevwrf While eetabllahlng a living cost and the bouse speaker that was Matchinsr S h irt..........$.3.39 resentative missing three or more shop session. Director Ted Powell CHEVROLET CO., INC. at this price. Just 140 pair. Hurry! Navy, white calf and patent, black calf eak, the March rise was eo slight growing in bitterness. On Mission 2 was absent. gf1 practical effect on the house-, The dispute involves a bill IN POPULAR CX3LORS Authorized Agents For All agency meetings is considered to 1229 Main St. Manchester parent, bone and straw. Rail, Air and Steamship have resigned. The Issue of town planning en­ holder budget as to be almost In­ MUMSd by the New York State Barnlni's term would have ex­ significant. It means that It cost .iM(lBlature that would take away LONDON (A P )— 'W. A ver­ Lines pired in November. $10.62 In March to buy the same tax concessions now allowed the ell Harriman left by plane for 18 Asvium St., Hartford Scudieri, a partner in the firm goods and services that cost $10.61 bankrupt railroad. Moscow today to appeal to REGAL Tel. 247-5857 of Scudieri and Mankey, archi­ In February. Patterson met with the gover­ Soviet Premier Khrushchev tects, graduated an honor student Arnold Chase, LAbor Department nor this morning and afterwards MEN'S SHOP HAROLD EELLS from the University of Pennsyl­ MORE FANTASTIC $AVING$!I price expert, told newsmen that he told a press conference that the to restore peace in Laos and einiects the recent selective steel tos MAIN STREET MI 9-7442 vania with a bachelor of architec­ governor had promised him to keep the strategic SoutheMt price increases will have a very make an appeal to Albany without 643-3478 Manchester Agent ture degree in 1951. He is a Man­ Asian kingdom neutral. chester High School graduate. RUMMAGE SALE WOMEirS SSMMEI MSDMS a t MSMLS minor effect on living cost levels. delay, urging Gov. Nelson Rocke­ The U.S. undersecretary of state SPONSORED BY DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA FAMOUS NAME BRANDS He said Items contalidng steel fig­ feller not to sign the bill until the was ordered to the So'vlet cap­ ure as only a fraction of those Republican position on the matter ital by President Kennedy, who Friday, April 26 — 10 A M , Usuolly $4.99 la $5.99 Usually $6.99 ta $9.99 measured in computing the gov­ was made known to him. sent along a special message for ernment living cost Index. Patterson said he asked Demp­ Khrushchev. But if other industrlee follow sey to urge Rockefeller not to Harriman said the United States AT NORTH END "Y" eteet’e lead and also raise prices i the biU “ haetUy.” wants the Soviet leader “ to take the effect at the consumer level he GOP leader said he thought action to quiet the situation in would be significant, Chase Im­ . Article* for this sale should be left wlQi he had resolved his differences Laos and put It back on Uie rails NOW JUST NOW JUST $ plied. with the governor and that he had again.” Re said the Communist Mrs. Rose Sohwoerer, 193 Mather Street HOUSE S^. HALE About 40,000 workers. Including left him In a “friendly spirit.” accusation that the United States some 80,000 employee of the ■When asked to comment on is responsible for the flareup In Main Street, Manchester — Phone 643-4123 Douglas, Northrop and Hayes Patterson’s remarks, however, the Laos is {‘most insulting and utter­ Open Thursday 9:30 a.m.
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