20 Annual Report.P65

20 Annual Report.P65

áÈK«OѨe¡ HÀ–PѨˆ~\˜"£ J~°ƒ<£ ÉϺOH± eq∞>ˇ_£ Annual Report 2016-17 POCHAMPALLY CO-OPERATIVE URBAN BANK LIMITED KNOW YOUR BANK ESTABLISHED ON : 22-10-1997 R.C.S. Regd. No. : 1227 / TH AREA OF OPERATION : Entire Nalgonda, Ranga Reddy, Mahabubnagar, Medak, Warangal and Khammam Dist. RBI LICENCE No. : UBD HYD. AP. 1424 P. dt. 21-06-1997 RBI / OSS Code No. : 08770201 IFS Code No. (RTGS / NEFT & MICR) Pochampally (Br.) : YESB0PCUB01, 500 532 251 Choutuppal (Br.) : YESB0PCUB02, 500 532 252 Devarakonda (Br.) : YESB0PCUB03, 500 532 253 Nalgonda(Br.) : YESB0PCUB04, 500 532 254 Haliya (Br.) : YESB0PCUB05, 500 532 255 Chandur (Br.) : YESB0PCUB06, 500 532 256 DICGC Code / Registration : 87702 & AP112 BANK PAN No. : AAAAT 7910R TAN No. : HYDT02189F GST No. : 36AAAAT7910R1ZW PRESENT CHAIRMAN : Mr. CHITTIPOLU SRINIVAS Elected on : 18-02-2014 NAME OF GM & CEO : Mr. SEETHA SRINIVAS APPONTMENT DATE : 01-09-1997 NUMBER OF SHARE HOLDERS : 6171 ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION : BRANCHES Pochampally : H.No. 3-188, Main Road, Bhoodan Pochampally - 508284, Yadadri Bhongir (Dist.) Ph No.08685-222093, Fax : 08685-222326, Mobile : 9848657787. Choutuppal : H.No. 5-474/1, 1st floor, Beside : TSRTC Bus Stand, Choutuppal - 508252, Yadadri Bhongir (Dist.) Ph No. 08694-272700, Mobile : 9052272700. Devarakonda : H.No. 19-198, Shop No.136 to 140 & 141/1, 1st floor Vishnu Complex, Main Road, Devarakonda - 508248, Nalgonda (Dist.) Mobile : 9848677787. Nalgonda : H.No. 6-2-109, Shop No’s 128 to 131 &32, 1st floor Central Business Complex, Clock Tower, Nalgonda - 508 001. Mobile:7731994447. Haliya : H.No. 4-224, Shop No.101, 1st Floor, Sree Tharakarama Complex, Haliya, Anumula (Mdl), Nalgonda (Dist)-508377.Mobile:9948787733. Chandur : H.No. 11-135 & 136, Shop No.103,104,136 & 122 to 124, 1st Floor, Main Road, Sai Durga Commercial Complex, Chandur, Nalgonda (Dist)-508 255. Mobile: 9603993311 Suryapet : H.No. 1-2-270/46/5/2A MG Road, Opp Yes Bank Lane Suryapet- 508 213, Suryapet (Dist) Mobile : 9848657787 (Shorty Opening) Banks Growth Profile From Last 10 Years (Rs. in Lakhs) Sl.No Particulars 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 1 Members 2792 3177 3611 3928 4230 4445 4731 5386 5876 6171 áÈK«OѨe¡ HÀ–PѨˆ~\˜"£J~°ƒ<£ÉϺOH±eq∞>ˇ_£ 2 Share Capital 33.98 38.17 51.39 80.25 96.48 138.55 173.42 239.02 283.91 357.92 3 Reserves 63.31 73.32 86.52 103.14 119.62 137.25 157.97 176.3 196.72 219.70 4 Deposits 394.43 516.64 629.36 1151.58 1723.57 2403.74 3550.50 4781.86 5839.29 7383.85 5 Loans and Advances 291.38 330.95 435.86 863.25 1139.02 1444.19 1864.87 2779.91 3624.36 4328.60 6 Investments 219.77 216.64 242.8 366.38 606.67 915.01 1659.86 1882.73 1997.73 2914.27 7 In Govt. Securities 46.26 46.21 101.38 294.36 329.15 583.17 957.41 1056.85 1351.35 1544.84 8 Working Capital 578.46 683.32 817.3 1297.9 1913.16 2605.71 3757.8 5078.51 6162.78 7781.44 9 Gross Profit 38.55 43.44 47.61 63.69 95.52 143.32 188.99 228.66 293.82 406.85 10 Net Profit 14.24 12.16 15.38 15.35 27.50 38.16 41.13 43.44 56.23 83.86 14% 11 Dividend 15% 15% 15% 15% 17% 18% 17% 16% 16% Proposed 12 NPA Gross 1.07% 0.67% 0.21% 0.09% 0.03% 0.01% 0.05% 0% 0% 0.01% 13 Net NPA 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Annual Report2016-17 14 CD Ratio 73.87% 64.06% 69.25% 74.97% 66.09% 60.07% 52.52% 58.13% 62.07% 58.62% 15 CRAR 25.17% 25.70% 25.77% 26.89% 25.07% 23.89% 20.93% 17.80% 14.85% 14.50% 16 Staff Cost 7.05 9.19 9.50 11.67 20 25.38 41.17 63.9 81.70 100.69 17 Staff Cost to W.Capital 1.22 1.34 1.16% 0.90% 1.05% 0.97% 1.10% 1.26% 1.33% 1.29% 18 Staff Cost to G.Profit 18.29 21.16 19.95% 18.32% 20.94% 17.71% 21.78% 26.33% 27.81% 24.75% áÈK«OѨe¡ HÀ–PѨˆ~\˜"£ J~°ƒ<£ ÉϺOH± eq∞>ˇ_£ Annual Report 2016-17 KEY INDICATORS SL.No. PARTICULARS 31-03-2017 31-03-2016 Chang of Amount % OF CHANGE 1 Share Capital 357.92 283.91 74.01 26.07 2 Reserves 161.99 144.69 17.3 11.96 3 NPA Provisions 47.69 44.42 3.27 7.36 4 Cliental Base 45313 40534 4779 11.79 i CA 1504 1034 470 45.45 ii SB 39717 35058 4659 13.29 iii Term Deposits 4025 4442 -417 -9.39 5 Deposits 7383.85 5839.29 1544.56 26.45 i CASA Deposits 3412.57 2288.79 1123.78 49.10 ii Term Deposits 3971.28 3550.50 420.78 11.85 iii % of CASA to Total Deposits 46.22% 39.20% 7.02 17.91 iv AVG balance for SB 6,124.00 4,267.00 1857 43.52 v AVG balance for CA 28,697.00 17,718.00 10979 61.97 6 Investments 2914.27 1997.73 916.54 45.88 7 Advances 4328.49 3624.36 704.13 19.43 i Gold Loans 1422.7 1427.12 -4.42 -0.31 ii OD& CC 1043.13 726.14 316.99 43.65 iii Deposit, LIC & Postal Loans 122.32 183.66 -61.34 -33.40 iv Other Loans 1740.34 1287.44 452.9 35.18 v % of Gold loans to Total Loans 32.87% 39.38% -6.51 -16.53 8 Business 11712.23 9463.71 2248.52 23.76 9 Fixed Assets 178.62 157.14 21.48 13.67 10 Working capital 8168.9 6532.47 1636.43 25.05 11 Working capital RCS 7655.64 6030.28 1625.36 26.95 12 Over Dues 125.8 126.94 -1.14 -0.90 13 Gross NPA Amt 0.23 0 0.23 #DIV/0! 14 Standard Assets 4328.26 3624.36 703.9 19.42 15 Gross NPA Percentage 0.01% 0.00% 0.00005 #DIV/0! 16 Net NPA 0.00% 0.00% 0 #DIV/0! 17 Net Worth 530.53 434.39 96.14 22.13 18 CRAR 14.50% 14.85% -0.35 -2.36 19 CD Ratio 58.62% 62.07% -3.45 -5.56 20 Priority Sector Advances 3750.48 3119.68 630.8 20.22 21 Weaker Section Advances 2998.29 2759.85 238.44 8.64 PROFIT & LOSS A/C. 1 interest Income 760.09 589.93 170.16 28.84 i interest on Loans & Advances 564.33 428.98 135.35 31.55 ii Interest on Investments 195.76 160.95 34.81 21.63 2 Non- Interest income 105.34 93.35 11.99 12.84 i OBC, DD, Disc. Commn 18.58 16.46 2.12 12.88 ii Other Income 38.43 34.85 3.58 10.27 iii ATM, POS, IMPS Income 48.33 42.04 6.29 14.96 3 Interest Paid On deposits 479.72 389.46 90.26 23.18 4 Non Int. expenditure 238.08 183.65 54.43 29.64 i Establishment expenditure 105.92 87.92 18 20.47 ii Depreciation & Repairs 38.39 29.02 9.37 32.29 iii Other Expenditure 93.77 66.71 27.06 40.56 5 NPA & ST.Asset Provn 3.27 2.73 0.54 19.78 6 Provision for Taxes 30.25 22.18 8.07 36.38 7 Operating Income 117.38 81.15 36.23 44.65 8 Net Profit 83.86 56.24 27.62 49.11 9 Average Deposits 6692.38 4965.44 1726.94 34.78 10 Average Investments 2442.67 1951.95 490.72 25.14 11 Average Advances 3985.36 2935.36 1050 35.77 12 Average Earning Assets 6343.21 4887.31 1455.9 29.79 13 Avg Own Funds 442.35 375.76 66.59 17.72 14 Average Cost of Deposit 7.17% 7.84% -0.67 -8.55 15 Average Income on Loans 14.16% 14.61% -0.45 -3.08 16 Average Income on Investme 8.01% 8.25% -0.24 -2.91 17 Average yield on Assets 11.98% 12.07% -0.09 -0.75 18 Spread Bench Mark >3 4.81% 4.23% 0.58 13.71 19 Cost Income ratio (Non int. exp/total revenue) Bench Mark <40 27.51% 30.52% -3.01% -9.86 20 Return on Avg Assets Bench Marck>1 1.32% 1.15% 0.17 14.78 21 Return on owned funds (Net Profit/Avg.Owned funds X100) Bench Mark>18 18.96% 14.99% 3.97 26.48 áÈK«OѨe¡ HÀ–PѨˆ~\˜"£ J~°ƒ<£ ÉϺOH± eq∞>ˇ_£ Annual Report 2016-17 DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION The following information as on 31.03.2017, which is supposed to be disclosed by banks in terms of RBI circular No. UBD.CO.BPD(PCB)Cir.No.52/12.05.001/2013-14, dated March 25, 2014, is being furnished voluntarily. (Rs.in lakhs) 31.03.2016 31.03.2017 i) Capital to Risk Weight Asset Ratio 14.85% 14.50% ii) Movement of CRAR 14.85% 14.50% iii) Investments Central Government Securities AFS HTM AFS HTM a) Face Value - 287.00 - 281.00 b) Book Value - 283.65 - 278.60 c) Market Value of Investment(FIMDA) - 288.65 - 291.63 State Government Securities a) Face Value 704.70 362.60 704.70 562.60 b) Book Value 706.54 361.16 706.25 559.99 c) Market Value of Investment(FIMDA) 741.25 377.51 766.03 590.72 Issuer composition of Non SLR Investments 1.

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