Don’t walk alone Two students assaulted MercVol.82,ia No.24/5.13.09d/Free near campus Read more on Page 3 We have a donor, not a dad. Student’s unconventional family story travels the world Read more on Page 7 Page 2 NEWS May 13, 2009 Students splash through Springfest “Third Eye Blind was the best band choice since I’ve been here, but it was too hot to enjoy.” Chris Duval, senior “The infl atables were a great way to spend the day during the halftime of the spring football game, and the concert was amazing even though it was extremely hot and sticky.” Randy Tucker, senior “I usually like Third Eye Blind, and I saw them at Behrend last year and they were a lot better. They played too many new Top: Freshmen Laura Palermo, songs.” Lindsay Hoh and Slippery Rock sopho- more Meghan McGeary slid down the Slip Jenna Golden, senior ‘n Slide. “I believe Springfest was a great weekend Left: Freshman Erin Beck raced through of events. Unfortunately on Saturday, the the Pirates Cove Obstacle Course. bad weather would not hold out on us, but Bottom left: Senior Nick Marcellino made overall I believe students had a lot of fun.” a splash. Vicky Fleisner, senior Bottom Right: Freshman Kaitlyn Badger decorated a pair of pink fl ip fl ops. “It was my fi rst concert experience and Tyler Stauffer photos was really fun. I was surprised that his vocals were so good. Mercyhurst should defi nitely get similar bands like Third Eye Blind in the future.” Liz Zurasky, freshman “I wanted to go [to Springfest], but my friends were more content staying in because it was so cold, but the concert was awesome.” Caitlin Roberts, senior “I didn’t like that they played so much of their new music. I wish they had played more of their old music that everyone knows, but overall, it was a lot of fun.” Alex Stacey, freshman Page 2 NEWS May 13, 2009 May 13, 2009 NEWS Page 3 Moving in or moving on: the Students splash through Springfest new students, transfers report “Third Eye Blind was the best band choice fall short of 129. from the local Erie area. … For By Amanda Valauri since I’ve been here, but it was too hot Vice President of Enrollment whatever reason, being closer to News editor to enjoy.” Dr. Michael Lyden said this their families is their priority,” is a record-breaking year for Lyden said. Chris Duval, senior While many think enrollment students transferring into the Beyond those top three rea- went down, the report to the college. sons, there are “hundreds of “The infl atables were a great way to college community from the “A few years ago we had other reasons students transfer,” spend the day during the halftime of the Board of Trustees Meeting on about 90 new transfer students Lyden explained. Thursday, April 30, said over- and this year we may break In order to keep students at spring football game, and the concert was all enrollment actually went up that,” he said. the college Lyden said, “At the amazing even though it was extremely hot 77 students from the spring of According to Lyden, the bulk end of the day it’s all about Scoot Williams photo and sticky.” 2008 to the spring of 2009. of these students are from Erie communication and informa- Erie police responded to seperate assaults that occured at the Mercyhurst North East is up County. tion sharing among all of the Cornerstone and behind CVS on Tuesday, May 12. Randy Tucker, senior 125 students from last year in “These are students who staff.” their enrollment. went away to school some- Lyden explained how one “I usually like Third Eye Blind, and I saw Graduate programs are at a where, often times a private person can impact a student’s record high with an additional school and for whatever rea- experience negatively and posi- Two students them at Behrend last year and they were 36 students. son, they come back to Erie,” tively. a lot better. They played too many new Top: Freshmen Laura Palermo, In fact, the only two sectors Lyden said. “The saying, ‘it takes a village songs.” Lindsay Hoh and Slippery Rock sopho- of the Mercyhurst student pop- Students transfer in and out to raise a child’ applies to the assaulted more Meghan McGeary slid down the Slip ulation that are down are Erie of college for three main rea- college experience too,” he said. Jenna Golden, senior County students (down 79) and sons. The number one reason Everyone from the registrar’s the man was wearing baggy gray ‘n Slide. By JoEllen Marsh adult students (down 23). is for programs. If a student’s offi ce down to Police and Safety sweatpants and a gray hooded Managing editor “I believe Springfest was a great weekend Left: Freshman Erin Beck raced through Incoming freshman student’s current college doesn’t have a contribute to a student’s experi- sweatshirt, according to wit- of events. Unfortunately on Saturday, the the Pirates Cove Obstacle Course. enrollment is ahead of sched- program or it is stronger some- ence and Mercyhurst aims to get nesses. ule. With four months remain- where else, they transfer. The a full picture of their students in An unknown man assaulted Captain Frank Kwitowski bad weather would not hold out on us, but Bottom left: Senior Nick Marcellino made ing in the admission cycle, con- second most popular reason is order to understand their rea- two female students from Mer- of Erie Police Department’s overall I believe students had a lot of fun.” a splash. fi rmations are 13 ahead of last fi nancial. sons for leaving. cyhurst College during separate Criminal Investigative Unit Vicky Fleisner, senior year at this time. College is expensive and even “We have a representative incidents in the early hours of said the unknown suspect will Bottom Right: Freshman Kaitlyn Badger Even so, 129 more freshmen the best program can’t keep from almost every aspect of that Tuesday morning, according to face charges including inde- decorated a pair of pink fl ip fl ops. enrollee’s confi rmations are some students at their college student’s experience and their the Erie Bureau of Police. cent assault, simple assault and “It was my fi rst concert experience and Tyler Stauffer photos needed to meet the 665 goal. of choice. The third is to move exit interview so we can make During the fi rst incident, harassment. was really fun. I was surprised that his The admissions offi ce can still closer to home. sure we don’t repeat the same which occurred at approxi- Mercyhurst Police and Safety pull from the other 1,139 appli- “We fi nd that a lot of our mistakes and to anticipate po- mately 12:10 a.m. Tuesday, the assisted police by providing vocals were so good. cations in case confi rmations transfer students are coming tential problems,” Lyden said. perpetrator grabbed a woman at pictures related to the incident Mercyhurst should defi nitely get similar the Cornerstone and was kicked captured by college camera sys- bands like Third Eye Blind in the future.” out of the bar, police said. tems. After the man left the Cor- The Cornerstone and Liz Zurasky, freshman nerstone, he walked west on CVS provided video footage, The Merciad is back online! 38th Street and turned left Kwitowski said. “I wanted to go [to Springfest], but my after CVS, and assaulted a Mercyhurst Police and Safety friends were more content staying in second victim on the walkway Chief Ken Sidun strongly between CVS and the blue light advised students to walk in because it was so cold, but the concert Read more news, features, arts system near the Wayne Street pairs or groups, stay aware of was awesome.” and entertainment, opinion and parking lot, police reported. their surroundings and report Caitlin Roberts, senior She did not suffer any serious any suspicious activity to sports on the Web. injuries. campus police by calling 824- Erie police were dispatched at 2304. “I didn’t like that they played so much of Feel free to comment! approximately 12:20 a.m. To report any information their new music. I wish they had played Eyewitnesses who saw the regarding the incidents, call Sgt. perpetrator described him as a John Holmes at 870-1503 or more of their old music that everyone 6’-6’2” tall black man in his early Kwitowski at 870-1158. knows, but overall, it was a lot of fun.” 20s with short hair and a very Mercyhurst had not yet Alex Stacey, freshman Visit us at merciad.mercyhurst.edu dark complexion, police said. released a Timely Notifi cation At the time of the assaults, Bulletin as of Tuesday night. Page 4 NEWS: Year in Review May 13, 2009 Brittani DeVore photo In October, Mercyhurst College communication students had the opportunity to volunteer at a local political campaign and meet former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former First Lady Laura Bush. Michelle Spiegel photo Around Halloween, freshman girls in Egan Hall were spooked by this image caught on a Web cam. Residents told of their encounters with ghosts. Due to the country’s fi nancial situation, the marriage and family studies concentration of the IRELAND family and consumer sciences program will be phased out over the next four years at Mercyhurst. Dungarvan This came as a shock Tyler Stauffer photo to faculty and Francis Warde Hall will be the new freshman residence hall for students.
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