,q(qlrt) Say no to corruption GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATION NationalHighway Authority 28-MauveArea, G-911, Islamabad Phone:051 -9032727 - Fax 05| -9260419 tRifno,-vriSr.a.AYs BIDDING DOCUMENT (Volume- I) for CONSTRUCTIONOF LAHOREEASTERN BYPASS PACKAGE-I From Lahore Ring Road to Kala Khatai Road including Bridge over River Ravi and Lakhudher Interchange (SingleStage Two EnvelopeBidding Procedure) September,2016 Say no to corruption TABLE OF CONTENTS Description INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS General IB.l Scopeof Bid IB.2 Sourceof Funds IB.3 EligibleBidders (and Qualification Criteria) IB.4 OneBid perBidder IB.5 Costof Bidding IB.6 SiteVisit B. BiddingDocuments IB.7 Contentsof BiddingDocuments IB.8 Clarificationof BiddingDocuments IB.9 Amendmentof BiddinsDocuments c. Preparationof Bids IB.l0. Languageof Bid I8.11 DocumentsComprising the Bid IB.l2 Bid Prices IB.l3 Currenciesof Bid andPavment IB.l4 Bid Validity IB.l5 Bid Security IB.l6 AlternateProposals by Bidder IB.l7 Pre-BidMeeting IB.18 Formatand Signing of Bid D. Submissionof Bids IB.19 Sealingand Marking of Bids I8.20 Deadlinefor Submissionof Bids IB.2l LateBids I8.22 Modification,Substitution and Withdrawalof Bids E" Bid Openingand Evaluation 18.23 Bid Opening 18.24 Processto be Confidential IB.25 Clarificationof Bids I8.26 Examinationof Bids andDetermination of Responsiveness 18"27 Correctionof Enors IB.28 Evaluationand Comparison of Bids PACKAGE-I - From LahoreRing Roadto Kala Khatai Road incl. Briege over River Ravi and . PageI of2 r Say no to corruption F. Award of Contract 18.29 Award 18.30 Employer'sRight to Acceptany Bid andto Rejectany or all Bids IB.3l Notificationof Award 1832 PerformanceSecurity I8.33 Signingof ContractAgreement IB.34 GeneralPerformance of the Bidders IB.35 IntegrityPact 18.36 InstructionsNot Partof Contract BIDDING DATA LETTERS OF BID AND APPENDICESTO BID Letterof TechnicalBid Letterof PriceBid Appendix-Ato Bid SpecialStipulations Appendix-Bto Bid Foreign CurrencyRequirements Appendix-Cto Bid PriceAdjustment (Under Clause 70 of COC) Appendix-Dto Bid Bill of Quantities Appendix-Eto Bid ProposedConstruction Schedule Appendix-Fto Bid Methodof Performingthe Work Appendix-Gto Bid List of Major Equipment- Related Items Appendix-Flto Bid ConstructionCamp and Housing Facilities Appendix-Ito Bid List of Subcontractors Appendix-Jto Bid EstimatedProgress Payments Appendix-Kto Bid OrganizationChart for the Supervisory StaffandLabour Appendix-Lto Bid IntegrifyPact Appendix-Mto Bid Financial Competenceand Access to FinancialResources Appendix-Nto Bid PastPerformance I Experience Appendix-Oto Bid Qualificationof Key Staff Appendix-Pto Bid CurrentCommitments / Projects in Hand FORMS BID SECURITY CREDIT LINE FACILITY PERFORMANCESECURITY CONTRACT AGREEMENT MOBILIZATION ADVANCE GUARANTEE PART-I: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT PART-II: PARTICULAR CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (CONTRACTUAL) SPECTALPROVTSIONS (SPECIFICATTONS) GENERAT SPECIFICATIONS DRAWINGS *t CONSTRUCTIONOF LAHORE EASTERNBYPASS PACKAGE-I - From LahoreRing Road to Kala Khatai Road incl, Briege over River Ravi and LakhudherInterchnge .loul e8u?qcrelq leqpnele.l pue l^uu te^ru lo^o r8pug puou lelsq) elu) ol p€ou BulU rxorC_ ttCV)JVd ssvd^S Nuarsva adofHv'l do No[cnursNoc zil tsj-{ ,ffi }$ ii 7l suscGtsor sNotr)nursNil lnstructionsTo Bidders Sayno to corruption INSTRUCTIONSTO BIDDERS Q.{ote:These Instructions to Biddersalong with Bidding Data Sheetwill not be part of the Contractand will ceaseto haveeffect once the contractis signed.) A. GENERAL IB.I Scopeof Bid 1.1 The Employer as defined in the Bidding Data Sheethereinafter called "the Employer"wishes to receivebids for the constructionand completion of works as describedin these Bidding Documents,and summarizedin the Bidding Data Sheethereinafter referred to asthe "'Works". t.2 The successfulbidder will be expectedto completethe Works within the time specifiedin Appendix-Ato Bid. IB.2 Sourceof Funds 2.1 The Project is being financedby the Governmentof Pakistanthrough PSDP. PSDPallocation for the year2016-17 is Rs 1050million. IB.3 EligibleBidders (and QualificationCriteria) 3.1 This Invitation for Bids is open to the bidders meeting the following requirements: a. Duly licensedby the PakistanEngineering Council (PEC)in the category relevantto the valueof the Works:and b. Qualified for the Works by the Employerand meetingthe Qualification Criteriadescribed in the BiddingData Sheet. lB.4 OneBid per Bidder 4.1 Eachbidder shall submitonly onebid eitherby himself,or as a partnerin a joint venture.A bidder who participatesin more than one bid (otherthan alternatives pursuantto ClauseIB.16) will be disqualified. IB.5 Costof Bidding 5.1 The biddersshall bearall costsassociated with the preparationand submissionof their respectivebids andthe Employerwill in no casebe responsibleor liable for thosecosts, regardless of the conductor outcomeof the biddingprocess. CONSTRUCTIONOF LAHOREEASTERN BYPASS PACKAGEJ- FromLahore Ring Roadto Kala KhataiRoad incl. Bridgeover River RaviandLakhudher PaeeI oflT InstructionsTo Bidders Sayno to corruption 18.6 SiteVisit 6.1 The bidders are advised to visit and examine the Site of Works and its surroundingsand obtain for themselveson their own responsibilityall information that may be necessaryfor preparingthe bid and enteringinto a contract for constructionof the Works.All costin this respectshall be at the bidder'sown expense. 6.2 The biddersand any of their personnelor agentswill be grantedpermission by the Employerto enterupon his premisesand lands for the purposeof suchinspection, but only upon the expresscondition that the bidders,their personneland agents, will releaseand indemnifu the Employer,his personneland agentsfrom and againstall liability in respectthereof and will be responsiblefor deathor personal injury, loss of or damageto propertyand any other loss, damage,costs and expensesincurred as a resultof suchinspection. B. BIDDING DOCUMENTS TB.7 Contentsof BiddingDocuments 7.1 The Bidding Documents,in additionto invitationfor bids, arethose stated below and shouldbe read in conjunctionwith any Addendaissued in accordancewith ClauseIB.9. l. Instructionsto Bidders. 2. BiddingData Sheet. 3. GeneralConditions of Contract,Part-I (GCC). 4. ParticularConditions of Contract,Part-II (PCC). 5. SpecialProvisions (Contractual). 6. SpecialProvisions (Specifications). 7. NHA GeneralSpecifications-l998 and its addenda. 8. Lettersof Bid & Appendicesto Bid. 9. Bill of Quantities(Appendix-D to Bid). 10. Formof Bid Security. 11. Formof ContractAgreement. 12. Formsof PerformanceSecurity and Mobilization Advance Guarantee. 13. Drawings. 7.2 The bidders are expectedto examinecarefully the contentsof all the above documents.Failure to complywith the requirementsof bid submissionwill be at the Bidder'sown risk. Pursuantto Clause18.26, bids which arenot substantially responsiveto therequirements of theBidding Documents will berejected. lnstructionsTo Bidders Sayno to corruption IB"8 Clarificationof BiddingDocuments 8.1 Any prospectivebidder requiring any clarification(s) in respectof the Bidding Documentsmay notify the Employer in writing at the Employer's address indicatedin the Invitationfor Bids. The Employerwill respondto any requestfor clarification which he receivesearlier than 28 days prior to the deadlinefor submissionof bids. Copiesof the Employer'sresponse will be forwardedto all purchasersof the Bidding Documents,including a descriptionof the enquiry but without identifuingits source. IB.9 Amendmentof Bidding Documents 9.1 At any time prior to the deadlinefor submissionof bids,the Employermay, for any reason,whether at his own initiativeor in responseto a clarificationrequested by a prospectivebidder, modify the Bidding Documents by issuingaddendum. 9.2 Any addendumthus issued shall be part of the Bidding Documentspursuant to IB 7.1 hereofand shall be communicatedin writing to all purchasersof the Bidding Documents.Prospective bidders shall acknowledge receipt of eachaddendum in writing to the Employer. 9.3 To afford prospectivebidders reasonabletime in which to take an addenduminto account in preparing their bids, the Employer may extend the deadline for submissionof bids in accordancewith ClauseIB.20 C. PREPARATION OF BIDS IB.10 Languageof Bid 10.1 The bid and all correspondenceand documentsrelated to the bid exchangedby a bidder and the Employer shall be in the bid language stipulated in the Bidding Data Sheet and Particular Conditions of Contract. Supporting documents and printed literature fumished by the bidders may be in any other languageprovided the same are accompaniedby an accuratetranslation of the relevant parts in the bid language,in which case,for pu{posesof evaluationof the bid, the translation in bid languageshall prevail. IB.1l DocumentsComprising the Bid I 1.1 The Bid shall comprisetwo envelopessubmitted simultaneously, one called the Technical Bid and the other the Price Bid, containing the documents listed in Bidding Data Sheet under the heading of IB ll.1 A&B respectively. Both envelopesto be enclosedtogether in an outer single envelopecalled the Bid. Each bidder shall furnish all the documentsas specified in Bidding Data Sheet 11" I A &8, CONSTRUCTIONOF LAHOREEASTERN BYPASS lnstructionsTo Bidders Sayno to corruption ll.2 Bids submittedby a JV shall include a copy of the Joint Venture Agreement enteredinto by all partners. Alternatively,a Letter of Intent to executea Joint VentureAgreement in the eventof a successfulbid shallbe signedby all partners and submittedwith the bid, togetherwith
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