network of heritage sites Magazine Issue 5 MaY 2021 Covid-19 reflecting on and dealing with the pandemic – pages 8–13 on the shoulders of giants a short history of Basque archaeology – page 24 (how) Do we see ourselves in the process of evolution? observations from a visitor study – page 28 Neanderthal research insights from Portugal to Croatia – pages 14–21 tewww.ice-age-europe.euLLING the STORY of iCe AGE PeoPLe in eUROPagePe |an1 D eXPLORING MagazinePLEISTo MayCene 2021 CULtURAL HERITAge INtroductIoN network of heritage sites Welcome to the fifth edition of our annuali ce age europe Ice Age europe Magazine – issue 5/2021 magazine! it highlights the many activities taking place at the issn 2568-4353 different ice age sites across europe – from research and editor conservation to education and communication. a special focus Dr. katrin hieke this year is devoted to neanderthal research, which continues to Layout and design produce new and exciting discoveries – from Portugal, where our Beate tebartz grafik Design, Düsseldorf, germany new member Côa Park foundation is at home, all the way across cover photo the continent to Croatia (see pages 14-21). José Paulo ruas it is a cherished tradition to welcome guest authors in every Inside front cover photo issue. this year, sanjin Mihelic, Zagreb archaeological Museum Panel no.1 of Canada do inferno rock art site. Photo: antónio Jerónimo and ivor Janković, institute for anthropological research, Croatia, introduce us to ineaL, a new international network of ©2021 copyright: this magazine, all contributions and illustrations neanderthal scholars, in which several of our members are contained herein are protected by copyright. no part of this magazine partners (see pages 6-7). may be copied or reproduced without the written approval of the editor. this condition applies to all reproduction in electronic format. Like all museums and sites in the world, we have been concerned with the pandemic since last year. the team of ekainberri reflects on pandemics in Prehistoric times and today and we see fumane Cave as well as MUse, science Museum of trento, as examples of how the educational offers for visitors could be adapted to the new situation (see pages 8-13). our bi-annual network meetings had of course to be moved to the virtual sphere, but are now taking place more frequently. at the same time we developed new digital projects, e.g., a short film series s“ ecrets and highlights of ice age europe” (see our website and Youtube channel) and our #iceageChallenge, which runs all year round on facebook and instagram. special virtual live tours and a virtual exhibition are currently being planned. we are pleased to be once more an official partner of the european archaeology Days from June 18 to 20, 2021, and will host our own #iceageeuropeDay on september 19, 2021. © elisa Ligorio 10 © Benjamin schürch 19 if you would like to get in touch with any question or enquiry, please contact katrin hieke at our network office via [email protected] or via our social media channels. this and all previous issues of our magazine are available online only and for free on our website www.ice-age-europe.eu/learn-and-discover/magazine.html. we hope you enjoy reading! Dr. Bärbel auffermann Chair of the ice age europe network © Scladina Cave archaeological Centre 22 © urmu 2020 26 Director of the neanderthal Museum, germany Ice Age europe Network office · dr. Katrin Hieke email: [email protected] · www.ice-age-europe.eu © MUse g. Curti 13 © neanderthal Museum 28 Magazine May 2021 Page | ISSN 2568-4353 www.ice-age-europe.eu Page | 3 Magazine May 2021 Page | coNteNts network of heritage sites gUest ContriBUtion Integrating Neanderthal Legacy: From Past to Present. A new international network of Neanderthal scholars launched as a cost Action at the end o f 2020 ........................................................ 6 sanjin Mihelic / Zagreb archaeological Museum, Croatia, ivor Janković / institute for anthropological research, Zagreb, Croatia MUseUMs & sites anD the PanDeMiC 7 coVId-19 in prehistory and nowadays. evolution or involution .............................................................. 8 5 6 ekainberri team / ekainberri – the replica of the ekain Cave, spain 9 Living cultural activities in the new global reality: the accepted challenge of Fumane cave ........................10 8 nicolò scialpi / fumane Cave, italy An attempt to boost the multidisciplinarity of our educational activities: looking for prehistoric clues in the Botanical Gardens .........................................................................12 11 12 elisabetta flor, Lisa angelini / MUse – science Museum of trento, italy 10 researCh anD ConserVATION 2 3 4 côa Valley: Neanderthals lived here before us ....................................................................................14 thierry aubry, Luís Luís, andré tomás santos / Côa Museum and archaeological Park of the Côa Valley, Portugal 1 the Surroundings of Altamira archaeological site or How we know that the Neanderthals also lived around the cave of Altamira ...............................................................................................16 Lucía M. Díaz-gonzález, Déborah ordás Pastrana / national Museum and research Centre of altamira, spain Back to the Neanderthals ................................................................................................................18 Benjamin schürch / archaeopark Vogelherd, germany A depiction of symbolic behaviour of Neanderthals in the Krapina Neanderthal Museum ............................20 Lorka Lončar Uvodić / krapina neanderthal Museum, Croatia europe’s coastline today ice age coastline Maximum ice coverage LoCations MUseUMs, eXhiBitions & eDUCATION Portugal GerMANy Inauguration of “Le Phare d´Andenne” .............................................................................................22 arthur heimann / scladina Cave archaeological Centre, Belgium 1 CôA MuseuM ANd ArcHAeoLoGIcAL PArK oF 7 NeANdertHAL MuseuM - Mettmann tHe côA VALLey - Vila Nova Foz côa 8 MuseuM oF PreHISTORY - Blaubeuren on the shoulders of giants: the history of Basque archaeology ..............................................................24 9 ArcHÄoPArK VoGeLHerd Spain iñaki garcía Camino / Bizkaia Museum of archaeology, spain - Niederstotzingen-stetten care in the Ice Age .........................................................................................................................26 2 NAtIoNAL MuseuM ANd reseArcH ceNter hannes wiedmann / Museum of Prehistory, germany oF ALtAMIrA - santillana del Mar Italy 3 cAVes oF sANtIMAMIÑe ANd BIZKAIA MuseuM oF 10 FuMANe cAVe - Fumane (How) do we see ourselves in the process of evolution? ......................................................................28 ArcHAeoLoGy - Bilbao rick springer / neanderthal Museum, germany 11 Muse - scIeNce MuseuM oF treNto - trento 4 eKAINBerrI - tHe rePLIcA oF tHe eKAIN cAVe - Zestoa the Laboratory of experimental Archaeology at the Préhistomuseum – croAtIA BeLGIuM A real service for researchers at a mediating museum ..........................................................................30 12 KrAPINA NeANdertHAL MuseuM - Krapina Cécile Jungels / Préhistomuseum, Belgium 5 scLAdINA Cave ArcHAeoLoGIcAL ceNtre - sclayn/Andenne 6 PrÉHISTOMuseuM - Flémalle Magazine May 2021 Page | 4 ISSN 2568-4353 www.ice-age-europe.eu Page | 5 Magazine May 2021 INteGrAtING NeANdertHAL LeGAcy: FroM PAst to PreseNt. A NeW INterNAtIoNAL NetWorK oF ❝The project is a long overdue attempt to bridge the NeANdertHAL scHoLArs LAuNcHed As geographic, language, A cost ActIoN At tHe eNd oF 2020 disciplinary and data-specific gap, as well as a gap created Authors: sanjin Mihelic, Zagreb Archaeological Museum, croatia and opening of the krapina neanderthal Museum in 2010 Ivor Janković, Institute for Anthropological research, croatia by traditions of different disciplines in different eanderthals are the first human population that can be truly first, it is our aim to create a europe-wide scientific network European countries.”❞ nrecognized as a pan-european phenomenon, as traces of and dialogue among scientists from different countries concen- their cultural and skeletal remains can be found in most euro- trating on a common theme (neanderthal legacy), thus getting pean countries, spanning more than 250,000 years. their fossil a better insight into the state of research in different parts of remains, as well as traces of their daily activities and cultural europe. this will enable us to create a dialogue between tradi- remains — in short, their legacy — have been extensively stud- tionally different disciplines. ied and published by scholars of various disciplines over the past century and a half. there is an abundance of data availa- further, we plan to create smaller working groups of scientists ble, however, there is still much more to be learned. that will concentrate on specific, localized short-term goals. results of such activities will be easier to evaluate. recognizing over the years, neanderthal scholars have faced various diffi- the need for interdisciplinary approach, but also assuming the culties in their research. some of the well-known issues include perspective that a special attention should be given to younger problems with reliable dating, quality of research and data researchers, the action will make a broad use of two networking collecting, particularly from earlier excavations at some sites. tools specific for OSTC actions:
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