'.V'! w PAGE TWO TOE POTTERS HERALD) EAST LIVERPOOL. OHIO Thursday, May 15, 1947 ENGINEER SCARCITY SEEN SLOWING ROAD BUILDING- Senators Join N. Y. Musidms New Plan Of Manufacturers Washington, D. C.—-The Nation’s OBITUARIES labor Criticism Begin Concerts postwar construction program win To Double Compensation be retarded and normal improve­ Ct Paper Scheme New York City (ILNS.).—Local ment in technical development will THOMAS P. O’BRIEN 8C2, biggest of the American Fed­ Benefits Under State Law be restricted, unless new engineers Cambridge, Ohio—Thomas Peter Washington (LPA)—Two Demo­ eration of Musicians, began a large- are attracted to the highway field, cratic Senators last week joind la- scale program of free concerts with * y O’Brien, resident of Cambridge New York City (ILNS).—A plan providing for accident according to the American Road since 1918, died May 4 at his home, b<r editors and publishers small- a concert by a 44-piece symphonic benefits twice as high as those paid under the workmen’s Builders’ Association’s engineer-di­ 817 N. 12th St, following a year’s ei newspapers in assailing recom­ orchestra at tffb Bronx Veterans compensation laws of the State of Illinois, was made public rector, Chas. M. Upham. illness. mendations made by a Senate Sufo- Hospital. Richard McCann, presi­ Highway transport in the United He was bom in Steubenville epnmittee on Newsprint and Paper dent of the local, announced that by the New York office of the A. E. Staley Manufacturing Shortages for relief of the news­ $101,000, has been provided for the Company, Decatur, Ill. The Staley plan, accepted by the States or any other country can July 15, 1874, a son of Thomas only be as efficient as the engi­ and Agnes O’Brien. He was a print squeeze which has victimized series, $91,000 coming from the Union representing the firm’s workers, is believed to be the neers who are responsible for its members of St. Benedict’s church snail publications for four years. federation’s record and transcrip­ first of its kind in American industrial history. development, he declared. here and was employed at Uni­ An interim report by Subcom­ tion fund, while $10,000 has been Death and permanent disability benefits will be raised “Since a state highway depart­ versal Potteries, Inc., until retir­ mittee Chairman Homer Capehart furnished by the local to cover ad­ in like proportion, it was announced by A. E. Staley, Jr., ment is charged with the respon­ ing in March of last year. He was rotated recommendations by labor ministrative costs. 77 It president of the corn and soybean processing concern, which sibility of spending large sums of a member of Local Union 122, Na­ ajd job printers for a return to ra­ Half of the money will be devot­ has additional plants in Paines-' the public’s tat money, salaries for tional Brotherhood of Operative tioning and proposed instead that ed to supplying music to veterans ville, Ohio. engineers should be commensurate Potters. > voluntary industry committee be in Army and Navy hospitals in the LUMBER PRICES SOAR termed to relieve hardship cases, In a statement outlining the new FAR ABOVE PAY RISES with this responsibility,” Mr. Up­ Seven children survive, Frank metropolitan area. Of the remain­ policy, Mr. Staley pointed out that ham continued. “Low salaries will (Mickey) of Coshocton, Joseph fiiis committee, under Capvhart’s ing funds approximately 30 percent the benefits paid to disabled em­ Portland, Ore. — Wage increases not attract ambitious young engi­ and Eugene of Cambridge Mrs. flan, would be given protection will be used to bring music to ployes under the provisions of the totaling 85 cents an hour since No­ neers to the highway field and Margaret Ahem of the home, Mrs., ^gainst the anti-trust laws for u public elementary and high schools vember, 1945, have increased the *ear. Illinois Workmen’s Compensation without these engineers, millions of Evelyn Dollison of Ashland, Ky., will be used to bring music to production cost of pine only $5.25 Act are too low. dollars can be wasted. Salaries in Mrs. Lucille McMorris of Los An­ /Senators Murray (D., Mont.) in New York, Nassau and Suffolk per thousand board feet and fir Compensation Basis Upped industry are carefully adjusted to geles, Calif., and Mrs. Dorothy imdTaylor (D., Idaho) branded the counties, which lie within Local $4.66, but quoted lumber price in­ ti Under Illinois law, compensatibh the amount of responsibility car­ Schwartz of Columbus. Mrs. Mc­ ^apehart scheme as “an incredible 802’s jurisdiction, and 20 percent pay varies from 60 to 80 percent of creases for the same period amount ried by the individual. Losses caus­ Morris will arrive here by plane dbdiction of the public power.” As will be apportioned to old-age the workers’ weekly wage, the lat­ to $20.50 and $27.12 per thousand ed by mismanagement are voided Tuesday., Members themselves of the sufe- homes and orphan asylums. ter not to exceed $80. Under the for pine and fir, according to a by fixing salaries that obtain maxi­ Also surviving are 16 grand­ kjmmittee the two liberals wrote a The program will include 150 survey by the Lumber and Sawmill Staley plan, the same percentage mum efficiency,” he added. children, one brother and sister,: assenting report which declared, symphony and jazz concerts, be­ ih' Workers (AFL). base will be adapted to a maximum John and Mrs. Hugh Gallagher of “If the whole structure ‘ "Milch sides music presented by small PS...Z The study, based on a 1940 fir Toronto, O. His wife, Martha died wage of $70, or more than double $101,000 For Free Concerts supplies raw material to the Amer­ string ensembles and other groups tiie amount provided under the law. survey and a 1942 pine report, “in­ 10 years ago and two daughters, ican press-newsprint and the ma­ of musicians strolling through hos­ dicates conclusively that to main­ j." the entire cost of the program will New York (LPA)—The Ameri­ Mildred and Catherine, preceded1 nerial to be printed on it—is to be pital wards where former service be borne by the company. tain industry profits equal to the can Federation of Musicians Local him in death. ' exempted from the anti-trust laws, men, now convalescing, may be 1945 level, the price of pine should Both management and union also 802 last week presented the first of tie death knell of the principle confined to their beds. have been increased only $10.50 per ’ PORT RACY i NO SCHOOL, TODAY — Picketing outside their school, these announced conclusion of an agree­ an extensive series of free con­ ot £he free competitive press will East Detroit teachers affiliated with the American Federation of thousand and Douglas fir $9.32 per Local 802’s concerts are part of ment whereby the firm and its em­ certs in Veterans’ hospitals, pub­ Port Racy, 55, former East Liv­ have been sounded, and will even­ Teachers (AFL) are on strike for higher pay. Here they stop stu­ thousand,” Executive Secretary a nationwide program of free con­ t ployes will share the cost of a lic schools, old age homes, and or­ erpool potter and World War 1 vet­ tually destroy the entire free com­ dents, explain the situation arid ask them not to cross the picketlinX Kenneth Davis of the union’s north­ certs recently announced by Presi­ broadened program of insurance phan asylums in the New York eran, died May 8 at his home in petitive enterprise system.” The strike was forced after city officials stubbornly refused to agr4^ western council declared. area. Altogether, $101,000 is being dent James C. Petrillo of the to union demands.—(Federated Pictures). covering illness, nonoccupational Cambridge, following a long illness. Resumption of rationing was American Federation of Musicians. accidents, hospitalization and med­ Davis declared present profits in devoted by the union from its rec­ Mr. Racy, a foster son of the late Douglas fir of $29.20 per thousand ord and transcription fund to these urged again in the testimony of ical and surgical expenses. Group Mr. and Mrs. George W. Ashbaugh, two New York job printers whose life insurance coverage has also proved the industry could increase services for men, women and chil­ spent most of his life in East Liv- Won’t Touch Jergens DOCTOR SHOES wages “more than what seems to be dren who might otherwise never clients include labor and fraternal Portland, Ore. (LPA) — More Dr. A. A. Exley been increased. erpooL He resided in Cambridge publications. Victor Leavitt told Mr. Staley’s statement follows the national pattern—15c per hour hear first-class “live” music. for the past 12 years, and was em­ than 4000 women members of the FOR FOOT OPTOMETRIST ’7 —and still receive a 200 percent to tbo subcommittee that his news­ COMFORT in part: ployed in the shipping department Cannery & Food Processors’ Union- 400 percent profit increase over print contract was cancelled be­ WORKERS • Eyes Examined Ledger Must Pay of the Universal Potteries, Inc. AFL here have voted to join the Flexible and “Many employes and employers November, 1941, prices. cause the dealer decided to serve • Glasses Fitted •e Mr. Racy served with the rank nationwide boycott of Jerkens Lo­ rigid arch have recognized that benefits un­ “And there is .still plenty left in Philadelphia (LPA)—More than “certain picked companies in the tion and Woodbury Soap as a re­ Office Honrs: 9 to 5 if der the Illinois Workmen’s Com­ of sergeant with Co. B, 135th Ma­ daily press.” Previous testimony styles in ox- that 200 percent to 400 percent 350 union members who made up chine Gun Battalion, formerly Co.
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