1980 Olympic Trials Results

1980 Olympic Trials Results

;; ifI RESULTS Colo.Rapids ; 7.0 MEN KalhyShlpman, Punahou. 27.48 national ParamusRedWave. 7.0 MikeBruner.Mesa 74.0 Robin Flane, Con.Plsn. 27 .49 Albuquerque 7.0 JesseVassallo.M. Viejo. 67.0 MaryG. Bell, Sugar Crk. 27.50 Solotllr , 7.0 Brian Goode1l. M. Viejo 60.0 Kalt)y O'Donnell, Germanlown .27.51 Coronado ;.6.0. Rowdy Galnes. Florida. 54.0 Jill Rogers,Cln,Pepsl.. 27.53 WalnutCreek 6.0 Bi1lBarrett.Cin.Pepsi 52.0 CamIB~rlzzl, Unal. 27.56 JerseyWahoos 5.0 Brian Roney. Industry 52.0 Debbie Risen, KC Blaz. , ...27 .59 Wlllon. :. .; 5.0 Peter Rocca. Con.plsnt. 50.0 27.59 Irvlne, CalIf. Hurricane. 5.0 John Simons. Cardinal. 46.0 ., 27.59 July 29.Aug. 2,1980 50 M. Pool Asht~bula ; : 5.g Barl Wei,Jk. ConQulstdr 45.0 27.60 ..World Record KCBlazers...: : 4.0 Ron Neugent, Wichita. 44.0 27.81 .American and U.S. Open Record Rlviera c 3.0 Chris Cavanaugh. De Anza. 44.0 DanaZ!?nnevylle, Berkeley. 27.64 t Amerlcen Record Worthington c 3.0 Holly Gre~n, Florlqa : 27.65 + World Beat, American, U.S. Open Beach 2.0 AlIson Orr, Hunlsvlll~ 27.68 and U.S. Club Record DadsClub: :.~~;:., 2.0 WOMEN Elaine Hall, SanlaClara 27.74 # U.S. Club Record Bernal.sGator , 2.0 50 M FREESTYLE-July 29 Michelle Maxlmo, Foxcalcher ..27 .75 Sarasota 1.0 Champlonahlp Fln~ls Sarah Gengler, Schroeder; 27.76 TEAM SCORING Commonweallh, ,1.0 Jill Sterkel. Longhorn. 26.21 JacquelIne Komrlj, Pelaluma. ..27.76 COMBINED MEN SusieThayer. BartowFly. 2640 JulleWlIllams, Mis. Vlelo 27 .79 Cinclnnaii Pepsi Marlins. 701.0 Florida. ; ..c. 345.0 Heather Strang. Gr. Lansing. ..26.46 Karen Jotiansson; Induslry HI. .27.80 MlsslonVlejo , 680.5 MissionViejo "..;, 345.0 Sue Habernlgg. Mis. VleJo 26.46 Slmone Kussellng, Sololar .: ..27.86 Longhorn 612.5 Dr,Pepper ,.322.0 Annte ~ett. Bartow Fly. ,26.73 Rebecca Kasl, New Hamps. ...27.g7 Florlda.c ,..,...577.0 Longhorn..c 226.5 Diane Wallner, Anoka BlaJl)e ...26.79 Donna Decker, Joll9t .: 27.90 Or.Pepper c :344.0 Conquistador 222.0 Amy Pless. Chapel Hill 26.60 ...;27.94 Concord-Pleaaant Hill 326.0 Cincinnati Pepsi Marlins. 219.0 Laurie Lehner. Unat. 26.96 27.99 IndustryHills 173.0 Concord.Plesant Hill. .., 201.5 Consolation Final. ...28.03 WalnutCreek , 117.0 WalnutCreek., 111.0 ..26.53 Cardinal. , ..". ., 116.0 IndustryHills ~ 87.0 27.03 28.09 Starlit. 114.0 Cardlnal :; 76.0 27.06 00. 28.10 Germantown , ,...c..100.0 Mesa. , ~ 74.0 2r.10 SantaClara 99.0 BadgerDolphin.., 74.0 27.11 DadsClub :, 73.0 Dads Club. ;. 71.0 Jane Abraham. Ladera Oaks. ..27.14 ..28.17 DeAnza c: 69.0 Beach , 55.0 Michele Reagan, Gr. Lansing. ..27.29 N.Baltlmore c 58.0 SantaClara 53.0 Liz Brown, Commonwealth. ..27.43 SantaBarbara...;...; 57.0 DeAnza : 4S.0 PrelIm. Beach 57:0 Wichita 44.0 SusieThayer. Bartow Fly. 26.~2 Bernal'sGator ~.."..32-0 DavidDouglas ; 35.0 Laurie L:ehner, Unat. 26.36 JolletYJets 34.0 26.54 ~~~r~:~~..:::..::.:::::::::::::~:~ NewHaven ;...;, 34.0 ...26.57 ..26.69 Plttsburgh, ".,.., 21.0 ArdenHills 34.0: 28.70 MemphlsState 15.0 Badger , 3t.0 .26.69 28.75 26.71 29.02 / ColoradoRaplds , 13,0 Starlit. , , , 31.0 WOMEN , Bernal'sGator...,...;; 30.0 :26.72 Cincinnati Pepsl Marlins 482.0 Reno, :.. ..., 25.0 .26.74 Longhorn , 386.0 Gr,Renton :..., 24.0 ...26.74 MisslonVleJo.., ,.335.5 Univ.oflowa 22.0 26.75 ...56.57 Florida. 232.0 N.Baltimore : 18.0 26.78 56.61 Nashvllle 188.5 Hurricane \...17.0 26.84 56.81 Concord.Pleasant HIll. 124.5 Stingray ; c17.0 26.87 ..56.99 Foxcatcher " 116.0 Athletes In Action. c. 16.0 26.87 57.19 Germantown , : 92.0 Cor'nmerceCIly ,..13.0 Jane Abraham, Ladera Oaks. ..26.90 57.82 IndustryHllIs ,.;.." 86,O IndlanValley ,.; 13.0 Marla Doelger, Wilton 26.93 I. ..57.88 StarlIt. , 83.0 SantaBarbara ,.., 1t.O! 26.94 ...58.41 AFOX 59.0 Splcer. ..., , t1.o . 26.94 Baylor. : 9.0 27.00 Tracy Spalding, Santa Clara. ..57.58 BartowFlyers...; ,..,.5~.0 , ...27.01 SantaBarbara c 46.0 Germantown c ' '..8.0 Mary Blrdsell, Industry. 57.87 SantaClara , 46.0 MemphlsState ; ,..7.0 ...27.05 Kim Carllsle, Cln. Pepsl. , 57.88 LaderaOaks , 41.5 Lakeside , ;, ,.7.0 27.07 Andrea Cross, Nashville. 57 .93 Cardlnal..: c 40.0 27.08 57.98 N.Baltlmore c 40.0 :: :: .':: :: : : : : : : ~:g Sue Scott. Foxcatcher , ..27.15 57.98 BellevueEast.." , 33.0 : 5.0 Wendy Boglloll. Cen. Jersey. ..27.16 ..58.11 Zwlcker.~ , 31.0 ..:.. 3.0 Mary Blrdsell. Industry HI. 27 .16 .., 58.45 Dynamo ,...,...30.0 ;. .c. ...3:0 Carol Borgman. Longhorn. 27.20 GreaterLanslng 29.0 2.0 Beth Washut. Ashtabula. 27.22 ..56.53 Norwln ~ 24.0 Lobo " 2.0 Buffy Horlander.lndlanapolis ..27.i8 .56.84 Dr.Pepper , 22.0 AlamoArea t.o Tracy Spaldlng. Santa Clara. ..27.30 , ...56.89 DeAnza c 21.0 West Valley. 1.0 Amy Caulkins. Florida. 27.35 ;. 56.97 Plttsburgh ,.; 18.0 INDIVIDUAL SCORING Barb Harris, Nebraska. 27.;15 , 57.13 27.36 57.39 CentraIJersey..., 17.0 WOMEN ," St.Petersburg..:~ 16.0 TracyCaulklns, NashvIlle. 95.5 27.38 57.46 KCOrchards , 15.0 Kim Linehan. Longhorn. 91.0 27.38 ...57.5j , Marybeth Linlmeier. M. VieJo ...80.0 Stlngary ; 14.0 ..,. ..27.40 ...57.52 AnokaBlalna ,., c...'13.0 Karin LaBerge. Germantown 74.0 ...27.40 ...57.53 Glendale 13.0 Cynthia Woodhead. Unat. 74.0 27.42 ...57.57 ChapeIHlIlY 12.0 70.0 27.43 57.69 Best Blue. c. 11.0 63.0 27.45 57.75 Paciflc " 11.0 60.0 .27.45 AndreaCross, Nashville. 57.77 Columbla, ,...9.0 56.0 ..2r.45 MichelleAmen, M. Vlejo. 57.84 MemphlsState , 8.0 56.0 ...27.47 Kim Carllsle, Cln. Pepsl 58.03 ..a ~'..1~~1"... Wnrln/Allnust FOR THE RECORD continued BethLutz, Dr. Pepper. 58.08 Heather Strang, Gr. Lansing. .2:06.81 Stephanie Elklns, Cln. Pepsl. .B:39.4B Libby Klnkead, Foxcatcher ...1:03.76 Beth Washut, Ashtabula 58.10 Melanie RIle, Industry 2:06.82 Karin LaBerge, Germantown .B:39.53 Theresa Andrews, N. Baltmre .1:03.65 LIz Brown, Commonwealth. ...58.26 Shelly Bleck, Wichita. 2:06.97 Laura Campazano.Unat. B:42.51 Joan Pennlngton, Longhorn. .1:04.03 Barb MaJor, Cardinal. 58.31 Sue Walsh, Zwlcker 2:06.97 Linda Irish, Longhorn. B:44:B4~ Diane Johannigman, C. Pepsi .1.04.65 Jane Abraham, Ladera Oaks. ..58.43 Darcl Bodner, Norwln 2:07.13 Linda Thompson, AFOX B:45.17 Darci Bodner, Norwln 1:04.66 Carol Landry, Lakeslde. 58.50 Sheryl Barnlcoat, M. VleJo 2:07 .25 KlmBlack,M.Vlejo B:4B.17 Con.oletlon Flnel. Barb Harris, Nebraska. 58.75 Annie Lett, Bartow Fly. 2:07.26 Florence Barker, M. VleJo B.4B.B9 Cami Berizzi, Unat. 1:04.66 Carol Borgmann, Longhorn. ...58.76 Darcee Douglas, KC Blazers. .2:07.27 Anne Tweedy, Santa Barbara. B:4B.73 Margaret Hoefllch, Con-Plsn .1:05.37 Lynda White, Industry 58.82 Andrea Cross, NashvIlle. 2:07.31 M.J. Dressman, Cln. Pepsl ...B:4B.7B " Jull Schulte, Germantown 58.88 Sandy Mclntyre, Dynamo. ...1:05.45 Jennifer Hooker, M' VleJo 2:07.47 Cyndl McCullam, M. VleJo B:49.39 Meg McCully, St. Petrsbg .., .1:05.56 Stacy Smith, Hear1land 58.92 KlmStedman, Industry 2:07.58 Eney Jones, Florida. 6.49.77 Debbie Risen, KC Blazers. ...1 :05.59 Tenley Fisher, Longhorn. 58.92 Ellen Ferguson, M. VleJo 2:07,73 Mayuml Yokoyame, Industry. B:50.49 Patty Gavln, Foxcatcher 1:05.65 Marla Doelger, Wllton 58.92 Terl McKeever,lndustry 2:08.04 Melanie Dlon, Unat. B:50.9B Margaret Browne, M. Viejo 1,06.33 Ann Cremln, Ann Arbor. 59.06 JulIe WIllIams, M. Vlejo 2:08. n Maura Walsh, Industry HI. B:51.56 Tauna Vandeweghe, Fxctchr .1:06.71 Mlssy Gehan, Con-Plsnt, 59.07 Karen Welsel, Paramus'. 2:08.37 Julie Schulte, Germantown. ..B:52.08 PrelIm. Michele Reagan, Gr. Lansing. ..59.09 Vera Barker, M. VleJo 2:08.45 Jane Boyland, Germantown ..B:52.23 Kim Carllsle, Cln. Pepsi 1:03.47 Amy Caulkins, F1orlda 59.10 Kathy Shlpman, Punahou 2:08.48 Nancy Nemet, Unat. B:52.45 Lioda Jezek, Cardinal. 1:03.63 Ruth Elliott, Foxcatcher 59.18 Liz Mesmer, Blue Dol. 2:09.07 Shelly Bleck, Wlchlla B:52.50 Sue Walsh, Zwicker 1.03.81 JennlferHooker, M. Vlejo. 59.20 Susan Capshaw, Longhorn. ..2:09.54 DlanneGrlebel,Unat. B:53.03 Libby Klnkead, Foxcatcher ...1:03.84 Melanie Rile, Industry 59.20 Robin Flene, Con-Plsnt. 2:10.38 MargeeMacFarland, Con.Plsn.B:53.47 Theresa Andrews, N. Baltmre .1.04.25 Marianne McCaw, Unat. 59.26 Rebecca Kast, New Hampshre2:11.16 Maureen Jones, Sarasota B:54,OO Joan Pennlngton, Longhorn. .1:04.41 LIbby Kinkead, Foxcatcher 59.26 Diane Johannlgman, Cln.Pepsl .; DQ Kelly Gillesple, Glendale ,B:54.40 Diane Johannigman, C. Pepsi .1.04.57 Sara Llnke, Unat. ;59.37 Tiffany Cohen, Unat. B:54.BB 400 M FREESTYLE-July 31 oQ.arciBodner, Norwln 1:04.69 Robin Fiene, Con.Plsnt. ...: ...59.38 Judy Scovel, De Anza B:54.99 Champlon.hlp Fln.l. Margaret Hoefllch, Con.Plsn. 1:05.04 Jan UJevlch, Florida. ..., 59.38 Melody Barker, Mis. Vlelo B:55.16 Kym Llnehan, Longhorn. 4:07.77 Debbie Risen, KC Blazers. ...1:05.08 LInda Irish, Longhorn. 59.46 Molly Kueny, High Pt. B:55.B5 Cynthia Woodhead, Unat.

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