Single Valued Neutrosophic Filters 1Giorgio Nordo, 2Arif Mehmood, 3Said Broumi 1MIFT - Department of Mathematical and Computer Science, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences, Messina University, Italy. 2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Riphah International University Sector I-14, Islamabad, Pakistan 3Laboratory of Information Processing, Faculty of Science, University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract In this paper we give a comprehensive presentation of the notions of filter base, filter and ultrafilter on single valued neutrosophic set and we investigate some of their properties and relationships. More precisely, we discuss properties related to filter completion, the image of neutrosophic filter base by a neutrosophic induced mapping and the infimum and supremum of two neutrosophic filter bases. Keywords: neutrosophic set, single valued neutrosphic set, neutrosophic induced mapping, single valued neutrosophic filter, neutrosophic completion, single valued neutrosophic ultrafilter. 1 Introduction The notion of neutrosophic set was introduced in 1999 by Smarandache [20] as a generalization of both the notions of fuzzy set introduced by Zadeh in 1965 [22] and intuitionistic fuzzy set introduced by Atanassov in 1983 [2]. In 2012, Salama and Alblowi [17] introduced the notion of neutrosophic topological space which gen- eralizes both fuzzy topological spaces given by Chang [8] and that of intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces given by Coker [9]. Further contributions to Neutrosophic Sets Theory, which also involve many fields of theoretical and applied mathematics were recently given by numerous authors (see, for example, [6], [3], [4], [15], [1], [13], [14] and [16]). In particular, in [18] Salama and Alagamy introduced and studied the notion of neutrosophic filter and they gave some applications to neutrosophic topological space. In General Topology, filter bases, filters and ultrafilters are widely known notions and very popular tools for proving many properties and characterizations (see, for example [5,7,10]). Rather surprisingly, despite the fact that the class of single valued neutrosophic sets, is more versatile and has a particular aptitude for application purposes and resolution of practical real-world problems than that of neutrosophic sets, the authors of this article were not able to find any generalizations of such notions respect on single valued neutrosophic sets, in known scientific literature. In this paper, we introduce the notions of filter base, filter and ultrafilter on single valued neutrosophic sets, and we prove some of their fundamental properties and relationships which may be useful for further studies and applications in the class of single valued neutrosophic topological spaces. 2 Preliminaries arXiv:2005.13313v1 [math.GM] 20 May 2020 In this section we present some basic definitions and results on neutrosophic sets and suitably exemplify them. Terms and undefined concepts are used as in [10] and [11]. The original definition of neutrosophic set, given in 1999 by Smarandache [20], refers to the interval ]0−, 1+[ of the nonstandard real numbers and although it is consistent from a philosophical point of view, unfortunately, it is not suitable to be used for approaching real-world problems. For such a reason, in 2010, the same author, jointly with Wang, Zhang and Sunderraman [21], also introduced the notion of single valued neutrosophic set which, referring instead to the [0, 1] unit range of the usual R set of real numbers, can be usefully used in scientific and engineering applications. Notation 2.1. Let Í be a set, I = [0, 1] be the unit interval of the real numbers, for every r ∈ I, with r we Í denote the constant mapping r : Í → I that, for every u ∈ is defined by r(u)= r. For every family {fi}i∈I of mappings fi : Í → I, we denote by: • i∈I fi the infimum mapping i∈I fi : Í → I that, for every u ∈ U is defined by i∈I fi (u) = fi(u) = inf {fi(u): i ∈ I}, and by Vi∈I V V V 1 • i∈I fi the supremum mapping i∈I fi : Í → I that, for every u ∈ U is defined by i∈I fi (u)= fi(u) = sup {fi(u): i ∈ I}. Wi∈I W W In particular,W if f and g are two mappings from Í to I, we denote their infimum (which is the minimum) by f ∧ g and their supremum (which is the maximum) by f ∨ g. Í Í Definition 2.2. [21] Let Í be an initial universe set and A ⊆ , a single valued neutrosophic set over (SVN-set for short), denoted by A = hÍ,µA, σA,ωAi, is a set of the form Ae = {(u,µA (u) , σA (u) ,ωA (u)) : u ∈ Í} Í Í where µA : Í → I, σA : → Ieand ωA : → I are the membership function, the indeterminacy function and the nonmembership function of A, respectively. For every u ∈ Í, µA (u), σA (u) and ωA (u) are said the degree of membership, the degree of indeterminacy and the degree of nonmembership of u, respectively. Since I = [0, 1], it clearly results 0 ≤ µA (u)+ σA (u)+ ωA (u) ≤ 3, for every u ∈ Í. Í Notation 2.3. The set of all the single valued neutrosophic sets over a universe Í will be denoted by SVN ( ). Í Definition 2.4. [20, 21] Let A = hÍ,µA, σA,ωAi and B = h ,µB, σB ,ωBi be two SVN-sets over the ⋐ universe set Í, we say that A is a neutrosophic subset (or simply a subset) of B and we write A B if, for every u ∈ Í, it results µA (u)e≤ µB (u), σA (u) ≤ σB (eu) and ωA (u) ≥ ωB (u). We also say that A is contained in B or that B containse A. e e e e It is worth noting that the relation ⋐ satisfies the reflexive, antisymmetrical and transitive properties and e ⋐ e e so that (SVN (Í), ) forms a partial ordered set (poset) but not a totally ordered set (loset) as shown in the following example. Í Í Example 2.5. Let Í = {a,b,c} be a finite universe set and A = h ,µA, σA,ωAi , B = h ,µB , σB,ωBi be two SVN-sets on SVN (Í) respectively defined by the following tabular representations: e e A µA σA ωA B µB σB ωB Í Í a e 0.5 0.3 0.2 a e 0.2 0.2 0.2 b 0.6 0.2 0.3 b 0.4 0.1 0.6 c 0.4 0.2 0.7 c 0.8 0.3 0.1 Then A 6⋐ B because µA (a)=0.5 > 0.2 = µB (a) and B 6⋐ A because ωB (c)=0.1 < 0.7 = ωA (c) and so the SVN-sets A and B are not comparable. e e e e Í Definition 2.6. [20, 21] Let A = hÍ,µ , σ ,ω i and B = h ,µ , σ ,ω i be two SVN-sets over the e e A A A B B B universe set Í, we say that A is a neutrosophically equal (or simply equal) to B and we write A = B if A ⋐ B and B ⋐ A. e e e e e e Í Definition 2.7. [21] The SVN-set hÍ, 0, 0, 1i is said to be the neutrosophic empty set over and it is denoted e e e e by ∅, or more precisely by ∅Í in case it is necessary to specify the corresponding universe set. Í Definition 2.8. [21] The SVN-set hÍ, 1, 1, 0i is said to be the neutrosophic absolute set over and it is e e denoted by Í . ⋐ ⋐ Í Evidently,e for every A ∈ SVN (Í), it results ∅ A . Í Definition 2.9. [20,21] Let A = hÍ,µA, σA,ωAi be a SVN-set over the universe set , the neutrosophic e e ∁ ∁ complement (or, simply, the complement) of A, denoted by A , is the SVN-set A = hÍ,ωA, 1 − σA,µAi that ∁ e is A = {(u,ωA (u) , 1 − σA (u) ,µA (u)) : u ∈ Í}. e e e ∁ ∁ Í eIt is a simple matter to verify that for every A = h Í,µA, σA,ωAi ∈SVN ( ), it results A = A and, ∁ ∁ Í in particular, that Í = ∅ and ∅ = . e e e Remark 2.10. It is important to point out that, unlike in the crisp sets theory, the neutrosophic intersection of e e e e a SVN-set with its complement is not always the neutrosophic empty set, and the neutrosophic intersection of a SVN-set with its complement is not always the neutrosophic absolute set. In fact, if we consider the universe Í set Í = {a,b} and the SVN-set on SVN ( ) defined by the following tabular representations: 2 A µA σA ωA Í a e 0.2 0.6 0.8 b 1 0.5 0 we can easily verify that the neutrosophic intersection, A ⋓ A∁ and the neutrosophic union, A ⋒ A∁ are, respectively, given by the following tabular representations: e e e e ∁ A ⋓ A µAe⋓Ae∁ σAe⋓Ae∁ ωAe⋓Ae∁ Í a e e 0.2 0.4 0.8 b 0 0.5 1 and ∁ A ⋒ A µAe⋒Ae∁ σAe⋒Ae∁ ωAe⋒Ae∁ Í a e e 0.8 0.6 0.2 b 1 0.5 0 ∁ ∁ and so that A ⋓ A 6= ∅ and A ⋒ A 6= Í. Í Proposition 2.11. [21] For every pair A = hÍ,µ , σ ,ω i and B = h ,µ , σ ,ω i of SVN-sets in e e e e e e A A A B B B ⋐ ∁ ⋐ ∁ SVN (Í), we have that A B iff B A . e e Definition 2.12. [18] Lete eAi e bee a family of SVN-sets Ai = h Í,µAi , σAi ,ωAi i over a common i∈I universe set Í, its neutrosophicn o union (or simply union), denoted by Ai, is the neutrosophic set e e i∈I Í [ A = h ,µA, σA,ωAi where µA = i I µAi , σA = i I σAi , and ωA = [i I ωAi .
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