Washington, DC

Washington, DC

I PROGRAM of the SECON D NA TIONAL CONVENTION of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT of SLAVIC ST UDIES Shoreham Hote l Conn ecticut Avenue a t Cal vert Sueet Washin gto n , D.C. 20008 March 30 - April 1, 1967 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION 1967 CONVENTION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SLAVIC STUDIES 1207 West Oregon Street PROGRAM COMMITTEE University of Illinois P.ichard E. Pipes , Harvard Univers ity, Chairman Urbana, Illinois 61801 J e remy R. Azrael, University of Ch icago Abram 13ergson, Harvard University /-l onorary President: George Ve rn adsky , Yale Univers ity , Emeritus Rufus Mathe ws on, Columbia Univers ity Sergi us Yakobson, L ibrary of Congress OFFICERS FOR 1966-67 ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE President: John A. Armstrong , University o f Wisconsin Vice President: Hol la nd Hun t e r, Haverford C ol l ege L eon M. lle rman, L ibrary o f Congress , Chnirman Secretary: Ralph T. Fi s h e r Jr. , University of Il l inois Paul K. C ook, Department of Stat e Treasurer: H enry L. Roberts, Columbia Un i vers i ty Norton T. Dodge, University of Maryl a nd Managing Editor of the SLAVIC REVIEW: He nry L. Roberts , Columbia Murra y F eshbach , Bureau of th e Cen sus , Dep uty Chairman Unive rs ity Andre w Gyorgy, George Washing t on Univers ity Ge orge D. Ko usoulas , Howard Un i versity To take office April, for terms of three years, 1967, 1967-70: F. J ack son P iotrow, American Univers ity Serg ius Ya kobson, Library of C:ongress (Ex Officio) President-elect: Edward J. Brown, Indiana Unive rsity Vice President-elect: L eon Lipson , Yale Unive rsity P lace : All sess io ns will be held a t the Shoreham Hotel, Connecti c ut Avenue a t Calve rt Street , Washington, D. C . 20008, except the Kohl e r Directors Representing Organizations in the Disciplines: address. H erbert J . E lli s on , University of Kansas (Hi s t ory-Al-IA , 1967-69) R<' g istmtion : ln t he Diplomat Foyer o f th e Shore ha m a t the fo llowing t imes : Holland Hunter, ll averford College (Economi cs- AEA) George Ki s h, University of Michigan (Geography-AAG) l\'cdnesday , Marc h 29 , 5:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M . Alfred G. Meyer, Univers ity of Mi chi gan (Political Sci e nce-APSA) Thurs day, Marc h 30 , 9:00 A. M. to 5:00 P . M. J . Thomas Shaw, Univ e rs ity of Wisconsin (Language and Literatur e - Friday , March 31, 9 :00 A.M . to 12 noon AATSEEL, 1967-69 ) J ohn M. Thompson III, Indiana Unive rsity (J o int omm ittee on Slavi c Reg istration f ees w ill be c harged a s fo ll o w s : $1.00 fo r me mb ers; $5 .00 Studi es of the AC L S a nd the SSR C) fo r nonme mb e rs , w ith the proviso that nonme mb e rs e ntitled to jo in th e Irwin We il, Northwestern University (L ang uage and Lite rature-ML A, Assoc i ation who submit a writte n appli cation with the $ 12.00 members hip 1967-69) fee will be e ntitl ed to atte nd for Sl.00. Re presentatives of the press , the governme nt , a nd fo undations inte rested in being ob~erv ers of th e confe r­ Directors Elected at Large: ence are e ntitle d to g uest status with o ut c harge , but a re asked to regi s t er. Oswald P. Backus III, Univers ity of Kansas (1965-67) Regi stration tags w ill be provide_d at time o f registration , and it i s Zbigniew Brzezinski, Columbia University-U.S . Dept. of Stat e (1966-68) requested tha t th ey be c a rri ed at all times . David J oravsky , Northwestern University (1967-69) Hugh McL ean , University of Chi cago (1965-67) Exhibits : Some two dozen publishing houses a rc expec ted to have d i splays John Michael Montias , Yale University (1967-69) of books a nd o th e r ed ucationa l materia ls a t th e Shoreham. The d isplays Nicho las V. Riasanovsk y , University of Ca lifornia at Berkeley (1966-68) will be alo ng the Birdcage Wa lk a nd ad ja cent a re a s . f\'lessage SPruice: No message s e rvi ce will be maintained , but t he a d­ Editor of the N EWSLETTER of the AAASS": Frank Y. Gladn ey , Uni\'ers ity o f Illinois dresses o f those attending the convention will be on file a nd available unless me mbe rs indi c a t e that the y shoul d be kept confide ntial. 2 3 ABBREVIATED SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF SESSIONS WEDNESDAY, MARCH~ T HURSDAY, MARCH 30 5-9 P. M.: Registration (Diplomat Foyer) Book exhibits this evening and throughout the 10 :00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon Two simultaneous sessions Convention in the Birdcage Walk. Diplomat Room " P LANNING REFORMS IN EASTERN EUROPE" THURSDAY, MARCH 30 Chairman: Herbert Levine, University of Pennsylvania 9-5: R egis tration (Diplomat Foyer) Panelists: Leon Smolinski, Boston College "Plannin g Reforms in Poland" 10- 12: Planning Reform s in E . Europe (Diplomat Room) Vaclav Holesovsky, U nivers ity of Massachusetts The Soviet Union and the Third World (Forum Room) "Planning Reforms in Czechoslovakia" Lunch and early afternoo n op en, Deborah Milenkovitch, Barnard College "Plannin g Reforms in Yugoslavia" 4- 6 P. M.: F oy D. Koh ler (West Auditorium o f U. S. Dept. of State) Discussants: Egon Neuberger, State University of New York 6 P. M. : Coffee (Same) at Stony Brook 8-10 P. M.: Dinner fol lowed by address by Leonard Schapiro Bela Belassa, Interna tion a l Bank for Recon­ (Palladian Room) s truction a nd Development Forum Room " THE SOVlET UN lON AND THE THERO FRIDAY, MARCH 31 WORLD: THEORY AND PRACTlCE" Reg is tration (Diplomat F oyer) 9-12: Chairman: Helmut Sonnenfel dt, Department of State Econ omic Growth in E. Europe (Blue Room) 10- 12: Pane/is ts: Herbert Dinerstein, Johns Hopkins Universit y Methodology of Communist Studies (Forum Room) Uri Ra'anan, Columbia University, M.I . T ., and F letcher School of International Law and Lunch open . Diplomacy 2: 30-4: 30: Tolstoy and Dostoevsky (Blue Room) 12:30 P. M. L unch and early afternoon open , Survey of E. Central and S. E . European Studies (Forum Room) 4:00 - 6: 00 P .M. U. S. Depa rtment of State {We st Aud itorium). 5-7: Bus in ess meeting a nd receptio n (Tudor Room) A session with the Hon. Foy D. Kohler, Deputy Under-Secretary of State; former U . S. Ambas­ Evening open. sador to USSR (Admission upon presentation of AAASS registration badge) SATURDAY, APRIL l , 6:00 - 7:00 P.M. Coffee 10-12: Twentie th Century J{us sian i~oetry (Diplomat Room) 8: 00 P.M. Dinner (Palladian Room) Mu scovite Imperi ali sm and Kazan (Ambassador Room) Speaker: Leonard Schapiro, Professor, Russian Nationalist Ideology in Bohemia and th e Ukraine Studies, London School of Economics (Forum Room) "Reflections on the Russian R evolution" 4 5 FRIDAY, MARCH 31 Panelists: Lyman H . Legters , University o f Was h in gton '' Undergradua le Instruction" 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon T w o sim ulta n eou s s e ss ion s Howard I. Aronson, University o f Ch icago " Language Ins truction " Blue R oom " ECO.\'OMIC GRO \VTH IN EAS T F. RN U .J R OPE" Survey Direc tors Chai rman: Ale x a n der E rl ic h , Columb ia Uni vers ity " S tate of th e Arts Surveys" Paneli s ts : ] ohn M. Mo ntias , Yal e U niv e rs ity 5:00 - 7:00 P.M. Busines s Me eting and Recep tion (Cash Ba r) Thad Al ton, Co lumbi a Un i ve rs it y Tudor Room Rep orts a nd Di s cuss ion o f Pas t Activ iti es a nd Future Prospe c ts of the As sociation Ma urice E rn s t , Wa s hi ngto n, D. C . Chai rman: John A. Armstrong , Univers i ty o f Wiscon s in, F o rum Room " ME T/-IO DOL OGY OF COMMUN IS T STU DIES" Pre s ident Chainnan: Alfred G. Meye r, Un ivers ity o f Mi c higan Discussan ts: Edw ard J . Brown, In di an a Un ive rs i t y , President­ elect P anelists: Rob e rt Sh a rlet, Univ ersity o f \ lissouri a t S t. L o uis " Oeuelopmen t an d Mode rn ization T heory and Holland Hunte r , Ha verfo rd College , Vice Communis t Political Systems " President Erik P . Ho ffman , T e mpl e Uni ve rs i t y Leon L ips on, Yale Univ ersity , Vi ce President· " Communicati on Th eo 1y an d th e S tu dy of e l ect Sovi e t Ide ological A dm in is tration " 11. alp h T . F i she r, Univ e rs ity o f Illinois , Fre d e ri c J. Fle ron , J r., U ni ve rs ity o f K e ntuc k y Secre ta ry " Soviet A rea Studies an d th e Socia l Sc iences" Henry L.

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