CORCORAN’S CORNER Counting heads… Catholics Organizing for Justice… Beginning next weekend, and continuing throughout The Chicago Archdiocesan Office for Peace and all of October, St. Elizabeth Seton’s Greeters will be count- Justice is seeking to organize Chicago Catholics ing the numbers of people attending Mass, for the annual archdiocesan-wide to lobby for justice issues. The office Archdiocesan ‘census’. So, if you are wondering what the seeks to unite Catholics to respond to their baptismal greeters are doing wandering the aisles and looking preoc- call to build the Kingdom of God through works of social cupied during Mass, now you know. justice. As a people we have a strong passion for peace Last year, Mass attendance trends throughout the Arch- and justice, and each one of us can do our own part to diocese, ironically during “The Year of the Mass,” showed build a better, more just, and peaceful world. a further 1% decrease from the year prior, continuing a Next weekend, October 5th and 6th, we will have decades long decline. It is now estimated that only 20% of an opportunity at all the Masses to add our names to a the Catholic population is at Mass on any given weekend in our Archdiocese. Of course so many of us are here list of individuals who are concerned about specific is- every week, and many more are here faithfully. Sadly, sues. The Archdiocesan Office will keep this list, and in many others are sporadic in their attendance. Happily, the future send out information on the particular issue your attendance at Mass, observed by your neighbors as that you are concerned about. If your passion for justice they see you heading out to church, is an important wit- is aroused on gun control, the death penalty, immigra- ness and invitation to them to do likewise. Without ha- tion rights issues, housing issues, etc., you will be part ranguing anyone, our visible faithfulness encourages oth- of a list of like-minded individuals who will be linked to- ers to grow and deepen their own commitment to the Lord. gether to advance these issues. Each week as we gather to thank God for the blessings To find out more about these entire issues go to: of the last week, to ask him to assist us in our needs, and www.OrganizingCatholicsForJustice.org. to praise Him as our God, we are both nourished by the Enrollment for Confirmation 2015…. Eucharist, and shaped by the messages of scripture. We Next Sunday, October 6th at the 10 AM Mass, get our minds straight, and spirit strengthened for the days ahead. This is important work, as we constantly read about we will enroll those who currently are in Seventh others who do not have their minds straight, and whose Grade as they begin a two-year process of preparing vision is distorted. Without celebrating Mass, we could be to be Confirmed in 2015. We wish them well as they like that too. Truly, the Sabbath is made for man. begin a new stage in their faith lives, a faith that is their own personal relationship with the Lord. Speaking of numbers: white lies, Installation of the Pastor… damnable lies and statistics… On Sunday, October 13th at the 11:30 AM Mass, If I were to quickly ask you, “from the top of your head Bishop Andrew Wypych, our local vicar, will visit our to guess” which of these four parishes—St. Elizabeth parish to install me as the fourth pastor of St. Elizabeth Seton, St.. Francis of Assisi, St. Julie, or St. Stephen’s— has the least number of grade school-aged children? Seton Parish. A reception will follow in the parish life How would you answer? center. All are welcome. I recently compiled the count of grade school-aged stu- Crossed wires… dents in the four parishes that comprise the Cardinal Ber- Last week I mentioned that the Knights of nardin School. The results are interesting and instructive. Columbus would be at the church doors collecting The parish with the most grade school-aged children is St. for their annual “Tootsie Roll Drive” to support Stephen’s with 1,580 children, of whom 1,392 are in the programs that provide religious education to children Religious Education program and 188 students in CJB with special needs. Things did not go as hoped for. [Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School]. The parish with the Maybe next year! second largest number of children is St. Francis of Assisi with 1,130 children, with 997 in the Religious Education SWIFT… program and 133 students in CJB. The parish with the third Last Sunday, our parish had the pleasure of hosting largest number of grade school-aged students is St. Julie a South West Inter-Faith Team afternoon forum. People with 666 children, of whom 595 in the Religious Education from grade school-age to senior citizens attended. There program, and 71 students in CJB. The parish with the least was an excellent turn out, including a large number of St. number of grade school-aged children is St. Elizabeth Elizabeth Seton parishioners. All three speakers were in- Seton, with 636 children and 430 children in our fine teresting and gifted speakers, and covered a number of Religious Education program and 206 students in CJB. topics. The afternoon flew by. I offer these statistics because at times I have heard We live in a nation of diverse religions, and yet over parishioners wonder aloud, “Where are all the children all there is a large secular non-believing part in our I used to remember seeing at church?” At the present society. Listening to the speakers, I was struck by the historic moment, we demographically simply do not common bonds of belief in God, in a hunger for peace, have the number of children that the parish once upon in a search for meaning, in a desire to like a worthy life a time enjoyed having. Our parish is now enjoying a which we all share. In many ways we are more alike as different phase of its life as a community. It is good to believers than different. To see these bonds and links know that. are important. (continued on page 3) September 29, 2013 TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Three (Corcoran’s Corner continued) Within all of our traditions there are inner conflicts and diversity. The Rabbi shared how WELCOME even the most Orthodox Communities of Jews are divided, and can tell who belongs to what John and Therese Jackson by the cut of their coats. The Muslim community (Children: John and Midori Jackson) has similar distinctions and fractures, as does the Christian community, and even amongst the Catholic community. WEDDINGS We can see this at times within our own wider church in, for example, calls by many to Please pray for those preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony: advance a “culture of life”. This call is some- Leah Athy and Michael Siegert; 10-4-13 thing all recent Popes and bishops have en- Nicole Amore and Craig Lewis; 10-12-13 couraged. But, when we dig deeper, some peo- Nicole Dibenedetto and Matthew Smerz; 10-12-13 ple calling for the advancement of the culture of Jennifer Johnson and James Brewester; 10-18-13 life recoil, if you ask them: “So you are against Rebeca Vallejo and Vince Rosas; 10-19-13 the death penalty and want to see it ended na- tionwide? So you are in favor of sensible gun control that will save lives by limiting ammo ANNIVERSARIES rounds, barring military style assault weapons, and setting up data bases to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and violent crimi- Congratulations to Mary and Franklin Doll who are celebrating their nals? So you are in favor of legal reform of the 65th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013. broken immigration system? So you are in favor of health care reform that will assist those with chronic illness and mothers and children? So PLEASE PRAY FOR you are in favor of reforms that will strengthen education?” Soon some of those calling for an We remember the sick, infirm, and those recommended to our prayers, extension of the culture of life will limit and nar- that they may experience the healing power of Christ: row their focus to being opposed to abortion, Patrick McKeague Carol Kuglich Pastor Tom Knutson gay marriage, and contraception. Beyond that James Smith Sheryl Kapala Carl Holmquist some show little regard for what the late great Cardinal Joseph Bernardin proclaimed as the And for our deceased: “Seamless Garment of Life” approach that links Frank Emmett Maryann Burian a broad-based variety of life issues as concerns “Heavenly Father, accept the prayers which we offer for them.” of our faith community. Unity is never easily obtained, but using the Seamless Garment approach allows us to see MASS INTENTIONS the principled bonds that draw us together. The Swift forum opened eyes and minds to Sat., Sept. 28 (5pm) Otto and Yolanda Politano; Dorothy Vincent; these faith bonds. Arnold G. And Marie Skibinski; Judy Schutter; Lawrence Hanlon A Full Moon… Sunday, Sept. 29 Eagle-eyed Fr. Bill Gubbins caught that (7:15am) Joseph O’Sullivan; Florence McCarthy; Vincent Tardi our bulletin last weekend reported a weekend (8:30am) Joseph Gill; Lucille Duggan; John Sanza; Margaret “Peg” Fasan; Ramon Santiago; James and Mary Buffer collection for September 14th and 15th of (10am) William Sanderson, Sr.; James Paul; Edith Graziano; $38,393.90, which is a huge increase from what Robert Roeper; Jeanine Soloy we normally receive.
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