-Xclit Hampslytrp VOL. No. 33 Issue 27 Z413 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, MAY 12, 1943 PRICE THREE CENTS HOW IT’S DONE AT FORT DEVENS Choir Closes Festival Prizes Awarded at^ With Superb Concert m *C;|, Senior Convocation mmmm Again Prove Themselves Upperclassmen Vote Musical Organization --- •: :7 Carl Carlson Winner Of Much Talent Junior Class Selects Report on Results of Of Hood Prize By Phyllis Deveneau The last convocation of the year and On Sunday night in Murkland Audi­ Annual Superlatives Navy Examinations probably the last for some time to come torium -the choir showed what really Exciting much interest among the was the senior convocation held in the good stuff they’re made out of in the students is the selection of the junior Successful Men Will Field House last Thursday. At this third and last portion of the first an­ class superlatives, an annual feature Report to Selection time the most worthy students were nual May Festival 'presented by the of the yearbook. These class “mosts” presented with awards and prizes. musical organizations on campus. Board in Manchester After the underclassmen had taken are voted upon only by members of V 1 W Outstanding Choral Unit the junior class. Elections are usually Students who took examinations for their places, the faculty led by Dr. held in conjunction with those for the V-12 and passed these tests, have been Walsh and the seniors led by class Though the choir was overshadowed Most Representative. Eeach year the notified to this effect and are now marshall, Carl S. Carlson, entered the last week iby the Women’s Glee Club, titles to be voted on are decided by the ready for the next step in joining the cage, all attired in the traditional black in this concert which was primarily editor of the Granite. This year the Naval Reserves. Qualifying exams caps and gowns. devoted to their talents, they again ones selected were Most All-round, Allen W. Walker of Grantham showing local buddies the fine art of doing were held April 2 in every college and The following prizes were awarded proved that they are one of the most Best Dressed, Best Looking, Best K. P. duty as learned recently at Fort Devens high school in the United States where by President Fred Engelhard*: outstanding choral units in New Eng­ Athlete, Wittiest, Best Actor, Most applicants were located. It has taken Baily Prize given for proficiency in land collegiate circles. Their clarity approximately five weeks for the exams of tone, adaptability, and responsive­ Collegiate, and Best Dancer. A boy chemistry—Joseph B. Levy. and girl is chosen for each. to be graded and the results to be re­ Katherine DeMeritt Memorial Prize ness to their conductor, Bjornar Ber- ported to the candidates. gethon, mark it as an organization that Most All-Around Posture and Poise Music Students to the junior girl who has shown great­ Most All-Round honors go to Melba Those fromxthe university who were est aptitude for helpful leadership and comes close to perfection. successful are now being asked to re­ The program was opened with the McKay and Johnny Davis. Melba, a loyalty combined with character and member of Alpha Xi Delta, is now Tea Held at Smith Present Recital port to Manchester for a physical ex­ scholastic attainment—Clara Knight. Cantate Domino by Hans Leo Hassler. amination, and to appear before a se­ In this sixteenth century work the president of the Association of Wom­ The annual Posture and Poise Tea, Instructors in the music department Erskine Mason Memorial Prize en Students and has been secretary of at whicjh representatives from each will present their pupils in a student lection board who will pass on their granted to the senior who has made the choir’s balance and unity was evi­ her class all three years. A member of personal qualifications as potential of­ denced in the treatment of the splendid dormitory and sorority compete for the recital Wednesday evening, May 12, ficers. Those who are accepted by greatest improvement during his course polyphonic arangement of this Psalm. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Johnny Davis award made by the Physical Education at eight o’clock in Murkland Audito­ —Adolph Anderson. was president of his class duriig the department in connection with intra­ rium. Performers will be from the this board, and who are not yet 18, They really seemed to grasp the depth freshman and sophomore years and will immediately be sworn into cla-ss Hood Achievement Prize to the of spirit in the beautiful flowing lines mural sports, was held last week in classes of Miss Lorraine Crittendon, V-12. Those over 18 will be given a senior giving the greatest promise of of the composition. also a member of Student Council, of Smith Hall. Clare Langley, represent­ violin instructor, Miss Dorothy Kline becoming a worthy factor in the out­ which he is now vice-president. He ing Pi Lambda, and Aline Walsh, who and Miss Ruth McDaniels, piano in­ letter of acceptance which will be giv­ Continuing in the vein of the has recently been elected to Senior en to a Selective Service Board where side world through character, scholar­ Psalmodist the next number on the represented Chi Omega, tied for first structors, and Mr. Wesley Copple- candidates may apply for immediate ship, physical qualities, personal popu­ program were two fuguing tunes, Skulls. place. Elinor Abbott of Alpha Chi stone, voice instructor. The admission larity, leadership, and usefulness as a Connie Salta, a Chi Omega, and Bob Omega was voted second place, and is free and everyone is cordially invited induction. “Creation” and “Be Glad than Ameri­ Wheeler, a Theta Chi, were voted Best Class V-12 is divided into two man among men—Carl Carlson. ca,” by the latter eighteenth century Patricia Gibson of Alpha Xi was and urged to attend. Accompanists for Mask and Dagger Achievement Prize composer, William Billings. Dressed. The wisdom of his choice third. the viblin and voice soloists of the eve­ groups. The first group will report may be witnessed in the general good ning are Marian Sheahan, Frances with members of Class V-l or V-7 on for most outstanding contributions to “Alleluia” Interesting grooming of both. Best Looking hon­ The committee who made the final or about July 1 for study in some col­ the dramatic work of the university— decision included Dean Woodruff, Smith, and Marguerite Jackson. lege selected by the Navy. The sec­ Clayton Smith. The first section was closed with ors were bestowed upon Marcia Robin­ Mrs. McLellan, house director of .The program is as follows: Piano Randall Thompson’s stirring “Alle­ son and Murray Smith, also of Chi solo, Chaconne by Henri Roubier, Glo­ ond group will not be called until No­ Phi Sigma Prize to the senior rank­ luia.” Composed in the modern idiom Omega and Theta Chi. Evidence of Smith at which the tea was held; Mrs. vember. ing highest in zoological courses—Rob­ Caroline S. Wooster of the Physical ria Monroe; vocal solo, Ave Maria by Another series of qualifying exami­ this Alleluia is definitely one of the Marcia’s beauty was also shown in her Education department; Louise John­ Schubert, Judith Austin; vocal solos, ert Tuttle. more interesting twentieth century election to reign as Carnival Queen nations will be held sometime after Class of 1899 Prize to the senior who son, representing the Association of Mit einer Primulaveris (With a Vior July 1, and it is planned to give exami­ praises of the Lord. The choir’s pacing this year. Women Students; Mrs. Sarah H. Saw­ let) by Grieg and Into the Night by has developed the highest ideals of was unusually good for the work Best Athlete nations every six months thereafter. good citizenship—Gail Daly. yer, house mother at Alpha Xi Delta; Clara Edwards, Frances Smith; piano Candidates who tried A-12 examina­ starts off almost languorously and The girl chosen as the best athlete and Leslie Ireland of the Women’s solo, Arabesque No. 1 in E major by Edward Thomson Fairchild Prizes gradually works up to the highest pitch is Leslie Ireland, well-known as a Athletic Association. Debussy, Barbara Goodrich; vocal so­ tions on April 2 represented a much to the seniors who have done most to of intensity. skier and a member of several athletic lo, Gloomy Woods (Bois Epais) by larger group than V-12 and presuma­ promote dramatics—John Gaw, George Substituting for Lorraine Crittendon teams. She is now president of Mrs. McLellan was asisted at the bly it is much more difficult to make a Kelley, and Betty Jo Weaver. W.A.A. The best boy athlete is “Boo” tea by Lila Willoughboy and Ruth Lully, Marguerite Jackson; violin solo, full report at this time. scheduled as soloist of the evening Tasker, and Betty Nelson poured. Abendlied Op. 85, No. 12 by Schu­ Psi Lambda Award to the senior in was Louise Edson, a member of last Morcom, a fact which would be gen­ mann, Marian Sheahan; vocal solo, Home Economics who has shown the year’s graduating class who has been erally granted by most any UNH stu­ The committee found some difficulty Thou Art My Dear Beloved by Gluck, greatest improvement in scholarship studying the past year .at the 'New dent, due to his success and ability in in selecting even the two winners, Priscilla Marrotte; piano solos, Golli­ and personality—Katherine Batzis. England Conservatory and the Opera the track world. since all the representatives were very wog’s Cake-Walk by Debussy and Colonel Pollin New Alpha Xi Delta Award to the senior School in Boston.
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