FRIDAY, AUGUST fB, IBM 1|praUi Avunia Dally Nat Pram Run For the Meatb ef Jaly, 198# _ Tha Wmthar ■'weam St P. •. Wsetasv W t n m Itev. Howard A. Worth, grad­ campaign and the Central Hur»- might be called to serve their uate student at the Hartford Theo­ Capte Levesque pean campaign. Issues Protest country. • 9,723 Ternght. pertly eloedy, sesttsrai ^ About Town logical Seminary, will occupy the Ho was originally with the Na­ In his protest, <5ommander Tes- AMESITE DRIVEWAYS sbowsrs teward menUng; lew aser pulpit of the OsnUr O o n * m - tional Guard, Company U which U of the VFW said that "It was «e. a— pertly elenty. Utile PMftDMiM INoa. tiM BoMcta tkmal church at the t:lB service, Becomes Major left Willimantlc for a year's train­ On Discharges these same two veterans and mil­ INSTALLED WITH A «lmage tai teesperelure. iMM, 0 « t f « aad Jlnaqr, AtfVM Sunday morning. Mr. Worth has ing. Then came Peart Harbor and lions of others who have made It ManehM er- A City of Vitlago Charm MatL Muy JuM Bdwuda, a«ir« frequently supplied the Talcott- the men were kept In as enlisted possibie for Mrs Kavanagh tu MACHINE SPREADER ■ofoiM u d WinUm SwMt. •!! ville Congregational church which men. He was sent to OT8 at PT. continue In business in America." •upUa Ct HatjfB n s a a n a vt Hart- Columbia Residcflit Is VFW State Commander Testa asserted that every veter­ VOL. LXIX, NO. 27* I M and w w known m the enter- has been without a settled pastor Bennlng, Georgia; then stationed Work Guaranteed • Free Estimates • Terraa Arranged MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1B50 since Rev. Ernest Gordon returned Promoter]; To Be Sta­ with the 78th Division In South Makes Statement on ans’ organlution shuuld proteut (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS naid. wiU pnMnt an to his native Scotland early last Carolina, later Camp Croft, North the action. He said his own re­ dtoMB-aet daaciii* tklt at Carolina and from there to Eng­ Action of Bakery Firm marks will be addressed to press, •Syleft, Booth Oowntty, toni(ht. April. His subject Sunday, will tioner! in Manchester THOMAS D. COLLA be "The Nightmare of Life.” land where after two montns radio, both of Connecticut’s sena­ For the Beat In Driveway Coastmethm Call training ha was sent to France for tors and the state’s representa­ nha Btata Dapaitmant, lU rlM Lucien E. Levesque, of Colum­ Department Commander P. A. M AN CH ESTER 2-19219 Mrs. A. L. Poet and daughter the ebove mentioned combist duty. tives in Congress. O ono liM twi Auxiliary, will meet bia who has been Captain of Com­ When the European activities Testa of the Connecticut Veter­ •unday, Au«uat 27 at two o'clock Cynthia of 183 Green Road. .have ans of Foreign Wars has Issued a been spending their vacation at pany B of the 169th Infantry, C. N. came to an end he was sent home at the clubroomi of American Le- G. was promoted to the rank of for 30 day leave after which he statement In which he "vigorously •toa FMt N a 47, 43S Orange Lake Wlckabaug, West Brook­ was to have been shipped to Ja­ protesU" the action taken last field, Maas., where they were the Major, by a board of officers In SPECIAL! 3 Red Divisions Mauled in "Death Trap” Nifw Harm. pan. However, before that came week here by Mrs. Kavanagh's guest of friends for a week. They Hartford before whom he appear­ about, the men were not peeded- English Muffins, a bakery. In dis­ The marriage of Betty Jane have also been visiting Mr. Pont’s ed for examination for fltness and In that area and he was discharg­ charging two of their route sales­ Reg. $1.50 Jamen* mother, whose home Is in Chester­ dftuftitcr of Mrs. EUtsbeth quallflcatlons. ed. men, World Wkr n veterans, be­ LeWia of S9d Woodbridge street, field. N. H.. near Lake Spofford. cause the owner feels they might Hair Shaping Mr. Post spent the week-ends with Major Levesque said he received On November 6, 1946 he was and John ramlgllettl of Water- called into the National Guard to be recalled for military duty. hory will take place at two o’clock his family. his notiflcallon at six o’clock last $1.00 Toni Refill Army Drafts Plans to Run evening. His new duties will be at take over Re-organlution of Com­ The affected salesmen are John VIC^S SODA SHOP 18 Dead as Navy tomorrow afternoon at the Cen­ ■■ W pany B and has been In Command E. Tierney, of 9 Plano place, mar­ 12.50 Value ter Congregational church. Dr. Charles Johnson, assistant the Battalion Headquarters In 16S MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST PHONE 3985 Allies Push Back Foe Manchester, where he will have ever since. ried, with a child and a veteran of to the pastor of the Center Con­ three years' naval service, and K d - ^Chapter lOM, Women of the gregational church, will occupy charge of plana and training. The The major came to Columbia to Both For $2.00 U. S. Railroads Following group will go to Camp Pickett, live about one year and a half ago, ward Clark of 809 Main street. llooae, will meet thie evening at the pulpit at the Covenant-Con­ East Hartford, married, wounded (Flos Tax) Mercy Ship Sinks eight o’clock In White Eagle hall. gregational church Sunday. Va.. on or about September 10 for in a ranch type house on Route for The Best In six months training. 6A Just east of Columbia Center In action and a veteran with six Korth atreet. It will be Mooeeheart which he has completely built years' service in the 101st Air­ President's Seizure Order aluminum chapter night with M’ - Mrs. Anna T. WInsler. soprano Hie War Beeord Above Taegu; Repulse alone.'He and Mrs. Levesque have borne. Aima Hettinger the chairman la coloist at the Concordia Lutheran Major Levesque is a veteran of JAMES' LA PIZZA and GRINDERS World War II. 8th Infantry Divis­ three small sons. He has been with The two meh ware discharged After Crash in Fog A guest spcHi.ti . church, will sing "My Savior from their' Jobs because the bak­ Washington, Aug. 26,—(,4^—The unions said their members would Bendetsen waa dealgnated u tlft Thou", by H. P. Danks. at the ion which was part of Patton’s the Southern New England Tele­ BEAUTY SALON ..jted and a , new candidate will phone Company for five'Veers, as ery owner, A. M. Kavanagh, In a We-Suggest You Stop Here— Served Every Night Army drew up its plans today for "gladly’ work- for ths govern­ overall auperviaor. _j initiated. A social time with re­ aervice Sunday morning at nine third army. He was In actual com.' 74 EAST CENTER ST. running*the nation’s railroads un­ ment. bat about a year, in the Rhineland a lineman. letter to the two, stated that they Both aidea in tha 18-month dla- freshments will follow the biisi- o’clock. Rev. Erich Brandt of Freighter Rams Into til the owners and two disputing JusUoe Department R aM j piite siiggeated that their differ­ Fierce Stab at Pusan aess. Webster. N. Y., who is a candidate British Tories unions can agree on operating But the Justice Department ences might be allowed' to almmer for pi^tor of the church will de­ Hospital Oaft Carry­ terms. was ready with the necesury le­ for a while. The uniona called the liver the sermon. A special meet­ i Edmund F. Piela, son of Mr. and ing 505 OR Golden President ■ Truman directed Sec­ gal papers to rush In for a court seiiiire order a "tremendoiia vic­ lire. John PieU of 88 Birch street, ing Is called for Monday evening Try to Water retary, of the Army Pace to take Injunction Monday in case there tory because they had been urg­ South Koreans Force wee named to the Dean's List for at 7:30. when the church will vote Gate; 82 Persons over, the 131 major railroads is any hitch In the announced de­ ing such action since August 4. the spring semester at the Unlver- whether or not to extend a call to criss-crossing the continent at 4 cision to work. Seizure Relieves Prescure Massed Red Chinese Enemy to . Retreat alty of Maine. Orono, Maine. Mr. Mr. Brandt. All members of the Still Unaccounted fo r; p. m., e.s.t., tom orrow .T his led Pace WM expected to turn -the Actually, however, seizure re­ nela receiv^ his Bachelor of church are urged to attend the Super Control the trainmen and conductors job of operating the linu over to North of Pohang; Stindav morning, service and the lieves pressure from both aides. cience degree In physical educa- Probe Is" Launched unions to call Off plans for a na­ two generals. Major General The carriers will operate as usual on from the university In June. busineJM meeting Monday evening Soldiers Near Korea Weary GI’s G ing to Ml. S Make Last Minute Drive tionwide walkont Monday of their Frank A. Heilman, Chief of Army without the threat of a atrlke San Francisco, A ug. 26.— 300,000 members. Transportation and Brigadiar Gen­ hanging over their heads. T^e Sohiik West of Masan; So the president’s seizure order eral Andrew F. McIntyre. Phila­ (yP)— A disastrous crash sank To Have England In- unions won't have to worry shout yesterday restored peace for the delphia, a reserve officer on leave being militant enough In behalf Worrying Strategists Allies Knock Out 30 the hospital ship Benevo­ (duded in Program to time being, and assured that the from the Pennaylvania Railroad.
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