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Amato’s Auto Body 3848 Sorrento Valley Blvd. 858.455.6715 San Diego, CA 92121-1401 www.AmatosAutoBody .com Volume 51 Number 12 December 2010 FEATURES 10 A Porschephile’s Hajj 14 November AX Helpers 18 Spanish Landing Concours 24 California Roll Concours 27 Performance Driving School DEPARTMENTS COVER PHOTO 2 Board of Directors, Witness Staff December 2010 3 Committees region of the year 1998 and 2006 Students and 5 Road Trip Instuctors at SDR’s October Performance 6 Event Capsules Driving School 9 Back in the Day Photo by Greg 28 Membership Report Phillips 29 Monthly Meeting 30 Classified Ads 32 Advertising Index, Rates, Policy Volume 51 Number 12 Windblown Witness 1 San Diego Region 2010 Board of Directors [email protected] Editor [email protected] President Susan Brown 619-491-0150 Curt Yaws 3617 Fenelon Street Photo Editor [email protected] San Diego, CA 92106 Greg Phillips 619-429-7700 619-228-9678 [email protected] Advertising [email protected] Richard Park Vice President Carl Scragg Advertiser Distribution 3343 Harbor View Drive Ted Myrus 858-566-5039 San Diego, CA 92106 619-226-6025 Billing [email protected] [email protected] Royce Ann Myrick 619-475-1199 Classified Ads [email protected] Secretary AD2AD www.ad2ad.com Rikki Schroeder 3344 Purer Rd. Escondido, CA 92029 Printing 760-743-3156 GSG Print Group . 888-255-4846 fax: 760-741-3070 [email protected] Proofreading Jennifer Reinhardt Angela Avitt Treasurer Martha McGowan Tom Tweed Bill Behun 4572 Norma Drive San Diego, CA 92115 619-284-2123 [email protected] Director Neil Heimburge 6290 Camino Corto San Diego, CA 92120 619-583-3795 [email protected] Director The Windblown Witness (USPS 361-790) is the official Monique Straub publication of the Porsche Club of America, San Diego 9215 Brier Road Region, Inc., and is published monthly. $14 of each La Mesa, CA 91942 member’s annual dues is for a subscription to the 619-667-3826 newsletter. Copies are also available by subscription to [email protected] non-region members at $36 per year (Continental US). Any statement appearing in the Windblown Witness is that of the author and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the San Diego Region, Director Inc., its Board of Directors, the Windblown Witness Mark Rondeau editors, or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. 858-864-3163 © 2010 by the Porsche Club of America, San Diego [email protected] Region, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletters if credit is given to the author and the Windblown Witness. Office of publication: 2240 Corte Past President/Advisor Ananas, Carlsbad, CA 92009. Periodicals postage paid Dave Gardner at La Mesa, CA and at additional mailing offices. 16611 Adrienne Way POSTMASTER: Send address changes to PCA Ramona, CA 92065 Executive Office, P.O. Box 5900, Springfield, VA 22150. 858-414-4299 [email protected] 2 Windblown Witness December 2010 San Diego Region 2010 Committees Tech Sessions techsessions@... Archivist archivist@... Legal Affairs legal@... Martin Lipp Tom Brown Bill Hartsock Jim Binford Auto Museum automuseum@... Logistics logistics@... tt@... Michael Harris Trish McKay Time Trials Frank Lanza Jack Miller Membership membership@... Robert Baizer Autocross ax@... Angela Avitt Jerry Bumpus Susan Brown (data) Timing Don Auten –AX timingq@... Andy Mail Policy and Procedures Doug Briggs Tom Brown Martin Reinhardt Car Show Ambassador Pre-Registration Tawfik Benabdeljalil John Straub Kim Crosser* Frank Lanza —AX/DE preregq@... Jackie Corwin Dick Schroeder Charity charity@... Leigh Rayner Tom Brown Kari Bray Kathy Alnwick —TT preregaway@... Robert Baizer —TT timingaway@... Chief Driving Instructors Robert Baizer —AX/DE cdi@... Rally rally@... Joel Bowman Tom Gould Tours tours@... Dan Chambers Pat Norris Keith Verlaque Mark Rondeau Peter Busalacchi —TT Region Rules rules@... Peter Dorey Jack Miller Tom Brown Ralph Turner Registration Mike Brown Concours concours@... —AX/DE registrar@... —Cayenne Steve Lopez Vince & Cecelia Knauf Araceli Lopez Janet Yaws Frank Lanza Cathy Young Vintage Racing vintageracing@... —TT preregaway@... John Straub* Corner Working cornerworking@... Robert Baizer Kaid Marouf Steve McKay Joe Hofmann Safety safety@... Monique Straub Driver Education (DE) de@... —AX/DE Peter Busalacchi John Bell Gary Burch Don Middleton Martin Lipp Erik Kinninger eMaster emaster@... —TT Web Team Angela Avitt Mike & Angela Avitt —Webmaster webmaster@... Tom Brown Tom Brown Social social@... —General webmaster@... Equipment equipment@... Kathy Alnwick Martin Reinhardt —AX Katie Kinninger Martha McGowan Andy Mail Katina Rondeau —Forum forum-admin@... Matt Sparks Alyson Kelly - LTS Tom Tweed Jim Hicks Tech Advisor tech@... Mike Dougherty —DE Steve Grosekemper —Classifieds classifieds@... Don Middleton Jeff Grow —TT Tech Inspection techinspection@... —Photos photoeditor@... Glenn Marlin —AX/DE Ted Witte George Taylor Event Flyers eventflyers@... Emilia Turkovic Yearbook yearbook@... Jad Duncan Rick Sylvestri Greg Phillips Goodie Store store@... Steve Snedeker —TT Peter Czajkowski Historian historian@... David Quesnel John Straub Rick Sylvestri Insurance insurance@... Tom Golich * denotes committee chair “@...” indicates an e-mail address on the pcasdr.org domain Volume 51 Number 12 Windblown Witness 3 4 Windblown Witness December 2010 What’s New? By Curt yaws, President id we really thrive in the Great Recession? 2010 is almost his- the case. This is a wonderful club with a group of long term members tory, and we had a wonderful selection of events for every in- who act as mentors. There is a fabulous mix of knowledge and cur- Dterested member. We did it with characteristic style and sub- rent energy, always hewing to tradition and finding a new path at the stance, including social events, concours, and driving. We’re in the same time. black. We’re ready for a new year. We have a great mix of knowledge- We could not be the club we are without the service of so many able long term members, as well as new folks just ready to love their volunteer leaders. The events we produce, the benefits we provide, Trip Road Porsche cars. Dave Gardner, 2009 President, carried us into the year. the social functions we coordinate are all a testament to our dedica- We have Carl Scragg as 2011 President with a knowledgeable and tal- tion. ented team to lead us forward. PCASDR rocks! I’ll not mention names here, as I’ll surely leave out the most impor- This is my opportunity for Curt’s exit interview. It was a challeng- tant. But, we have been supported by many great sponsors, by many ing year with an economy in decline, and attendance dropping. We true supporters, by members who have given more hours than they knew the situation, and did our best to work with it. The board and or you could imagine. We also have many new members who show up committee chairs found ways to fit in with a new economy, and we and are eager to participate. are the stronger for it. Adjustments were made, and will continue as I joined this club in 2004, relatively recent by many standards. I we move forward. We trimmed a lot of subsidies, cut some benefits, had a Boxster and just wanted to learn to drive it well. The Perfor- and whacked retirement allocations. OK, there are no retirement al- mance Driving School was the hook, and the autocross program was locations, but we did cut to the bone. There was no fluff in the budget, the monthly fix. I volunteered right away to help at AX, which turned just exciting, well managed events and programs. out to be as AX chair. Ouch! That is a real job. On to Driver Education I’ll mention one event we held that is new. Member Mike Dough- chair and board member. My wife Janet got involved, driving and vol- erty, along with Jackie Corwin, presented a Tire Rack Teen Survival unteering. Before you know it, you are in deep. Of course you need a School at Qualcomm Stadium. There were thirty timid teenage driv- faster car. Porsche has those available. ers who arrived on a Saturday morning. They attended two full hours There are lots of ways to spend your time. The people I have met of classroom presentations, and even more time on the track. They in PCA make me feel like I am spending my time in a good place. They learned accident avoidance, threshold braking, understeer/oversteer are hard workers, passionate about their interests, and willing to give. on the skid pad, increasing and decreasing radius turns, vehicle dy- They tilt towards type A, and that’s not a bad thing. It’s hard to find a namics, and much more. The students were thrilled and the parents slacker in the group. If you love the pursuit of perfection, this might were astonished. This event was a great use of our time in giving back be your place. to the community in an area where we have special knowledge. Lastly, I’d like to thank all those who made it a great 2010. Our The Browns, Susan and Tom, manage our communication via this sponsors, our board members, our committee chairs and event lead- Windblown Witness and our website. Both of them brought home ers, our volunteers and our dedicated members all make it happen. first place awards for our region at the national Porsche Parade in It’s really you. You made it happen. You did a great job. Thank you. 2010.
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