THE KirrGDot{E 0F RAKTIAR CELEBRATES THEiR 4OTH ANNfV AT THE 2OI8 CTASGOVI HiGHIJIND GAAES Forty years ago, Bob Swanson had an idea for an Jim Kilpatick became the "King ofthe Kingdome" organtzation which would be made up of friends from therl and remains so today. all overthe world. His dream came true, although his Many members ofthe Kingdome came to Glasgow in own life was shortened by an automobile accident. June, from everyrvhere, to celebrate the 40fr anniversary. Elissa Hapner wins US National Women's Championship at Glasgow, Kentucky, 2018 Scottish Games competition - 3 records broken Elissa Hapner has been declared the US National Women's Cham- pion after she threw the lightweight Stone for distance 92 feet and 10 inches and the sheaf toss at a height of 34 feet in the Glasgow, KY Scottish Elissa lives and works in Aurora. Illinois. She is originally from Tampa, Florida. continued on page 39 EST 2OO2 ScorLAt{DSHoP TAILORED TARTAN CI,OTHING & INTNRIORS \ \ Order online at ScotlandShop.com or call +44(0X890 860770 I wunnu visit here! Whutfun. At the top of the Royal Mile, just before Fdinburgh Castle Part funhouse and part learning center, Camera Obscura and the World of Illus ions is five floors ofperspec- tive-bendingfun. Oper- ating for over I 50 years, it is Edinburgh's oldest purpose built atfr action. Established in 1835, the building was originally called Short's Observatory, Museum of Science and Art until 1892 when itwas purchased by Patrick Geddes and renamed Outlook Tbwer. Committed to the idea that exhibition is the most exhilarating form of education, Geddes eventually incorporat ed Mar i a Short's Camera Obscura, and Camera Obscura and the World of lllusions was born. Part of the purpose of the activity center is to provide a better understanding of Edinburgh, and what better way to showcase the city than to enjoy it through telescopes, view cams, and of course, the 360o panoramic view provided by the Camera Obscura on the rooftop terrace. The rest ofthe building is filled with optical illusions, pvzzles, mirror mazeq and a vortex tunnel, providing guests with dizzying alternate realities and tricks on the mind and on the eyes. Visitors are encouraged to get involved with ev- erything, play with it all, and unlike a lot of learn- ing centers, there is nothing in this one you are not allowed to touch. Befh's Newfangled Family Tree Section B July 2018 Poge 3 4$H AIIIITJAL Storr€ mountcrin Scottish F€stivcrl & HIGFILAIID GAfiIES Attend'nThe Friendly Gcrmes." Ivleet your feliow clcrnsmen crnd celebrste the 46th Anniversary games clong with our Honored guests crnd many old friends who wi}l gather in this picturesque setting so rich in heritcge, Scollish Festivcl & Highland Games Atlcntcr, Georgic qnd Slone Mountqin Park Mecdow October 20th & 2lsln 2018 | 9:00 ct.rn.lo 5:00 p.m. Highland Gcrmes Children's Gcmes Gathering oI Clcrns Exhibits Demonstrctlons Scottish Shops & Foods Pipe Bcnds Scottish Dcncing Scottish Hcrping & Fiddling Scottish Musical Entertainment Adult (s<rt.) $eo, (sun.) $20 | child 1+-n1$s Pqrk vehicle entrcrnce fee required in addition to event tickets No pets allowed. Presented by EIT+ilEI Stone Mounlcrin Highlcnd Games, fnc. PO, Box 384'Ivlcxriettcr, GA 30061 ffi (77 O) 521-0228 . wwwSIvIHG,org @AlI rights reserved Stone Mountsin Highlcrnd Games,lnc.20lB % BI{FT'r Russian Correspondento f , Long Mike Buchan reports... -"I.I*, ipOistance The first day of summer 2018 in Russia! Snow 't fell in Ufa and Kazan, heating was switched on in Genealogical Yekaterinburg. Research Saturday, July 14,2018 Free Class Speaker: Bryan L. Mulcahy - Reference Librarian - Fort Myers Regional Library, Ft. \ij':. Myers, Florida - Time: 9:30-12:15 pm; r t Soirttr Building 1561 Lee Street; Meeting RoomsA & B. Locating genealogical information about ancestors presents many challenges. When you live hundreds or thousands of miles from their place of residence, it sometimes feels impossible. This seminar will focus on options that re- searchers may use when trying to conduct ge- nealogical searches in other parts of the United States and overseas. +i -'r , Contact: Bryan Mulcahy, M.L.S., Reference Librarian, Ft. Myers Regional Library, 2450 First Street, Ft. Myers, FL 33901 <[email protected]> Voice 239-533-4626 | F ax 239-485-1 1 60 or <leelibrary. net> THE CNTEDONIAN KIICH€N FINE CELTIC FOODS 14.5 Ounce Cans with 4 -5 servings per can. Available in sirloin Beef, Highland Beef & Lamb. Ceremonial/Presentation 4 lb^ haggis available. "CK's haggis is a huge hit at our annual dinner." Rob Ker III, St.Andrew Sociely ofNY State "Darn good Haggis" Available at Steve Quilles, Clan MacLaren, USA <www.thescottishg rocer.com> . amazon Beth's Newfangled Fanily Tree Section B July 2018 Page 5 Cfan forrester ' game ' i"il" tfte fisrnwteq,r Membership is available for all spelling varia- tions of Forrester: Forrester, Forester, Forrister, Forister, Forest, Forrest, Foster, Carstarphen. Contact: Ben Forrester, Membership Chairman 1034 Blue Heron DriVe Commerce, GA 30529 Phone: 706-335-7688 Email : benbf@windstream. net ,Ih itml lmrrd lHf lrlgE *n*l'$TfR rt i{rF.i?it*f*lr$! x&.*lf.,'tr\ C"nfusing Y;' birrh gf L, , E-.: - =. bapti srno I dates Bryan L. Mulcahy, MLS hurch records have a definitive track specific time and place in question, this may pro- record for being more accurate than their vide clues for finding additional records or over- civil record counterparts. When it comes coming brick walls concerning the ancestor. Some- to dates of birth, the only place some researchers have times, the discrepancy may be identified specifically success locating this information is in church records. in the record itself such as the date of birth, or the This can be especially true when researching children exact age ofthe child. In other cases one can as- of immigrant ancestors who came to the New World sume from facts, such as four or more children of through Canada, or for trac- the same couple bap- ing information before there tized on the same day, was a requirement to com- that these were siblings pile vital records information bornyedrs apu1',.Asce- in the United States or civil nario such as this may be registration in Canada, the indicative of aremote or British lsles, and continental rural area in which the Europe. preferred church was a One of the most com- signifi cant distance from mon mistakes that many re- the family home. In searchers make, especially d- other cases, the family when using church records may not have been able for denominations that prac- to attend church for an tice infantbaptism, is assum- extended time after a ing that the birth date and baptismal date always oc- natural disaster, lack of transportation, or perhaps curred within a few days of each other. While this was a dispute with the church officials forced them out true in many cases, especially within the Roman Catholic of the congregation or parish. Church, one cannot make the assumption that this was The bottom line is -- considerthe date ofbap- always the case. The actual baptism could have taken tism for what it is. Check other record sources to place a few weeks, months, or years after the date"of determine what the actual birth date was. While birth. for a varietv of reasons. the feasibility of this may depend on the time pe- If you are fortunate enough to locate a published riod and jurisdiction, usually there are other ways his or timeline that details maior events durine the of determining the actual birth date. Befh's Newfangled Fanily Tree Section B July 2018 Page 7 It was a sad day yesterday when Lois Carson May 30. Boyce, Honourary Life Member of Clan SinclairAs- David was the son ofthe late John and Susanne sociation, passed away. (Hill) Graham of Ottawa, and brother of John, Ot- She had celebrated her 99'h birthday last fall, but tawa,Anthony Francis CM MD (Shannon), Toronto, due to strokes and declining health had been moved and Charlie, San Francisco. He also leaves cousin into a care facility that serves veterans of the armed Betsy (John) Baillie, Wolfuille, NS; nieces and neph- services. ews John (Elizabeth) Graham, She had stopped taking Washington, DC, Alex (Karen) nourishment a few days ago Graham, Toronto, Mark and passed away peacefully. (Catherine) Graham, Toronto, Her daughters were with her Heather (Bryan) McCourt, constantly providing support Toronto and Suzanne (Darcy) the last few days and weeks. Henderson, Kelowna, BC. He Lois was one of the driv- will be missed also by his many ing forces supporting the incep- great-nieces and nephews. tion of the Westem Branch of David grew up in Rockcliffe Clan SinclairAssociation - of- Park (Ottawa) and attended ten referred to as a "little dy- Lisgar Collegiate, Ashbury Col- namo". She was an inspiration to everyone forfunate lege, the University of Westem Ontario and Water- to have known her, and the word procrastination was loo Lutheran University. He received his MBA in not in her vocabulary! I have many fond memories 1964 fromthe Harvard Business School. that I will cherish forever. Being her last non-family Even in childhood David was an entrepreneur, visitors yesterday is special forArlene and me. raising and selling chickens and their eggs door-to- Lois'many contributions to her community, as- door, along withmagazine subscriptions. By age 19 sociations, church, friends and family are legendary. he operated Christmas tree lots while publishing ad- She was fiercely proud of her Scottish roots and par- filled desk blotters for Canadian university students. ticularly her Sinclair family heritage. She will be After Harvard Business School, persevering missedbymany.
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