D r i f f i e l d Ri ve r h e a d C on ce p t St a t e m e n t Driffield Partnership January 2010 DRIFFIELD NAVIGATION TRUST D riffie ld R iv e rh e a d C o n c e p t Sta te m e n t D riffie ld R iv e rh e a d C o n c e p t Sta te m e n t Table of Contents 15. Area 6, South of Train Station 20 Page 16. Area 7, Coal yard 20 1. Introduction 4 17. Recom m endations 20 2. Strategic Context 6 18. Appendix 1 Relevant Saved East Yorkshire 3. Planning Context 8 Local Plan Policies 21 4. Existing Character 9 19. Appendix 2 Driffield Riverhead Concept Statem ent Consultation Plan 22 5. Assets 10 7. Developm ent Principles 14 8. Area 1 Head of the Navigation and Environs 15 9. Area 1a, Old Depot Site 16 10. Area 2, Riverhead (the road and built environm ent) 17 11. Area 3, Bishop Burton College Site 18 12. Area 3a Open area adjacent to Bishop Burton College site 18 13. Area 4, Sugar M ills 18 14. Area 5, Railway station and adjacent areas 19 Page 3 D riffie ld R iv e rh e a d C o n c e p t Sta te m e n t DRIFFIELD RIVERHEAD CONCEPT STATEM ENT 1 Introduction 1.1 The Driffield Renaissance Plan identifies the area to the south of Driffield Town Centre including the Railway Station and Riverhead, as an im portant gateway to the town, providing visitors with their first im pression of Driffield. It is an area that has been associated with the arrival and departure of goods and people over m any centuries and represents one of the town’s key heritage assets. 1.2 The Renaissance Plan recognises this area’s significance to the econom ic regeneration of Driffield and recom m ends a co-ordinated approach to the resolution of the following issues: The poor environm ent around the railway station. ñ Potential redevelopm ent of Riverhead as a leisure and tourist destination. ñ Poor signage between the town centre and this area. ñ Prom otion of transport links and walking and cycling provision. 1.3 Driffield Navigation Trust and Driffield Navigation Am enities Association have, for m any years, been prom oting the restoration of the Navigation, to allow larger boats to navigate the full length of the waterway. This work is alm ost com plete though full navigation is prevented by W ansford bridge about five m iles down stream from Riverhead. Page 4 D riffie ld R iv e rh e a d C o n c e p t Sta te m e n t 1.4 W hilst the full econom ic potential of the waterway is 1.6 The m ain purpose of the Concept Statem ent is: unlikely to be achieved without replacem ent of W ansford to provide a vision for the development and use of the Bridge, this work needs to be com plem ented by an action Riverhead area in order to demonstrate how this asset is plan to encourage the full use and developm ent of the intended to be developed and improved to provide an waterway and environs as a local recreational facility and economic catalyst for the town. visitor destination. 1.7 By setting out a clear vision it can be used to provide 1.5 Driffield Riverhead Concept Statem ent is an a context for developm ent proposals but, as im portantly, be expression of the kind of place that would be desirable and used proactively to encourage and prom ote public and provides the vehicle for taking these ideas forward. The private sector investm ent of a particular type and quality. It is statem ent is a regeneration docum ent that has been realistic while being positive and am bitious and is intended to prepared in order to deliver the best possible econom ic, open up som e key developm ent opportunities to assist in the social and environm ental benefits for the area and town as a regeneration of Driffield. whole. Page 5 D riffie ld R iv e rh e a d C o n c e p t Sta te m e n t 2 Strategic Context inland waterways network in East Riding and the Hum ber sub 2.1 Driffield Renaissance Plan 2008 The plan identifies the region. developm ent of the Riverhead area and the restoration of 2.3 A plan for the developm ent of the inland waterways the Navigation as a key project. Driffield Riverhead Concept is currently being developed through the Coast W olds Statem ent articulates the vision for the area and the W etlands and W aterways RDPE LEADER program m e recom m endations will be incorporated into the Partnership’s (CW W W ) . TDriffield Navigation and its econom ic potential action plans. will form an im portant elem ent in the plan. 2.2 East Riding Econom ic Developm ent Strategy 2007- 2.4 Our East Riding: The East Riding Com m unity Plan 2006- 2011 The strategy supports the developm ent of the 2016 The Com m unity Plan provides a blue print for the area waterways as an econom ic driver and the continuing involving organizations working together in innovative ways to investm ent in the built and natural environm ent. The deliver the local priorities of East Riding residents. Driffield developm ent of the Riverhead area and the Driffield Renaissance Plan supports the vision for Driffield and Navigation is a nam ed priority for investm ent in the plan and developm ent of the area concerned will lead to stronger is strategically im portant in the developm ent of the wider com m unities and a sustainable future for Driffield and the surrounding area. 2.5 Hull and Hum ber Ports City Region Developm ent Program m e II Sept 2006 The plan states that the im pact of clim ate change will continue to drive the developm ent of environm ental technologies and supplies for energy. It m ay be possible to use the head of water in the Navigation as a source of Green electricity power. 2.6 Regional Spatial Strategy for Yorkshire and the Hum ber to 2016 The Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) provides a spatial context for local developm ent fram eworks and local transport plans. The RSS presents Driffield as one of 32 “principal towns” in the region. Policy YH5 states that principal towns should be the focus for developm ent and Page 6 D riffie ld R iv e rh e a d C o n c e p t Sta te m e n t lead to an accessible and vibrant settlem ent. Investm ent in Driffield’s visitor econom y will m ake an im portant contribution to its vibrancy. 2.7 Regional Econom ic Strategy (RES) Objective six of the RES directs rural com m unities to m ake the m ost of their environm ental, tourism and agricultural assets. Driffield Riverhead Concept Statem ent seeks to deliver against this objective, enhancing an existing asset, creating econom ic benefit through potential job creation, environm ental im provem ents to locally valued environm ent and prom oting and enhancing the tourism potential of Driffield and the rural hinterland. 2.8 W aterways for Tom orrow June 2000 DETR Strategy docum ent (CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW ) This governm ent strategy docum ent states that the governm ent supports the protection, conservation and enhancem ent of the waterways’ heritage. The statem ent is expected to be reiterated in the revision. 2.9 Planning Advisory Note on Inland W aterways TCPA 2009 This planning note recognises inland waterways as tools for place-m aking and place-shaping; in re-branding; in confidence-building; in attracting and generating investm ent. It states that im proved waterway environs can lead to transform ational change in local quality of life through regeneration, renewal and growth and cites regional developm ent agency investm ent as im plicit in this process. Page 7 D riffie ld R iv e rh e a d C o n c e p t Sta te m e n t 3.2 National and Regional Planning Policy puts a strong em phasis on ensuring new developm ent has a m inim al im pact on the environm ent. Developm ent should be located in the m ost sustainable locations that are well serviced by public transport and have a range of key services and facilities. Driffield is one of four Principal Towns in the East Riding and is therefore one of our m ost sustainable settlem ents. It has a good range of shops and services, em ploym ent opportunities and public transport and is therefore well placed to accom m odate developm ent of an appropriate scale. 3.3 In the East Yorkshire Borough W ide Local Plan, there are several site-specific policies in the Riverhead area that will 3 Planning Context have to be taken into consideration. These relate to the Sugar M ill and Coal Yard sites in particular, which are both 3.1 The Developm ent Plan for Driffield currently consists of highlighted in the Local Plan as having existing com m itm ents the Regional Spatial Strategy for Yorkshire and the Hum ber for residential developm ent and therefore this use is suitable and the saved policies in the Joint Structure Plan for Hull and on these sites.
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