Vol. 3 SEPTEMBER, I958 No.33 , -/!_ v/ zY ,"i C-a'-,fi'u ' , t1 .Atzs,-aJ.<!,(-' r/zl t'/ r1tt a+* fl, ? 7/ , 2--Septenber, 1958 Nstionsl AAU senior l-5-kitoneter Chanpionship R1m Sania Monicar Ca1ifofida Uonday, Septenber 1, 1953 Sponsored by Santa ilonica Chember of Conlerce lleather: Cloudy at siart (fO:O6 a'4.); ldeal ru:]rdn3 conditioos' 25 of 26 startlrs finished' i'Jo club had fuIL five-oan tean' Blgt-ojl-l inish 1. Pete McArdle, liew lork Alhletic Club ' ' 46:0a.9 2. Rober! Drake, Cu.lver City .Athletj.a Clu: ' ' ' 46: C6.5 3. Tboroas C. Rya.nr u.]1atbache.i . ' ' 4. l,lichae1 G. ll-Len, ulatljached . l+'l I i2 '2 5. i"Dllialn Cookin, San DieSo Track & Field -'^ssn' ' ' 6. Peter B. }lundle, SouNher4 Jalifor:1ia strirlers ' ' 49 t2-, ?. iobeit Larson, San tieSo TlacL & Iiefd -"'ssn' ' ' ' 5C: 2a 8. Eddie Rosas, lmalriached 50r f0 9. TonJ Sucecr Sal Diego Track c :iefd ss'1' ' ' ' ' ' 5a,Lh 10. Sil;eeter ViILa, roLlhern Calil)n;' jLrilc'r ' ]-L. Paul" t. Fisher, Ca.lp Pendleton Uari-nes ' 5L:55 l-2. l,i.ax ChaneJ, Sa,'l Diego lrac,r & _:iel l r'ji ' ' ' joulher1 '' ' ' ll. L. J s.nes sebio, Californ;'a ' ' ' ' 'Lr:ders 53|03 1,1.. Lraesu G, Schu.Ilz r Soulnem Caljfor:1ia -Lr-'leri ' ' i5. l"g"fo CoraLlis, Sa.1 fern&ldo Val-!'. iroa'l- lu 'r' ' 5L,54 Ib. Charles J. ihorLr uiraLLacled . ' ' 55t52 I?. Je35 O. ,lgurrre, San Femaado Vel-L'./ :loaa-:'rr ' "r ' 55t 56 18. FtaYio l',adariaga, RiYersiJe YI';CA ' ' ' 56: c8 19. Roberl, A. Wil.Lians, Long tseacn Slate Col-!;= ' ' ' i5. 0,"*f." C. hlann, C\lv'r ciLJ 'll leLic ilrb 21. JotL; Garcia, calver gity ALI"I't'ic Club 1615tt 22. John DistY, uattached 23. I-olris R. tardenas, San Fer.-anL'lo 'aLI'',/ oal_ u': e' ' 62:35 fe-nern ). Slrong, cu-vir city :luh ' ' 61+t 31+ i. ^tl:Ier'ir ' '/2t 25. MichaeL Kish, Riverside ]liCA ' ' ' \f Did not finlsh: Roland E. Slnpson J?., lrllat'iacl1e'r Race Notes: Peter McArdle, a transFlanted Irishnan no\a llvlng 1n New York, p.evented a west coast sweep by snatching the wtnner's laurels fron iitproving Bob Drake of the Culver City Athletic C1ub.. The course was obviously short. They used a short and a tong loop course, r,rhereas they probably should have gone twlce around the outer 1ooF,. Not even with five gold nedals and a senior titl€ dangled before then could anv club Droduce a five-nan tean. TLLIOTT RUNS 3:55,4 MIIX AT LONDON TRACK MxlT Tlne is 2d Fastest in Historv.' Two Others Crack '1 Minutes London, Sept.4- Australian Marvel flerb Etliott ran the second fastest nile l! hlstory yesterday, 3:55.4s, as two other runners in an invltational race at white city Stadiun also broke four nins. !11lott's clocttns, hls lOth sut'-four-ninute nile in as nanv trtes thls vear. r,Ias less than a second behind hls hlstoric 3:54.4 1111e at Dubltn on August o. (Contlnued page 25'colunn 2) i- SePtentiet. 1958--3 I THE LONG DI STANCX LOG A PUBIICATION FOR RUNNERS BY RUNNIRS that we dre progresslng In the rlght vo1. 3, No. 33. SePtenber, 1958 directlon. Probably the -ost dtsturbJng letter Editor- Bror{ning Ross' 306 l'/. Center St. to reach our desk thls nonth canre hjoodbrr y, N.J. fron Ted corbltt statlng that the Circulation i'lanager- Frank Ke11y, t'letropolitan RRC canBot be apprqveal 17 !tc1id St., WoodburY, N,J. by the AAU. They feel that the RRc ts t11ega1, that 1t ls agatnst AAU Published by IIar1/lne printing Co., ru1es, that It 1s a ParaIlel ortan- 155 N, 15th St., Ph i1a. , 2) Ia- izatlon to the AAU and ln confllct with lt. Rates:25 cents a coPy; $2.50 a Year, "The llet RRc ftled a forfla1 appl lc- ( publ tshe d nonthlt) atlon for nelnbershlp ln the Met. AAtr last Ju1y. In SePtenber theY were contributors thls nonth: Don FaY, f{na11y coflsldeled bt the netnbe!shlp (Boston); Bob CainPbell, (Boston) ; conrnlttee. The answei r,Ias a urtaIrlnous Bob Craib, (So. California); Ha1 NO, Thetr nlnds seencd to be nade uP H igdon, (Chlcago); Arne Rlchards, and nothlng we could do would change r"hi.ago); Blll Jir eson, rBaltlnore) I that , " Ted states. Nat Cirulnick, (BrooklYn, N. Y. ) ; We suggest thst the subJect be brou- Ted Corbitt, (Ne1'/ York Clty) i Gordon gh* up at the Natlonal AAU ConYen+lofl Dickson, (Canada); N€i1 Farre11, 1n the Lorg Dtstance Runtrlng Connltte€ " anada); Bob ,:rrar, rPiltsburgh): or: be referred to the Rules Conillttee rrrolal colby, .Canada\i LlJarren leddlck, for a deftnlte declslon as to the ( AAU (Greenbelt, Ijd.); Dick P a c k a i d , B o s t o n ) ; fact of the RRCS belng agalnst Dain Oliver, (Boston) ; xd Johnston' r[1es and that ln the eYent the RRC (roronto); Don Jacobs, (Pactfic North- ls pernlsslble, thea what are the west) ; Dick Hart,(Northern Callfornla) 1in{tattons of lts actlYlttes. Then re-app1y to the Met AAU. John FlahertY, Me trop6l ltar AAU RANDOI1 POT SHOTS FRO ALT POINTS ?resldent ls very nuch in favor of the RRc. lle belleYes the RRc ls a nach nonth the !9!g Distance !9g e.ot'" good idea ard would te a lot better in expertence, nunbe I of .-.ttil"t"ts u"a than nanv of the paper clubs alnost new subscr ibers. every Assoclatlon is now loaded wlth Uithout the wonderful and generous letts hope that everyone ltrteresteal efforts of all our original subscribers 1n the developnelrt of U.S. dlstance the Long Dtstance Log would be inpossible runtrtng wl11 nate a stncere attcnpt to publ lsh each nonth. to get to Yorh, Pa. on NoYenber 2d Don Fay, Joe Kleinernan, Neil Farrel1, fo! a general Natlotal neettEg of Curt Stone, Fied !li1t, George Brown, Bl11 the varlous RRc clubs that the AAU Jineson, Ted Corbitt, Ha1 Higdon' Don has approved of(How can sone Assng. Jacobs, Nat Cirulnick, John A. Kelley' approve tle RRc & sone not?) 60 that Bob Craib, Charlle Robbins, Bl11 Marot we can act on the furth€rldg of a ' Botj osborne, Gotdon Dickson, John sterner, s tiong, unlted Natlotra1 RRC. 1{ar!y Groves, Bert Nelson, Jack Gttltng, Fo!ner LD RunnlJlg ChaIrtratr MarY Arne Rlchards, Bob !lcGulre, Dick Hart, Thonas has askeal the Mldwest RRC to A.L. Monteverde, Dlck Cohe!r, Dain Oltver, nake suggestlons (P9.21) for th. lowe I I hji I I ta-s, Hugh Jascoutt. Enerson picktng of rnarathotrcrs fo! Pa!-An Case, Harold Co1by, Bob Harrts, H.E. Mattin, and 01ynplc 6ancs. we wo{1d lltc to Dtck Bank, Gar Wi11tans, Scott D, Hanilton, thro{r lt open for dlscusslol h thc Keith Garnan, Johnny Senple and ou! cover LDI . Why shouldntt thc rl1trdcls, artist Henry Kinkaid all deserve recognltlon not the offlclals alcteinhc how as co-editors. They, and the nany others they are to be se1€cted? wtr o- tiffin t r ibute d arttcles and results Dont forget:'Aroulld the BaY' race nake the Long Distance Log truly a publlcat_ Hanllton, Ont.(Oct.25)i J€rset Cltt ion for runners !I runners. Marathon, (oct .11) | caIradlaE & opctl We re al ize that we have a long way to go Cross-country Chanptonshlp, 6 Elles, before the Log is conplete in its coverage Dundurn ?k. Eamllton' Ont. (Nov.1) of d11 U,<. distance e\ents, and ftee froFr Mtddle Atlarttc & open 15klr Atleatlc editorial znd printlng errors, but we feel c1ty, NJ, (Oct. 19)--Th€ rdttor. D 2--Septernber. 1958 Nelj-ona1 AAU senior l5-kilo.aeter Chanpionship Rr]n Sa.nta Molr-ics, Calif ornia ltondat, Septernber l, 1953 Sponsored btr sanla i'ionica ch€,mber ol Co :rerce ''leather: Cloudy at Stari, (10106 a.m.); ideal r'rixdn8 corditioas ' 25 of 25 start;rs finished. l'lo club had fu-11 five-'lan l'ean' lrgsr-o$-a4rlh l. Pete MeArdle' \'e]^l lork rlthletic Club . ' . ' ' 46:C4'9 2. Robert Dralce, Cu.lver City AthIeU'c CLuD ' ' ' Aq'?!'t l. ThoDa3 C. oYs,a, unaLLac'-' i{.. ltictraet G. Allen, unaliached . l+71'2'2 j. difU..* Gookin, San DieSo irack & Field I'ssn' ' ' +9:49'L 6. 1"t". g. undl;, Soulherir 0a1ifo!:1!a Stfiders ' ' ' l+9t25 i. eouutt Iarson, San Diego Trac| {a !ie1d -i'ssrl' ' ' 50:2; d. laai. nou"", tDattachea :!'?o 9. Tony Sucec, Saa Diego Track & Field -{ssn. ' ' ' ' ' fO. Sifiu"t"r Vitla, southern California Stride's ' ' ' 2!'r7,'r:41+ U. Paul. !, Fisher, Canp Pendleton liarines . t!t)' fZ, Ur. Ctt..,"y, San Diego Track & !-ield Assn' ' ' ' ' ' 52t+ f:. f,. ,1"-.u i"lio, sooih".n california Stridefs ' ' ' ' 5215\ . n."""t G. Schuitz, southem ca]jifornia Strider'5 ' ' 53raB G: G;"i. coral.l'is, Sa-n remanalo val-feJ' Roac-iturxlers 2l'5-a^ i6. c"l.i"" J. jhori, $atlached . )'2? I?. Jese G. Agujlrer San Fern3.ldo VaIIe"/ ?o:'i-_:t1 : 2,t2". 18. Ftario lladariaga, Riverside,!I'CA . " " " "' ?"'Y: 19. Robert, A, dlllisns, Iong tseach ilab' Coll";= 20, Dru€las C. Klann, Gulver C:L:/ 'L -Lelic '1-b ' ' ' ?t'?:'.o:.?? John Garcia, Cr.rl-ver Uity tNhlelic ClLb ' 21. -,-attached ' ' ' ' " 'b:)o ii. .loi,tt oi"ty, . .'j' 90t4 zl. 1,.*1" n. iaraunas, San Fer'.ando 'aII'J ioal- u t" )5 24. denneth f. Strong, Culv'r Citj ]thlelic uiur) ' ' ' ' ::t): 25.
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