www.ukrweekly.com INSIDE:• Ukraine seeks to settle gas debt with Russia — page 3. •A secret of the Canadian prairie — page 8. • Kharkiv, a historical and cultural jewel — page 13. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXVIII HE KRAINIANNo. 32 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, 2000 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine T U Kuchma entersW the fray Ukraine is once again represented over minority language rights on International Council of Women by Roman Woronowycz organization, that Ambassador Aboimov be by Maria Tomorug last three years. The national presi- Kyiv Press Bureau declared persona non grata in Ukraine. dents, the coordinators and advisers of On July 26 Yevhen Marchuk, secretary NEW YORK – The International the standing committees also presented KYIV – Ukraine’s President Leonid of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council of Women (ICW) held its 29th detailed reports on the implementation Kuchma stepped into an increasingly emo- Council, went on the record, albeit in rather General Assembly on July 2-8 in of plans through seminars, conferences tional debate between Kyiv and Moscow undiplomatic fashion, when he called the Helsinki. The president of ICW, Pnina and projects. ICW representatives to over Russian minority language rights in recent statements by Russian representa- Herzog, welcomed the 250 delegates rep- United Nations agencies gave detailed Ukraine – which recently has swirled to tives on the language question “stupid and resenting 35 national councils of women reports on women’s issues on the inter- ever-higher echelons in both governments – absurd.” from around the world. national level and presented their next when he criticized an absolute lack of He, as President Kuchma did a day later, For the first time since 1925, challenges and goals. Russian government support for the devel- attempted to turn the issue on its heels by Ukraine’s National Council of Women The ICW General Assembly also opment of Ukrainian culture in Russia. questioning the level of Ukrainian minority also attended the conference. The adopted major amendments to its “Please, give me an example from rights in Russia. Ukrainian delegation consisted of 10 del- Constitution, which had not been Russia – where more than 10 million “It will take the Russians at least 30 egates and was headed by its president, Ukrainians reside – of at least one school, changed since the organization’s incep- years to create for the Ukrainian residents Iryna Holubieva. one newspaper, one radio or TV program in tion 112 years ago. A number of new res- in that country at least a hundredth part of In 1928 during the ICW’s General the Ukrainian language,” said Mr. Kuchma olutions were adopted, including provi- what the Russian-speaking population has Assembly held in Washington, the on July 27 in Symferopol, according to sions on the protection of victims of rape in Ukraine,” said Mr. Marchuk. Ukrainian delegation was not permitted Interfax-Ukraine. in time of war; ensuring that women to officially participate in the confer- The president stirred a brewing contro- (Continued on page 23) have retirement pensions adequate to ence. In fact, it lost its membership in versy over recent Lviv regional and munici- meet their needs for food, shelter, health the ICW because at that time Ukraine pal decisions to limit the use of the Russian care and self-support; the environment; was no longer an independent nation. language in commercial transactions and The ICW’s Charter states that only biotechnologies; and on the establish- advertising there, which have led to an national councils of independent ment of an international convention for uproar, first in the Russian-language mass 19 credit unions nations may be members of the ICW. humanitarian aid. media in both countries and then among Now that Ukraine is an independent The General Assembly voted in a new Russian government officials. nation, the National Council of Women board, with Ms. Herzog being re-elected President Kuchma emphasized that he send delegates of Ukraine, which was organized one for a second term. did not believe that any language should year ago and comprises eight women’s There were various social events “be higher” than another, although he to UNCUA meeting organizations, was able to apply to the during the conference, including the expressed support for the Ukrainian lan- by Roman Stelmach ICW to renew its membership. opening ceremonies at the Great Hall guage as the state language. After the opening ceremonies, during of the University of Helsinki, with “On the other hand,” said the president, PLYMOUTH MEETING, Pa. – The greetings from other organizations, greetings from the president of “let’s not forget that we are Ukrainians.” Ukrainian National Credit Union Oksana Sokolyk, president of the World Finland, Tarja Halonen, and a musical, The president’s remarks came a week Association held its annual meeting and Federation of Ukrainian Women’s dance and recital program. Also on the after Russia’s ambassador to Ukraine, Ivan spring conference on June 29 through Organizations (WFUWO), was given the program were a reception by the min- Aboimov, rekindled an issue that had begun July 1 in the suburbs of Philadelphia, in opportunity to welcome the National ister of health and social services; a to die out when he declared at a press con- the historic town of Plymouth Meeting. Council of Women of Ukraine and to luncheon at the City Hall sponsored by ference in Kyiv that Russia was disturbed The gathered delegates and guests num- thank the ICW and its president for the mayor of Helsinki (who, like by the Ukrainian government’s ineffective bered over 50, representing 19 Ukrainian reopening its door and its heart to sisters Finland’s president, is a woman); an response to the events that had occurred in American credit unions, guests from from Ukraine. embassy night, when all embassies Lviv; he said the Russian government Ukraine and representatives of the Credit She welcomed the Ukrainian dele- entertained delegates from their coun- reserved the right to take appropriate action. Union National Association’s Mutual gates both in English and Ukrainian say- tries; a gala banquet and a Finnish A day later, the Russian State Duma Group. ing: “The World Federation of Ukrainian evening with a fashion show at a passed a resolution calling on Russian The UNCUA is an association of 23 Women’s Organizations is elated that, famous Finnish stores. President Vladimir Putin to order his Ukrainian American credit unions in the after an absence of 75 years, the National Attending as observers from the Foreign Affairs Ministry to propose meas- United States that together represent over Council of Women of Ukraine is once Ukrainian diaspora were Mrs. Sokolyk, ures “in connection with Ukraine’s failure $1.3 billion in assets. The mission of the again a member of the International WFUWO president: Volodymyra to fulfill the terms of the Treaty of UNCUA is to promote interest and coop- Council of Women, and that it will once Luchkiv, WFUWO vice-president; and Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership,” eration among credit unions in the United again work with all of us for a better Maria Komarnycka, former president of which has come about as a result of Kyiv States whose membership is of Ukrainian world in this new millennium.” the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League pursuing a “policy of discrimination against background; to foster the formation of After the welcoming ceremonies of of Canada. the Russian language.” new credit unions; to further the develop- the newly affiliated national councils From the United States came Iryna The State Duma’s action brought a series ment and progress of Ukrainian American from Azerbaijan, Senegal, Congo, Brunei Kurowyckyj, president of the Ukrainian of rebuttals in Kyiv. First the Verkhovna credit unions, and to carry out all central Das Salaam and Ukraine, the presidents National Women’s League of America, Rada issued a statement on July 21 in business functions for and on behalf of its of these councils were given an opportu- who took part as the ICW’s United which it called the Russian Parliament’s member-credit unions. nity to speak for three to five minutes. Nations accredited representative in New action “a manifestation of interference in Hosting the conference and annual Ms. Holubieva read her speech in York, and Maria Tomorug, UNWLA the domestic affairs of a sovereign state” meeting was the Ukrainian Selfreliance English, thanking the ICW for returning vice-president, who participated as a del- and expressed surprise that the intention of Federal Credit Union of Philadelphia. The the Ukrainian group to its historical place egate from the National Council of Ukrainian authorities to “secure the inalien- conference delegates were welcomed on in the ICW and promising to work to Women of the United States. able and natural right of Ukrainian citizens Thursday, June 28, to the Philadelphia area address social issues and improve the sta- The ICW General Assembly voted to use their native tongue is interpreted by with traditional Ukrainian fare. As the del- tus of women to achieve better access to that the theme for the next three years is Russian parliamentary deputies as a recur- egates arrived from their respective cities, health, sanitation, education, and income to be “Women and the Culture of Peace.” rence of ethnic discrimination policies.” they were able to restore their energy by security for women, children and men. The next General Assembly will be held That was followed by a demand from visiting the hospitality room where famil- During the plenary sessions the in 2003 in Australia and will be hosted representatives of the Ukrainian National iar holubtsi, varenyky, kovbasa, and president, general secretary and the by the Australian National Council of Rukh Party, the Congress of Ukrainian authentic Ukrainian beer were available.
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