University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1982 The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 9-17-1982 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 087, No 20, 9/ 17/1982 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1982 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 087, No 20, 9/17/1982." 87, 20 (1982). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1982/102 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1982 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,:<.:Je.v-la b 3 7'?· 7?9 NEW MEXIco------------- o~13Q~J VQI. 87 No. 20 Friday, September 17, 1982 Proposed engineer·ing ·center receives ~receptive hearing' The Board of Educational Fi­ creased popularity in the engineer­ He said the computer science, nance recently reviewed a proposal ing field. Enrollment in the college electrical and mechanical engineer­ for a new $12.5 million engineering/ doubled last year, he said. ing fields have gained wider popu­ science center at UNM, said Dean of larity in recent years. Engineering Gerald D. May. It is the first time since 1950 that the number of engineering students The new center would be built May said the proposed project, in the United States has reached east of Tapy Hall ncar the Art which would include a new Electric­ 50,000, he said. Annex, he said. al Engineering building and an en­ gineering library, received a "re­ ceptive hearing" by t~e BEF. If it passes the board it will go Father of DNA before the state legislature for final approval in February or March, he said. to speak at UNM May said ground breaking could Kent Kullby troversial so that established start in late fall of 1983 if the project theories can be scrutinized from a is approved. He estimated construc­ Bacteria might have been sent wider point of view. tion of the center to take 14 to 18 from another solar system to start months. MlchHI A. Gallegos life here on earth. This is one of the Currently Crick has been studying CHICANO ACnVIST, Lupe Sanchez, president of the Arizona Farm controversial theories proposed by the paths of perception from the eye The planned electrical engineer­ Workers Union, speaks at the Kiva last night about the plight of Dr. Francis H. C. Crick who arrived to the brain. He will be giving a ing building would house modem in Albuquerque Thursday afternoon lecture on "plasticity in visual sys­ undocumented workers. · research facilities and specialized to give a series of lectures at the tems and repair of brain damage'' at labs for programs in computer en­ University. 10:30 a.m. in room 130 of the Fired employee to charge gineering, optical/laser engineering psychology building. He will speak and micro-electronics, the dean Although his theocy on the origin on '' the origin of life on earth and its editor with mi~management said. of life is criticized by scientists and future" at 3:30p.m. in room 139 of creationists alike, other theories of the biology building. The fonner night editor of the Lobo editor Marcy McKinley found The two buildings would each be Crick have been monumental. Crick Daily Lobo said he will present out Hernandez was going to the pub­ SO percent larger than the Farris En­ and Dr. James Watson discovered "charges of mismanagement" by lication board with a request for her gineering Center, he said. DNA and its structure in the 1950s ' the newspaper to the Student Pub­ removal. and received the Nobel Peace Prize lications Board at their scheduled The Student Publications Board is May said the need for the added in 1962. · meeting today at 1:30 p.m. a joint faculty-student committee facilities was propelled by an in- "Discovering DNA was the big­ Phil Hernandez was fired from his and is charged with selecting editors gest achievement in the revolution night editor position on Sept. 10, and overseeing finances and general of biology, changing it from a scien­ and he said ~e was given no reason quality of UNM student publica­ Former Dean ce that studies behavior to one that for the removal. tions. uses experimentation. The discov- One source reported Hernandez Friday's meeting will be held in named to ery linked biology to chemistry as saying he was discharged because the Journalism Building room 212. more closely,'' UNM Biochemistry Board of trustees Professor Dr. Robert Loftfield said. Since that time he has gotten in­ Gayle M. Krueger volved in researching the origin of life and wrote the book ''Life Itself'' The foimer acting dean of the which postulates the idea of bacteria UNM College of Nursing, Marion being sent from outer space to start Fleck, is among three Albuquerque life on earth. residents who have been named to the board of trustees of UNM Hos­ "Genetic codes in all organisms pital. are so uniform that it suggests they came from one source, perhaps from Fleck, along with attorney Kaiser another planet. Although I'm not Michael and Dr. Robert Messer, saying it couldn't have happened professor at the UNM School of here," Crick said. He' said the bac­ Medicine, will assume board re­ teria or some sort of primitive life sponsibilities this month. might've been sent here as a survival . technique for a dying planet . Leaving the board are Drs. Ralph Lopez, Martin Fleck and John. Crick believes that it is important Joe Cavaretta. Abrams. to suggest theories that may be con- FRANCIS CRICK Zimmerman to receive new computer system Julie Matteucci- three· machines to do this. man could be checking books out oq · "Eventually, we will have the systeni within a year, Rollins Zimmennan Library is in the pro- enou~h terminals; we only have 16 said. cess of setting up its new computer now, but we're working towards an Under the system, when a boo~ is system that records information on integrated library system,' • Rollins checked out, an optical character all the books in the general and law said. The next set of tenninals to be recognition ~.,and will be used, libraries and will, in one year, be purchased will be fot Fine Arts, much like those used in department used to check out boOks. Tireman and Parish Memorial. stores, he said. The process wiU be "As of September, nearly 70 per- The new system cost the library more accurate and rapid. The com· cent of the data base (bOok inform a- about $200,000, Rollin said. puter will give a due date and will tion in Zimmennan) has been loaded show employees on the tenninal if and indexed into the system,'' said The comptiter system will allow the book is being held for someone Stephen Rollins, Zimmerman cir- · records to be more accurate, and it else. Students will no longer have to culation librarian. will be cost-effective. It will also· fill out cards to check books out, one. tape. reel or large .disk-type give employees an opportunity to re­ Rollins explained. tftl,recordsabout22,000titJes,cal1 shelve books faster because the numbers and authors. Since Febru• computer will do the card indexing, 1'The system will send out over­ WEIKLYOVERDUINOTICEionboobfromZimmermanUbrarywlll ary, the library has acquired 14 not the staff, he said. due notices on a weeldy basis and be one Improvement IlliCit by th•· new 1200,000 computer, uys reels. tttakesaboutoneweektoload Depending on the progress of not just three times a year," Rollins said. · St.phen Rolflnt, clrculltlon llbnrlan. and index one tape, and they have storing the library records, Zimmer- Page 2, New Mexico Daily Lobo, September 17, l982 Page 3, New Mexico Daily Lobo, September 17, 1982 autumn as viewed by Wire Report by United Press International Graduates discuss TA abuse Trend Report 0 rnftrlrlft. Hair 6 Skin Graduate assistant/teacher assis­ The question of abuse stems from representative of the g~aduate stu­ International News Stephanie, younger daughter of State and Local News tant abuse was one of the topics of low assistant salaries and alleged de. dents. Grace and Prince Rainier, told her discussion at a recent meeting of Best nt!WS: the options ore many--no one father she tried to reach over and pull UNM's Graduate Students' Asso­ partment demand for more than the Some of the problems cited were trend Is a "must." Colors ore worm ond rtch; Stroke is cause the car's emergency brake, but was $300,000 claim ciation, allowed, 20·hour maximum assis­ the high amount of utility deposits browns, grays, burgundles ... rtchjeweltones­ unsuccessful, Duplay said. tant work time, she said, ... wlnter pastels. Fabrics ore textured, required locally for the OUt·Of•state of Grace's death filed by father According to Marie Mound, GSA In an effort to stem other graduate graduate students and the elimina­ Lengths ore vorted. Splkey short hair Is sol· "It was definitely Grace who was ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.­ graduate assistant/teacher assistant student problems, the association tion of the "unnecessary layer of tened.,,untomed hair Is controlled ... color driving,'' said Duplay, who was the MONTE CARLO, Monaco - The father of an 8-year·old girl who committee chairwoman, a survey on bureaucratic red tape of discnroll­ odds wormlh ... perms gently curt or Uft. first doctor to examine both women discussed the feasibility of creating Princess Grace suffered a stroke was held under the water at a swim­ abuse has been taken but the results an ombudsman's office to function ment," one graduate student put within hours of the accident.
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