THE ST.JOHNS NEWS VOLUME XXVI—NO. 45 ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY AFTERNOON—JUNE 10. 191S OME DOLLAR A YEAS LBTH tmm BBTIBLT. UBAVBL BTBITT BmP ■INlIPnUL About Mil papfle xvere prassat ♦ ♦ W'blle traveling near (irand Rapids Thursday alieraosa when the lots on ♦ .U'TlIBHBILi: BIIAII BAPH. ♦ la bla Huick maehlaa. Decorathm Day. GHMtES niD tlM new Bub-dlrlslPa. Clinton aveaue mriTKva ♦ ♦ Hev. J. Kruse came to a stretch e< north, were epM h) the l^oalsvllle B Do you want a Aae new auto- # mad upon which eight or tan loads I Keatoehy i Renl BidMP sad Derelap- # mobile road map of .Michigan? ^ of gravel hnd been dumped the day qMMt rompaay. which hnd bought elpht B The News haa Just rueetved a B before aad hnd not bean leveled Ahead ^ supply, put up eapertally for Its # FRJMSESai of Rev. Kruse were three natoamhiiss tWEHEIIPOISOI acres from WllUaai H. Lahe. Mam- lOHISnESS bere of the Kao baud at Inasing aave B subarrtbera They are made In ^ •tuck In the gravel aad a man with a B bandy form aad dhn be carried la # team waa oa Uhad pulling the ma­ a short coacert on the streets aad led rUBMIRTCBLl T«»: PBBTTIRBT PAMBULL HH’KB KflT UriM^T BP WILLMB B. PIBLB P.IMBBB AWAT I'NAMLKft MILLKR. HIBMKRI.V fH>' the crowd to the land. KeHb Sumaer. ^ a ixml pocket. B chines out. When he came to Rev. JfMINH. IK J.IIL. eleveo-yaar-oM eon of Mr. aad Mrs. RYRB UIVEK. I# We will give one of these lasps B IHHtrLT A.KIl R^TTBBT. Kruse, he odered to take bla machtae LABT THirBBBAT. (leorge Hamaar. was awarded the free ^ puhlleher's price 8& cents, to ^ through the gravel for tS. The cler­ lot. There wrere aheut eighty Ms in ^ every sew auharriher. aad to any ^ gyman believed he conld go thrsagti the tract aad all were sold. Among the ♦ old aubneribdr who will pay bU ♦ aad made the attempt. Near the sad parties buytag several lots, wsrs Rob­ ilWSIB BO TO lUMI ^ auhacrlptMi • XbAf In advance. #iiLE pmsiiE TW ma of the gravel bis machine stuck. The IR » M LOK SWMIE ert Wilke, two blocks of lots. Oaorne If you own an automobile, yon B I auui aald. “Thsre! You might aa wall Hioerck oae block. Mr*. Anaa Hatsiy # will And this map a great con* B have given me the $8 at Brat It xrlll ^ venlaace if you don't own an d> Ml HPH'MIKI* ^BIH MKII BMIIK ILL- six Ml. aad Alax lltagham eight Ms WILI. BK rttKR RtNI IM'BtlLABfHlir RKLiKVR Rttrari'n. if bkk mat you Just as mach now. I've poll­ B IB MKK.Y MAN4»!I ‘PmBTT-l automobile you can aend the map B ed about thirty raochlaes^rangh hare KrKB. B to some friend who haa one. # ftll'LlI BF r«tKTI<*TBB. KBNM KIILLOHKD IMML. ttniBINtl BAV -IT BfIl’KB LAKB. today.” Rev. Kras*- was of the ogtaloa TBABB. The supply la limited, ao come B that thirty maohlne* at tS sash was. Opening day will be Haiurday, June B In esriy and get one. B about enough for oae day's work aaa Ik. A goad ball game aad free attrac- tilri I lalM* INHriMMr <»f B»rr«n MaMl- Ml** BahelL BIretdPr at l*lay« MbaaM getting out he cleaned the gravel from fi tleaa. Also will celebrate Haturday. !♦ HT. JOH.VB .\KW8. ♦ Three JaHs* In frttnt of machine, started up aad Vt Bvdlrlar He fsagnHalated en It* July 8. Two ball games and sports of ♦ ♦ weat through iinaealated. Whether the Werxiaxs Was all kinds. Fifty dollar* worth of Ore* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ gravel waa dumped aad left la that worha In Ihe evening. Engage boau < nadltlou purposely Is not known. •Mirty. F. O. Decker. adv.i t&w2 Hprugur A Ward will bale hay at The first rase callad on the calandar duirtrd with aiK^mpitUR to dtay tU« Frobubly the prettiest and most ibalr elevator on Tburaday. Friday aad Following oavaral waaks' lUnasa novel home laldnt *'ntertalniBent ever at the opening of the June tarai of ulfp by adnitntstertnK ilMully bictalor* Haiurda) of tbla weak aad tbe same court was tbe rase of the People va. with tubarcuUwls. with which be haB tit« of raorrur}' tabUls to ti«r to the given in IhU city, wua given on the day* of next weak. (adv.i sugared for several yaara, WllUam H. high school lawn last Friday evening, Philip Carroll, which was callad cuts*' of me^tetae. Charles H. Miller, Tuesday and was completed Wadnea- STIBtITIIERFOR PMd. cHy trraciiror. paaaad away at when the Hodnlee. or Latin depnrtamnt. 41. real estate dealer of Owosso. for- c.iimsT day when the Jury returned a verdict hla home on south 1 oinalaK atract. iiisrly of at. Johns, la In Jail. Monday presented "Endynilon. ” a comedy In of not guilty after being out an boty. o'clock, last Thursday evaalag. Jtmo l>»rorr- Justice Kiirael, .Miller demand* three acta, under the direction of MM afflwiw Carroll wa* charged with having 3. 1915, aged 59 years. Funeral ear- *■4 an <'xamlaatioii The examination Wlnnlfred Daboll, Instructor In Ijittn. committed assault upon his brother. SESSn vlcex were held 2:00 o'clock. Huaday aae set for June 21. and Miller was SEffiSTOREIIIN The shrubbery that llnea the drive ­ Rllllani Carroll, with intant to do afternotm. Rev. C. J. Krnac of the reiiiaitded to jail without ball. The way on the west side made an effec­ great iMidlly harm leas than murder. Methodist Episcopal church. odtolK* offiters. It Is slated, wish to delay the .VA.NY MKNBRBK PBBMKT FOB Mll.l. HIVK KIKR t OrRMR IK TNR tive background for tbe stage. The The parties are residents of Duplaln. Ing The aervicoa were conducted un­ examination until surh time as It can only stage aetting was the green grass The case of Hamtiel Carroll, charged KVKKT IN BLKIi:. br detlultely learned whether Mr> M fMAL ROUTES der the ausph^ of St. Jotas Oora- YKIB IHIS. and tbe mound of earth, on which with violation of the local option law. mandery, Knights Templar, No. 84. of Miller will llx-c. .Miller appeared ner­ Kndymlon fell asleep Tbe audience, waa continued until the next tarm of vous In court and Inquired as to his which Mr. Fields held the oSee Of which numbered about 40u. waa aeuted MHNF HAVi: HKKK KKTIRKI.V FLIB. court Hcnttnel. St. Johns lodge, F. aad A. wifes condition. In clialra. The proceeds of the play The case of Albert Harder, charged .Mrs Miller says that while 111. she IKATKIl. EffiKTH COMENTION HELD M. No. lo:*, acted aa escort to the TUEAT FOB ST. JONNS PEOPLE will be given to the Alumni Acbolar- with aiaiutory rape, wa* also contln'ied Knights. telepbomd a physlrlan who pul up ship fund and amounted to $*u. until the next term of court. some medicine ahlrh her husband de ­ AVilllam 11. Field was born in Ohio The coaturaes. all of which were of The trial of Jamim AIcDInn of St. M.\ CHAPTFBS WKBF WELL BR- livered One envelope contained tab­ DIVF> I'MIKK ITHPIf'I'H (IF Wl'fll. In 19.14. At the age of two yenrs. he the undent (Ireek style, were very at­ John*, charged with taking lnde<-ent PBFHFNTKII. came with his parents to Mlchlgna. lets. three of which, taken at inter- ffFECmiE NEXT WEONESIIW llbertia* with a child. wHl commence \als. made her violently III Miller CAI. ART MM IF.TY. tractive The court ladies and court ­ and settled In Oreenbush township la ier* were <lres»ed tn different colored Friday at 9 o'* lock li»li2. lie wa* united In lunniage to ti¥»k the envelopes, osteuslbl) to re­ .Nalurallulion papers were Issued turn them and chanse the iitedicinc drexee*. while the dryad* and Oreads I'.AHIIILMN RILL RKIVF KAKTHF.K I.l•■ie Roman Fleeted Fre*Mealt .Next .Mias Myra Hodgson of fJreonbuah. He M. Murri* taaderwatter nf Muokegen were drcaaed in green. tn .Meyer H .Neirnrg of Duplaln. a and flellxered to Ills wife, this time. Meeting To He Held At came to Ht Johns soon after, aad for FtCH TRIP. native of Ituasla. Maxinllllon J. Salle a time, occupied the (losltlnn of clerk, Hire, envclope^ bearins the dm tor's lteprc«ented^r. He*t The story of the play Is a* follows: of St. Johns, a native of Canada, Josepli label, one of which < oiitaincd more of Artemis meet* Mermee and charge^ Maple KapM*. and later went Into pertnerahip, under Here. John .Miller at l<eban'«. a nativ* of tt.« same tablets, ^a) the (tollce him to kv-ep all mortal* out of the for ­ It l.eu*l a.(MM( Pa(r*in« Rill (tel Cermany. .Albert MIkel .Mot/ of F^ow ler the Arm name of Steel, liromley aad •Mrs Miller hw-s shi- later fourol In est that they may not frighten the deer. H native of Cermany Field. Mr. liromley stayed in the firm the pocket of .' ••r i iisbuiid - coat an Heniie* promise*, but. bent on ml»- Mull on IHffereuI .No! Ill M long lime has tn*- village alMiul two years, and then tbe firm was U Mortu Valid. r*uUer «( .Muske- The (8*e* against .Sidney Kincaid of Klaic bf-en a* brilliantly illuiiilnal^ ordinary ent*- op. ontuinina a quan ­ iron wa* In town Mondat. in the inter- rhlef. resolve* to let Kndymlon pass IlMSlr*. -nd Krn***t Ixrkwood. both of Water- called .Steel, Field, and Steel.
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