PUEl) A SU VM'HA. tr.TAL MARKET. O Fao MnrMiw Thac n l antro periodica torio got llira todo al t'opper tía. Buroaata I mismo día en qua a publi- mirar, p" o. cado, afeado fiel a ai) fecha cada dta 1 i, aei alto. La paWlna contiena lai Laa. par tro iba. , u to aitlmaa noticia a del Ata en eapaJlnt. Fagxrjttflrni na mme$ Mar. per ton it,. k.ibos. 34TH YEAR. IMKST BONA FIDE PAID CIRCULATION III SOUTHWEST EL PASO. TEXAS. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1913. TWELVE PAGES PRICK FIVE CENTS Here's the Real Hero ofVolturno FIND OP GEN. HUERTA train wra Disaster, Lloyd the Second Officer DOUBLE GIME E. PANKHURST Kil l s TWKNTT 80LRIKRS AND in l M. PLAYEO IN MEXICAN POL- COMMIHMONF.R OF IMMIGRATION I NJV R E I MORR THAN 100 ITICK BY tJEN. VICTOKIANO (ilVKH COHN8F.I, AN INFORMAL ADDITIONAU HUERTA. HF.ARINU ON CASK. FORMER AMERICAN AMBASSADOR 1 GOING FROM FORT MORGAN WILL BREAK WITH GAMBOA NO LAW PERMITTING KER BOND GRIEVANCES PEEVEO ANO AIRS HIS WRKR KN Rome ON HPFCIAli EXraCTH TO BK F.liF.CTF.I HIM. FOR THAT REA HON gl'KSTION OF TRAIN FROM MOBILE TO THE 8KI.F IN THE KI.kXTlONH TO HFR TEMPORARY RELEAME MISSISSIPPI OTATE FAIR. UK II F.I.I) NF.XT HtlNnAY. COCLDNT HE CONSIDERED. Re- ! Hearry Lane Wilson Gives Out a TRAIN PLUNGED THROUGH TRESTLE CANDIDACY DIRECT UPFRONT TO THE U.S. REGULAR HEARINIPWILL RE HELD TODAY His view of Events Which Led to Repon RectrWnl ln.ui tin- - Wrrrk This (internment Has .Marie the For- Om -- Hon lnoleri Appears In ltd Are of tl-- ' Mom Mragi? mal RcqucNt Thst tic. Huerta Whether or Not Woman Hss Bern Dismissal From Diplomatic Service. Proportion. Shall Elimínate Himself. tiullty uf Moral Turpitude. ' By The, Prent as to your success in dealing By s, ,i Wire The Timen 4oolated future By Tse AssocJniYrf Press l. By The Awnctntft PrcM 8pokarre, Wonh., Oct. The let- with delicate International affairs." Washington, Oct. 19 Immigration Meridian. Misa, Oct.- Twenty t, t, Washington, oct. 19. ter to Secretary of Btate Bryan In Seventeen Years Service. 1. Huerta's denial of any Intention Commissioner 'amlnettl today de- seven -- soldiers were killed and about one which Henry Lane Wilson tendered Mr. Wilson next reviews his of resinning adds another cause for clined to release Mr. Kin niel inn teen years of diplomatic service, say- hundred hurt when a special troop serious npprehension In th- thrviit It ' ambos-aado- r tank hurst, British militant suffra- his resignation as American ing an Investigation of his work train on the Mobile ft Ohio ratlroadJ carries thai Muerta will be a candí- - that plunged through a near State gist, on build from the Ell la Islarhl to Mexico wan made public will show that it "was In the highest trestle date for Ion alter breaking ad- Lino, Miss., The cas- Immigration station pending final here today by Mr. Wilson. The let- degree useful in humanltsrlan. com- this afternoon. with Unmlmii, in whom he originally appeal political ways." and that ualty list Is given In a report of the promised his support judication r her from the ter was written in Indianapolis, Ind. mercial snd by order of the deport at mil Ism led yes- the recordó of the state department disaster Dtvlelon Superintendent The paragraph In which sdinlnls- - Aim 'i t jx. In part, Mr. Wilson ample evidence to the general Plgford, of the Mobile ft Ohio, sent trsttoti officials see cause for alarm terday hy a special hoard of Inquiry. bear Mr w up formally wrote: satisfaction which his etrnrta won. to hesdquarters of ths road in Mobile. is that In which Huerta saya: Her ca lit be taken Repon0lllty RlMiaimod. He refused the ambassadorships to Reports from tho scene of the wreck "Should the elections, which will be tonmri " morning by Commissioner meagre - Csininctti nod it Is snld a definite de- "1 have the honor toeacknowlcdge Russia, Anstrla and Turkey, he says, are because of interrupted held as have promised, indicate an- because. of 'lack of finances and went wire communication. Most of ths dead other for the presidency, shall step; cision on her release or deportation your August ' the receipt of note of to Mexico, appreciating that he had a and Injured It is reported, were start- asme. may be reached during the day. 14 transmitting a copy df a tele- ed to Mobile on special graphic depart- hard task before htm. a train. Huerta Exk" Election. Accorded Informal Hen ring. Instruction of the gave my whole time and my According to report This de la rut ion Is to curry t salt! today 16 am- t the received held 'nmmlseioner CamluetH ment of state the American health," he add, "and denied myself here, some of dead are: with It the mi mat ton Huerta power bassador In London directing him to the that thai he had done all in his lo the privilege, whirs all men consider Jossph Teben. feels there only the remotes) possi- fuel la tf determination of the case. disclaim all responsibility on the, performing bility that au will be In- sacred, of the last offices Ernest Parquette. other than he Counsel for Mi Pankhurst were ac- part of this government for an the bedside of my beloved mother Clyde Tool. successful at the election he has nulled terview to me. The clos- st corded nfi Informal hearing of several uttrlbuted snd my only brother." H. B. Bishop. for next Sunday. The sdmlnlstm(lon by Caml- ing paragraph of the Ipatructlon re- Mixed cannot look upon honn todas Commissioner Never la Pelttles. G. C. Burleson. this development 'i A W, Parker, chief of ferred to states that hc regrets ex- He worked dally from s s. tn to mid- without displeasure, beca use nettl ami ceedingly repre- Joseph. Provence. Huerta's the law division of the bureau of Im- that a diplomatic night or Ister and often on Sunday, be W. H. Brlmm. candidacy could not be construed In sentative of this government should says, but "never mixed In the s)lght any other light than as a direct migration Impropriety.' Ooodes. t Ii known tonight that n be guilty of such an The est degree In the polities of Mexico? Hem sen. to this government, in view of became lust puragraph of j'our note, to me He" policy friendly ' the represent at by great many high officials favored ad- maintained a of . Oruokely. Ions made John states president not go LI mitting not because of any sym- that 'the does with the Madero admin One body, unidentified. nd on behalf of President Wilson, in her. farther at this time because he, taMes Istrstlon, be ssys, finding that no' In- which the spec I flu request was made pathy for the individual or her cause, It for granted action which All were privates and members of speech bo maintained. that the tention existed of righting American Company U. fl. thai Huerta should not he a candi- hut that free ho has been obliged to fake In this to represen- 89. Coast artlllsry, A. Sought TcmiMirury Relcnae. wrongs"! ceased maks la believed wreck was caused date at the forthcoming elections. will he to you a sufficient re- except In- It the m di- matter tations to It. In urgent cases by the engine plunging through a Huerta's latest statement not the Atiorneys for Mrs Psnkhurst minder of your, official obligations.'" volving the loss of life or propérty. mengre In the catalog up of the real heroes hut his captain asked him to make the only evidence that he Is an active can- rected their efforts today ehlefl) to- Mr never gs ve ex presslon to ray trestle, but some accounts are didate presidency. temporary Wilson calls attention to a Yet I that several cars piled up on top of 1 the Vol turno lisas tor the unmn of attempt. He saluted snd went over for the John Llnd, ward obtaining her release memorandum .of hie dated August 18 lack of faith In the government', except the side. VVIihtu a few hours the President Wilson's personal repre- from custody at Ellis lalaud pending com- to the state depart merit and never It. As far as known the wreckage Kriwarri Lloyd, secpml officer uf the sentative at V era crux, tn agreeing to refrain, from public did not take fire. hravit sailors of the Ifurf uerttt had declares that consideration fo the case, order ment upon the instructions to the abated In the least my friendly rela- Volturno, Is written with thHi of Cap mate Hd IJoyd's conquered he has In his possession circulars urg- she might fulfill lecture con- The Ttflrty-rtlnt- h and 170th dsrlns. had that tions With that government. Mere tall, quiet thirty-thre- e ing the people to Vote for Huerta ambassador In London or to the note companies of Coast artillery stationed tain Inch. is what this 'he sea and had taken off lor tracts. to himself, but adds that "he must it n i in ii With Huerta. Kt oken. modest yming ICngllshman did: men. Lloyd "Was hrulsed snd burned the office of presldeni. Many of the Commissioner Cumlncttl promptly at Fort Morgan, were taken to Mo- circulars in the possession of Mr. reipectf ully decline to accept as "My relations with the provisional morning On Thursday nlfrht when it seemed that and hurl by falling twenty feet while made it clear, however, that he could brought by bile this and at noon hoarded unpther "explOMion would lti-a- tho trying to 1.1ml were distributed as far south as definite or Just the action of the president were atout the & repair he wireless.
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