qr. .- 12 r T DEC. 25, 1909.]J L K'Dus,DuiJ'n,M' THE jrMiih Mjteica ASaOurnaEA 'T0 E JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. EDITED BY DAWOSN WILLIAMS, M.D., D.SC.(HON.), ASSISTED BY CHARLES LOUIS TAYLOR. IA.1 I!,I .I I VOLUME 11, 1909. J JUL3.AIF r03TO DCE3MP E93It. A otanbn PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, L 429, STRAND, W.C. DEC. 25, 1909.] IMDCwATax BrumJeoaNAJ 3 __ t -!,- ' ->r, I < 12~~~~~~~~~~I INDEX TO VOLUME II FOR 1909. Readers in search of a particular sui#ct-will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more sepay4tb but nearly synonymous headings-such, for instance, as Elr'ain and Cerebral ; Heart and Cardiac; Liver and Mplatbo; Renal and Kidney; Cancer and Epithelloma, Malignant Dibeaet, New Growth, Sarcoma, etc.; Child and Infant; SPonchocele, Goitre, and Thyroid; Diabetes, Glycosuria and Sugaf r Light, Roentgen, Radium, X Rays; Status Lymphaticus and Thymus Eye, Ophthafnia and Vision; Bicycle aiid. Cycle; Motor and Automobile; Association, lntiitution, Society, etc. A. Aeti-the Truck, 103; and medical attendance, Alcohol question discussed at International 10 Oongress of Medicine, 1289 Abdomen, indications for opening in acute Ae* Tberculosis Prevention (Ireland), 104, Alcohol and the race, 395 cases (W. G. Spencer), 1789 1002, 1648; memorandum from Alcohol in relation to multiple neuritis (Jud- Abdominal operations, care of patients before Government Board in Ireland, 104, son S. Bury), 1025; correspondence on, 1257 and after, 1190 scorrespondence on, 184; question in Alcoholism in women in Hungary, 1824 Abdominal surgery, review of books on, eas~bin ent. 1002 ALEXANDER, FREDEBICK WILLIM: Diabetes 147 Ach Workmen's Compensation, 102, 114, 170, and lecithin, 1108 Abdominal tuberculosis. See Tuberculosis 014, 1075. 1261, 1293, 1318, 1426, 1432, 1443, ALEXANDER, SAMUEIL, obituary notice of, 118 Aberbargoed Cottage Hospital, 1824 1502, 1653, 1787, 1829; and traumatic ALExANDBR, THomAs HOOD W soN,appobited Aberdeen, medical inspection of school endicitis, 102; medicalmen and, 170; edu J,P. for county of Elgin, 1615 children in. 907 on, industrial diseases, and (Sir Thomas Aliens and trachoma in London, 293 Aberdeen University. See University Over), 907; reviewof books on, 1075; baker's ALLANj GEORGE A.: Dextrocardi, 1618 Aberystwyth guardians and medicalfesa, 1446 ezema, 1261; statistics for 1908, 1293; the ALLAN, J.: Tuberculosis in children and Abortion, early, and the anatomy of the ovum Eome Secretary on medical examinations,- school inspection, 1716 (B. P. Watson and H. Wade), 1751 1318; and anthrax infection, 1432; com- ALLBUTT, Sir CLIFFORD: A System of Aftti- AJSRAEA, W., on the British Medical Aseooc pulsory operations, 1426, 1443; (Tutton v. cine, rev., 794; angina pectoris, 1122; teach- tion, 1647 Owners of ss. Majestic), 1443; (Marshall v. ing of therapeutics, 1230; medical Lee4t Abscess, oerebral (Cecil Shaw), 81 Orient Steam Navigation Company), 1443; fifty years ago, 1305; Greek medioine in Abscess, mastoid (S. 8. Whillis)A284 effect of a medical referee's report, 1443; Rome, 1449,1515.1598 ABE, IsAAc: Pediatrics, rev., 161 examination by employer's doctor, 1443; Allen and Hanburys' malt extract, composi- Academy, Royal of Medicine in Ireland; 118, at Neweastle, 1497; cerebral haemorrhage, tion of, 1478 1534; annual general meeting, 1376; l i 1502. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CASEs114, ALLBLVI, G.: La Medicina Sociale, rev., 1160 of Obstetrics, 1534; Wertheim's opeik 1014, 1318, 1502, 1653; lead poisoning and ALLINsoN, Mrs.: " The Present and Future of (Dr. Tweedy), 1534 insanity, 114; compensation claims, 1014; Collegiate Education," 1173 Acathosis nigricans, case of (Robect' 9 WM) the Home Secretary on medical examina- ALLWORTHY, S. W.: Case of cutaneour aetinq- 547; (George St. George), 548; (Gk tions, 1318; eye injury, 1318; "arising out mycosis, 453 Melville), 548; correspondence o416 of the employment," 1318; cerebral haemor- ALPERTONI, Professor: Alimentary' changee Acanthosis nigricans, case of und o e rhage, 1502; incapacity due to former em- in the various social classes, 801 of Norman Walker (reported by ployment, 1653; miner's nystagmus, 1653; Altmann's granules, absence of from cells of McIntosh), 1530 fees- for medical examination, 1787, 1829; malignant new growths (Henry Beckton), Accidents and clubs, 1829 insanity following trauma, 1787 859; discussion, 861 Acoidents, street, 45; Metiropolitin AEAUxs Aoti WorkmeW's Compensation, eye injuries Ambulance Association, St. John, 416; aPp- Board and, 45 in relation to (Freeland Forgus), 874; pointments, 416 AOHAuD, H. J. " The doctor a*; a v us discussion, 876 Ambulance Bill. See Bill philanthropist," 419 Actinomycosis, cutaneous, case of (S. W. All- Ambulance car, colliery, 1576 Aohondroplasia occurring in a, OGh an worthy), 453; discussion, 453 Ambulance lectures, 59 (Gordon Moir), 516 Action, for alleged negligenoe, 421; for Ambulance lectures and voluntary aid detaeh- Achondroplasia, the skeleton in (A. hacis damnages against an Edinburgh Hospital, ments, 1382, 1441, 15&1, 1649,1715 Dixon), 672; discussion, 673 502; for libel (Johnson v. BrixtonFsree Press), Ambulance organization of railway compaslee Aoids, faft*r influence of i'- u^8ulosis 1501; Adams v. Vanity. Fair and others, (J. M. Carvell), 387 (Owen T. Williams and Chai5PL Vt1 h)i 1700,1723. See also Adams Ambulance service for. London (leaditsg. 1120 Action and habit, results of uniformity of article), 486 Acne vulgaris, bacteriology and_-vebbo;d (R. J. Anderson), 688 Amenorrhoea without apparent causg, 432 ment of (Alexander Flemin*J4I3 ADAm, Dr.: A caehd mille fealtagh, 248 America, a personal investigation into We Aot, Notification of Births, 14W ADAM, JAMs: Chronic oedema of the face dietetic theories of (Alexander Bryce), 1665 Act, Childken, 40; and unquai d A40 and mueons membranes, 933 America. See alsO United States Act, Civil Service Superanna ADAMS V. Vanity Fair, 1700; leading article, Americanist Congress. See Congress Act, Dairies and Cowsheds 1700; report of the case, 1723; an appeal, "Ammonium spiricum," 1264 question in Parliament, 230 1761; note on, 1767; Mr. Pomeroy on vaccina- Anaemia, pernicious (Miss Woodward), 1755 Act, the Inebriates, 906; -aine tion, 1783 Anaemia, pernicious, pigmentation in (H. D. Act, the Midwives, 108. 236, 493. ADDIsoN, 0. L.: Congenital enlargement of Rolleston), 1156 1367, 1442, 1446, 1822.; in Salfod, ; in one limb, 1617 Anaemia, splenic (Dr. Cunliffe), 1532 Manchester, 236; annual report, tion Address in medicine (R. W. Philip), 256; lead- Anaemias, severe, "factsII and "theory" ro on, 1261; proposed amend- 4I 167, ing article on, 276 garding the treatment of, 49, 111 1442; (letter from ManchW O tion), Address in obstetrics (Sir John Byers), 301 Anaesthesia, anniversary of the discevety of, 1360; correspondence on hester leading article on, 334 1083, 1370 practitioner), 1442; Chda Fulham Address in surgery (Arthur E. Barker), 263; Anaesthesia, deaths under, 483, 501, 578, 920, medical men and, 1446 leading article on, 278 1198, 1829; spinal, deaths under, 578 Act, the Midwives: Report of Dejrtmental Adenoids-and asthenopia (W. M. Killen), 879; Anaesthesia, local, in dentistry, 1832 Committee, 556, 566, 72 ter*im dc reference, discussion, 880 AnaestheBia in obstetrics, 1165 556; value of ther At. supply of Adiposis dolorosa (Dr. MacMullen), 1753 Anaesthesia, proposed legislation on (leading midwives, 556; r e of medical ADLER, HEINRIcH, death of, 1831 article), 1637; correspondence on, 1714'18t8 men, 556; miscellalsa 'ki-Iment1, 557;- Adrenalin in asthma, 1323 Anaesthesia, review of books on, 989' sunmary of recomm , 557; suDPlY Advertising and health lectures, 1016 Anaesthesisa sdopolamiue a;nd nldftvikW in' and training of la JliW;l remunera- Advertising, medical, 92D (Torrance- Thonson and Dents Cotttrtll), tion of medlical men a ua on abcount Advertising of modical schools, 422 1408 of midwi1Gs, 558; de, tla d#their powers Adv&rtising, professinal', 808, 916, 1011. Anaesthesia, spinal (George Chiebl&. 785; by county coancil, 5. tin of the Afferetts,idep, their fuhetled and distruibU (Dudleay W. Buxton), 786; diScut, 7t Contrl Midwives Ina ees of tion (C. S. Sherrington), 679; disetssiOn, 8'79 Anaesthesia, vein, 810 the Cestral Midwiv 1 ;0Midwives' Africair Entomological Researdh Comain tte Anaesthesia, warning! as to (in Austria), 4963 Ro}ll 568; disc I 559; pri- See Entomological Anaestlietic, gar and-ether as an (EDward vate lying-in hom_tueatury-borf Agglutinins-,.heterologous (W. JameS Wilson'), Phillits), 1407 children,559; ophtkn o tom m, 559; 866 Anaesthetic, the responsibility for the, 1501 Notification of Bi_ stillbirths, AGRAMkONTE: Yellbw fever in Cuba, 1290 Anaesthetics Bill. See Bill 559; inquiries by l Georernment AmMAN, J.: Asthma and diphtheria anti- Anaesthetics, proposed legislation in regald Board into the effedW t *or1dn- of, the toxn'scrum, 1016 to, 113, 242, 128S, 1792 (Frederic W.- Hewitt), Ati, 559; minor 1!-ts of the Aet, Albumen Water, urticaria aftet, 1788 1283 559; conclusion, 518; IdWarticle on, 566; AlcOhol oongress. See Congress Anaesthetics, instruction in for dental correspondence a** 70 Alcohol and housing, 1575; and immunity, students, 177, 352, 1242 Act. the Oath., X aBll 217 Anaesthetics and dentists (SirVictor- Horeley) AcOt, Pubio Health Am mt 1429 Alcohol injections for neuralgia, 1166 1242; corAftodenoeeone-1317 Tisz BRIUS 4. MkDICAL JOURNALI _. INDEX$ [DEC. 25, 190Og.t Anal tumour. See
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