The Raider Review April 2018 Meyersdale Area High School 25 cents Maddie named Queen By Kasie Campbell enade in their numerical order. After that, each girl had to do On Saturday, March a talent of around four minutes 3rd at the Meyersdale Area long. Once that was over the High School Queen Maple LXX, judges then made their deci- Maeve Kreinbrook crowned sions of the girls who would Meyersdale’s Madeline Bittner be in the top 5. These girls in- as new Maple Queen to repre- cluded: Jade Hetz, Rockwood, sent the 71st annual Pennsylva- Ms Bittner, Ms Rough, Sheay nia Maple Festival. Beeman, Somerset, and Abyi- Every year since 1948, gal Broadwater, Berlin. we have crowned a queen to The girls chosen for represent the festival. The first top 5 had to answer two on stage queen was crowned at her coro- questions to place them for the nation on March 18th 1948. runner up positions and queen. Her name was Miss Agnes Jean Once the questions were done, Hornbrook, and she won the Queen Maeve did her final title of Pennsylvania’s first Ma- promenade and her goodbye ple Queen. Each girl that has speech. Then the time finally competed for the title has gone came to give out the awards through the same stages of the and crown the new queen. pageant. Meyersdale’s Chloe In the morning of Rough won the Promenade the day of the contest, all the award and was chosen as First participants go through their Runner Up. Ms Bittner won own individual interviews. The Maple Wisdom, Talent, and was girls must take a test to see chosen as Queen Maple. From how much knowledge they Somerset School District, Sheay each have of the Maple Festival Beeman won Miss Congeniality and its history. This award is and Interview. Plus she was cho- then called the Maple Wisdom sen for Second Runner Up. award. Then later that night all Ms Bittner reacted, the girls compete for the crown. “Being crowned Queen Maple Each girl trying to place in the LXXI was a wonderful moment! top 5 and the following awards: Hometown proud! This year’s Maple Queen, Maddie Bittner and First Runner-Up, Chloe I have worked very hard the Maple Wisdom, Miss Congeni- Rough bask in the their accomplishments. Photo by Nadia Minnick past few months preparing for ality, Promenade, Talent, Inter- the contest and I was so happy view, Second Runner up, First (Katie) Kretchman, Madeline me experience what it would Thomas. Along with our girls that all my hard work paid off. Runner Up, and Queen. Johnson, Shana Thomas, and be like in a real job interview the contest also had seven oth- I am excited for a great year.” This year we had five Chloe Rough. This experience and I feel that this experience er girls who were representing Congratulations to all the girls, girls representing Meyers- is something that the girls made me more outgoing”, said other schools. Once the contest may their experience be as dale: Madeline Bittner, Mary loved being a part of. “It helped Maple Queen Contestant Shana started the girls did their prom- sweet as the Maple Festival! Master challenge By Kathryn Most class, he will have five lessons of metal that comes out to the Brody Sanner has been with these teachers and then mouth is called the vocal. The playing bassoon since seventh they will play a solo in front of other one is called ‘The Master grade. Brody started playing the other students who have au- Players Festival’ which is an in- alto-saxophone first, then after ditioned also. The teachers and ternational class,” Mr Sanner the introduction to new instru- other students will then critique explained. ments his first day of middle the solo. These master classes The class in Texas is school band, decided to learn are mainly to help Mr Sanner strictly for bassoons and the one how to play bassoon. improve his bassoon playing, in Delaware is for orchestral in- Now as a junior, Mr reed work, and to help with his struments. Mr Sanner will get Sanner has been accepted into orchestral playing. to work with the Juilliard bas- not one but two master classes. Master classes are dif- soon professor at the master in One is in Delaware and one is ferent from private lessons be- Austin, Texas. The Austin class in Austin, Texas. The one in cause they give a musician the is one week and the Delaware Delaware will entail him work- opportunity to meet with teach- class is two weeks. He is both ing with his private teacher, ers who are very hard to get a nervous and excited. and ad- who is also a professor at the time to meet with them or have mits that it’s always a hard time University of Delaware, and a lesson with. “The one in Aus- to balance everything he has to Brody Sanner and his magic oboe, ready to head to Dela- George Savaconi, the professor tin is called ‘Vocal Majority,’ do in and out of school. ware and Texas this summer. Photo by Ani Beitzel at Eastwood. During the master because on a bassoon the piece News April 2018 The Raider Review Page 2 Violence in school: a rising threat By Kylie Bittner One example is that here at MAHS, had some valid Recently, the attention of Shade-Central City High points on the changes in proce- and concern of our nation has School’s graduation ceremony dure,” Coming in from outside, turned to a new danger, one being alleged to be the target of the door was unlocked and that that impacts us all implicitly a mass shooting, in which three would be a really easy way for as students - a rise in the num- students were to take part. One a shooter to get in. We’re tak- ber of school shootings. student, Jacob Deneen, was ar- ing in little things, instead of The primary example, rested at the school on account larger safety issues, stuff like and the one that kick-started of making terroristic threats, the safety entrance makes me the chain reaction, was the and was sent to the Somerset feel safer but we need to focus Valentine’s Day shooting at County Jail after being unable on self-awareness.” Marjory Stoneman Douglas to post 50,000 dollars bail. John Wiltrout, the prin- High School in Parkland, Flor- A similar case also cipal of MAHS, largely agreed ida. The shooter, who has since cropped up at North Star High with the concerns of students confessed, Nikolas Cruz, was a School, in which parents called and staff, “Meyersdale Area former student of the school state police about a concerning School District, first and fore- and was under watch from the message their children had re- most, places the safety of our FBI due to warnings about his ceived on Snapchat. The mes- students as the highest priority behavior. sage told the students not to go within our district. Although The most glaring sign to school the next day if they we have always maintained a of his intent came in the form wanted to live, which obvi- high level of safety, we are al- of a YouTube comment, in ously amounted to a threat in ways examining further proac- which Cruz stated, “I’m going itself. Though, an investigation tive and preventative measures to become a professional school by the police concluded that to ensure the safety of our stu- shooter,” which set off warn- there was no concrete threat to dents.” ing bells for law enforcement. the students or staff. No one can expect the He arrived to the school by an In the face of this dan- district to implement any pre- Uber car and then opened fire gerous situation, safety precau- cautions to completely remove (L-R) Abbie Simpson, Kasie Campbell, Kaitlyn Dowd, on students on school grounds tions have been taken in many the risk of a school shooting, and Austin Minnick join a national walkout at 10 a.m. on and in classrooms, injuring a institutions, though despite but the elevated awareness in March 14 for those killed at Stoneman Douglas HS. The few and killing seventeen stu- larger schools being bigger itself will reduce the risk. walkout lasted 17 minutes, one minute for each person dents and school personnel. targets, smaller schools are slain at the school. Photo by Kathryn Most After causing panic also affected. Some have seen in the wake of the attack, he how these events have impact- got rid of his AR-15 assault ed our own school and how rifle and vest and proceeded they have changed some of the to blend in with the fleeing rules and behaviors of every- students. He was later caught one affiliated with the district. and apprehended when exiting Whether these policies Ain’t Joshing a McDonald's. This led into a are a benefit or a detriment is nation-wide rash of shootings yet to be seen, but caution in the By Abbie Simpson and threats of violence against face of this level of violence is schools, which has even begun of especial importance. Karlee On Wednesday, March to impact us all locally. Logsdon, a sophomore student 28th, the 11th annual Raider Review talent show took place at Meyersdale Area High School where students showcased their special skills. Senior Josh Hum- James the bowler berson won the $100 prize with his rendition of Biz Markie’s “Just a Friend.” By Emily Rosenberger Other performers in- in each window.
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