'The GJJallas Quarterly Volume XXX March 1984 Number I In Cooperation With The Dallas Public Library Dallas Genealogical Society A TEXAS NON-PROFIT CORPORATION P.O.Box 12648 D•lla, Tuas75225 lncoopuationwiththe DALLAS PUBLIC LIBRARY 1 9 8 3 1 9 8 4 OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS President Margaret Ann HUDSON (Mrs. J. E., Jr.) 661-5126 First Vice President Chan EDMONDSON 559-2987 Vice - President - Programs Robert SEARS 559-2987 Vice President - THE DALLAS QUARTERLY Mary Helen BRENGEL (Mrs.) 942-0550 Vice President - Mernbership Charles BLACKARD 341-4946 Vice President - The Newsletter Marjorie RADLEY (Mrs. Guy) 351-3353 Recording Secretary Bet ty BROOKS (Mrs.) 331-2261 Treas urer Sue HARRIS 1Mrs. Nat) 352-1977 DIRECTORS Publicity Robert ("Bob") YATES 361-0961 Mailings Adrienne JAMIESON (Mrs. John) 34 8-3414 Library Liaison (R) 522-1302 Lloyd DeWi tt BOCKSTRUCK (0) 749-4129 Special Projects Norrna CANSLER (Mrs. Lowell, Jr.) 348-4264 Parliamentarian Mary Sue CARUTH (Mrs. Ray) 821-2692 Exchange Rubyanne DARNELL (Mrs. Gordon J.) 247-5046 Books (R) 352-8153 Lee MARKOFF (0) 749-4129 All correspondence concerning the Dallas Genealogical Society and THE DALLAS QUARTERLY is to be sent to P. 0. Box 12648, Dallas, Texas 75225 CJ'he Quarterly Mary Helen Brengel, Editor VOLUME XXX MARCH, 1984 NUMBER ONE CONTENTS SOCIETY SECTION Officer and Directors •...••••••••••••..•.. Inside Front Cover Publications ••••......••.•••••.•........... Inside Back Cover Editer' s Page ..•...••••......•..•.....•...••••••••••.•...•• 2 GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH SECTION Acquisitions .•..•.•••••.........•.....••..••••••.••......•. 3 Micr~film Acqu~sitions = ~~~~~~;~:::::::::::::::::::::::: :~~ White Rock Camp Ground Meeting Records ...•.•.•..•.•••••••. 25 Dallas County Deed Book "A" ••.•...••.......••••••••••..•.. 33 National Genealogical Society' s 4th Annua! Conference San Francisco, California, May 24 - 26, 1984 ..•.•.....•• 44 Book Reviews, by Pat Schrader •••••••.•••....•••....•.•..•• 4 5 Queries •••.....•....•.••••••••.•....••.......•.••••••••.•. 48 "Precedents and Calves" ....... ............................ 52 Index (not includinq Acquisitions) ••••••••.............••• 53 THE DALLAS QUARTERLY is published by the Dallas Genealogi­ cal Society (formerly the Local History and Genealogical Society) four times per calendar year: March, June, September and December. Subscription is by membership in the Society. Dues for the calendar year are $10.00 if paid by Jan. 31, and $11.00 after Jan. 31. Residents of foreign countries, please ask for additional cost of mailing. Information about the Society may be obtained by writing to P. O. Box 12648, Dallas, Texas 75225. All correspondence and materials relative to THE DALLAS QUARTERLY should be directed to The Editor, P. o. Box 12648, Dallas, Texas 75225. Accuracy of material printed herein cannot be guaranteed by THE DALLAS QUARTERLY, The Editer or the Dal las Genealogical Society, proofs are required for publication. Copyright © March, 1984 Dallas Genealogical Society Dallas, Texas This month our quarterly changes its name from "THE QUARTERLY ," as it has been known in the past to "THE DALLAS QUARTERLY." While this wil 1 necessitate changes in library ca ta loging, (we' 11 now be found under the letter "D" rather than under the letter "Q"), it wil 1 by the same token prevent us from being omitted in listings of quarterlies, as it has been noted we have been omitted in the past. When you find listings of the quarterlies of Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Omaha, etc., how do you index for iden­ tification "The Quarterly"? Each genealogical society throughout the nation and elsewhere have A quarter ly, so if we were listed as THE QUARTERLY, the title lacked identifi- cation. Now we are identified! I believe you should all share the letter received this month from our member Margaret McKamy Colwel 1. She writes: "I enjoyed the December issue of The Quarterly, and especial ly the article on White Rock Camp Meeting. My par­ ents told so many stories of those camp meetings. I wonder how many members of the Society find their ancestors listed as campers. w. T. (Thomas) McKamy was my grandfather." She continues: "You will find a picture of the taber- nacle on Page 474 of Elm Fork Settlements: Farmers Branch and Carrol l ton by GeorgiaMyers Og le. Mrs. Willie Charlotte (Jackson) Good supplied the picture. The Jackson family attended the camp meetings, and Mrs. Good can give some good first hand information . .. 11 With this month' s issue, we continue our publication of the records of the White Rock Camp Ground Meetings, and know our members and readers wil 1 al 1 agree that this is an important record of early Dallas in its formative years, naming names of those who were important to its formation. This month we are starting to carry Dal las County Deed Book "A", careful ly copied fro" the Courthouse records by membersof our Society. Having worked at length with these detail ed records, I feel that each issue in which they are published should carry a ROLL OF HONOR giving the names of those whose records are used. Our ROLL OF HONOR for this issue is as fol lows: Pat Schrader, Erie H. Bol ding, Clytes Cullar, Gwen Neumann, Martha Vermillion and Bet ty Lovejoy. You people have done a wonderful work in abstract­ ing this information so that it can be published. The list should also include, of course, Renee Smith, who originated the form used by the work team at the Courthouse. The Dal­ las Genealogical Society can surely feel a sense of pride in those members who have given of their own time and efforts to make such information available for future genealogical researchers. DO PLAN TO ATTEND THE DGS WORKSHOP IN MAY, ABOUT WHICH YOU 'LL RECEIVE MORE INFORMATION IN YOUR DGS NEWSLETTER. Best wishes for good research ! Editor Dallas Genealogical Society The follawing is an abbreviated listing, through Dec. 15, 1983, of ACQUISITIONS of the Genealogy Section, Dallas Public Library -- by Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck Churches of Choctaw Co , AL Merrorial Record of AL (2 Vols) Maps in Samford Univ Library, Barbara Roberts (gift, Lloyd D Bockstruck) Old Records of Estates & Administrations, Benton (calhoun) Co , AL (V 1) , catherine C Mann Butler Co in the 19th Century, Marilyn Davis Hahn Lure and Lore of Limestone Co, Faye Acton Axford Selma: Her Institutions and Her Men , John Hardy Cemeteries of Jefferson Co , AL (V 1), Marilyn Davis Hahn Lauderdale Co, AL in the 1870 ' s , Polly C Warren Alabama Family History (V 4) Alabama 1810 Census Epitaphs in East Central Alabama (V Il) Jefferson Co , AL , Cemeteries (V I) , Marilyn Davis Hahn Tap Roots (V 2) ARIZONA Arizona 1869 Census ARKANSAS The Genie, (V 17) Izard Co Historian (V 14) Abstracts of Original Land Entries from Land Records , Mary F Hodges Backtracker (V 12) Arkansas 1830 Census Index Cemeteries of Washington Co , AR , (V VI) Joseph Kuykendall of Pulaski Co, AR (gift of Mrs Mary B Curtis) Arkansas Family Historian (V 2 & 3; V 5 - 10 and V 12, 13, 15 & 16) (Gift of Wallace Waits) CALIFORNIA Microfilm Reel Index • • • "california County and Regional Histories" California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin (V 15) california Historical Society Notes , 1971- 72 COLORADO The Colorado Genealogist (V 44) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington, D C, Enumeration Districts for the 1910 Census , Charles B Garlet (Gift of author) COONECTICUT Genealogies of Connecticut Families Incident at Hartford, carol Seager Puller (Gift of Charles & Cordelia Seager) FLORIDA The People of East Florida During the Revolutionary War & War of 1812 Period, Shirley Joiner Thompson THE DALLAS QUARTERLY - March, 1984 GEDRGIA '!he GA Surveyor Gen Dept: A History & Inventory of GA' s Land Office Georgia SAR Roster (Gift of Mrs N A Miller) Index to Probate Records of Colonial Georgia 1733-1778, Marilyn Adams Whitfield-Murray Historical Society Quarterly (V 2 & 5) The Georgia Genealogical Magazine (Nos. 87-90), 1983 GA 1870 Census, Ser M-593, Micro Roll 138, Burke, Butts & calhoun Cos, (Gift of Mrs Roy Sauls) Nortmoest GA Hist & Gen Soc, Inc, QJarterly (V 15) Troup co., GA, and Her People Ancestoring, V 6, 1983 IDAHO Thousands of Idaho Surnarres Abstracted fran Rejected Federal Land Applicationsa IILINOIS Madison County Court Records and Indentures, 1813-1815 Naturalizations & Intentions, Madison Co, IL, An Index, 1816-1900, Jane Shelley Naturalization Records, Knox Co, IL, 1856-61, carley R. Robinson Menard Co., IL, Deaths, 1877-1900, Eileen Gochanour Marriage Records, Sangarron Co, IL, 1861-70 Index to Estates, Knox Co., IL, 1832-1900 Menard Co, IL, Deaths, 1817-1900, Margaret Hohimer Birth Index of Macon Co, IL, 1850-1900, Decatur Gen Soc (Gift of F Dale White) Index to ctiituaries, 1861-1896, Sangarron County Genealogical Society Atlas Map of Fulton Co, Illinois Deaths and Marriages from Early QJincy papers, 1835-50 Cerretery Inscriptions of Stephenson Co (V 2) Tarbstone Revelations in Macoupin Co, IL Chicago Genealogical Society Newsletter, 1980 Coles County Illinois Cerreteries (V I & II), Jarres Heidlebaugh Circuit Rider (V 15), Sangarron County IL Genealogical Society INDIANA Dearbom Co IN O:>ituaries, 1820-50, Chris Mc:Henry (Gift of author) Index to Indiana Source Books Pioneer Ancestors of Mbrs of Society of IN Pioneers, 1983, Ruth Dorrell KANSAS Topeka Genealogical Society Quarterly (V 13) KENrUCKY Records of Greene Co, KY, V. 3 (incl. 1816 census) Ben & Jean Strickland Russell Co, KY Will Books, 1826-1854, Microfilm (Gift of Lloyd DeWitt Backstruck honoring Renee Smith) Men Whom I RelrenDer, Logan Co, KY, George D Blakey Abstracts of Will Books, 1797-1900, Christian Co, KY, Cordelia C. Gary These Hundred Years, a Short History of Goshen Methodist Church, callo- way Co, KY, pub 1934 (Gift of John Warterfield) Whitesville, KY "The Story of the Crossroads," Anna Hamilton Fil son Club History QJarterly, (V 57), 1983 Nelson County Marriages, 1852-1907, Frances T Ingmire Dallas Genealogical Society Nelson County Births, 1852-1907, Frances T Ingmire Cumberland County, KY, Bible Records, Randolph N Smith Cumberland Co, KY, Will Records, 1815-1912, laura Lee Butler (Gift of Dr & Mrs.
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