Today Iky Jn M Pato Pont Mísb The Biú Stft Parad This Morning at JO o'Clock rRrwTrjaelt, iaVmr 4 . ... YEAR. SPAMSH; SECTION PAbjO, - 4 PAGES EL; TEXiAfl.- WEDhffi3&AYt OCTOBER 28, 1914. SECTION 12 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS ' . "' -T ,. M E!3H DAY'S SUMMARY PLOT; WMiAirs ifsws mm AGAÍNS HUI T8 W)rVIWWW. OF EUROPEAN WAR IF VILLA WILL ' te tfci süte UfVeatfMi AH the halloas engaged m thé migMy straggle m Helglnm and Hte north or Ftaare are silent on the their dear-- aeWrl hsfprnlags m that d LIFE rrjr.4 4he TeiuM , go flf VOLA United BiMMtn afj Iba tone, tar as Is known, I Centederaey. The member at ar there bss been Rule progress en III bavsebsM, .new fertjr-iw- hi swaaber, rtthervelder but-- freat iba aeeowte AI hi eensideraMen, ef tbehr atea, are H KELLY thst have tillered through treat neMent beetth;. The tbembiWmea-sates- i this stern engagement, M tent ta the besae staring the wbfeR has been going en Incessantly ee" by the Chapters' Texas far several davit, may be character- ised aa the fiercest of the whole war. OUT CARRANZA Theaundt upon thousands of Ger- . .The eks jeai .te )fce.heeie jby the man rttatorcements have been added ebaptera, m respenae t ny call nade te the great masses of troops which 'ta the flan' Antéale eeaveatlen year have been endeavoring te force their age, have giren, mere, pteaanre to the way la the northern porta el rraaee. WILL LIKEWISE eMladlea than eny'resaeabraaea ever it ts said that this eeesetess push- v i 4. ing forward of vast bodies at German Aa I .bare aiated in say repart te soldiers Ir by 'direct order of Ihe em- BE FIFTT-TliRlS- E peror, Is fixed on England, theoateiHsn aa ebaiman el the two DELEGATES REPRESENTING ALL SECTIONS OF STATE .GATHER whose eje Confedérate beates eanmHtee, many a csmpslgn against wklrh at aa early ehapter to see BjUSI-NES- dale Is considered among Ibe possi- ABDICATE " " write taqnlrtag uhat FOR NINETEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF ORGANIZATION? INITIAL S. ! may we send la me aM tedies la the bilities, provided a suitable base can borne?" Te this tagntry I reply. "A. SESSION DEVELOPS SOME UVELV DISCUSSIONS WHICH END IN be found from whleh to. direct Ihe V tret wlH gire aH af .tbem.pleaa HAR forrea. mrnqmovs: nre, and thta wHi be an appropriate Similarly the allies have been criminal MONIOUS AGREEMENT? REPORTS OF OFFICERS SHOW PATRIOTIC and among the1 troeps at "qCJADALUPE and a beentifal gift, frasa ar dear WORK the CONDITIONAL RESIGNATION SEIZED NAT at friends; divUlea, united front, are the .British Indians, who, BEING bear-la- g BuMers at the Ceafedaraey.M PERFORMED BY THE ORDER; according la account, have been OF FIRST CHIEF PRESENT- themselves well. O.CHARGJEOf ATTZMFT-IN-G . We send a greeting 'ta the Raberi E. Lee chapter, at El Faae, and the A new rebellion In Ihe union of ED CONVENTION; wish . The tti'n South Africa baa given reuse foranx. TO TO ASSASSINATE wat their aneeeas may eentinne,-- nineteenth enana! rnnrnntlan nf chapter application blanks," W. children's granted to any speakerY except upon unanimou- COM , lety both to and Ihe rentemberlag wet thta exeeHeat ehapr Texas divlelon of the. United Daughters of auxiliary application blanks,-- 1,947 s-consent. the British South annuals Arrfcan government. Generals WANTS COMMANDER OF ter was oraealted by Mrs. A. v the Confederacy opened. at lose o'clock and so folios of old songs. U y t. No member shall speak ,f6r more thin I de MANDER OF NORTHERN one or nefcleej, timr m ine'Mii racial or in "The rollowlng chapters have, been ad- two 10 a mouon, i Wet and Beyers, notable figures In ' Wwkler, the treeat Paso, minutes i f woneb or the Southland ene great del Norte. M delegates from' the var ded to our list! Col. J. Vi Natson chapter, 5. rrq subject shall be debated for moro I South Arries, have placid themselves NORTHERN ARMY' RE- loua chapters over the state being present. SO ' I ARMY IS EXECUTED FOL In athtd and bearU All neaer iiueoarai anteiopo cnspier, ai Anteiopei than minutes. at Ihe head of a molt In Ihe Orange and Mrs. (Charlea Leland Hamll, presidents or ikq cnapier, uvuigjion, ana ft. No momber shsll speak In over I ' reverence to her sacred memory and. the state division, turner debate Free atale and' western Transvaal. ToVrIVATE LIFE; nreslded. nunuies uniu an wno wisn nave aponen. The extent1 of this rising' Is not TIRED LOWING, nverlaattag appreciation of her The. afternoon aeaslon was enlivened by 7. CbSDtcr. rcDorts shall be limited to DRUMHEAD known nor can lis t Importance labors of love. several neaiea aiscussions, ine cnair three'" minutes,, reports I ba snd committee to foretold, but already' Ihe South Arri- REITERATES MOTIVES OF With a greeting Me our president, 'envolved in' one arter the reading five minutes. Discussion of reports shall I COURT MARTIAL 5 or - cen government had .knowledge GEORGE each delegate Ibe of the report .the- credentials committee out ctcecu ten i of the sfHeer and and when a delegate, minuios. movement, desire (hat this convention may protested that proxies 8. In voting, each delegate mutt have prospective has Issued a HIGHEST PATRIOTISM should he allowed' to volo In. spite of the un or uaugo anu se proclamation to Ihe people calling C CAROTHERS, AMERICAN be eharaiterhed by fruitful, delibera- they ii ue in proper for fact, that had not'been' oualined with election, time. Or the vote wifi.be cast their assistance and has taken mea- tion and womanly efforta. In the name me to O AND ANXIETY TO HASTEN creoentiais committee.. Tbe motion nlAat riAnHnv Inttninilnn. iMm sures to quell the rebellion.' REPRESENTATIVE, HEARS of oar cause and good feeling, vote on the credential committee's report chapters mutt cast their vote according to Yours very sincerely, was made and seconded, but when Presi Instructions. The British admiralty Issues warn- PEACE OF REPUBLIC dent Hamll question ror ing to vessels whose course may CONFESSION OF CRIME; .KATIE DAFFAN, opened, the dis 10 All proxies sent the president, must cussion, nureoers or ueieraies protésica be placed wlth'.votlng delegates prior to carry (hem to the waters to the north Superintendent of Ibe Confederate thisction, loud cries of 'Tioi rror arising me nnai report or ine creaenuai com- of Ireland, as la these waters Ger- Woman's Home. wiicii uie cnairqian asxea wneiner ine mittee. mán minea have been laid wllh the By ihe Auoclattd Pnil ' question 'should bo put to a vote. 11. All resolutions must ba read from the I result that one Mexico City, Oct. S7, Vénüatlano Carranza wíncUco MuJc4 notorious criminal or President Hamll ruled that no nroxles British steamer, Ma- DESTROYERS WASHED ASHORE. floor, and submitted without debate to the! nchester Commerce, , been blown submitted his resignation, cuiu. ra ti so wn 10 ins police ts "El should be allowed' to Vote whose names snd on has 'to the OlUeaAmaUna , rttu. commiuee resolutions in writing. up. Additional ehaanela In convention v...,. MKUMXV credentials had not been submitted to tho No 'one a member or the river today, Ills offer to was wfmwji. Three' United Statea Vessels' Caught la Gale It. not this ornnl. have been relinquish his supremo arrested and executed by, villa army credential committee; and met with vigor xsllon shall be allowed the Moor of the! Thames declared closed to pott ts cbler of the Offlcit mi virgiaia uiest. ous condemnations Promt navigation by tbe admiralty In conditional tho re- at OttdeUDe..Zae.. on muU Bu of her action. 4 nouse, except oy .unanimous contení or order nstion, however. Is on roHowtejr; the Áuodtitá Preas nent amonr tboae whn tnnlr i.art In tlut to frústrale attempts by tirement to private Urn or Oeneral Fran- ereatej, w alleged, attempt, ta Oct. 97 United Rtatea house. hostile snips Horfelk. Vs.. Three protest, against tne action or ine cnair was This .was subm Mm. to . London. cisco Villa, iismMum 8eaeral Villa, before be was Daty torpedo, boat destroyers went aahore set of. rules tied hv reach f in offering to resign. General Mrs. a. n. Howard, delegate from ine Hous- dames Oscar Barthold, Joseph and AlPortugurse mission Is In said he was cíuito, íi is Mia, ne mide a fun eon of r the Virginia coast early today (during a ton chanter. The dlacilsalon was ended BSlbrell London Csrranta actuated only by tho nauei muaaey uates, wno constituted tne I arranging details Ihe possible co- highest patriotism' aevcro auirm, wnicn conimuea uniu iste when the motion waa made to but the mat- for motives of and that ac tiMt committee. operation ihe ceptance or knowledges that he bed 'been ihlred m mnleht, Two of the véasela. Rtirrnnrtut ter to avote, 77 voting either In person or All resorts1 were received with a rlilnvl nf Portuguese army or rejection his orrer must de' - at and the Juett, were' released and proceeded by proxy wHh, the allies. Manuel, Ihe pend on wheiber his elimination con inmineut uurwHa effteieto certified to' sustain the ruling vino ui uwui tu uro coinmiiiees. former would wh6...CZ.wishedJ" to put or the chair, and st against such, action. Mamie W. Cox. or ., a. kief ot Portugal, has offered bis ser- tribute toward hastening peace In the rer-- " Villa out" efthe way The third, be- Metdamee i.allu. the Fauldlnr, still was fast The report or the' credential committee or Tyler, and D. I viced o Ihe army of Portugal, public and the furtherance demo-crat-lc cooion ae .nemea uenersi, Pablo tween twq.
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