HILLTOP'Georgia's Finest Independent College NEWSNewspaper" TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1963 LAGRANGE COLLEGE, LAGRANGE, GEORGIA VOLUME V, NUMBER 33 65 Seniors Slated For Diplomas J. O. Smith To Dedicate Library Crowe, Hutchinson Receive Degrees; Mackay To Speak At Commencement by CHARLIE OWEN This weekend sixty-five seniors will receive their diplomas from LaGrange College. Also scheduled is the dedication of the new li- brary and the awarding of two ( Doctrinal degrees. The commencement exercises Senior George Redmond eyes 1963 diploma with surprised look. begin Monday, June 3, from 8:00- 10:00 a. m. in the gym. The speak- er is Mr. James A. Mackay, the New Pan-Hellenic Council State Representative from DeKalb to the Georgia General Assembly. Heads Six Greek Groups Mr. Mackay is the past president by SAMMY McCORD nity and sorority should have of the Emory University Alumni their regular meetings at the same Association and holds two degrees With the election of new offic- time next year (7 o'clock on Mon- from the University. ers of the fraternities and sorori- days) is being studied by the The Baccalaureate services be- ties a new Pan-Hellenic Council council now. This was suggested gin Sunday morning, June 2, at has assumed the duties and re- in order that the club meetings '1:00 in the Gym. Bishop John sponsibilities of coordinating the would not conflict with other Owen Smith will be the speaker. activities of the various Greek or- meetings. He is a native South Carolinian ganizations on campus. who now resides in Atlanta. Bish- The council is composed of the op Smith is a Phi Beta Kappa who presidents and one representative Orientation Week has been a iminister for twenty- from each club. Both Dr. Jones five years. He was the Bishop oft and Mrs. Lancaster serve as spon- Set For Fall '63 Georgia Methodism in 1960, a del- sors for the organization, which "This fall's Orientation Week egate to the World Council of is supposed to meet the last Thurs- will follow much the same pat- Churches, served on the World day of each month. tern as last fall's rush," stated Methodist Council and was also Among the topics recently act- Miss Hall, Dean of Women. a member of the Methodist Gen- REV. GUY HUTCHINSON MR. JAMES A. MACKAY ed upon by Pan-Hellenic were: a New students will arrive on eral Board of Education. new constitution (the old one had Sunday afternoon, September 1^, Starting off the weekend is the Invitations have gone out to all tor of Humanities will be awarded to Mrs. R. E. Crowe, an alumna no provision for amendment), and will be greeted and register- \ dedication of the William and parents of LaGrange College stu- of LaGrange College. May Day, Homecoming prepara- ed by members of the Student Evelyn Banks Library. This oc- dents. The L. C. Choralaires will tion, bids for spring quarter, pre- Government Association. That ev- curs Saturday morning, June 1, at give a song presentation at the Rev. Mr. Hutchinson is a world paration for fall rush, and the ening there will be a vespers pro- 10:30 between Dobbs Auditorium dedication. Open house will be traveler and has held many present item under consideration gram given by the Student Christ- and the new iibrary. from 9-12:00 a. m. on Saturday church positions. He holds degrees is to establish a specific time at. ian Association. Mr. Fuller E. Callaway Jr. will and open house will be held on from Young Harris College, a B. which all clubs could meet. Several tests in the fields of present the new library to the Sunday from 2-4:00 p. in. S. from the University of Georgia, Particular emphasis was placed psychology, English, math, econo- chairman of the board of trustees, At the commencement exercis- and the Chandler School of The- on the formation of a new consti- mics, and general culture will beiMr. T. Scott Avery of West Point. es, LaGrange College will award ology, and Emory University, tution. Chairman Bill Smith,ap- given to the new students on Mon- Mr. Avery will call on Bishop J. two honorary degrees. A Doctor of where he received his B. D. de- pointed a committee consisting of day and Tuesday. O. Smith to perform the act of Divinity will be awarded to the gree. Mrs. Crowe is presently Atlan- Johnny Glisson, Dee Atkinson, The new students will also at- dedication. Rev. Guy Hutchinson and a Doc- ta's Woman of the Year. She has Catherine Green, and Dr. Jones, tend meetings to discuss the his- done work beyond her A. B. at to write the constitution. tory and traditions of LaGrange DC ADDS NEW MAJORS; the University of Pennsylvania, Significant points in the new College, the several organizations Emory University, Yale Universi- constitution were: on campus, the social life, and the SOCIOLOGY, PE OFFERED 1. A chairman should be elected ty, and the University of Georgia. handbook. by JERRY BEASLEY reer field is rapidly expanding by the council from its own mem- The SGA and the SCA will also and there has also been a demand bership instead of having a spon- LaGrange College will be of- give parties for the hew students fering two additional majors in its by students for majors in Sociolo- sor serve as chairman. The office and Dr. and Mrs. Henry will give gy. The new requirements are riot Graduate Record of vice-chairman was created also. curriculum next fall. They are in a reception in their home. for social work. They are to pre- 2. The inter-fraternity council Sociology and Health and Physical Rush for fall quarter will be- Education. pare a student for graduate study Scores Climb and the inter-sorority council and a general background of basic The Graduate Record Examina- were made sub-groups within gin on the Thursday of Orienta- Altogether, there are going to tion Week and will extend for a be three new changes. From now research before getting to gradu- tions taken by the LaGrange Pan-Hellenic. ate school. College students on April 12 and 3. Rush procedures and other period of five weeks. On Thurs- on one will be able to obtain a There are two main reasons 13 indicated better results than items under the jurisdiction of the day, Friday, and Saturday, each major in Sociology and Health and why there has been lately an in- those made during the fall. A re- council were written in detail to sorority and fraternity will have Physical Education instead of just creasing demand for Physical Ed- port on the results of these tests avoid confusion later. the opportunity to give their an- a minor. Also, a General Social ucation majors. The first reason was made by Mr. Carlton Guptill A hew idea concerning Home- itial rush party. Science major will include prac- is the recent emphasis President at the last regular meeting of the coming was presented by Mickey Bill Smith, chairman of the tice teaching and work toward a Kennedy has placed on physical faculty for this quarter. These Johnson, who was elected chair- Panhellenic Council, stated that teaching certificate. This major there will be some follow-up par- will always lead to a teaching cer- fitness. Another reason is the de- scores were more acceptable fdr man by the council. Johnson's plan this reigioh; however, continual of having a parade wfth float* en- ties given for four weeks after the tificate. Those not wishing a mand for qualified people in efforts will be made to improve tered bv various clubs was accept- initial parties, and then there will teaching certificate must get an- teaching Physical Education and in directing municipal and indus- LaGrange College's ■ standings ih ed by Pan-Hellenic be one week of silence before bids other major. these examinations. The proposal that «ach frater- go out. Mr. Guptill .says..that this ca- trial .recreation programs. Page 2 HILLTOP NEWS — LAGRANGE COLLEGE Tuesday, May 28, 1963 ■ More On Birmingham; THE HILLTOP NEWS A Close Look At Accreditation A Reply By LC NEWS SERVICE ve associated themselves to set up PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE STUDENTS OF by CLARK STONE Colleges and higher education standards or criteria to protect LAGRANGE COLLEGE are probably more in the public and improve the quality of pro- After reading last week's eman- eye today than ever before, but ducts or services. cipation columns by Sam Saxon EDITOR BUSINESS MANAGER apparently parents, politicians, "Accreditation as applied in ed- and Mickey Johnson, I feel it my Alfred Brown Drue Linton churchmen, and even professors ucation has been defined as the duty as a citizen of LaGrange and students continue to be baf- recognition accorded to an insti- College to challenge some of the PRESS fled by the term accreditation. tution which meets criteria or opinions and remarks made by MANAGING EDITOR, Donna Howell Because of the lack of under- standards of achievement estab- each student. standing found as the term's use lished by a competent agency or NEWS EDITOR, Judy Thomason According to Saxon the whites increases, the Southern Associa- association for educational activi- (also known as the bad guys) Cartoonist _ George Timmons tion of Colleges and Schools at ties of the nature and level being have been treating the negroes its annual meeting last November offered by the institution. Writers and Reporters Charlie Owen, Janet Taylor, (the good guys) like niggers. It in Dallas, Texas, strengthened its "For the layman it may clarify Sammy McCord,^ Laura Johnston, Mickey Johnson, was plainly stated that the whites standards and placed upon the the term somewhat to describe it John Gipson, iDane Alford, Cindy Bennett, Sam Saxon, have beaten, drowned, and herded member-colleges the responsibili- more simply as recognition of the Nancy McDonald, Jerry Beasley, Clark Stone, with dogs like animals the negro ty of better informing their pub- intellectual or academic respecta- John White, Dee Bradley, Diane Nixon citizens of the South.
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