Issued Thursday Tuesday Thursday Issue Saturday he ourier gazette T By The Ceuriar.Gazette.. C465 Main St, - THREE CENTS A COPY Established January, 1846. Entered u Second Cloea Moil Matter. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, March 19, 1925. Volume 80............... Number 34. The Courier-Gazette j — CHURCH ON HER JOB CHURCHES ARE NOT A FAILURE Get Measured NOW THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK Charles A. Sylvester, Maine Special Singing Services By . r i , ALL THE HOME NEWS Central Cashier, Ends Life the Baptists Begin Next Spite of Short-Comings and Limitations They Do Great Subscription $3.00 per year payable la ad- —Mentally Unbalanced. Saturday. Good, Declares Rev. Mr. Stuart. For Your rance ; dingle copies three cents. Advertising rates based upon circulation > Charles A. ,Sylvetfler, cashier at | and very reasonable. The popular gesture of the day NEWSPAPER HISTORY the Maine Cenlsal Railroad station, j Editor of Tho Courier-Gazette: — people here who are doing just this The RockLand Gazette was established ln , seems to be, "Let the church do it.” EASTER SUIT committed suicide near his home on Amen to Brother Walker. He has kind of work which Mr Walker has 1846 ln 18*4 the Courier was established Camden street yesterday mdrning by i and everybody is willing to pass the and /consolidated with the Gazette in 1882. 1 said something. I hope he will apeak mentioned. I can testify too that the The Free Press was established in 1855, and : drowning. buck to the church, so it is an Inter­ test of Christianity which he sug­ Easter falls on April 12th in 1891 changed its name to the^ Tribune, i Temporarily laid off from his office again soon. There's real encourage­ These papers consolidated March 17, 1897. esting sign of the times that the gests ln the proposition of leading duties Tuesday ndbn he spent a i churches are starting in to "do 4t." ment Jo some of us to hear a real “one such wayward gin • uown rne Suit or Top-Coat as low as sleepless night, his manner heing so | Simultaneous revival services will voice. I would like to hear his sum­ aisle of one of our churches has been * ~ disconsolate and depressed as to at- I be held in several of the local mary of the hypocrisy of the Secret tried within a year in more than one •- Revolutions are not made; they — ! tract attention About 6.30 yester- I churches during this pre-Easter sea­ Orders of Rockland, of the wasted of our churches; and ln every case, day morning he went to the water- i » xuukyLcn c. Ok ia j •— come—Wendell Phillips. ••• j son, those at the First Baptist energy in the homes of Rockland, when the spirit of pentinence and Twenty-Five Dollars I ••• j front, which is not far from the rear I Church beginning on Sunday March and of the foolish extravagance of shame has been manifest in the un­ .». ••• ••• ••• ••• gp ! of his home, with a pail of garbage. , 22. Those in charge do not hesitate our social indulgences, such as the fortunate girl the spirit of tender When he did not return in season : CUSTOM TAILORED CLOTHES to say that the poor and the unfortu­ movies, the dance and the Joy riding. Christiike compassion has been FORTY-TWO PATIENTS to take his usual car for downtown ! nate may walk up the central aisle shown on the part of the church. TEN DAYF' DELIVERY the family became alarmed and the ' I don't agree with all he has said G. K. MAYO of the church and will be accorded a and suggested, but I can’t help ex­ We in the church are ready to TEL. 304-J. 22 MASONIC STREET. ROCKLAND Maine Central office was comniuni- ; Rockland’s Dental Clinic Has true welcome to any of the best pressing my appreciation to him for grant our failures and our many cated with. It was then learned for I seats. They will be assured of sym­ speaking; for if there is one thing short-comings, and none regrets the flrst time that Mr. Sylvester was ! GEORGE KOUSSEVITZKY Done Important Work pathetic friends, some of whom that Rockland lacks more than any­ these things more, 1 believe, than tho off duty, and Mi s. Sylvester's fears | have themselves been rescued from thing else. It is a kindly disposition church itself, however, I feel that in Among Children. that something had happened to him I Noted Boston Symphony Conductor habits of sin. The doors are thrown to speak plainly its heart about jus* Justice to all concerned it should ba were intensified. To Be In Portland Concert. wide tipen to all ln the desire to such things as ho has mentioned , clearly stated that the church is The dental clinic for ithe school’ Friends were summoned and the serve all—to salvage and rehabilitate Several months ago I suggested this most terribly limited in her abilities, children has now passed its 10th bpdy was found not far from the George Koussevitzky, conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, is men and women. very thing and felt that frank, plain I am sure that the .Red Cross, the week with the following dentists shore alongside a rock to which Mr. A distinctive feature of these giving an afternoon of their time: credited with having introduced to truth would bring to our city a better Chamber of Commerce, the various Sylvester had apparently* clung until | meetings will be the “homemade” condition of things. Why not a Beo- Clubs, and Orders of the city, to­ (amsonMibbawl Doctors Bickford, Flanders, Peaslee, unconsciousness came. A verdict the western world the compositions of Moussorgsky and Rimsky-Korsa­ talent and the stressing of the sing­ pic’s Column in your paper and use gether with the city government it- Richardson, Richards, Sanborn, of suicide was rendered by Dr. H W. ! ing of the old hymns with the old- Rlchan, Howard and Damon. Drs. kov, two of the most noted of Rus­ it to talk out the things which the self, are all alike more or less re- Frohock. medical examiner. The ’ fashioned heartiness. In this “Sing­ sponsible for these social break­ > HAT S Peaslee. Richardson and Damon have sian composers. Mayor wanted to have talked out and body was taken in charge by the ! ing Revival" a men's chorus, boys’ downs. I can’t omit the fathers and each given extra time for extraction The two were little known outside didn’t hear? "Silence gives consent" DISTINGUISHED STYLE • SUPREME QUALITY Burpee undertakers, and funeral ser­ chorus, mixed chorus and children's mothers from this list, nor the social work. Russia until Koussevitsky began <o is an old saying, but it has a deep vices will lie held at the family resl- J chorus will be used. New hymn sentiment of the community, together The clinic Is one of the three in the feature their music at his concerts truth, to my way of thinking. If dence 99 Camden street at 2 p. m. books to the number of several hun­ with the schools. Therefore why State for school children and the best in the various European capitals. conviction is not sufllclently strong Friday. dred have been secured in order that to warrant one’s signature, I have the heap all this upon the church? Let equipped. A charge of 25 cents is The deceased was a son ot the late Excerpts from the music of these two composers will make up a part each individual may have a hymn impression that it censes to be con­ us play fair. Let us all take our made to help .cover the cost of ma­ Joseph F. Sylvester, and in his of the program for his Portland con­ book In his hands when he sings, and viction. medicine together. terials. The children have been younger days worked on the farm of the well known powers of congrega­ Referring to Mr. Walker’s com­ The churches of Rockland are not N Lamson-Hubbard taken mostly from the first three his grandfather, the late C. A. Syl­ cert at City Hall. March 25. The principal monuments of the tional singing will be employed to munication printed in your columns a failure. The startling feature of all gradqg and the entire city has been vester. and conducted a milk route. Hats you will find the genius of Moussorgsky are the op­ cheer the disheartened and to inspire I feel that the majority of folks In tills affair Is not tho fact that tho I covered. His subsequent employment was with the weak. The following gives an idea of the eras Boris Codunov and Khovantch- Rockland want things right, and I thing happened—such a thing must Larrabee & Dodge, Thorndike & Hix, The services will be marked hy perfect combination — work done in nine weeks: Clinics ina. am also of the opinion that the have happened In the time of our the Rockland Wholesale Grocery Co- brevity and crammed with Interest. held, 12; patients, 42; visits, 69; fill­ The prelude to the latter will be Christianity of the churches of Rock­ Lord, else how account for the to­ irreproachably correct and thfe Maine Central Railroad Co. Mr. Browne will give short talks on ings in permanent teeth, 54; fillings played In Portland. This depicts the land is not all wanting; that the man taken in adultery—but the re- style and unapproachable He had been with the railroad cor­ coming of dawn over the Red Square simple and practical themes. Sun­ preaching from Rockland pulpits Is markable feature is that with so in temporary teeth, 17: teeth ex­ poration the past three years.
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