Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC May 1974 5-2-1974 The aiD ly Egyptian, May 02, 1974 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_May1974 Volume 55, Issue 156 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, May 02, 1974." (May 1974). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1974 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BAC backers disrupt S·Senate meeting By Debby Ratermua the Mississippi Room. As senators At that point Kania left the Mississippi " All year long we complain about not Dally EgypUaD Staff Writer moved from the regular meeting in the Room . In the hall he announced the having student involvement," Sen. Marl! Student Center BaJfrooms to the illinois meeting ,>, as adjourned. " We're Dot Harris said. "The problem in this About a hundred members and sup­ Room , the 100 or so blacks followed. going to ha ve a meeting because we is decided porters of the Black Affairs Council At the Mississippi Room Kania stood can't go into executive session," he said. bcl':::!f~~al:;:::~rthing (BAC> disrupted the Student Senate in the doorway. allowing only persons Several blacks greeted Kania's an­ Newly-eiected Student Body President meeting Wednesday night, then forced approved for executive session to enter. nouncement with cries of "mother-!" Dennis Sullivan, who was invited to their way into an executive session of the Several young black men began to push and "chicken honkies!" attend the executive session, refused Senate. past Kania . and finally a large group of A few senators were against the because he too disagreed with closing The regular meeting erupted during a black students flood!'d into the room. executive session from the beginning. the meeting. discussion of the Joint Fee Allocation Board (JFAB) report. the first item on tbe agenda. Ellen Nieman. proxy for Sen. Warren Kraft, moved that $1 .000 be taken from BAC funding and given 10 . rlim programming. Her suggestion was met with loud outcries and boos from the blacks. At that point. Sen. Alan Jacobson moved for the Senate to go into executive session " because I feel intimidated and I Daily 73gyptian refuse to vote when I feel intimidated." Executive session was moved by Sen . Jeff Lohrmann 10 include "senators. the new Student Body president and vice president, JFAB members. the press and one representative from each campus group." / The Senate voted 14 to 12 to .go into executive session. Kania asked for a five minute recess to find a location for the executive session. During the recess, BAC Coordinator Edgar Philpot addressed his me'llPers. " Brothers and sister s . we got to remember this whole racist bag is nothing new, " Philpot said. " We don't want any violence. We don 't want to tear the building down. "'This is just as much our Student Government as their's." Philpot said. "Our request has been ignored : our whole eXIstence has been ignored. " We have to get together and pick out where to go from here," he told the BAC members and supporters. "I feel very strongly we have a stake in attending this meeting." After five minutes Kania announced the executive session would be held in .GSC gives approval to JFAB report By Gary Houy Dally Egypliaa Staff Writer l1Ike-on·tt>e-campus officiallv opened Wednesdav and Bill Bell (cenll!r). lifeguard supervisor. takes time out to participate in the lifeguards' favorite The Graduale Studenl Council I GSC ) Polsltime. (Staff photo by Steve Sumner.) unanimously approved the recommen· dations of the Joint Fee Allocalion Board I JFAB) Wednesday night. After a short discussion on the ·pur· poses of some of I he funded Board of Trustees to determine fate 'organizations. the members appruved the Iolal allocations for each of the four priorilies. Priority One. which consisls of the of expanded student health proposal Student Government Activities Council (SGAC) and campus radio station By Randy McCarthy cuvl'ragt.' and spt.·cialtty c.·arl' fur Ihl' Illinois General Assemblv 15 W1DB was allocated a lotal of $65.914. Dally EgyptiaD Stall Writer studc.'Ills. 10 additiun lu Ih,,' Sl.'rvict."S " ~ Itliln th~ realm or possibilily.;· he currenUy offered by the Health Service. said. wilh $51 .914 of that lolal ~o i n~ to the SGAC. Expanded studenl health services at TIlt' rt."sulutiun asks the buard lu con· Swinburne said he thought using fee The 17 organizations making up SIU will depend un the Board of Sldl'f funding Ihf...' upt.'ralional budget Hf money was a "sensible approach" 10 Priority Two were allocated a total of Trustees allowing broader uses nf fee Ihe.' hui!t1ing bl'furl' releasing money to create the medical P"OII'am because all .1,445. This includes the Black Affairs money . Dean of Studt.·nIS Bruce pay fur l'xpandt.'d mt.odical serviCt."S. In additional services would be-c:antracted Council, the Inter-Greek Council, and Swinburne said Tuesday. this wa,Y. Swinburnl' said. the Univer· for outside the University, Ib.. allowing Lectures and Entertainment. A resolution calling for transfer of S15 SHy Will bt' ml"t.,ting the past obliRalions flex ibility according to !be size 01 the Priority Three, which includes the from the $22.50 Student Welfare and uf thl' buard calling rur (."Unslruclion student !>ody and the amount of money two newspapers Kol Shalom and UhuTU Recreation ISWRF) f.... to the Sudent and maintenance or the Co· Rec raised by the fee. SIIjsa was allocated ".500. Priority Medical Benefits I 5MB I fee to pay ror Building. pr~ram Four, consisting of Sports and an expanded health will be Ir Ihl' buard reje<:ts Ih~ resolution the R«reatioo Clubs. was allocated 56.700. plfct.c:i before the buard at Its May 9 SW IU- r• .., WOO 't be cui because the meetlllj(. c".~ . Sharon YearJ(in. executive secrt"tar~·. Univl'r,.,IIY IS obli~ated lu build and said the GSC will rt'Ceive 525.000 next The switch. While nut increasinM lotal maintain tm' bUilding. Swinburne said. year. plus 12.100 to be " set aside" for fees paid by students. would boust the The money gathered by the SWRF fee ....w prtlf(rams. " We'lI definitely haw 5MB fee beKinni~ fall St.'meslt..,- (rum would continue to grow and, unless the ~h mOl\f'y to do somt" thi n~s nexl 517.25 10 S32.2S per semester. raising boan! took further action. could be used year." she' said. about SG3O.000 a .vear to pay for murt.' only for the building. he said. rn,t' GSC appru\'ed t,,·u rt'solutions medical servict"S. The .University is requesting the ad· conc...millj( the _ .... al stud",11 fet'S and Swinburne said StU is askin~ the dilillnal funds. only for the urn; fiscal • transf.... of monies from Ihe Student buard 10 permit spendin/t money culJec­ year, he said. If the resolution i. ap­ Welfare and Recreat ion Fund led by the SWRF f.... fur uses oth.... than proved . only limited contracts ror ISWAR'FI to Ihe Student !IIedical cuns:truction. uperation and maintance medical services would be soullht Benefil I SM8 I. III the CI~Rec Buildifllt. • bo1::.ause C~ressiooal or state actioo 1be ~eneraJ student f............ Iulion The Uni\' ersit~' Yo'ants t~ board to .. miy estabhsh expanded medjcal c:IiIIftI(es the total r.... 10 S1 ,.per ...ml.'Sler ",vise the purpost' or the mllney coIl",,­ JlI'OII'81D5 within three years that would ..NIl or sse per q ...rt .... as no,.' is ted by the SWRF f •.., and take a eliminate !be need for SlU', program, dlatJ(ed. From the SWARF. S15 ,.ill be broadt"f interpretation of its use. Swineboa'ne said. transfered to the 5MB. eliminatillj( the Swinebum.. said. Bil!s . proposilllli a National Health Capitaf builClin~ \rust fund and 1be money transCl.'rTed from the Care Plan hav.. been introduced into init!.l inII an eXlended student health iD­ SWRF ,"'Ould be used to provide Cunj(,..,... and a state health f.'!:.flan ......net' plan. hospitali~tion . extended medical for uni~ty st\ldetlls estab . by Gus SIIys irs only rrawy. .Fry to 'seek student aid on new chief By DCIa Haar I Dally EI)Ip&1aD Staff Writer City MaDager Carroll Fry said Wednesday that be will ask lor student representatives to be 00 a committee to review candidates lor a Dew chief 01 police. Police OIief Joseph Dakin announced that he will leave the post June 4. Dakin 'said be decided to resign because 01 a dispute over lundiDg 01 the police department Fry said be will probably get in touch with constituencies throughout the city either at the end 01 this week or early next week to start lorming .the com· mittee. Groups that Fry mentioned he is consideriDg include tbe Stu ad· mlnistratioD, sru students, the Chamber 01 Commerce, tbe HumaD RelatioDs Commission, the Citizens Advisory Committee, the Northeast Congress and the Board 01 Fire and Police Com· missioners. Fry said be will try to get all those with aD Interest in the selection 01 the DeW police chiel represented on the committee. The actual mechaDics 01 how the committee wiU operate have not been plaMed yet, Fry said. He said that the city manager's olfice would probably screen applicaDts lor the job and then submit a list 01 the best candidates to the committee lor its evaluation and recommendations, The final selection would be made by him, Fry said, "but a recommendation Irom the committee would have a strong impact," Fry said.
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