NAVS. Messrs. Andrew Athy, Messrs. Francis M. Hughes, James Bergin, Thomas Johnson, Osgood Bradley, Jr., George P. Ivingsley, Wilbur F. Brigham, James T. Mahony, Michael Carney, George L. Newton, Patrick Collins, Stephen C. Phinney, Benjamin F. Davis, Jonathan C. Richmond, Neil Doherty, John Sanborn, John D. Flynn, Charles B. Sanford, Alpheus Fobes, Albert Smith, Edward E. Gibbs, Leonard A. Thayer, Solomon E. Hallett, Byron Truell, James E. Hill, Cranmore N. Wallace. Yeas, 92 ; nays, 26. Ancl the above articles of amendment were severally referred in concurrence to the General Court next to be chosen. On motion of Mr. Torrey of South Scituate, the orders of the day were laid on the table, and, on motion of the same gentleman, it was voted that when the House ad- journs it be to meet on Tuesday next. At 1.15, p. M., the House Adjourned. TUESDAY, March 2, 1875. Met according to adjournment. Prayer was offered by the Chaplain. Petition Presented. By Mr. Torrey of South Scituate, petition of Gilman C. Lobsters. Whiting and 81 others, for an amendment to chapter 110 of the Acts of 1874, entitled "An Act for the preservation of lobsters." Referred to the committee on the Fisheries. Sent up for concurrence. Orders. On motion of Mr. Torrey of South Scituate,— Ordered, That the joint committee on Printing consider Twenty-third the expediency of so amending the 23d joint rule relative j°mtrule- to the general order to "print a report, bill or other document," that the number to be printed shall be nine hundred, instead of eight hundred. Sent up for concurrence. Papers from the Senate. N Papers were referred, in concurrence, as follows :— E.CraneCT ais. Petitions of Charles E. Wiggin and 147 others of Bos- ton, and of J. R. Rogers and <509 others of North Brook- field, in aid of the petition of Edward Crane and others, for the incorporation of the Boston and Chicago Railway and Trust Company, severally to the committee of Con- ference on the petition of Edward Crane and others. M. O. Adams. Petition of Melvin O. Adams, clerk for the district- attorney of Suffolk County, for increase of salary, to committee on State Salaries and Expenditures. Boston and Petition of William II. Long and others in aid of the Newton. petition of Pope and others, for the annexation of part of Boston to the city of Newton, to the committee oil Towns. Taxation Com Order relative to binding report of the Commissioners missioners. on the laws relating to Taxation, to the joint committee oil Printing. Protection of Ordered, In concurrence, that the committee on the fishes. Fisheries lie instructed to inquire and report whether any further legislation is necessary for the protection of useful fishes in this Commonwealth. Reports : Compulsory Of the committee on Education, asking to be dis- education. charged from the further consideration of the petition of Jesse II. Jones, for the enactment of a compulsory educa- tion law, and that the same be referred to the committee on the Labor Question ; and Board of State Of the committee on Prisons, no legislation necessary Charities. on so much of the Eleventh Annual Report of the Board of State Charities as relates to the State Prison at Charles- town and the prison system of the State, were severally read and accepted in concurrence, under suspension of the rule. Toddlers' The report of the committee on Mercantile Affairs, licenses. leave to withdraw on the petition of Jonathan Luther and others, for an amendment to the peddlers' license law, was read and placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. Reports of Committees. By Mr. Allen of Walpole, from the committee on Greenfield. Claims, on the petition of the selectmen of Greenfield, a Resolve in favor of the town of Greenfield. Read and referred in course to the committee oil Finance. By Mr. Pratt of Boston, from the same committee, J. M. mite, leave to withdraw on the petition of Joseph M. White of Newburyport for state aid. Read and placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. By Mr. Holden of Westminster, from the same com- ¡r*;.^JA1Iis" mittee, that the Resolve (on leave) in favor of Daniel McAllister, Jr., ought not to pass. Placed'in the orders of the day for to-morrow, the question being on its rejection. By Mr. Coolidge of Sherborn, from the committee on Second Parish Parishes and Religious Societies, on the petition of the ofSherborn- Second Parish of Sherborn, a Bill to change the name of the Second Parish in Sherborn. By Mr. Codman of Boston, from the committee Oil tllC Manufacturing Judiciary, on the petition of E. G. Kelley, and Bill, on C0ri»01'ati0n8- leave, to amend chapter 224, Acts of 1870, a Bill con- cerning manufacturing and other corporations. Severally read and ordered to a second reading. Bills Enacted. Engrossed bills : Bills enacted. Concerning the shell-fisheries of the town of Brewster; (Which originated in the House;) To incorporate the town of South Abington ; and To authorize the town of Lexington to raise money for a centennial celebration of the battle of Lexington; (Which severally originated in the Senate ;) Were severally passed to bo enacted, signed, and sent to the Senate. Orders of the Day. The report of the committee on Public Charitable Insti- orders of the tutions, leave to withdraw on the petition of Samuel T. Cobb and others, for the passage of an Act to establish a state inebria-te asylum, was accepted in concurrence. The Bill to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors was further considered. Mr. May having moved an amendment to the Bill by adding at the end of line 13, section 5, the words, "and 25 in any vote which may be taken in any city or town upon the granting of license to sell liquors, all the adult inhab- itants of legal residence shall be entitled to vote, without distinction of sex," 011 motion of Mr. Churchill of Boston, the yeas and nays were ordered on the question of its adoption. The roll being called, the amendment was rejected by a vote of 65 yeas to 128 nays, as follows :— YEAS. Messrs. Stephen M. Allen, Messrs. Wm. S. Knox, John J. Babson, John B. Le Baron, Cyrus F. Baker, Benj. F. Leighton, Joseph H. Baker, John D. Long, Giles G. Barker, Samuel May, George Beal, Clement Meserve, John II. Bell, Joseph Mitchell, 2d, John Best, F. G. Morris, John C. Bickford, Geo. L. Newton, William E. Blunt, Daniel Noonan, Horace L. Bowker, Isaac N. Nutter, Selwyn Z. Bowman, Charles S. Osgood, Wilbur F. Brigham, Chas. M. Peirce, Jr., Samuel R. Brintnall, Chas. H. Pew, 2d, Charles M. Brown, Stephen C. Phinney, William Chase, Alanson B. Pomeroy, Gardner A. Churchill, George W. Reed, Isaiah Churchill, John L. Robinson, A. B. Collin, Charles A. Rogers, Francis C. Curtis, Edward Sanderson, Levi L. Cushing, Jr., Isaiah A. Small, Epes Davis, George I). Sinalley, George W. Dyer, Edward F. Smith, Edwin Ellis, Dan'l J. Sweeney, John B. Fairbanks, George II. Torrey, Luther Fisk, Enoch II. Towne, Alpheus Fobes, Byron Truell, Dexter Grose, Chas. R. Tucker, Jr., Solomon E. Ilallett, Cranmore X. Wallace, Beriah T. Ilillman, Austin C. Wellington, Amos B. Ilolden, Wilbur F. Whitney, S. A. Jacobs, Wm. Woods. Edward Kendall, NAYS. Messrs. Ebcnezer Adams, Messrs. Amasa W. Bailey, Samuel Allen, Wm. II. Bent, Andrew Athj', James Bergin, Michael Atkinson, John H. Blake, « Messrs. Stephen F. Blaney, Messrs. Francis M. Hughes, Frederick L. Bosworth, Edward J. Johnson, Osgood Bradley, Jr., Thomas Johnson, Wm. E. Bright, George W. Jones, Isaac T. Burr, Isaac N. Keith, James H. Carleton, Philo Keith, Micliael Carney, Wm. Keith, Charles R. Codman, Moses Kimball, Patrick Collins, Win. S. King, Austin H. Connell, Geo. P. Kingsley, Augustine P. Cook, Joel Knapp, Lowell Coolidge, Daniel W. Lawrence, A. M. Copeland, Daniel J. Lewis, J. W. Coveney, James L. Locke, John A. Cummings, James T. Mahony, Ben. C. Currier, John 13. Martin, Wm. D. Curtis, William Martin, Jacob W. Davis, Edward S. May, Lewis Day, James A. McDonald, Henry Dennis, Jr., John J. McNutt, Neil Doherty, Wm. B. Merrill, James E. Estabrook, Southard H. Miller, Thomas F. Fitz Gerald, Henry S. Miner, Samuel Flower, Frederick P. Moseley, John D. Flynn, W. Stanley Newhall, William Frost, Edward W. Noble, Henry W. Fuller, Reuben Noble, Albert W. Gaskill, Harrison D. Packard, James W. Gaylord, William F. Perkins, Emerson Geer, Willard P. Phillips, Edward E. Gibbs, James Pierce, Benjamin Gilford, Thomas F. Plunkett, Levi L. Goodspeed, Richard Pope, Elbridge II. Goss, Isaac Pratt, Jr., Daniel G. Green, Wm. W. Rice, Charles Hale, J. C. Richmond, George Hall, Joshua C. Robinson, David E. Harding, Wallace F. Robinson, William A. Haskell, Joseph S. Ropes, Nicholas Ilatheway, Cyrus K. Russell, George Haven, Nath'l J. Rust, George Ileywood, John S. Rj-cler, James E. Hill, John Sanborn, Joseph W. Hill, Charles B. Sanford, William A. Hodges, Cyrus Savage, Ed. Everett Holbrook, Ebeuezer Sawyer, Henry T. Holmes, Nathaniel Seaver, Salmon D. Ilood, John M. Seeley, Daniel P. Ilopkinson, Charles L. Shaw, M. M. Hovey, Frederic P. Shaw, Messrs. Abraham H. Smith, Messrs. Wm. A. Thompson, Albert Smith, Daniel II. Thurston, John L. Smith, Dexter A. Tompkins, E. A. Spaulding, Felix G. Whitney, Richard II. Stearns, E. Crosby Willard, Isaac Stebbins, Moses "Williams, Jr., John C. Stimpson, Nathan M. Wood, Isaac Stone, John II. Woodbury, Chas. A. F. Swan, Boßton, Samuel Talbot, Jr., Walter Wyman. Leonard A. Thayer, Yeas, 65 ; naj'S, 128. Amendments moved by Messrs. Bowker of Boston, Copeland of Springfield, Nutter of East Bridgewater, Rust of Boston, and Ilolden of Westminster, were sev- erally rejected.
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