THE STATISTICAL YEARBOOK OF TAIWAN WATER CORPORATION 2015 No.38 Nanhua Reservoir TAIWAN WATER CORPORATION April 2016 Annual Important Performance Item Unit 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1.Capacity of Water Supply System M3/Day ……………… 2.Capacity of Water-Purification-Station M3/Day 1,552,559 1,802,000 2,439,390 2,731,112 2,921,834 3,187,036 3.Average Yield Per Day M3 1,176,321 1,265,741 1,332,205 1,513,115 1,791,415 1,996,937 4.Average Water Distributed Per Day M3 1,159,958 1,251,325 1,329,623 1,509,732 1,786,097 1,993,547 5.Average Water Sold Per Day M3 791,814 833,840 906,641 1,053,783 1,294,756 1,493,036 6.Yield M3 429,357,104 461,995,434 487,586,996 552,286,833 653,866,592 728,881,919 7.Distributed Water M3 423,384,502 456,733,547 486,641,970 551,052,131 651,925,230 727,644,563 8.Water Sold M3 289,012,366 304,351,457 331,830,538 384,630,881 472,585,950 544,957,993 9.Actual Meter-Readings M3 ……325,943,007 366,487,228 447,447,054 508,369,477 10.Percentage of Water Sold % 68.26 66.64 68.19 69.80 72.49 74.89 11.Percentage of Actual Meter Readings % ……66.98 66.51 68.63 69.87 12.Percentage of NRW(Non-Revenue Water) % ……………… Percentage of Water Losses % ……………… Percentage of Unbilled % ……………… Authorized Consumption 13.Administrative Population Person 13,212,945 13,431,137 13,688,930 13,908,275 14,127,946 14,376,247 14.Designed Population Person 6,248,858 6,780,700 7,616,810 8,300,890 8,927,215 9,503,965 15. Actual Population Person 5,421,559 5,690,158 6,333,404 7,077,380 7,809,240 8,332,582 16.Percentage of % 47.29 50.48 55.64 59.68 63.19 66.11 Designed Population Served 17.Percentage of % 41.03 42.37 46.27 50.89 55.28 57.96 Actual Population Served 18.Length of Distributing Pipes KM … 8,079 9,022 10,852 12,709 13,775 19.Water Consumption Charge Revenue Thousand NT$ 441,242 954,678 1,117,833 1,265,354 1,552,538 2,177,190 20.Households Connections Households 734,989 814,940 928,129 1,065,453 1,230,158 1,404,312 21.Number of Employees Person 4,839 5,179 5,210 5,304 5,338 5,423 22.Per Capita in Livelihood M3 62.490 68.767 67.128 66.489 69.771 71.314 Yearly Distributed Water 23. Per Capita in Livelihood M3 0.171 0.188 0.183 0.182 0.191 0.195 Daily Distributed Water 24.Per Capita in Livelihood M3 42.657 45.824 45.775 46.407 50.579 53.406 Yearly Water Consumption 25.Per Capita in Livelihood M3 0.117 0.126 0.125 0.127 0.139 0.146 Daily Water Consumption 26.Per Household in Livelihood NT$ … … 982 1,006 1,055 1,271 Yearly Water Charges 27.Per Household in Livelihood NT$ ……828488106 Monthly Water Charges 28.Per Capita in Livelihood NT$ 70 144 151 149 162 206 Yearly Water Charges 29.Per Capita in Livelihood NT$ 6 1213121417 Monthly Water Charges 30.Quantity of Water Sold Per Employee M3 59,726 58,766 63,691 72,517 88,532 100,490 31.Households Afforded Per Employee Households 152 157 178 201 230 259 32.Rate of Revenue % 93.59 93.34 97.54 98.06 97.95 98.21 33.Sales Per Employee NT$ 212,102 225,050 271,955 317,358 369,721 448,458 34.Earnings Per Employee NT$ -9,077 15,299 34,348 19,889 8,337 8,733 35.Unit Cost of Water Sold NT$/M3 2.29 2.55 2.91 3.44 3.56 3.55 36.Unit Price of Water Sold NT$/M3 1.96 2.64 3.30 3.32 3.28 3.27 37.Unit Profit/Loss from Sales NT$/M3 -0.33 0.09 0.39 -0.12 -0.28 -0.28 38.Return on Water Investment % -1.47 0.86 3.39 -0.93 -2.35 -2.77 Annual Important Performance Item Unit 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 39.Return on Equity % -0.56 2.48 4.86 2.34 0.89 0.88 40.Fixed Assets to Total Assets Ratio % 82.15 83.05 79.96 85.12 92.10 92.95 41.Total Liabilities to Total Assets Ratio % 27.02 40.10 44.63 46.17 50.58 50.33 42.Long-Term Liabilities to Total % 78.04 80.56 82.05 84.36 83.10 76.81 Liabilities Ratio 43.Net Worth Ratio % 72.98 59.90 55.37 53.83 49.42 49.67 44.Debt Ratio % 37.02 66.96 80.59 85.78 102.33 101.33 45.Fixed Ratio % 112.56 138.66 144.40 158.14 186.35 187.15 46.Total Assets Thousand NT$ 2,860,236 5,209,373 7,364,804 9,043,713 10,138,874 11,124,506 47.Total Liabilities Thousand NT$ 772,840 2,089,161 3,286,620 4,175,681 5,127,882 5,599,067 48.Owner's Equity Thousand NT$ 2,087,396 3,120,212 4,078,184 4,868,032 5,010,992 5,525,439 49.Operating Profit Thousand NT$ -1,073 117,401 294,570 358,764 364,456 425,679 50.Net Income Thousand NT$ -11,600 64,516 175,003 104,695 43,822 46,326 51.Interest Expense Thousand NT$ 14,013 37,430 76,069 260,999 322,481 381,501 52.Salary and Wages Thousand NT$ 97,556 314,483 454,347 542,495 627,531 765,959 53.Inventories Thousand NT$ 174,962 238,983 283,663 282,041 255,392 310,125 54.Depreciation Thousand NT$ 47,614 136,630 166,906 189,422 245,927 358,102 55.Added Value Thousand NT$ 149,203 589,194 935,064 1,155,610 1,279,445 1,590,852 Annual Important Performance Item Unit 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1.Capacity of Water Supply System M3/Day ……………… 2.Capacity of Water-Purification-Station M3/Day 3,504,362 3,825,797 4,129,527 4,310,992 4,627,277 5,164,400 3.Average Yield Per Day M3 2,167,588 2,376,201 2,620,487 2,879,785 2,994,419 3,228,176 4.Average Water Distributed Per Day M3 2,139,073 2,338,304 2,581,957 2,825,223 2,961,489 3,223,382 5.Average Water Sold Per Day M3 1,593,830 1,765,926 1,968,508 2,172,566 2,308,452 2,481,354 6.Yield M3 793,337,387 867,313,209 956,477,657 1,051,121,564 1,095,957,410 1,178,284,418 7.Distributed Water M3 782,900,812 853,480,779 942,414,123 1,031,206,336 1,083,904,966 1,176,534,442 8.Water Sold M3 583,341,611 644,563,139 718,505,308 792,986,589 844,893,420 905,694,148 9.Actual Meter-Readings M3 538,833,841 584,738,935 644,062,391 712,132,591 756,904,884 814,598,239 10.Percentage of Water Sold % 74.51 75.52 76.24 76.90 77.95 76.98 11.Percentage of Actual Meter Readings % 68.83 68.51 68.34 69.06 69.83 69.24 12.Percentage of NRW(Non-Revenue Water) % ……………… Percentage of Water Losses % ……………… Percentage of Unbilled % ……………… Authorized Consumption 13.Administrative Population Person 14,724,219 14,965,033 15,178,104 15,370,200 15,569,154 15,744,145 14.Designed Population Person 10,306,802 10,811,124 11,440,126 11,955,171 12,495,006 12,829,896 15. Actual Population Person 8,964,510 9,565,168 10,229,216 10,711,112 11,165,311 11,526,359 16.Percentage of % 70.00 72.24 75.37 77.78 80.25 81.49 Designed Population Served 17.Percentage of % 60.88 63.92 67.39 69.69 71.71 73.21 Actual Population Served 18.Length of Distributing Pipes KM 15,439 18,056 20,574 21,911 23,763 25,452 19.Water Consumption Charge Revenue Thousand NT$ 2,759,421 3,044,027 4,504,856 5,145,039 5,482,239 5,880,382 20.Households Connections Households 1,619,689 1,828,830 2,044,528 2,201,946 2,354,013 2,489,354 21.Number of Employees Person 5,951 6,410 6,654 6,751 6,815 6,971 22.Per Capita in Livelihood M3 72.256 74.866 78.319 81.481 82.515 87.759 Yearly Distributed Water 23. Per Capita in Livelihood M3 0.197 0.205 0.215 0.223 0.225 0.240 Daily Distributed Water 24.Per Capita in Livelihood M3 53.841 56.538 59.712 62.654 64.317 67.559 Yearly Water Consumption 25.Per Capita in Livelihood M3 0.147 0.155 0.164 0.172 0.176 0.185 Daily Water Consumption 26.Per Household in Livelihood NT$ 1,414 1,386 1,872 1,964 1,957 2,004 Yearly Water Charges 27.Per Household in Livelihood NT$ 118 116 156 164 163 167 Monthly Water Charges 28.Per Capita in Livelihood NT$ 246 256 364 396 405 426 Yearly Water Charges 29.Per Capita in Livelihood NT$ 20 21 30 33 34 35 Monthly Water Charges 30.Quantity of Water Sold Per Employee M3 98,024 100,556 107,981 117,462 123,976 129,923 31.Households Afforded Per Employee Households 272 285 307 326 345 357 32.Rate of Revenue % 98.75 98.76 99.22 99.24 98.72 99.03 33.Sales Per Employee NT$ 593,728 636,981 722,644 862,739 917,548 959,166 34.Earnings Per Employee NT$ 44,400 -16,248 6,512 78,294 54,497 59,683 35.Unit Cost of Water Sold NT$/M3 4.39 5.29 5.63 5.92 6.18 6.21 36.Unit Price of Water Sold NT$/M3 4.67 4.74 5.36 6.46 6.49 6.50 37.Unit Profit/Loss from Sales NT$/M3 0.28 -0.55 -0.27 0.54 0.31 0.29 38.Return on Water Investment % 2.56 -3.97 -1.54 2.68 1.44 1.22 Annual Important Performance Item Unit 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 39.Return on Equity % 4.08 -1.19 0.36 3.50 2.11 1.92 40.Fixed Assets to Total Assets Ratio % 90.44 91.23 89.71 92.89 93.28 96.57 41.Total Liabilities to Total Assets Ratio % 48.09 43.69 41.22 37.77 38.02 32.29 42.Long-Term Liabilities to Total % 82.56 77.90 84.83 81.15 87.71 85.56 Liabilities Ratio 43.Net Worth Ratio % 51.91 56.31 58.78 62.23 61.98 67.71 44.Debt Ratio % 92.65 77.60 70.13 60.70 61.35 47.68 45.Fixed Ratio % 174.25 162.03 152.62 149.27 150.50 142.62 46.Total Assets Thousand NT$ 13,214,905 17,755,860 23,156,492 26,722,119 29,814,378 35,935,219 47.Total Liabilities Thousand NT$ 6,355,537 7,757,993 9,545,614 10,094,053 11,336,113 11,602,302 48.Owner's Equity Thousand NT$ 6,859,368 9,997,867 13,610,878 16,628,066 18,478,265 24,332,917 49.Operating Profit Thousand NT$ 877,872 567,815 715,010 1,326,357 1,359,826 1,356,684 50.Net Income Thousand NT$ 252,502 -99,974 42,430 528,487 369,925 410,140 51.Interest Expense Thousand NT$ 538,679 700,586 708,048 713,526 924,892 873,470 52.Salary and Wages Thousand NT$ 938,883 1,250,920 1,500,566 1,668,278 1,775,617 1,858,113 53.Inventories Thousand NT$ 504,891 802,970 781,811 723,576 478,667 411,996 54.Depreciation Thousand NT$ 465,575 585,648 719,302 909,935 1,060,778 1,212,200 55.Added Value Thousand NT$ 2,311,344 2,475,167 3,012,098 4,031,140 4,300,345 4,537,174 Annual Important Performance Item Unit 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1.Capacity of Water Supply System M3/Day ……………… 2.Capacity of Water-Purification-Station M3/Day 5,374,350 5,466,645 5,620,374 5,917,309 5,996,189 6,434,490 3.Average Yield Per Day M3
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