8960 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 2, 1994 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS U.S. POLICY TOWARD THE REPA­ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, The 305 Highland Lao to whom Mr. Pobzeb TRIATION OF LAO HMONG ASY­ Washington, DC, April 25, 1994. refers are a group of Hmong who had been LUM SEEKERS Hon. LEE H. HAMILTON, screened out, or determined not to be eligi­ Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House ble for refugee status, and who had, accord­ of Representatives. ing to the Thai Ministry of the Interior, at­ HON. LEE H. HAMILTON DEAR MR. CHAffiMAN: Thank you for your tempted to bribe their way into the resettle­ OF INDIANA letter of February 22 regarding your con­ ment process by paying about $2,000 each in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cerns, and those of Mr. Vang Pobzeb, for the exchange for transportation from Ban Napho treatment of Hmong asylum seekers in Laos Monday, May 2, 1994 repatriation center to Phanat Nikhom camp and Thailand. We apologize for the delay in and the promise of illegal access to the U.S. Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, there has our response. resettlement program. According to the Min­ been considerable concern recently, particu­ We would like first of all to address two of istry, three camp officials and several larly among the Hmong community in the Unit­ the issues raised by Mr. Pobzeb: the dis­ Phanat Nikhom Hmong leaders were alleg­ ed States, about reports of forced repatriation appearance of Hmong leader Vue Mai and the edly involved in the scheme to take advan­ matter of the 305 Hmong who went from tage of the screened-out Hmong population to Laos of Hmong asylum seekers in Thailand. Napho camp to Phanat Nikhom camp and I wrote to the Secretary of State on February who are ineligible for resettlement. The back. scheme was uncovered by officials of the 22, 1994 on this topic, and on April 25, 1994, Since learning of Vue Mai's disappearance, United Nations High Commissioner for Refu­ I received a reply from the Department of the United States Government has taken gees (UNHCR) in Phanat Nikhom. Our Em­ State which provides background on this issue specific actions to bring our concern to the bassy in Bangkok reports that in all prob­ and the U.S. role in the repatriation program. attention of the Lao and Thai Governments ability the camp officials will be prosecuted. and to urge that every effort be made to lo­ With the completion of the investigation The exchange of letters follows: cate Vue Mai and guarantee his welfare. In COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, in Phanat Nikhom, the 305 Hmong were re­ addition to direct communications with our turned to the Napho camp. An officer from HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Embassies in Vientiane and Bangkok on this Washington, DC, February 22, 1994. our Embassy in Bangkok visited the group issue, we raised our concerns directly with after their arrival in Napho and found that Hon. WARREN M. CHRISTOPHER, the Foreign Minister of Laos during his visit Secretary of State, Department of State, Wash­ to Washington last year. The Government of they were being treated well. Subsequent to ington, DC. Laos has denied any involvement in the dis­ arrival in Napho, some members of the group DEAR MR. SECRETARY: I write to seek your appearance and has pledged to investigate. returned voluntarily to Laos pursuant to comment on questions raised about the repa­ According to information we have so far re­ normal return procedures. triation of Hmong asylum seekers from ceived, no evidence has appeared to tie ei­ Finally, Mr. Pobzeb's statements that offi­ Thailand to Laos under the Comprehensive ther the Lao Government or elements of the cials of the Department of State are corrupt Plan of Action for Indochinese refugees waning Lao resistance forces to Vue Mai's and criminals, "violators and traitors of (CPA). disappearance. human rights," and "have continued to lie," Many in the Hmong-American community Since the case of Vue Mai is unique and are untrue. Some of his other statements are are clearly concerned about the repatriation since our monitoring efforts have to date also open to question. It is unlikely, for ex­ process and the fate of Hmong returnees produced no credible evidence of persecution ample, that Mr. Werner Blatter, Chief of the upon their return to Laos. A number of seri­ of those who return to Laos, the United UNHCR office in Geneva dealing with the ous allegations are being made about the use States continues to support the voluntary Comprehensive Plan of Action, stated, as Mr. of force and corruption to convince some repatriation program. As part of the Tri­ Pobzeb says he did, that there are "mass Hmong people to return to Laos against partite Agreement (Thailand, Laos, UNHCR) killing and human rights violations in their will. The so far unaccounted for dis­ signed in Luang Prabang, Laos in 1991, the Laos," especially since it is Mr. Blatter's or­ appearance of one returnee (Mr. Vue Mai) Thai Government agreed that repatriations ganization that encourages and supports re­ has caused anxiety and aroused concern to Laos will take place without force. Direct patriation to Laos. The Department of State about the likely fate of other returnees. observations of repatriation movements by is interested in the truth of any allegation, Against this background, I would appre­ U.S. Embassy Bangkok officers confirm that but requires that allegations be supported by ciate having your latest assessment of the this commitment is being honored. The Unit­ credible evidence. Hmong repatriation program and the experi­ ed States has, over the last two years, pro­ We hope this information provides a clear­ ence of those who have already been re­ vided $2.7 million to assist in the repatri­ er perspective on United States policy and turned to Laos. ation and reintegration of those who return actions in connection with Hmong repatri­ The Chairman of the Denver-based Lao home. Of that amount, $1.5 million was man­ ation. Please do not hesitate to contact us if Human Rights Council, Mr. Vang Pobzeb, dated by Congress to support non-govern­ you have further questions. has written in particularly strong terms. ment organization activities in support of Sincerely, Apart from expressing deep concern about Hmong repatriation. WENDY R. SHERMAN, the repatriation process, he makes a number An important fact not mentioned by Mr. Assistant Secretary, of allegations about the role of U.S. officials Pobzeb is that the majority of Hmong re­ Legislative Affairs. in the process. In short, Mr. Pobzeb accuses turning to Laos during the last two years are officials from the State Department and the refugees who could have chosen to be inter­ U.S. Embassy in Bangkok of lying about this viewed for resettlement in the United States. PERSIAN GULF VETERANS NEED issue and engaging in a cover up of abuses in They instead chose to return home. Another ADDITIONAL HELP the Hmong repatriation program. fact is that there are fewer than 2,000 Hmong These allegations have come as a surprise who have been screened out, that is, deter­ to me. They do not square with the generally mined not to be refugees. The vast majority HON. G.V. (SONNY) MONTGOMERY high regard I have for your Department's of the approximately 20,000 Hmong who re­ OF MISSISSIPPI commitment to the cause of human rights main in camps are eligible for the U.S. pro­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and humanitarian issues. I know you would gram. The United States accepted 7,000 not tolerate the sorts of abuses referred to Hmong in FY 93, and will accept a similar Monday, May 2, 1994 by Mr. Pobzeb. But such allegations require number in FY 94. Mr. MONTGOMERY. Mr. Speaker, following investigation and I therefore seek your com­ The disappearance of Vue Mai is of impor­ a 3-day workshop last week convened by the ments. For this purpose, I attach a copy of tance to the United States Government both National Institutes of Health, it was concluded Mr. Pobzeb's letter. because of our concern for Vue Mai himself With kind regards, and for any possible impact his disappear­ that additional broad-based research is need­ Sincerely, ance may have on the process of voluntary ed to determine what is making some of our LEE H. HAMILTON, repatriation to Laos. We will continue to Persian Gulf veterans sick. This conference in­ Chairman. pursue this matter until it is resolved. cluded medical and scientific professionals e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. May 2, 1994 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 8961 from VA, Defense, and Health and Human NAWCF is the result of the efforts of the TRIBUTE TO DR. JOSEPH J. DEL Services. late Congressman Conte and Chairman DIN­ ROSSO IN HONOR OF HIS 39 Mr. Speaker, everyone is in agreement. GELL. Congressman Conte and Chairman DIN­ YEARS AS AN EDUCATOR These illnesses are genuine. These veterans GELL served as the two Representatives of the are sick.· And there is a concerted effort to di­ U.S. House on the Migratory Bird Conserva­ agnose what has made them sick. We have tion Commission [MBCC]. The MBCC has the HON. GARY L ACKERMAN given them priority access to VA health care responsibility of distributing Duck Stamp mon­ OF NEW YORK and are conducting a great deal of research.
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