Index Note: Figures and tables are indicated by ‘f ’and‘t’respectively. AA. See Alopecia areata (AA) intradermal naevus, 164, 164f Anti-proliferative agents ABPI. See Ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) junctional naevus, 164, 164f 5 fluorouracil, 214 Acanthosis nigricans (AN), 72–73, 73f spitz naevus, 165, 165f diclofenac, 214 Acitretin, 23 Actinic keratoses (AKs) imiquimod, 214 Acne conglobata, 92–93, 93f cryotherapy, 184 ingenol mebutate, 214 Acne excoriée, 92, 92f management, 173 Arterial ulcers Acne fulminans, 92–93, 93f and SCC, 172 compression bandaging, 87 Acne keloidalis nuchae, 91, 91f sun-damaged skin, 172, 172f simple/magnetic resonance angiography, 86 Acne Acute arthropathy X-ray signs, 17, 17f ATM. See Atypical mycobacteria (ATM) androgenic hormones, 90 Acute generalised pustular psoriasis, 14, 16f Atopic dermatitis (AD), 1, 1f , 27, 28 causing factors, 90 Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis Atrophie blanche, 84, 84f classic rash, dorsal hand secondary to taking (AGEP), 54, 54f Atypical mycobacteria (ATM), 102 oral isotretinoin, 94–95, 94f Addison’s disease, 193 cleansers, 93 AGA. See Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) Bacillary angiomatosis, 103, 103f , 117, 117f with closed/open comedones, 89, 90f AGEP. See Acute generalized exanthematous Bacterial folliculitis, 99–100, 100f conglobata/fulminans, 92–93, 93f pustulosis (AGEP) Bacterial infections diet, 91 AKs. See Actinic keratoses (AKs) antiseptic skin, 99 dry lips, oral isotretinoin, 94, 94f Allergic contact dermatitis bacillary angiomatosis, 103, 103f , 117, 117f excoriée, 92, 92f antigens, 32–33 Cat-scratch disease, 103 fluid retention, 90 immunological response, 33, 33f common patterns, 97, 98t hormone therapies, 94 T-lymphocytes, 33 cutaneous leishmaniasis, 137–139 ‘ice-pick’ scars, 92, 92f Alopecia areata (AA) deeper infection, 101–102. See Deeper infantile, 92 contact sensitization, 146 infections with inflammatory papules and pustules, 91, exclamation mark hairs, 145, 146f impetigo, 116–117 91f mycology and skin biopsy, 146 Loiasis (Loa loa), 143 keloid scars, 92, 92f nail abnormalities, 145, 146f normal skin flora, 97 keloidalis nuchae, 91, 91f prognostic markers, 145 PVL, 97, 99, 99f laser ablation, dilated telangiectatic vessels, 96 systemic immunosuppression, 146 RMSF, 103, 104f oral antibiotics/retinoids, 94, 96 topical minoxidil, 146 secondary syphilis, 103–104, 104f Rosacea. See Rosacea topical/intralesional corticosteroids, 146 staphylococcal and streptococcal covers, 99 scars, types, 92, 92f COPYRIGHTEDAN. See Acanthosis nigricans (AN)MATERIALsubcutaneous myiasis, 141–142 seasons, 91 Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) superficial. See Superficial infections sebaceous gland, pathology and histology, 89, female androgenetic alopecia, syphilis, 117, 118f 89f 145, 145f topical and systemic antibiotics, 99 stress, 90 FUT, 145 traumatic break, skin, 97 topical treatments. See Topical treatments hair transplantation, 145 tungiasis, 141 treatment, 93, 93t Angio-oedema. See Urticaria Bandaging treatment ladder, Rosacea, 91, 92 Ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI), application, 208 vulgaris. See Acne vulgaris 29, 82 classification, 207–208 Acquired melanocytic naevi Annular erythema, 71, 72f compression, 208–210 Becker’s naevus, 165, 165f Annular (ring-shaped) lesions, granuloma medicated paste, 210, 210f Blue naevus, 164, 164f annulare, 4, 7f rubber sensitivity, 210 compound naevus, 164, 164f Annular plaques, 13, 14f sternal wound, 207 halo naevus, 165, 165f Annular urticaria, 39, 40f tubular, 210 ABC of Dermatology, Sixth Edition. Edited by Rachael Morris-Jones. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 221 222 Index two-layer long/short stretch, 210 CAD. See Chronic actinic dermatitis (CAD) clubbing, 154, 154f type I retention, 207 Calcineurin inhibitors, 213–214 colour change, 154 type II light support, 207 Calcinosis cutis, 65, 65f in situ melanoma, 159, 159f Basalcellcarcinoma(BCC) Candida albicans, 125, 126f irritant dermatitis (eczema), 152 cryotherapy, 184 Cell-mediated immunity, 138 koilonychia, 154 Gorlin’s syndrome, 173 Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia longitudinal/transverse splits, 153 morphoeic/sclerosing type, 174, 175f (CCCA), 147 Myxoid pseudocysts, 158, 158f nodular-type, 173, 174f Cholinergic urticaria, 40 nail loss (onychomadesis), 153 pigmented, 174, 174f Chromoblastomycosis, 140 nail plate thickening, 152 recurrent nodular, 173, 174f Chronic actinic dermatitis (CAD), 46, 46f onycholysis, 152 ‘rolled edge’, 173 Chronic paronychia, 126 periungual fibrokeratomas, 159 superficial, 174, 174f Chronic psoriatic arthropathy, 17, 17f pitting, 151 surgical scars, 175 Ciclosporin A, 23 plate infection, dermatophyte fungi, 157, 157f Benign skin tumours Compression bandaging, 208–210 psoriasis, onycholysis, 155, 155f cutaneous lesions, 161 Connective tissue disease (CTD), 62 pterygium formation, lupus, 156, 156f differential diagnosis, 161, 161f Cosmetic camouflage, 216 pustules, periungual skin, 153–154 nodules, 169–170 ‘CREST syndrome’, 64 subungual exostosis, 159, 159f pattern recognition, 161 Cryotherapy subungual hyperkeratosis, 151 pigmented, 162–165 ‘freeze–thaw’ cycle, 183 transverse ridges, 152 plaques, 170–171 liquid nitrogen, canister, 183, 184f treatment, 159–160 tumour papules, 167–169 risks and precautions, 184 viral warts, 158 vascular tumours, 165–167 skin lesions, freezing, 184 DLE. See Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) Benign tumour nodules CTCLs. See Cutaneous T-cell lymphomas DPN. See Dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN) eccrine poroma, 170, 170f (CTCLs) Dracunculus medinensis (Dracunculiasis), 143 epidermoid cyst, 169, 169f CTD. See Connective tissue disease (CTD) DRESS, 53–54, 54f keloid scar, ear piercing, 170, 170f CTLA-4. See Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated Dressings leiomyoma, scalp vertex, 169, 169f antigen 4 (CTLA-4) adverse effects, 207 lipoma, 169, 169f Curettage surgery, 185–186 alginate, 202–203 Benign tumour papules Cutaneous B-cell lymphoma, 78, 78f alginogels, 206 apocrine hidrocystomas, 168, 168f Cutaneous leishmaniasis, 137–139, 138f antimicrobial agents, 203–204, 204f milia, 168, 169f Cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCLs), 181–182, capillary action, 206 sebaceous gland hyperplasia, 168, 169f 182f categorization, 200 syringomas, 168, 168f Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 cavity, 204, 205f trichoepitheliomas, 168, 168f (CTLA-4), 220 description, 200 Benign tumour plaques film, 201, 201f epidermal naevus, 171, 171f Darier’s disease, 153, 153f honey, 204–205, 205f ILVEN, 171 DDTUs. See Dermatology day treatment units hydrocolloid, 201, 202f naevus sebaceous, 170, 170f (DDTUs) hydrofibres, 201–202, 203f Biological therapies Dermabrasion and chemical peels, 195 hydrogel, 201, 202f Ⓡ adalimumab (Humira ),24 Dermatitis artefacta, 88, 88f interactive, 200 eczema, 220 Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) larvae therapy, 204, 205f Ⓡ etanercept (Enbrel ),24 gastrointestinal system and liver, skin MMPs, 206 Ⓡ infliximab (Remicade ),24 changes, 75, 75f non-or low adherent, 200–201, 200f metastatic melanoma, 219–220 gluten-free diet, 59–60 odour-controlling, 204 NICE guidelines (UK), 24 investigation, immunobullous disease. See passive, 200 proteins/antibodies, 23 Immunobullous disorders patient-focused issues, 198, 200 rituximab, 220 on knees, 59, 59f PHMB, 206 T-cell mediated disease and cytokines, linear IgA, 60, 60f polyurethane foam, 203, 203f 23–24 Dermatology day treatment units (DDTUs), 19 super-absorbent, 206 treatment, psoriasis, 219 Dermatomyositis TNP, 206 Ⓡ ustekinumab (Stelara ),24–25 hands, 68, 69f Drug rashes Blashko’s lines, 80, 80f rash on ‘V’ of neck, 68, 68f AGEP, 54, 54f Blastomycosis, 141 treatment, high dose systemic alteration, normal skin function. See Normal Blepharitis, 95, 95f corticosteroids, 69 skin alteration, drug rashes Blisters, 55–56, 55f Dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN), diagnosis, 48 Bowen’s disease, 173, 184 162, 162f DRESS. See Drug reaction with eosinophilia and Bullous lichen planus, 66, 66f DH. See Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) systemic symptoms (DRESS) Bullous pemphigoid Diabetic/neuropathic ulcers, 87, 87f drug-induced exanthems, 51, 51f bullae, 4, 4f , 8, 9f Discoid lesions, discoid eczema, 4, 5f drug-induced lupus, 51–52, 51f histopathology, 60, 60f Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), 68, 68f drug-induced vasculitis, 52, 52f immunofluorescence, 60, 61f Diseases, nails erythema nodosum, 52 mouth erosions, 57, 58f acute illness, 158 examination, 48 urticated plaques, pre-bullous pemphigoid, 57, bacterial infection, periungual tissues, 157, fixed drug eruption, 52, 53f 57f 157f history, 48, 50t vesicles, 8, 9f Beau’s line, 153 immune-mediated and Bullous vasculitis with necrosis, 63, 63f chronic illness, 158, 158f non-immune-mediated, 49 Index 223 lichenoid drug eruptions, 52, 52f lichen simplex, 28, 28f superficial dermatophyte and yeast, 116, pre-existing dermatoses, 50–51 Paget’s disease, 29, 30f 122 SJS and TEN, 52–53, 53f , 53t Pityriasis alba, 27 systemic antifungal drugs, 127 skin biopsy, 48–49 plantar dermatitis, 27, 28f Tinea capitis (scalp ringworm), 122, 122f skin reactions, 49 pompholyx, 28, 29f Tinea incognito, 123, 123f urticaria/angio-oedema, 51, 51f RAST, 29 trunk, 124–125 Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic skin and nasal swabs, 29 yeast infections, 126–127 symptoms (DRESS), 53–54, 54f varicose, 28, 29f zoophilic (animal) fungi, 122 Drug-induced exanthems, 51, 51f venous (stasis), 28, 29 Drug-induced lupus, 51–52, 51f Eosinophilic folliculitis (EF), 116, 116f Gastrointestinal system and liver disorders Drug-induced
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