Bradford signs RELIGION with Behrend Saturday Faith community news ...................................Page 3 .............Page 8 April 1, 2006 INSIDE Mendocino County’s World briefly The Ukiah local newspaper ..........Page 2 Sunday: Periods of rain, some heavy 7 58551 69301 0 Monday: Showers, maybe thunderstorm 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL ukiahdailyjournal.com 16 pages, Volume 147 Number 357 email: [email protected] Bilingual LOCAL READING PROGRAM GAINS INTERNATIONAL ATTENTION officers a Koreans film at Yokayo priority, By BEN BROWN and LAURA CLARK UPD says The Daily Journal A Yokayo elementary By BEN BROWN reading program that The Daily Journal focuses on comprehen- The protest that ranged up and sion, critical reading and down State Street on Thursday was reading aloud has drawn primarily about the immigration bill the attention of the East, currently in Congress, but in a wider the Far East. sense it was about a whole host of The Korean Broad- issues, including a perceived lack of casting System, the equi- Latino and bilingual officers on the valent of the Public local police force. Broadcasting System in Ukiah Police Capt. Chris Dewey America, sent a film said continuing to find and recruit crew to Yokayo this quality officers is the primary goal of week to film a documen- the UPD and tary on how communal that the depart- ‘Our goal is to reading can strengthen ment has been bonds between children working to hire have a department and help them to learn to more bilingual enjoy reading and have a officers. that reflects the greater understanding of Ana Araiza of literature. the Latino Coali- community.’ “We’re here to see tion agreed that how these kids are UPD has been doing,” said producer working cooper- CHRIS DEWEY Jerry Hoon. atively with the Because of the com- Latino commu- UPD captain petitiveness of the Kor- nity to increase ean school system, chil- the number of bilingual officers on dren are often forced to the streets. She said she has been Isaac Eckel/The Daily Journal study many hours a day assured some of those recently hired Above, the outside of school, Yoon by the department are bilingual. Korean said. This serves to iso- Araiza said bilingual officers are Broadcasting late children both from important because while on patrol, System films Kim their parents and from officers can sometimes encounter Deetz-Hoover’s society, he said. people who don’t speak English. second-grade “It’s not really a prop- Often in those cases it is children class at Yokayo er way to teach children who have to translate for the officers Elementary to read and understand and their parents, Araiza said. Not School Thursday literature,” he said. only is this bad for the children, but for a Parents who read to it can also result in officers not get- documentary their children and chil- ting complete information, she said. on the school’s dren who read to each The UPD currently has six bilin- communal other create a stronger gual officers on staff out of a total of reading program. bond, Yoon said 28, Dewey said. That ratio means At right, He said he was look- that bilingual officers make up 21 Deetz-Hoover is ing for a school program percent of the police force. interviewed by that brings children According to the 2000 census, the producer, Latinos make up 16.5 percent of the Jerry Hoon. See READING, Page 16 county’s population. According to the Criminal Justice Master Plan, they account for 16 percent of the See OFFICERS, Page 16 RUMOR MILL ALIVE AND WELL Voting Treasurer’s candidate addresses rumors machines By SETH FREEDLAND she actually added checks and balances to the on the way The Daily Journal ‘I didn’t steal any money. I left the court on system during her tenure. To the suggestion that As Mendocino County’s election season heats her son, who worked as a computer analyst, tried By SETH FREEDLAND up, one race is receiving the lion’s share of whis- to break into county computers, Ugrin- The Daily Journal pered questions and anonymous innuendo. my terms. I left with my integrity intact.’ Capobiano states there is “absolutely no truth” to Fret not, election enthusiasts: Some residents have been abuzz over Tania it. Those 50 electronic voting machines Ugrin-Capobiano’s candidacy for treasurer/tax- TANIA UGRIN-CAPOBIANO, who said her reason for leaving her “My son has no connection to me and my will arrive in Mendocino County, collector since she declared two weeks ago. work whatsoever,” she said. “I can absolutely only three days after the Diebold- former position as court executive officer is personal, suggested deadline, elections offi- But ever since she left her position as court guarantee you that.” She said he did work for the and that she does not intend to reveal it company that installed the court’s computer, but cials said. executive officer in September 2005 for reasons On Wednesday, the full freight of never revealed to the public, curious residents points out she did not award that contract. “When the decision to leave was made, I touchscreen equipment will arrive to have tried in vain to definitively discover the rea- add to the three machines pre-sent by son. The judges have refused to speak on the appreciate the judges for not talking about it,” Ugrin-Capobiano said the true reason for her Ugrin-Capobiano said. “And I respect that the Diebold to allow officials more time matter -- even declining to admit if Ugrin- leaving the high-level position is personal and to practice using them. Capobiano was still working for the court for a public wants to know. Hopefully, I can ease that she would rather not reveal it, even if con- (them) with the fact that there was no wrongdo- A new federal law requires that time -- and Ugrin-Capobiano said she will cealing it keeps the rumor mill active. She did touchscreen devices with audio com- decline as well throughout her campaign. ing.” If there were malfeasance, she suggests, call her departure “very political” and labeled the District Attorney Norm Vroman -- who has ponents be available at every polling The candidate said she is well aware of the court as “the most political place you can be.” location to allow those with visual or rumors circulating the county, including that she endorsed her candidacy -- would surely have The candidate said there were two paths she pursued a case, she said. mobility disabilities to vote without made unauthorized personal charges on a county could have taken as executive officer -- “make no Ugrin-Capobiano will face current assistance. Because of the financial credit card or that she issued loans to herself, and waves or make a difference” -- and stated: “I Treasurer/Tax-Collector Tim Knudsen’s assis- and logistical burden, officials laughs at them all. know I made a difference.” tant, Shari Schapmire, in the June election. announced that all polling places “I didn’t steal any money,” Ugrin-Capobiano She dismissed the whispers of embezzlement with fewer than 250 voters will said. “I left the court on my terms. I left with my by stating that she never knew the code to access Seth Freedland can be reached at become “mail ballot” precincts. the finance system. Ugrin-Capobiano notes that [email protected]. integrity intact.” See VOTING, Page 16 A FULL Toll Free 888-923-0300 or 707-467-0300 SERVICE Experience you can REAL ESTATE 304 N. State St., Ukiah BROKERAGE COUNT on. www.premierproperty.net 2 – SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 2006 DAILY DIGEST Editor: Jody Martinez, 468-3517 The Ukiah Daily Journal [email protected] White House lawyer, told senators Friday that President Bush’s boat wasn’t equipped for an emergency. There were no life- domestic spying exceeds the wrongdoing that toppled his for- jackets or other flotation devices, or lifeboats. The world briefly mer boss. “People were screaming and yelling, they were trying to Bush, Dean told the Senate Judiciary Committee, should be climb back onto the ship,” George said. censured and possibly impeached. Of the 126 people aboard, 57 drowned, 67 were rescued and “Had the Senate or House, or both, censured or somehow two remained missing after the boat capsized Thursday night in Delphi asks bankruptcy court warned Richard Nixon, the tragedy of Watergate might have fair weather less than half a mile off the coast of this island to void union contracts been prevented,” Dean told the Senate Judiciary Committee. nation on the western shore of the Gulf. “Hopefully the Senate will not sit by while even more serious DETROIT (AP) — Auto parts supplier Delphi Corp. abuses unfold before it.” Mumps epidemic hits Iowa; unveiled a broad restructuring plan on Friday that would cut Republicans and their witnesses rejected the comparison 8,500 salaried jobs, shut or sell a third of its plants worldwide between Watergate and Bush’s wiretapping program, and attrib- biggest U.S. outbreak in 17 years and asks a bankruptcy court judge to void its labor agreements uted Sen. Russell Feingold’s censure resolution to posturing in DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — A mumps epidemic is sweep- in a move that sent a shudder through the auto industry. a year of midterm elections. The United Auto Workers warned “it will be impossible to ing across Iowa in the nation’s biggest outbreak in at least 17 Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said the comparison to years, baffling health officials and worrying parents. avoid a long strike” if the judge agrees to void the contracts and Watergate is “apples and oranges” because Nixon’s actions Delphi imposes its most recent wage proposal.
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