Friends of the ABC (NSW) Inc. qu a rt e r ly news l e t t e r Sep t . - O c t . 2003 Vol 14, No. 6 in c o rp o ra ti n g ba ck g round briefing national magazine up d at e friends of the abc In Alston v the ABC, the Winner Must Be Journalistic Integrity What is fair reporting? The answer lies somewhere in the language that is used, writes Peter Ellingsen. Behind the case made against the ABC for alleged left-wing bias is a skir- mish more bitter than the one surround- ing broadcasting standards. It is a war over what constitutes valid journalism, and it's being fought on the field of lan- guage. At stake is not just the standing of a Crisis Edition: ABC Reels under particular ABC current affairs program, AM, but the shared understanding of ‘b i a s ’ bludgeon and Fights Funding Fiasco. what journalism is and how it is as s e s s e d . The Long March defending AM There are no exact standards here. Not since 15,000 people streamed release, insisting the Minister be While both sides agree fairness is a onto the steps of the Opera House in sa c k e d . goal, they differ on what it is. What April 2001 to defend the ABC has the With the Australian communica- Richard Alston brands as anti-American broadcaster been under such a con- tions industry at the crossroads due prejudice, the ABC sees as scene set- certed attack by Government. Brian to his failed digital television and ting. It comes down to interpretation. Davies maps the current conflict. broadband policies, Senator Al s t o n is continuing his reckless and petty Continued on Page 5 To soften up the target, the war against the AB C . Coalition, in May, laid down a bar- Inside: rage of Budget Cuts camouflaged as "I t ’ s clear it’s the Government ‘funding maintained in real terms’; that‘s been misrepresenting the facts The President's Report........... 3 two months later it sent the Old of the Iraqi conflict." What Balding Said...............................6 Guard Bias cavalry in, slashing and Central Cst. Calls for Protest Demo. 8 hacking mercilessly. The clash of In The Age - ‘S PARKS FLY I N US Audiences say ’No’ to arms rang across the continent, but B ATTLE OF THE A BC’ - An n a b e l Corporate Giantism.........................8 at the clang of the Minister’s charge Crabb wrote “Tension between the Behind the News Goes Full Frontal....9 of anti-American bias, the next ABC and Government exploded yes- Great Lakes Friends Ask Questions....9 sound heard was the clunk of collec- terday as Richard Alston confirmed Where Did All the Money Go?.......... 11 tive jaws dropping. plans to force a new independent Letters to Editors...............................12 watchdog on the national broadcast- Nailing the ‘ABC’ of Deception..........13 ‘A L S TON LOSES THE PLOT’, er. How Aunty Handles Complaints........15 shouted a Lindsay Tanner media Continued on Page 4 Page 1 A public meeting to re-establish The Eastern Suburbs Branch of Friends of the ABC will be held at Waverley Library Theatrette Bondi Junction Corner Denison and Ebley Sts. Parking underneath. Entrance on Denison St. FABC Bathurst President,Warwick Franks, with NSW Sunday, 28 September President,Gary Cook at Bathurst FABC’s “Irish Night” 1.30 pm. Speakers will be • Quentin Dempster • Cameron Murph y, NSW Council for Civil Liberties Louise Southalan, • Australian Fair Trade and, In vestment Network Chairperson - Tina Bursill Jennifer Sexton, Kempsey regional radio reporter keeping FABC members in the picture at Port Macquarie. asked how much Australians were Screenworks seminars. Mex’s with Mobiles’ prepared to lose when considering Northern Rivers Friends call for the “dubious benefits the industry But this raised a question: Wou l d A u s t r a l i a ’s media to be protected. might gain from a Free Trade National Party members hold firm on cultural objectives if a trade off Late August, Northern Rivers Agreement with the US.” The Democrats, he said, preferred a multi- offered concessions to the Australian Friends ran a film evening featuring farming and mining sectors? the work of local film makers lateral agreement to a bilateral one. Panel session participants signed (Michael Murray, David Bradbury, Standstill Situation and Cathy Henkel) at the Bay Dendy a petition asking the Trade Minister followed by a panel session at Media lecturer Fiona Martin to ensure the government held firm Northern Rivers Screenworks office described as a “convenient fiction” to its commitment to maintain control to examine the implications of the the idea that opening up new types of social and cultural objectives; that proposed US Free Trade Agreement of media provided more outlets for the Australian Film, TV and multi- for Australia’s film, television and local producers. Screenworks media industries were fully protect- multimedia industry. Director and Screen Directors ed; that the Government retain the Association Rep Tracey Mair noted right to provide financial support for On the panel, Michael Murray intense lobbying taking place in local media and its right to control spoke of the difficulties of getting Canberra over the Free Trade local content. local films produced in the era of the Agreement. She warned that the global market. Cathy Henkel noted Australian government might agree Coming Events for the Northern the declining number of feature films to a “standstill situation” leaving the Rivers Friends of the A B C : being produced in Australia and the 55% local content rules on TV S u n d a y, 12 October, 2 pm, need therefore for a protected mar- locked in time, but at the cost of the Byron Bay Community Centre. ket. David Bradbury, noting that “we freedom to adjust in the future. A u n t y ’s (totally unbiased) Arty Party - are already swamped with US prod- a Concert by local performers (includ- uct”, said Australians were often Panelists acknowledged that the ing Sharni Russell and David Hallett) viewed by Americans as “Mexicans Member for Richmond, Larry An t h o n y, to recognise the A B C ’s contribution to with Mobiles” - easily exploitable. was supportive of the local film the A r t s . industry and had attended Democrat Senator John Cherry President Neville Jennings Page 2 complete exclusion from negotiations The President’s Report of public broadcasting issues, particu- larly the ABC and SBS. By the time you refusing to accept the AB C ’ s response receive this edition of to his allegations of anti-US bias. Th e You will notice in this edition an Up d a t e , Friends of AB C ’ s Complaints Review Process is advertisement on page 2 to re-launch the ABC, together more open, transparent and rigorous the Eastern Suburbs branch of the with an alliance of concerned organi- than other public broadcasters over- FABC on 28 September. I urge you to sations including the NSW Tea c h e r s ’ seas. Beyond this process, there are support this meeting if you live in the Federation, Association of Parents & two further external bodies to which a Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. Citizens, and Combined Public Service complaint can be referred, one of Unions, will have staged a Rally and which, (The Australian Broadcasting Our Annual General Meeting will Family Picnic in the Sydney Domain. Authority) is appointed by the govern- be held this year on Saturday, 25 ment. This is not good enough for October at the YWCA, corner We organised the Rally because Senator Alston who wants to establish Liverpool Street and Wen t w o r t h you, the members, asked us what we his own self-appointed tribunal - no Avenue, Sydney. You will be receiving were doing in answer to the concerted doubt made up of the usual suspects. an official notification of the meeting campaign by the Federal Government, in due course. and, in particular, the Minister for The National Conference of Communications, Senator Alston, to Friends of the ABC was held in Perth It has again been a very active systematically attack and undermine over the weekend of 6 and 7 period culminating in the Rally at the the AB C . September and was opened by AB C Domain. In June, Bathurst Branch Managing Director, Russell Balding. held a very innovative and successful In early August, the ABC was Abrief report is provided below. ‘Irish Night in the Pub’. I also attended forced to shed programs, in particular Parramatta Branch AGM, a meeting of the AC T Branch, followed in July by a the popular educational program Co n c e r ns About the workshop on ‘Why Trade Matters’, ‘Behind the News’. Current affa i r s Free Trade Agre e m e n t programs will also suffer - all because enabling several FABC committee of inadequate funding provided by the The Australia-United States Free members to better understand this government. When the ABC made its Trade Agreement being negotiated serious issue. Triennial Funding submission to the this year should continue to give con- The ABC remains under attack government, it made it abundantly cern to all Australians. It has potential- from the Minister and the Government. clear that programs would suffer if the ly adverse outcomes for public broad- It needs our resolve to continue com- government failed to recognise that casting, the audio-visual industry, the bating this onslaught and to educate the ABC was grossly underfunded, arts, culture and education.
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