TODAY, INSIDE TODAY, EDITORIALLY • HONORS CHAPEL • TUSTION •GREEK WEEK the cut. .,cO~VOCATION tha141 ' e ELECTIONS nu ar Walker • REYNOLDA HALL by one ~the 36 • at160. ;tgroup A Prize- Winning Newspaper mdwas * slonals * * * * * ames on yoLUMF. LIV Wake Forest University, Winston-salem, North Carolina Tuesday,April22, 1966 a 791n NUMBER 2~ rand an rounds' n, Jr., Ushota ns a 71 Trustees Raise Tuition, Name Business highest Dean :hot 73.' to beat ers but $150 Hike In Expense Parallels Harvard 1350 1300 69 Professor 12.50 !eshots $2 Million Rise In Wake Budget :tround 12.00 u. The The Universitv's Board of Trustees 14 per cent per year for the past decade-. Appointed s were voted Friday to raise undergraduate tui. has made tuition increases a nationwide I !.!SO ndam. tton by $150 and the University budget to phenomenon, but on Which falls particu. Dr. Robert S. Carlson, associate pro­ h Point a record level. ·Iarly upon the smaller, private institu. 1100 fessor at the Harvard Business School tions. · was appointed dean of the Charles H: uy Bill The $150 raise will make tuition in. IOlSO eluding the $150 activity fee, for the 1969. A report issued by the state's Board of Babcock School of Business by the Ad­ ~ofSam '' ministration Board of Trustees Friday. mlyone '70 school year $1,400. A budget of almost Higher Education on Nov. 26,1968, showed 1000 $19 million represents an increase of more an increase in tuition and fees from 1964 Carlson succeeds Dr. Gaines M. Rogers the cut. who resigned last June, and Dr. Jeanne y for a than $2 million from the budget of the cur. to 1967 of 32.4 per cent at private in. rentfiscal year. stitutions, compared with an average in. Owen, professor of business law, who has s while been acting as dean of the school this year. alee the crease of only 11.5 per cent at public col- leges. · In addition, the Trustees reportedly Dr. Jam~s Ralph Scales, president of the voted to begin phasing out the bachelor rere the University, blamed both increases on in. Today, the report says, costs atprivate institutions in North Carolina run roughly of business administration (B.B.A.) de­ the cut. flation and said the budget increase "re. gree, replacing it with a regular bachelor•s rounds, fleets what is at best a modest attempt to 70 per cent higher than those at state-sup. degree. ported schools. · of 74's keep salary levels in various areas abreast Although no action on the degree was of­ 9 total, With rising costs." 750 winning Most important in influencing the rise ficially reported by the Trustees, usually sh only ' in tuition were instructional costs, the reliable University sources said the Tru. The budget for the 1969-70fiscalyearis report said. stees decided to phase the degree elimi­ Y'- $18,905,116 as compared with the current nating it completely within four to five ed in a The broader base of support available years. match. fiscal year•s budget of $16,873,000. Broken down, the new budget shows an allocation to state-supported institutions has helped The effect of the action on the school Lrted on CHARLES G. FURR to mitigate the hike in prices for students could not be determined. mefit of of $8,798,116 for the Bowman Gray Scbool ...Resigns Alumni Post. of Medicine and $10,107,000 for the Uni­ at those schools, who shoulder about 20 ~. car. SmNS POSTED versity's Reynolda campus, which includes per cent of the costs of instruction. No rholes, such relief is available for students at d to the the undergraduate and graduate schools, The Business School Students Associ­ the School of Law and the Charles H. private colleges, however, who bear be­ ation posted signs in Reynolda Hall Fri. eLittler tween 50 and 70 per cent of the costs. a 12-foot Babcock School of Business Administra­ TUITION AND ACTIVITY FEE INCREASE, 1961~1969 day informing students of a possible Alumni Head action on the degree. arlmess tion. It read: "Attention Business Students. REYNO[;DA HALL The BSSA feels you ought to lmow that Resigns; Post the trustees will vote Friday to deter. >Ok The new budget includes $75,000for re­ SG Reorganization Proposal mine the future of the B.B.A. program decorating Reynolda Hall to allow'for ad­ at WFU , The BSSA hopes to forestall ~al.. Still Vacant ditional student activities after the bust •. ,, any termination of the program." ness and mathematics departments move None of the officers of the BSSA were Charles G. Furr, the Universit~s acting out next year. available for comment on the Trustee's director of development and .al~ni af. action. fairs, has resigned effective May 15 tabe. Renovation Plans have been under study · Passed By 6-l Student Vote Carlson•s appointment is effective Sept. come direptor of development at the Uni­ for several months by the College Union 1. He will also be professor of business versity of Florida in Gainseville, Fla. Building Committee. The project is sche­ administration in the school. The development committee of the Board BY BARRY ROBINSON Although only a majority was required stituency while still maintaining the cur. duled to begin this summer and will be The revised student government re. OnP. of Carlson's major tasks will be of Trustees, which was. to consider a nom. for the approval of the measure, students rent class structure." to develop a graduate program for the completed in phases extending over a organization plan, calling for represen. voted 494 in favor to 82 against. Aspecial ination to replace Furr at the board meet. three. year period. At that time, Cross called the amend­ school. University sources said the deve. ·•g Friday, did not meet. Dr. James Ralph tation In the Legislature based on living committee, to be appointed by Jim Cross, ment and other reorganization proposals Iopment of such a program could be one units, was approved by students Thursday Undergraduate tuition at the University student body president, will determine Cross said, is that it retains the class reason the Trustees decided to drop the Scales, president of the University, said by a margin of six. to-one. · when the plan will become effective. the committee would meet tomorrow to has been raised annually since the 1961- 62 officers as members of the Legislature. bachelor's degree in business admini­ The approval ended a three. month effort Cross said he expected students to vote Under the amendment, three executive stration. discuss the undisclosed nominee to head school year. by student government to change the basis in favor of the ·measure but said be was officers of the Legislature, excluding the Carlson has been on the Harvard fac­ the University's alumni and development of representation in the Legislature. Cur. "surprised at how high,. the actual fa. program. An article published in the Charlotte ulty since 1966. He taught for one year Observer last year described the situation: rently, legislators are elected from each vorable vote was. (Continued on Page 5) (Continued on Page 5) At Florida, Furr will be responsible for "Wbatever the variables, one rule of thumb of the four classes. The plan will be introduced for a two. planning and supervision of all services can be applied with relativeaccuracy:The Sponsors of the plan, under which legi. year trial period. Permanent adoption· or supporting a complete development pro. college student body today will spend in slators will be elected by living areas rejection of the plan will be determined by Coordinated By ESR · gram, including the development of a ten. one year roughly what his father spent in rather than from classes, say it will pro. the Legislature at the end of this period. year plan, incorporatirigthe requirements four!• vide more effective communication be­ The special committee will be respon. of the University of Florida by college or tween students and representatives in the sible for evaluating the effectiveness of major department. Furr will organize and A rapid rise in institutional costs- -about Legislature. the reorganized Legislature one year after develop programs designed actively to its introduction. Students Plan Food Drive The same measure, which takes the form . We seek private support from interested in:. you dividuals, business and industries, ·and of an amendment to the student body con • 1t in­ foundations. Special emphasis is to be stitution, was passed unanimously by the For City's Needy Families ering given those projects and needs which may Legislature on April 9. :orne not reasonably anticipate support from According to the resolution adopted by state appropriated funds. the Legislature, "the reorganization plan By DIANNE JONES in the area. He said an ample food bank FOUNDATION HEAl) is structured in the hopes that a repre. ASSISTANT EO/TOR could be organized and maintained if every He will also serve as executive secre. sentative from a particular living unit student on the campus would donate one can will be better able to represent and under. A group of 30 students representing of food every month. tary of the University of Florida Faun. most of the campus organization planned dation, Inc., the principal agency for ac. stand the problems of that living unit Libby Jones, sophomore of Winston, was through a closer contact with its con. a food drive Wednesday night for needy cepting, inves!ing, managing and disbur. families in Winston-Salem. named coordinator of the food drive at sing private fund donations to the thir. A meeting for completing plans for the Wednesday's meeting. Wynne explained teen colleges of the University.
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