MMBHMMYT fin DiriiildMMiriiirtaiiiwtMiiMiw ' "1"»' linlmi Mi'i ^HWlFI1BTraiWMI1Mi BBS8BiR9S2 Soccer Breakfast in bed findsfame - 1 in Michigan, 1D news,2G for Mother's Day, IB Volume 24 Number 93 Fifty Cents Monday, May 8, 1089 Westland. Michigan 52 Pages ™x$m ->^..r.,^^L i& C15$015$?9 SubSubiujfcifu rt>i nt ComnConvmiBkatlD.'ju skatlo.'j CorporO K Ion. All RijM» R»«rwed. lOi €1 loiC© earch for new to improve security chools chief places ByTedd 8chnetder and faces staff writer The Cherry Hill Dairy Mart is continuin store — Westland's number-ome. | THE K0NETTE$4"Be • "who has outstanding interper­ (My Baby") would have loved It. target for armed robbers In 1988 U See related story, 2A — Is ready to relinquish that title sonal skills; (" Dozens of Infants will once [again vie for the coveted Baby of - after taking steps to improve se­ • "who has demonstrated out­ curity, according to franchise The public and school staff agree standing qualities of leadership In [the Year tide at the Westland: v that Jim Carli's replacement as su­ [Summer Festival.; /- .- . :: owner and manager Nathu other organizations, and is able to Kalothia. perintendent of the Livonia Public delegate authority and responsibility [< Final judging for this year's .: Schools should have seven key traits. effectively and hold his-her staff ac­ contest is scheduled for 11:30 » ,: Kalothia said Thursday there hasn't been a robbery at the store And after a series of meetings last countable; [a.m. July 4 on the festival stage month with staff members, school • "who Is politically astute and [behind city ball. v ^ " in the three months since be has installed ceiling-mounted camera unions, the public, school board able to lead the many interest ' g Entrants must be WesUand v/ members and PTA leaders, consult­ groups and Individuals In Livonia residents between 1 day and J.2 . i and taken other security mea­ sures. ants heading a superintendent into effective coalitions supporting t-months old, The top 12 vote . • search have come up with a list of excellence in education; ^; fetters.(six boys,six girls) from a - "It's much better now," he said Thursday. "I'm not thinking about seven qualities that interested • "who Is innovative, yet able to [preliminary round during the; groups cited most frequently. constrain his-her creativity within ! festival will make it to the finals;/ moving like I was before." : The district includes the northern an effective change process; Jjuly 4, where a boy.andgirl , / The convenience store, vbn ^winner will be selected. ; '.'• Cherry Hill east of Wayne Rdad, section of Westland. •' "who enjoys Involvement with was robbed a half-dozen Umes The list of candidates for the Job people and has a record of good rela-. Applications are available" will be trimmed to six by May 16, Uons with a board of education, a f rem the Westland Chamber of; last year, according to police records. Arrests were made In according to a timetable set by the staff and a community." •Commerce, S6900 Ford. A color consultants. The Interim report,'presented to jsnapshot no larger than S-by-5; several cases. ; In most of the robberies, the These qualities that the communi­ the school board last week, also in­ :inchesis also required./// ///-/; cludes a summary of preferred qual­ [ All entries must be received by/ take was small, Kalothia said. ty wants to see In its new Livonia The exception was a January Public Schools superintendent are ities in "a superintendent, by each Juhe23.y :/. /••'•'•-';• '.:/ listed in an Interim report to the group surveyed. : For more information, call the 1988 Incident when a man armed with a knife made off with more Board of Education, from consult­ The board ranked credibility first, jchamber, $26-7222. /;'' ;.// '•.;,• than 12,000. ""// ants Carroll Johnson and John Bru- while the PTA and principals cited bacher. "vision and ability to identify prob; ^PUBLIC SERVICE BUT THE Inddent that scared "For Its new superintendent," the lems, establish priorities and Imple­ department crews have hit the ; Kalothia the most was an at­ ment solutions." streets in search of bundled • report states, "IJ^onla wants an In­ :; tempted robbery last May. A dividual: -^1¾ Teachers and secretaries cited branches. .':'-:• ' / '•.— knlfe-wlelding man threatened the No. 1 trait, "Successful relatioi . The city will be chipping tree • "who Is an outstanding educa- • Kalothla's wife, Poonaro, behind ART EMANUElE/«1aff pboiographw in working with teachers, other er brandies for residents through tlonal leader of superior intelligence the cash register before the man­ Dairy Mart franchise owner/manager Nathu Kalothia and vision, and who has the courage ployees and staff organization' Jui»e 23. Tbe' branches must be at / ager thwarted, the robbery, by. of hls-her convictions} ; Some Stevenson High students gave l^ast 8 feet long and no more'thah •'. wrestling the would-be thief to makes change for a customer Friday. Kalothia said Instal­ lation of a security camera has helped cut the number of • "who sets high standards for top ranking to "successful expert: 3 inches In diameter. They must ; ence In a district comparable i$ be neatly stacked with butt end j Please turn to Page 2 robberies at his store. hlm-herself and the school district 1 LPS." > facing the curb'./ / •-/ •>: /':;•//' -^r-rand exemplifies Integrity; [.; The cjty won't pick Up roots, ••/ j stumps or trunks, and doesn't do. I<ttmmerclalclearing./:; . |: /The service maybe arranged iby calling the department of Police officers praised [public servjee; 728-1770.; : [ SPRING IS here and that :•.' jrn^ans the VFW Buddy Poppies' • !are In bloom. for life-saving actions C Members of the Harris-Kehrer V [Post 3323 and its Ladies / By Leonard Poger medical technician for a private am­ helped lower the man. ^Auxiliary will be selling Buddy:.-' editor bulance,company, said his previous ' Then, using his EMT training, the :Popples at local Intersections training helped him save the life of a patrol officer rubbed the man's neck ^Thursday-Saturday, May 18-20.;/ Three Westland police Officers man who tried to commit suicide In and then felt a pulse. E,';Pr6ceeds go to aid needy or were described as life-savers last his garage a year ago. [disabled veterans and their The man was rushed to a nearby week — and it had nothing to do with In recalling the Incident, Handzllk hospitaUwhere he was revived. [famines.; r /://' the popular candy. said the man was hanging by an electrical cord extension and , "Handzllk's quick response and jf^WAYNE COUNTY^/- -i The three, Jon Handzllk, Steven immediate first aid are directly re­ JOHN STORMZAND/tflM photography • [commissioner Kay Beard will / Fraser and Tom Harris, were appeared lifeless. t sponsible for saving the person's Patrol officer Thomas Harris (right) is congratulated by Mayor ~ jbost ai champagne birthday .. awarded the Life Saver certificates When the officer felt that the life," said the police department. {breakfast from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 ' for their roles In rescuing peqple. man's arm was warm, he called for Charles Griffin (left) and Police Chief Paul Schnarr at the; fp.ra, Sunday, June 4, at the New /: Handzllk, a former >emet'gency help. The man's sister came and Please turn to Page 3 awards ceremqny. iHawthorne Valley country club In iWestland. [ /Jhckets are $30 and may be ibought by sending a personal icbeck to Friends of Kay Beard, Homemaking what's inside tf 6284 StoUman, Inkster 48141. Calendar. .4AJ [/ ED ^ACER has resigned Classifieds. C.E.F , [from the city's Economic .-v Auto .... ... C,F • •Development Advisory course changes Employment. /. E,F • [Commission- .:i Index . .... 8E > i Wager, a Westland resident and Real estate . E : fa commission member for two fyeari, wants to devote more time Creative^living . 1E ; with the times Crossword. • « 4 * <-C Ito bis auto parts business In Entertainment. .• . .5D • !SMJth|ate/;; "•_.• By Tedd 8chnolder number of male students taking such staff writer course at John Glenn. Although in Obituaries, . .6A > ! %THETHE0IK)R1ANS Sports. of i^TJieodort Catholic Church some human ecology courses he has . .ic : Geoffrey Brown wants to.be a been the only guy, Brown said his Street scene, . ID: hayitbeert named volunteers of Taste . the year by Westland plastics engineer and Pam Przywara cooking classes have been evenly di­ . .IB ; (Coilvaleseent Center. is thinking about a career as an ele­ vided. f v Tjbe church club was honored mentary school or special education Learning to cook was a necessity, Newsline . .591-2300 Hast inotith with a reception at the teacher. he said. Sportstine. .591*2312 So here the two John Glenn High Circulation . , .591-0500 School seniors were one day last •---"Jirstarted out when I was a soph* ^fttojfch dab member* have omore," he explained. "My mother Classified . .591*0900 spent the last year playing bingo week, sitting among the sewing ma­ chines and Ironing boards In Room works and nobody is home after :witk center resident*, center school. representative Sally Levay Mid 144, talking about the importance of (C Alpart of the Wofo profram, home economics classes. "It was either Junk food or take a Observer & Eccentric the church group holds benefits to That's right, home economics. class and learn how to cook." Classifieds Workl rabe pwoey for prism. They also Of course, home ec circa 198ft is Brown.sald making desserts, espe­ doaat* arts and crafts suppUea far removed from the home ec class­ cially creampuffs, Is his favorite aad bring Chrtftnu* gifts for es most people remember. It even class assignment. I was very pleased wljh <*#«• resident*, Leva? saW has a different name — human ecol­ What do his friends say about his i-y,\ ogy.
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