2014 Kansas House of Representatives Votes SB 54 – CCR on technical amendments to 2013’s HB 2253 House Votes Yea (112) (Anti-choice vote) John Alcala, D-57th J. Stephen Alford, R-124th John E. Barker, R-70th Steven R. Becker, R-104th Sue E. Boldra, R-111th Barbara Bollier, R-21st John Bradford, R-40th Rob Bruchman, R-20th Steven R. Brunk, R-85th Tom Burroughs, D-33rd Larry Campbell, R-26th Sydney Carlin, D-66th Richard Carlson, R-61st Will Carpenter, R-75th Ward Cassidy, R-120th Marshall Christmann, R-113th J. R. Claeys, R-69th Stephanie Clayton, R-19th Susan L. Concannon, R-107th Ken Corbet, R-54th Travis Couture-Lovelady, R-110th David Crum, R-77th Pam Curtis, D-32nd Erin Davis, R-15th Paul T. Davis, D-46th Peter DeGraaf, R-82nd Diana Dierks, R-71st John Doll, R-123rd Willie Dove, R-38th John Edmonds, R-112th Joe Edwards, R-93rd Keith Esau, R-14th Bud Estes, R-119th John L. Ewy, R-117th Blaine Finch, R-59th Stan Frownfelter, D-37th Shanti Gandhi, R-52nd Randy Garber, R-62nd Mario Goico, R-94th Ramon Gonzalez Jr., R-47th Amanda Grosserode, R-16th Dan Hawkins, R-100th Dennis Hedke, R-99th Jerry Henry, D-63rd Larry Hibbard, R-13th Ron Highland, R-51st Brett Hildabrand, R-17th Don Hill, R-60th Don Hineman, R-118th Kyle D. Hoffman, R-116th Michael Houser, R-1st Jim Howell, R-81st Steve Huebert, R-90th Mark Hutton, R-105th Russ Jennings, R-122nd Steven C. Johnson, R-108th Kevin Jones, R-5th Mark Kahrs, R-87th Kasha Kelley, R-80th Jim Kelly, R-11th Mike Kiegerl, R-121st Lance Kinzer, R-30th Marvin G. Kleeb, R-48th Harold Lane, D-58th Jerry Lunn, R-28th Nancy Lusk, D-22nd Adam Lusker, D-2nd Charles Macheers, R-39th Les Mason, R-73rd Peggy Mast, R-76th Craig McPherson, R-8th Melanie Sanders Meier, D-41st Kelly Meigs, R-23rd Julie Menghini, D-3rd Ray Merrick, R-27th Tom Moxley, R-68th Connie OBrien, R-42nd Leslie Osterman, R-97th Janice Pauls, D-102nd Virgil Peck Jr., R-12th Emily Perry, D-24th Reid Petty, R-125th Tom Phillips, R-67th Joshua Powell, R-50th Richard Proehl, R-7th Marty Read, R-4th Marc Rhoades, R-72nd Melissa A. Rooker, R-25th Allan Rothlisberg, R-65th John Rubin, R-18th Louis E. Ruiz, D-31st Ron Ryckman, R-78th Ronald Ryckman, R-115th Tom Sawyer, D-95th Don Schroeder, R-74th Scott Schwab, R-49th Sharon Schwartz, R-106th Joe Seiwert, R-101st Tom Sloan, R-45th Gene Suellentrop, R-91st Bill Sutton, R-43rd Vern Swanson, R-64th Kent Thompson, R-9th Annie Tietze, D-53rd James Todd, R-29th Ed Trimmer, D-79th Jene Vickrey, R-6th Troy L. Waymaster, R-109th Virgil Weigel, D-56th Brandon Whipple, D-96th John Wilson, D-10th Kathy Wolfe Moore, D-36th Nay (11) (Pro-choice vote) Barbara Ballard, D-44th Carolyn Bridges, D-83rd John Carmichael, D-92nd Gail Finney, D-84th Broderick Henderson, D-35th Roderick A. Houston, D-89th Annie Kuether, D-55th Patricia M. Sloop, D-88th Ponka-We Victors, D-103rd Jim Ward, D-86th Valdenia Winn, D-34th Not voting (2) Steven Anthimides, R-98th Jack Thimesch, R-114th HB 2453 – Religious “Freedom” Act House Votes Yea (72) (Anti-LGBT vote) Steven Anthimides, R-98th Sue E. Boldra, R-111th John Bradford, R-40th Steven R. Brunk, R-85th Larry Campbell, R-26th Richard Carlson, R-61st Will Carpenter, R-75th Ward Cassidy, R-120th Marshall Christmann, R-113th J. R. Claeys, R-69th Ken Corbet, R-54th Travis Couture-Lovelady, R-110th David Crum, R-77th Erin Davis, R-15th Peter DeGraaf, R-82nd Willie Dove, R-38th John Edmonds, R-112th Joe Edwards, R-93rd Keith Esau, R-14th Bud Estes, R-119th John L. Ewy, R-117th Randy Garber, R-62nd Mario Goico, R-94th Ramon Gonzalez Jr., R-47th Amanda Grosserode, R-16th Dan Hawkins, R-100th Dennis Hedke, R-99th Jerry Henry, D-63rd Larry Hibbard, R-13th Ron Highland, R-51st Brett Hildabrand, R-17th Kyle D. Hoffman, R-116th Michael Houser, R-1st Jim Howell, R-81st Steve Huebert, R-90th Mark Hutton, R-105th Kevin Jones, R-5th Mark Kahrs, R-87th Kasha Kelley, R-80th Jim Kelly, R-11th Mike Kiegerl, R-121st Lance Kinzer, R-30th Marvin G. Kleeb, R-48th Jerry Lunn, R-28th Charles Macheers, R-39th Peggy Mast, R-76th Craig McPherson, R-8th Melanie Sanders Meier, D-41st Kelly Meigs, R-23rd Ray Merrick, R-27th Tom Moxley, R-68th Connie OBrien, R-42nd Leslie Osterman, R-97th Janice Pauls, D-102nd Virgil Peck Jr., R-12th Reid Petty, R-125th Joshua Powell, R-50th Richard Proehl, R-7th Marty Read, R-4th Marc Rhoades, R-72nd Allan Rothlisberg, R-65th John Rubin, R-18th Ron Ryckman, R-78th Ronald Ryckman, R-115th Don Schroeder, R-74th Scott Schwab, R-49th Sharon Schwartz, R-106th Joe Seiwert, R-101st Gene Suellentrop, R-91st Bill Sutton, R-43rd Kent Thompson, R-9th Jene Vickrey, R-6th Nay (49) John Alcala, D-57th J. Stephen Alford, R-124th Barbara Ballard, D-44th John E. Barker, R-70th Steven R. Becker, R-104th Barbara Bollier, R-21st Carolyn Bridges, D-83rd Tom Burroughs, D-33rd Sydney Carlin, D-66th John Carmichael, D-92nd Stephanie Clayton, R-19th Susan L. Concannon, R-107th Paul T. Davis, D-46th Diana Dierks, R-71st John Doll, R-123rd Blaine Finch, R-59th Gail Finney, D-84th Stan Frownfelter, D-37th Shanti Gandhi, R-52nd Broderick Henderson, D-35th Don Hill, R-60th Don Hineman, R-118th Roderick A. Houston, D-89th Russ Jennings, R-122nd Steven C. Johnson, R-108th Annie Kuether, D-55th Harold Lane, D-58th Nancy Lusk, D-22nd Adam Lusker, D-2nd Julie Menghini, D-3rd Emily Perry, D-24th Tom Phillips, R-67th Melissa A. Rooker, R-25th Louis E. Ruiz, D-31st Tom Sawyer, D-95th Tom Sloan, R-45th Patricia M. Sloop, D-88th Vern Swanson, R-64th Annie Tietze, D-53rd James Todd, R-29th Ed Trimmer, D-79th Ponka-We Victors, D-103rd Jim Ward, D-86th Troy L. Waymaster, R-109th Virgil Weigel, D-56th Brandon Whipple, D-96th John Wilson, D-10th Valdenia Winn, D-34th Kathy Wolfe Moore, D-36th Not voting (3) Rob Bruchman, R-20th Michael J. Peterson, D-32nd Jack Thimesch, R-114th .
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