Jv^HIttW^ CHS projects win three awards in state contest Farewell, old fpc n ^ ^•r Paul Swanson, a senior Dorchester Aver, ;is a —•— • V' at Cranford High School, member o(_ the Cranford f score in top 10 in sta^Bjests has been^ selected High-School chapter, ofthe- 'Community College Week ~ receive a corporate' spon- •'I-. National Honor Society, Two Cranford High School science Jones coach physics. , sored four-year. Merit has been a peer develo- ' "Community College Week" will be to'4 p.m. •'"'.• teams which had scored highly in recent -' other CHS science teams also finished Scholarship. '.' ment facilitator for two observed in Union County next week. Garwood defeats 'Kenilworth loses regional competition, went on to place in well among 430 competing oteams. The He is one of .1,375 win- years, and^was;president Many activities wllFfocus at the campus Tuesday: a mini-open house at the ;* thi top 10 in the state. level 2 biology team was 21st, level l ners nationwide. of. his freshman and here. The roster of events includes: Scotch'Plains campus from 6:30 chemistry, 33rd, and level 1 biology, unday-frejnH-toB-prmf^Gornmunity school budget... suit...budgets win... The CHS level 2 chemistry team, Swanson's .scholarship^ isophomoreTclassT-Hens^-a- 1 which had finish^ gftrnnrf In Wginnal 34th. sponsored by Schering-A member of the CHS choir College Day." A day long open house of Wednesday: open house at • th new factory...drug parkway bids.. MIA compeUUon, finished fifth in the state There are four regional competitions Plough Corpr., KenilwxtrttL and Madrigal Singers, has all campus-facilities and academic* Elizabeth Urban Educational Center, 9 after_Mjregional scores -.were. talli&L .duriog-ttM5JKb«Jl^ataftetwhichLState The corporate- been in All-State Chorus departments:— a.m. to noon; also at Elizabeth General vigil...page 13 The physics team, Which was first in the scores are tabulated. This was the third sponsored scholarships two years and has played Sunday: an international festival, to ._School of Radiography!,6 to 8:30 p.m., regional testing, had the eighth highest contest and the final one will be April }2 are the first of three leading roles in . school run concurrent with the open house as 'and the Muhlenberg Hospital schools of -: , score in the state. .- ' . after which results will be announced groups announced by the plays. He was selected for part of the Union College's 50th anniver- nursing and allied health, 7:30 to 9:30,, •: Serving Cranford, Kenilworth and Garwood Top performers for CHS were Alexan- for the school year. National - Merit-Scholar- the Hugh.O'Brian leader- sary . celebration.' Departmental pro- p.m.- •.•.«,'.. "•; VOL. 92 No.J/rf>ublished Eve*y Thursday Thursday, April 5,1984 USPS136 800 Second Class Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 25 CENTS ••> dra Dumitrescu,and Anna Gorgol with Team members are: biology, level l, ship Corporation. There shjp.serriinar.and has been grams conclude at 4 p.m.,''but'the . Thursday: open "house at'-Elizabeth^--'; scores of. 86 and 78 respectively in Casper Reaves, Harold Reeves, Debbie also are winners of Na- on the. Cranford Youth festival continues to 8 p.m. It includes General's nursing school, 6:30 to 8 p.m. f- chemistry. The highest score in the state Cermele, John D'Antonio; level 2, Heidi tional Merit $1,000 scholar- Council for two years. He entertainment, . demonstrations-, All events are free and open to the was 91 based on a maximum of 100. Jef- Greullch, David Gillen, Stephen Kupfer, ships and oT college- Paul Swanson also received a varsity let- displays and foods from many lands, public. • . • frey Gechtberg and Alex Zielenski had Robert Barnes; chemistry, level 1, , - sponsored four-year Merit million juniors who took ter for wrestling,_Sw_ahso.n_ _Sunday jnprning;L an—appreciation -_ lEriday:-,the college holds-its-50th an-— Larry Cofsky, Lisa DiFabio, Lynn brunch for membersoLthe college-s 20- _riJ-V.er.sar_y Celebration—Ball—at—j- scores of 68 and 64 in the physics com- : scholarships- In-all;- 5,500" ttePS^TJast year._ is planning .a career in soughtfor Aschenbach bids for petition: - '-;•: ;'-;:v":; Morneweck, Greg Pahrenf level^pUex^ ^ seniors will~be winners"" Swanson, son of Mr. and medicine and- will attend advisory committees in the faculty Sh&ckamaxon Country Club/ Sidney F. andra Dumitrescu, Anna Gorgol, Susan lounge. ' " - Lessner, chairman of the board of ; among more than one Mrs:^ff>avid Swanson, 332 Johns Hopkins University., Herbert Verter^ chairman of the CHS RajkowsW; physics, Jeffrey Gechtberg, Sunday: an alumni, homecoming trustees, and Thamas.-.Jy Gallagher, science department, coaches chemistry Alex Zielenski, Harry Yanowitz and CHS senior finalist for scholarship reception in the faculty lounge concur- chairman of the the board of governors, town committee seat while Robert Hyndsman and Richard Steve Herz. *— , • rent with the open house, running from 2 will be guests of honor. senior unit Leaving downtown: Friday was moving day for the Recreation and Kathleen Morley, 44 Spruce St.,. a be announced this spring. Selection of. Aschenbach this' week an- abandoned gas station problem" in Diabetes and youth seminar April 14 senior at Cranford High School, is one of the finalists and winners is based on »s • .<• s Parks Department. Movers took the furniture and staffer Susan Sand- lfat nding achievements in school and- rididacy-for-the-Township--townJfe-wants-to-8ee-mora-emphasis-on- nf thy monitoring, diet, a research update.jmd ford, loaded up Ihe basketballs for-Bloomlngdale. =-•:•••. — Committee. The Democrat has worked jyautiiication funding.. ••l;iA1:iti Scholarship. She is the daughter of Paul community affairs, meaningful work American Diabetes Association will a workshop on diabetes, alcohol and sex. and Diane Morley. experitfnee-afld-academic excellence. Teresa tnThe state ancTfecleral governments as Aschenbach, a native of West Pa,ter7. -prize for CHS. She prepared the oral presentation with help from The seminar is. open to all Type I an employe and as a volunteer and has .soh; is {^graduate of-Boston University DayJd Roach, town health inspector. Display of ^Pollution at Gateway* sponsor a "Diabetes and Youth" sym- Kathleen was one of more than 19,000 Jostens, Inc. is a IVIinneapaltS^ased posium Saturday April 14 at Union Coun- insulin-dependent diabetics and' their . .hello to the neii) home high school students throughout the manufacturer of- recogrittion and served the Cranford government in atrir^ftutgW's University. Graduate contained 40 goldfish. families. Call the New Jersey Affiliate, Naza The township government is pro- tion of land represents "one final piece several volunteer capacities: School of Public Administration, and is ty College from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. United Statesjwho applied, for the'2 .motiyatip.n_products_and_servic6s for- L to square off the site." The acquisition 8W;562-2063, to register. The fee is $10 education, business and athletics. • : ceeding~to~acqulre tae^last jpareerof Aschenbach isi^the—first- candidate la candidate for.iLdoctorat€i from-the, Tor'individuals and $18 for a family. r~SwaTaTThe~20O schoIarWip winnersi will land for a second senior city, housing would consist of about 2,000 square feet from either party to announce^ for the.New^ York University Graduate School; Topics will include blood glucose structure.. The acquisition will complete at the rear of a Woodiide Avenue pro- June primary elections. Sandy Weeks, of Public Administration. , upils hear talk on endangered species the land assemblage and provide the perty owned by the OiTulio family. the incumbent Democrat, is expected to ". Gov. Tom wm m a final plpfripnt nf ttw nnnlirntinn fpr Aschenbach, although she has 1983 New Jersey .Property Tax- Study Dr. Joseph Mahoney, professor of Mahoney used graphs to illustrate, his federal funding for lOO^units off Lincoln sionef, said this will bring the site to 3.5, Bilger,-right^ , an' d^^ei^'vS^^i^^ made by Mary Baver, left, Janlne Mann o and Gret- second round of regionals dyK^'lk alt -i-not formally announce^. ' ' • Commission. • • i . -••> Avenue East. - _•-, acres, adjacent to the existing senior He said he decided to rurT'becausenof He-previously-worked-as-research chen Kopf. Another CHS second pLa^e_wJjjuieovas_Kathy--Lv-nch-iii The ___c Tather~thaTTassTgiSing"arr to third and fourth grade gifted/talented tive measures. The students are prepar- If the new building gains funding, it housing center on Meeker Avenue. the sincere belief, that my past involve^ director for the New, Jersey Taxpayers Ihe fob application CompefrfJonT"^ " - Mock Trial team was eliminated Satur- attorney team score. students at Hillside Avenue School and' .ing individual projects on this subject to could enter construction next year. Ed ment and experience will allow me to Association and as a program ad- day in the second round of the Regional "The Cranford team was extremely Livingston School about endangered: be compiled into,a book under direction Since the site was approved 16 months species, addressing esthetic and prac- of Fern Loebel, teacher of. gifted / Gill, Cranford Housing Board president, ago, federal regulations.have changed. make a positive contribution to the ministrator for the state Division of Mock Trial competition by the team -disappointed," said Al Stender, a local. said the application has a "reasonable L from-Millburn High.-.'.'Schoolgpp . ^ . Instead of 113 units as proposed then, management of the township." . Local Governmental' Ser^jqes.. Before, 5 chance" for approval-and that 1987 is the . .HUD will allow only' 100: The' housing _..„ _.„ ^...Jrwffi TJ^^^BM^BSi^^^^iii^irM?B_ -M iUfcM.''^BKr^^Br^^BTltMr a™-Wair"5tr,eet mbcrSHcT-epres'Snlali y es, winner of the second round, but due to a li 1 not contest the Millburn victory because 215 register to vote in CHS drive i said'there are 280 active applica- firm, has been chairman of the Jaycee Lee Carte " and Helen Meyner.
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