CURRICULUM VITAE Luciano Javier Ávila 26 de Marzo de 1965, Realicó, La Pampa, Argentina DNI 17.185.762 Casado/Married (Mariana Morando, 1997), hijo/son (Tadeo Ivan, 2003) Direccion particular/Home Address: Los Arrayanes 3776 (Barrio Quintas El Mirador), 9120, Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina Direccion profesional/Professional Address: CENPAT-CONICET, Boulevard Almirante Guillermo Brown 2915 U9120ACD, Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina. Investigador Independiente CONICET/Independent Researcher CONICET Centro Nacional Patagonico Boulevard Almirante Guillermo Brown 2915. U9120ACD. Puerto Madryn (Chubut) Argentina. Curador de la Colección Herpetológica LJAMM-CNP (con M. Morando). Formación Academica/Academic Background: Doctor en Ciencias Biologicas. Orientación Zoología/PhD Zoology. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. 3 de Abril de 1996. Licenciado en Ciencias Biológicas/Bachelor-Master in Biology Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. 2 de Marzo de 1990. Postdoctorado interno: Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina. Abril 1997 – Diciembre 1998. Beca de Postdoctorado CONICET Postdoctorado externo: Brigham Young University, EE.UU. Agosto 2000 – Febrero 2004. Adjunct Research Professor BYU 2000-2004, Beca de Postdoctorado Externo CONICET (2001-2003), Postdoctoral Contract BYU 2003-2004. Principales áreas de interés : Zoología - Herpetología: sistemática, filogenia, bioecología, conservación, biogeografía y distribución geográfica, biodiversidad e inventarios biológicos. Main research interest : Zoology - Herpetology: systematic, phylogeny, bioecology, conservation, biogeography and geographic distribution, biodiversity and biological surveys. PUBLICACIONES Articulos/Articles in International Journals 44-Morando, M., L.J. Ávila , C.H.F. Perez, M. Hawkins, & J.W. Sites, Jr. Molecular phylogeny of Phymaturus (Squamata, Liolaemini): too many lineages and few names. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (en prensa). 43-Breitman, M.F., L.J. Avila J.W. Sites, Jr. & M. Morando. How lizards survived blizzards: phylogeography of the Liolaemus lineomaculatus group (Liolaemidae) reveals multiple breaks and refugia in southern Patagonia, and their concordance with other co-distributed taxa. Molecular Ecology (en prensa). 42-Avila, L.J. , C.H.F. Pérez, I. Minoli & M. Morando. 2012. A new species of Homonota Gray, 1845 (Reptilia: Squamata: Gekkota: Phyllodactylidae) from the Ventania mountain range, Southeastern Pampas, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Zootaxa 3431: 19-36. 41-Avila, L.J. , C.H.F. Pérez, C.D. Medina, J.W. Sites, Jr., & M. Morando. 2012. A new species of lizard of the Liolaemus elongatus clade (Reptilia: Iguania: Liolaemini) from Curi Leuvu River Valley, northern Patagonia, Neuquén, Argentina. Zootaxa 3325: 37-52. 40-Camargo, A., M. Morando, L.J. Ávila & J.W. Sites, Jr. 2012. Species delimitation with ABC and other coalescent-based methods of lizards in the Liolaemus darwinii complex 1 (Squamata: Tropiduridae). Evolution http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ doi:10.1111/ j.1558- 5646. 2012. 01640.x. ISI . 39-Fontanella, F., N. Feltrin, L.J. Avila , J.W. Sites, Jr., & M. Morando. 2012. Early stages of divergence: phylogeography, climate modeling, and niche differentiation in the South American lizard Liolaemus petrophilus (Squamata: Tropiduridae). Ecology and Evolution 2(4):792-808. ISI . 38-Fontanella, F., Olave, M., L.J. Avila , J.W. Sites, Jr., & M. Morando. 2012. Molecular dating and diversification of the South American lizard sub-genus Eulaemus based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 164:825-835. ISI . 37-Camargo, A., L.J. Ávila , M. Morando & J.W. Sites, Jr. 2011. Accuracy and precision of species trees: effects of locus, individual, and base-pair sampling on inference of species trees in lizards of the Liolaemus darwinii group (Squamata, Liolaemidae). Systematic Biology 61(2): 272-288. ISI . 36-Breitman, M.F., C.H.F. Perez, M. Parra, M. Morando, J.W. Sites, Jr. & L.J. Avila . 2011. New species of lizard from the magellanicus clade of the Liolaemus lineomaculatus section (Squamata: Iguania: Liolaemidae) from southern Patagonia. Zootaxa 3123: 32-48. ISI . 35-Olave, M., L.E. Martinez, L.J. Avila , J.W. Sites, Jr., & M. Morando. 2011.Evidence of hybridization in the Argentinean lizards Liolaemus gracilis and L. bibronii (Iguania: Liolaemini): an integrative approach based on genes and morphology. Molecular Phylogenetic and Evolution 61(2): 381-391. ISI . 34-Martinez, L.E., L.J. Avila , C.H.F. Perez, D.R. Perez, J.W. Sites, Jr., & M. Morando. 2011.A new species of Liolaemus (Squamata, Iguania, Liolaemini) endemic to the Auca Mahuida volcano, northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. Zootaxa 3002: 20-30. ISI . 33-Kozykariski, M.L., L.C. Belver,, & L.J. Ávila . 2011. Diet of the desert lizard Liolaemus pseudoanomalus (Iguania: Liolaemini) in northern La Rioja Province, Argentina. Journal of Arid Environment 75:1237-1239. ISI . 32-Avila, L.J. , C.H.F. Pérez, D.R. Perez, & M. Morando. 2011. Two new mountain lizard species of the Phymaturus genus (Squamata: Iguania) from northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. Zootaxa 2924: 1-21. ISI . 31-DiBlasi, E. S. Morse, J.R. Mayberry, L.J. Avila , M. Morando & K. Dittmar. 2011. New Spiroplasma in parasitic Leptus mites and their Agathemera walking stick hosts from Argentina. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 107:225-228. ISI . 30-Sersic, A.N., A. Cosacov, A.A. Cocucci, L.A. Johnson, R. Pozner, L.J. Avila , J.W. Sites Jr, and M. Morando. 2011. Emerging phylogeographic patterns of plants and terrestrial vertebrates from Patagonia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 103(2): 475-494 . ISI . 29-Perez, C.H.F., N. Frutos, M. Kozykariski, M. Morando, D.R. Perez & L.J. Avila . 2011. Lizards of Rio Negro Province, northern Patagonia, Argentina. Check List 7(3):202-219. 28-Breitman, M.F., L.J. Avila , J.W. Sites, Jr., & M. Morando. 2011. Lizards from the end of the world: phylogenetic relationships of the Liolaemus lineomaculatus section (Squamata: Iguania: Liolaemini). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59:365-376. ISI . 27-Avila, L.J. , M. Morando, D.R. Perez, & J.W. Sites, Jr. 2010. A new species of the Liolaemus elongatus group (Squamata: Iguania: Liolaemini) from Cordillera del Viento, northwestern Patagonia, Neuquén, Argentina. Zootaxa 2667:28-42. ISI . 26-Sinervo, B., F. Mendez-De la Cruz, D.B. Miles, B. Heulin, E. Bastiaans, M. Villagran- Santa Cruz, R. Lara-Resendiz, N. Martínez-Méndez, M.L. Calderon-Espinosa, R. Nelsi Mesa- Lázaro, H. Gadsden, L.J. Avila , M. Morando, I.J. De la Riva, P. Victoriano Sepulveda, C.F. Duarte Rocha, N. Ibargü engoytí a, C. Aguilar Puntriano, M. Massot, V. Lepetz, T.A. Oksanen, 2 D. Chapple, A. Bauer, W. Branch, J. Clobert, J.W. Sites, Jr. 2010. Erosion of lizard diversity by climate change and altered thermal niches. Science 328:894-899. ISI . 25-Avila, L.J. , C.H.F. Perez, M. Morando, & J.W. Sites, Jr. 2010. A new species of Liolaemus (Reptilia: Squamata) from southwestern Rio Negro province, northern Patagonia, Argentina. Zootaxa 2434:47-59. ISI . 24-Avila, L.J. , M. Morando, D.R. Perez, & J.W. Sites, Jr. 2009. A new species of Liolaemus from Añelo sand dunes, northern Patagonia, Neuquén, Argentina, and molecular phylogenetic relationships of the Liolaemus wiegmannii species group (Squamata, Iguania, Liolaemini). Zootaxa 2234:39-45. ISI . 23-Morando, M., L.J. Avila , C. Turner, & J.W. Sites, Jr. 2008. Phylogeography between valleys and mountains: the history of populations of Liolaemus koslowskyi (Squamata: Liolaemini). Zoologica Scripta 37(6):603-618. ISI . 22-Avila, L.J. , M. Morando & J.W. Sites, Jr. 2008. A new species of iguanian lizard genus Liolaemus (Squamata, Iguania, Liolaeminii) from central Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Herpetology. 42(1):186-196. ISI . 21-Frutos, F. L.A. Camporro & L.J. Avila . 2007. Home range of Liolaemus melanops Burmeister (1888) (Squamata: Liolaemini) in central Chubut, Argentina. Gayana 71(2):142- 149. ISI . 20-Morando, M., L.J. Avila , C. Turner, & J.W. Sites, Jr. 2007. Molecular evidence for species complex in the Patagonian lizard Liolaemus bibronii and phylogeography of the closely related Liolaemus gracilis (Squamata: Liolaemini). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43(3):952-973. ISI . 19-Avila, L.J. , M. Morando, C.H.F. Perez, & J.W. Sites, Jr. 2007. A new species of Liolaemus (Reptilia: Squamata: Liolaeminii) from southern Mendoza province, Argentina. Zootaxa 1452:43-54. ISI . 18-Avila, L.J. , M. Morando, & J.W. Sites, Jr. 2006. Congeneric phylogeography: Hypothesizing species limits and evolutionary processes in Patagonian lizards of the Liolaemus boulengeri group (Squamata: Liolaemini). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 89(2):241-275. ISI . 17-Yokes, M., Morando, M., L.J. Avila , & J.W. Sites, Jr. 2006. Phylogeography and genetic structure in the Cnemidophorus longicauda complex (Squamata, Teiidae). Herpetologica 62(4):424-438. ISI . 16-O’Grady, S.P., M. Morando, L.J. Avila , & M.D. Dearing. 2005. Correlating diet and digestive tract specialization: examples from the lizard family Liolaemidae. Zoology 108(3):201-210. ISI . 15-Dittmar de la Cruz, K., M. Morando, & L. J. Avila . 2004. Description of a new pterygosomatid mite (Acari, Actinedida: Pterygosomatidae) parasitic on Liolaemus spp. (Iguania: Liolaemini) from Argentina. Zootaxa 521:1-6. ISI . 14-Morando, M., L.J. Avila , J. Baker, & J.W. Sites, Jr. 2004. Phylogeny and phylogeography of the Liolaemus darwinii complex (Squamata: Liolaemidae): Evidence for introgression and incomplete lineage sorting. Evolution
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