F r i e n d s F u n a n d F a i t h R a b a t e e n s Rama dan p l a n n e r Table of Contents Rabateen Ramadan Planner Intentions...............3 What’s Dhikr Week ...............4 Feed Your Heart ...............5 Getting Started ...............6 So Many Ways to Remember ...............7 Powerful Prayers ...............8 The Most Beautiful Names ...............9 Pour Your Heart Out ...............10 Let’s Go!What You Heart Needs ...............11 My Dhikr Plan ...............12 Checklist Checklist (Create Your Own) ...............13 Dhikr Week Reflections ...............14 Ramadan Bucket List ...............15 My Du’a List ...............16 Good Deeds and Habits ...............17 Ramadan Good Deeds ...............18 Mood Tracker ...............19 My Ramadan Recipes ...............20 Ramadan Reflections ...............21 One Line A Day ...............22 Reflective Journal ...............23 Notes ...............24 Intentions “ T H E R E A L I T Y O F A C T I O N S A R E I N T H E I R I N T E N T I O N S ” ( ﷺ ) H A D Ī T H O F P R O P H E T M U Ḥ A M M A D ) What would you like to come out of Ramaḍān with? Dream big and aim high! Take some time to set your intentions. !grant you all your intentions and more ﷻ May Allāh Ya Allah, I intend this Ramaḍān to: Receive the blessings of Ramaḍān in all areas of my life Achieve Allāh's mercy, forgiveness and protection from Hell Develop my relationship with the Qur’ān Draw closer to the Prophet Muḥammad (saws) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ What's Dhikr Week? I S N ' T I T C A L L E D ' V A C A T I O N ' ? ! W H Y E M P H A S I Z E W H A T W E C A N ' T D O ? W e've all said it before: "I'm on my non-prayer days!" or "I'm on 'vacation'!" While it is true that we cannot pray ṣalāh during our periods, there is a lot that we actually CAN do. And honestly, who goes on 'vacation' from worshiping Allāh? Not us! N O T P R A Y I N G I S . O B E D I E N C E ? Yes! Menstruating women are commanded not to pray for the duration of their monthly cycles. So when we do not pray ṣalāh during our period, we are actually following Allāh's command. Prayers that start after our period has begun are excused for us! W H A T A B O U T R A M A D A N ? F asting is also not allowed for us when we are on our periods. Unlike ṣalāh, missed Ramaḍān fasts have to be made up. We have to plan ahead to make up these fasts outside of Ramaḍān. S O , W H A T C A N W E D O I N S T E A D ? We can fill our moments with dhikr! Allāh has created so many ways for us to gain and maintain nearness to Him. Dhikr is just one of these ways, and during our periods, we can use our established prayer times to remember Allāh! Getting Started P H Y S I C A L S P A C E + H E A D S P A C E D I Y D H I K R W E E K K I T Grab a cute basket, box, or bin and fill it with the following items that will keep you ready Snacks I Crave for many dhikr weeks to come! __________________ __________________ masbaḥah/tasbīḥ __________________ duʿā book personal duʿā journal __________________ snacks you love __________________ (for between dhikr sessions) __________________ comfortable prayer mat prayer clothes __________________ this workbook __________________ C L E A R Y O U R M I N D Dhikr time should be phone and screen- I clear my mind by... free. Switch your devices to silent mode so __________________ it's easier to focus. Here are some ways to __________________ really help you get in the zone! __________________ think about what you're saying __________________ read the translations __________________ listen to your voice as you say each dhikr __________________ be aware of your breathing slow down as you recite each one __________________ __________________ So Many Ways to Remember L I G H T O N T H E T O N G U E , H E A V Y O N T H E S C A L E F I L L M Y D E E D B O O K ُﺳ ْﺒﺤَﺎ َن ﷲِ َوﺑِﺤَ ْﻤ ِﺪ ِه ُﺳ ْﺒﺤَﺎ َن ﷲِ ا ْﻟ َﻌ ِﻈﻴﻢ Subḥān Allāhi wa bi-ḥamdihi subḥān Allāh il-ʿAẓīm Glory be to Allah and all praise is due to Him. Glory be to Allah, the Great S E E K F O R G I V E N E S S َ أ ْﺳ َﺘ ْﻐ ِﻔﺮُ ﷲ Astaghfirullāh I seek forgiveness from Allah R E S E R V E M Y J A N N A H S P A C E َ ٰ ﱠ ﻻ ِإﻟ َﻪ ِإﻻ ﷲ Lā ilāha illallāh There is no god but God ﷺ C O N N E C T W I T H M Y N A B I َ ﱣ َ اﻟﻠ ُﻬ ﱠﻢ َﺻ ﱢﻞ َﻋ ٰﲆ َﺳ ﱢﻴ ِﺪﻧَﺎ ُﻣﺤَ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ Allāhumma ṣalli 'ala sayyidinā Muḥammad O God, send prayers upon our master ﷺ Muḥammad Powerful Prayers 7 P R E C I O U S A D H K Ā R َ َ ُ َ ﱠ ْ ْ ﻻ َﺣ ْﻮ َل َوﻻ ﻗ ﱠﻮة ِإﻻ ﺑِﺎﻟﻠ ِﻪ اﻟ َﻌ ِﻠ ﱢﻲ اﻟ َﻌ ِﻈﻴ ِﻢ Lā ḥawla wa lā quwwata illā bi-Llāh al-ʿAliyy al-ʿAẓīm No power nor strength is there but through God َ َﺣﺴ ِﺒ َﻲ ﷲﱠُ َوﻧِ ْﻌ َﻢ اﻟ َﻮ ِﻛ ْﻴﻞ ﻧِ ْﻌ َﻢ اﻟ َﻤ ْﻮﱃ َوﻧِ ْﻌﻢ اﻟ ّﻨ ِﺼﻴﺮ Ḥasbiy Allāh wa niʿmal-Wakīl, niʿmal-Mawlā wa niʿman-Naṣīr Allāh suffices me and He is the best to depend on, the best Lord and the best Helper َ َ ﻳَﺎ َﺣ ﱡﻲ ﻳَﺎ ﻗ ﱡﻴﻮ ُم ﺑِﺮَ ْﺣ َﻤ ِﺘ َﻚ ﻧَ ْﺴ َﺘ ِﻐﻴ ُﺚ أ ِﻏ ْﺜ َﻨﺎ Yā ḥayyu yā Qayyūm, bi raḥmatika nastaghīthu aghithnā O Living, O Caregiving, Your Mercy we plead for, help us َ ٰ ﱠ َ ﻻ ِإﻟ َﻪ ِإﻻ أ ْﻧ َﺖ ُﺳ ْﺒﺤَﺎﻧَ َﻚ ِإﻧﱢﻲ ُﻛ ْﻨ ُﺖ ِﻣ َﻦ اﻟ ﱠﻈﺎﻟِ ِﻤﻴﻦ Lā ilāha illā Anta, subḥānaka, innī kuntu min aẓ-ẓālimīn There is no God but You, praise be to You, verily I was amongst the unjust َﺳﻼ ٌم َﻗ ْﻮﻻً ِﻣ ْﻦ َر ب َر ِﺣ ْﻴﻢ Salāmun qawlan mir-Rabbir-Raḥīm Peace, the words of a Merciful Lord ﻟَ ْﻴ َﺲ ﻟَﻬﺎ ِﻣ ْﻦ ُدو ِن ﷲﱠِ َﻛﺎ ِﺷ َﻔﺔ Laysa lahā min dūni-Llāhi kāshifah No one less than God can lift this اﻟﻠﱠ ُﻬ ﱠﻢ َﺻ ﱢﻞ َﻋ َﲆ َﺳ ﱢﻴ ِﺪﻧَﺎ ُﻣﺤَ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ ﺑِ َﻘ ْﺪرِ ﺣُﺒﱢ َﻚ ِﻓ ْﻴﻪ، َوزِ ْدﻧﺎ ﻳَﺎ َﻣ ْﻮﻻﻧﺎ ﺣُ ﱠﺒﺎً ِﻓ ْﻴﻪ، اﻟﻠﱠ ُﻬ ﱠﻢ ﺑِﺠَﺎ ِﻫ ِﻪ ِﻋ ْﻨ ِﺪ َك َﻓﺮﱢ ْج َﻋ ﱠﻨﺎ َﻣﺎ ﻧَ ْﺤ ُﻦ ﻓﻴﻪ Allāhumma ṣalliʿalā sayyidinā Muḥammadin bi-qadri ḥubbika fīh. Wa zidnā yā mawlānā ḥubban fīhi. Allāhumma bi-jāhihi ʿindaka farrij ʿannā mā naḥnu fīh O God, send prayers upon our master Muḥammad as [great as] the extent of Your love for him and increase us , our Lord, in love for him. O God, by virtue of his rank with You, relieve us of the difficulties which we are in. The Most Beautiful Names " R E M E M B E R M E , I S H A L L R E M E M B E R Y O U . " 2 : 1 5 1 W H E N I F E E L J O Y W H E N I F E E L S A D ﻳﺎ َو ُدود ﻳﺎ َﻓ ﱠﺘﺎح Ya Fattāḥ The Opener Ya Wadūd The Most Loving ﻳﺎ َﻏ ﱠﻔﺎر ﻳﺎ َﺷﻜُﻮر Ya Shakūr The One Who Ya Ghaffār The Most Forgiving ﻳﺎ َو ﱠﻫﺎب Responds to Thankfulness Ya Wahhāb The Giver of Gifts ﻳﺎ َرﺣ َﻤﺎن ﻳﺎ َر ُؤوف Ya Raḥmān The Most Gracious Ya Ra'ūf The Most Gentle ﻳﺎ َر ِﺣﻴﻢ ﻳﺎ ُﻣ ِﺠ ْﻴﺐ Ya Raḥīm The Most Merciful Ya Mujīb The One Who Responds W H E N I F E E L A N G R Y W H E N I F E E L A N X I O U S ﻳﺎ َﻟ ِﻄﻴﻒ ﻳﺎ َﺧ ِﺒ ْﻴﺮ Ya Laṭīf The Most Gentle Ya Khabīr The Most Aware ﻳﺎ َﻗ ﱠﻬﺎر ﻳﺎ َﺻ ُﺒﻮر Ya Ṣabūr The Most Patient One Ya Qahhār The Dominant One َ ﻳﺎ ُﻣ ْﺆ ِﻣﻦ ﻳﺎ ﻛﺮِﻳﻢ Ya Karīm The Most Generous Ya Mu'min The Guardian of Faith W H E N I F E E L F E A R ﻳﺎ ُﻣ َﻬﻴ ِﻤﻦ Ya Muhaymin The Protector ﻳﺎ َﺳﻼم Ya Salām The Giver of Peace ﻳﺎ َﻋﺰِﻳﺰ Ya 'Azīz The Mighty ﻳﺎ َﺣ ِﻔﻴﻆ Ya Hafīẓ The Preserver ﻳﺎ َﻣﺎﻧِﻊ Ya Māni' The Preventer of Harm ﻳﺎ َذا ا ْﻟﺠَﻼ ِل َوا ْﻹ ْﻛﺮَام Ya Dhal Jalāli wal Ikrām The Lord of Majesty and Bounty Pour Your Heart Out " I N D E E D , I A M N E A R .
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