f 6 THE NE;w YORK HERALD, SUNDAY, FEBRUAEY13, 1921. 5 BUSENES8 PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PEACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. busittess places to let. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. lllh St. to Sftth Abotr 14th St. tn tti M. Aliote I Ith M. M. From ri»ttorjr tu 14th St.. Inclnmv*. From liatUry to 14th St., liiclu*it e. Abate 14th St. to Rftth St. (Inclusive). Abuie llth SI. to 99tb St. <lncl«»l»o). Abo\r St. (Inrlusltc). Above 14th St. to VJth St. (Inclusive). (Inrlu«»vr). to j!Wh (InrlooUo). East lUter to North Hltcr. East lUtrr to North Biter. East lUver to North Uivrr. Ca»t IUver to North River. East liner to North Uitrt. tiki Burr to Nortb lUvcr. A A. A. JL Jl X**"1 ^ 1 ' w Now 859S Rented MARBRIDGE 5" J'-y W. BRQADW^lat BUILDING iif® : Gotham Nationaj Bank , %__ SAINT DENIS Building 34,hSTREET __ j PCNN. STAT " » : rHrH rf "> nnvi~ T 3 off"UJsuo : ii J< 7 AVE. SUB * < BROADWAYat 11^ STREET (f^*4HUDSON TUBES^ t^^^NlNTHAVE EL / 3 DESIRABL£ OFFICES I^^^SIXTH AVE EL.«^ jjj « at REASONABLE RENTS H I ][[ S*SKLYN SUB j( ?*j K\ Immediates possession \| >->LEK AVE SUB^ & t r I ^ 'Pi A ^ Building aII-wired for Ml UNVCENTRAlA < connections LINE3 telephone y I f r fft II S ^4SUR >P » 8 i 64o B'way Sp>eox oXo.Mevis I » < Stayvesant 0627 J % 4 Rentin; A3ent *3> 4 on prernises. r |mJ! I NEW OPEN FOR M|n YORK'S M()ST ACCESSIBLE ^ IMMEDIATE POSSESSION HI m ' INSPECTION NOW OR MAY 1ST. i j \m J VVVV1rVYYVYVTV JIf! OFFICE BUILDING rVvYVY V~TH IZ I lll'S<ft for C/sc fcj; America*t Foremost Enterprises. S Ml1*'? t: Sis the very heart of the ma fl/lfd! cknnmnrt ons-l Marbridge Building/ IN I'VIVI, UI1Uretail I 'J***-*/ Light I.?|lr 011V|/puig is the last word in modern SANK theatre district, with transit fireproof constructed office ;'..^rr:r lines in < | \ Publicity mm radiating every buildings. It possesses real «T"~ ... A North, East, Southdirection,and conveniences and advantages Access (r\ v InM onto n*v J fl-rt rr av« Isigi West, the ivj* auu vavio itiiomo, Clerical Force Marbridge Building, facilities for executivetALtjjtional Ceintral eB\ 24-STORY OFF'ICE BUILDING strategic centre of New York offices of corporations, Broadway Building t I 5 large 1658 Broadway.Two Corners Facing South L § ToWILLIAMS BURG Show Rooms BROADWAY AT C OLUMBUS CIRCLE City, offers you every lawyers and others requiring S . m .1 c?J_ ri.i c. r>' ^ BRIDGE Light Manufacturing 10 TRANSIT LINJS3 AT THE DOOK that modern businessadvantageunusual business quarters. to morui oiae oisi Itq , B'way 7th Ave., 1 oir. ^ drf 5o^ requires. /£JU \ \*~ of Ihc Cla** hi All Respects Will Be Considered. > \<^\° For All or Part Offices in Small Only Applicants Highest ENTIRE A h FLOOR[S 12,500 FEET p SEVEN \t1\9 of Space, OF T<) 5000 FT. 52lfe » and Lai-ge Units UNITS 300 SQ. 5 / £ fi§ o STORIES.\«\%AMt> o\ ^ \ I Ho e ?BASEMEIfr«iiW\5 OFFICES 1,000 FEET UP «3 1921 nnirmn rf> »n/\ £ 2 FDR SALE Wm. Cruikshank's i a $2.00 1 U PER FOOT <"EMT \f\Q AVAILABLE M[ay 1st, $2.50 | "r YSUt, AND ARCADE, BROADWAlY to seventh av. | II 100' V>.\ Sons ioo% SPRINKLER 3 ELEVATORS |*3 85 Liberty Street. $3-°° |R Samuel Kr< INC. STREET 9NSKY, BROOME at 34th Street . .Tel. 5194 Cortlandt, Marbridge Building Broadway BROADWAY M. M. HAY^YARD & CO. rivseOR8S4,de tree z or IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Telephone Fit Roy 772. OR AGENT O'N PREMISES I \g-ADQUAMlft your own broker. I Co-operation of Brobers Incited Q RENTING OFFICIE ON PREMISES \.MP.BBagii f» Above 14th St. to 59th St. aoctnHlve). Above 14th St. to 5!>th St. (Inclusive). East River to North River. East River to North RlTer. TELEPHONE.(COLUMBUS 1425 Or * our (Dwn Broker. 145 W. 45 St. (Adjoining Broadway) L LOFTS i To the Real,Estate . Fireproof Office Building UFFICES \ ANd I $Q 00 and of i\Tew York: PROFESSIONAL me Brokers Per Sq. Ft. Up. SHOW ROOI Fifth Aver Offices The Greenhut Building offers 25,000 sq. ft. on a STUI)IOS ^ XAJ -M-SQUARE single floor or 660,000 s<q. ft. in the building, with ALSO AN ENTIRE FLOOR ON 41ST ST. I FOOT and Showrooms IMMEDIATE POSSES!3ION. $2!.00 Per Sq. Ft. as$l^ An opportujnity for large concerns to exceptional two blocks of one floor,.departments now ROB;ert p. zobel Witfiin Corner 14th Street concentrate,.on 35 West 39th Si t. Tel. 5746 Vanderbilt letases can be taken care of. O r Entire Floor* of scattered. Unexpired Y«nir Own Broker. GrandCent:ral Terminal at 7,000 Sq. Ft. of Bnr>U£h of Brooklyn. ELEVATOR SPRINKLER Show Your Cluznts the Borough Brooklyn. $1.15 jncrete Immediate3 Possession I A SQ. Greenhut Building New Modern C< Building ply to M FT. 45 West IS1th Street (Only Two Floors Left) HEN]tiY HOF Other Units in 13,000 Square JgpiPl "I b<UD»OM TU6t JTAtKlK I 567 - ;3rd Avenue At $2 Per Sq. Ft. STATIONS Feet Units. J ->1 11 n |.U m '-iuewM-t |'t"x i-r.1 on four side*. 3'7th In the ' Light (Between & 38th Sts.) te ItTftItE "til ll rXOOEENMUT.I S '#?!.: iu UILOINO fill 100 o Trie phono Milrray U1U 69!>4-tH71. uj sprinkler system. ifll iJfmintift'afaU J p^y-Ki'Jr' B. « T > L pIIhe' ffjUtEF J a_ < Hudson .^ »U»W*Y 250 lb. floor capacity. Building Em i&i 11 i biunion X>.I» r TWO ELEVATORS, 80-82 Fifth Ave. r Passenger and freight. rFor all further particulart apply to the Co-Broker*. "1-v S. W. Cor. 14th St. Immediate Possession. VMs* £<*3/ Iu tbe br*t labor locution, near subways High-Class Tenants and trollrj*. C>nly well-rated, H. M. MAI.TZ, Owner, MILLER-Mi\ID BUILDING concerns in this building CROSSpBROWN CORNER GRAND AV. AND DEAN ST.. non-manufacturing / L / COM PA h .mm n. 4J2-46 West 33rd St. Ample Elevator Service On Premises (Fbntie Nil I'rospcct) or t>«r Own Hrokrr. Five high-speed elevators II 67 Liberty St. lsEast4lst St. 840 Broadway Adjacent to iCirtlandt 7+i Murray Hill 7100 Stu'jtesant 0627 Hotels and Railroad Terminals OX PREMISES. , Iirokeks in units of Excellent Low Insurance Rates AGENT protected MiseeUuneons. Miscrllaneons. Showrooms Light Fireproof throughout 300 to 1500 FT. Corner Building 100 {/0 Sprinklered SQ. Si' below uoth ft. Reasonable Rents ' West de, St., 37,500 sq. and Offices All Conveniences Immediate Possession 'If-||a Ren>, $26,000 Net. NEW 17-STORY . West Si(de, below 59th St., 35,000 sq. ft, APPLY TO ON THE PREMISES Rent, $27,500 Net. T :.l dij, 11 West Sii below 50th St, 24,000 sq. ft. YOUR OWN BROKER iciiiuiiai GARAGES dc, .& J.J.Foggirty. 840 stuyvesant ' Penn. mug* Rent, $25,000 Net. 11A ril^£ 0627 SE1VENTH AVE. TO LEASE west si<de, below 42nd St., 24,500 sq. ft, :; Broadway | Rent, $18,000 Net. /]HEALl§it> 30th to 31st St. East Si<le, below 50th St., 33,000 sq. ft, entire beock front h Rent $30,000 Net. loors, 200x100 < Owners for term = offices . i Possession now. Leases direct from 449-453 WE:ST 42nd ST. / Ort LE/lifc" > Per Square Foot of years. Security only required. FLOORS Will nit Id. ji IMMEDIATE POSSESSION rNE AN'I» I H.IIT ON ATX MnKS I). 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6tli Floors, each 60x90. Braender Floors MEDIATE OCCUPANCY FRED MENKE Building Stores, SHOWROOMS , 280 Madison Avenue Tel. Vanderbilt 5385 26-32 West 17th Street Small offic:es with service, $2.75 Sq. Ft. g ! Bright, steam heated, elevator building. Fireproof, 100% Sprinkler, and Offices CT/^DrC Standard (}il Co., J. C. Penney Co.; Corn- F Modern Loft Building. |J 1 UKlj a i. : pensation Insurance Rating Board, Mc- Immediate >ii. tin 2 Passenger and 2 Freight Elevators. 42-48 E. 20th St. ^ Craw-Hill Book Johnston HJ possessio Appiy pieuuses. 88x93 a*. Co., Publishing APARTMENTS.UNFURNISHED. 4 Lofts, 95x95 4th A 6th floors. * Co., Tho American Exporter and other Might divide: rent reasonable. large corpc rations occupy space. |j, From Bitl'rj in 11th St.. Indus!**. Hess Building H " FORECLOSURE 4th S. W. Cor. 26th St. RE<GENT REALTY CO. will sell or base fine ni"' rr e-.a The Maintenan<ce USST 40-42 East 19th Street Ave., - Mortgagee Co., Inc., '* r AY- 100x200 "tory, daylight. brl building, 31-33 WEST 12TH ST. Bftwrra Brondwny and 4th At. 33 W. 42d ST.. OR YOUR OWN BROKER. To- y *"d frclRht «devator»; 4th Floor. Also smaller units. m Hth at. end Hheep«liead Bay rea-1, Fireproof; passenger TELEPliONK VAMIKRBIl.T 5506. Inland; Is.hOO feet: heavy, l.l. 'i w» !«, Elevator Apartment AR.nl on Pri-mi*.*. freight delivery: i-t restricted : 7 rooms, 2 baths 2 45x90 23rd St. In :t Iry; ' Lofts, 148-156 West I' ,*;«:Kiiilfet lory, garage, bathing. eloragv. IlENT $4.no*> PKK FLOOR. floor, 102.3x98.0. 6tl> 9t' rea-hed by 20 eapree# antl local Hr.--. Thoroughly modern, $4,000 fare; poareaslon: eaav terma; hiolc « paid "npertntreirtetit. 147 West 47th Jt. Aliotr .',(»(11 81..51 h At. to Cast Hirer. ri.AINTIFr s ATTOI1NEY, 151 Ni.-«i.u t. 261 West 36th Street 19-21 West 31st St.
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