4 OLYMPIAN GODS Represented the raw APHRODITE- Goddess of love, desire violence and untamed acts and beauty. that occurred in wartime, in contrast to Athena, who was Had a magical girdle that a symbol of tactical strategy compelled everyone to desire and military planning. her. ARTEMIS- Goddess of chastity, Two accounts of her birth: virginity, the hunt, the moon, and the natural environment. - She was the daughter of Zeus and Dione, the mother goddess Daughter of Zeus and Leto, worshipped at the Oracls of twin sister of Apollo. Dodona. Born on the island of Ortygia - She arose from the sea on a (Delos), where Leto had giant scallop, after Cronus found shelter after being castrated Uranus and tossed his hunted by the lawful wife of severed genitals into the sea. Zeus. Aphrodite then walked to the Orion was also a hunting shore of Cyprus. companion of Artemis and Married to Hephaestus; the only person to have won however, she had an affair with her heart. her brother Ares, god of war. Athena- Greek virgin Aphrodite represented sex, goddess of reason, affection, and the attraction intelligent activity, arts and that binds people together. literature. Daughter of Zeus APOLLO- God of music. Also known as Her birth is unique in that she the Archer, far shooting with a silver did not have a mother. Instead, bow; the god of healing, giving the she sprang full grown and clad science of medicine to man; the god of in armour from Zeus' forehead. light; and the god of truth. HADES- brother of Zeus and Poseidon. Son of Zeus and Leto. Twin brother of Artemis Lord of the underworld and ruler Born on Delos, where his of the dead. mother Leto seeked refuge. Greeks decided to give him another name, Plouton, ARES- God of war. deriving from the Greek word Son of Zeus and Hera. for wealth, He also became the god of The union of Ares and Aphrodite resulted in the birth of eight wealth. children, including Eros, god of love. 4 HEPHAESTUS- Greek god of shake, causing earthquakes, blacksmiths, sculptors, metallurgy, fire and shatter any object. and volcanoes. ZEUS- god of the sky and ruler of the Symbolized with a hammer, an Olympian gods. anvil and a pair of tongs. He overthrew his father, Cronus. Son of Zeus and Hera. His weapon was a thunderbolt Married to Aphrodite; after he which he hurled at those who learned his wife had an affair displeased or defied him, with her brother, Ares, he especially liars and devised a plan with which he oathbreakers. humiliated both lovers to the Married to Hera but often tested other gods. her patience, as he was HERA- Zeus' wife and sister, and was infamous for his many affairs. raised by the Titans Oceanus and The presiding deity of the Tethys. universe, ruler of the skies and the earth, was regarded by the Supreme goddess, patron of Greeks as the god of all natural marriage and childbirth, having phenomena on the sky; the a special interest in protecting personification of the laws of married women. nature; the ruler of the state; HERMES- Greek god of commerce, and finally, the father of gods son of Zeus and Maia. and men. Protector of travelers, thieves and athletes. HESTIA- Goddess of the hearth, family, and domestic life. She was Zeus' sister, but although initially she was included in the Olympian gods, she was later replaced by Dionysus. POSEIDON- God of the sea and protector of all aquatic features. Brother of Zeus and Hades. He married Amphitrite, one of the granddaughters of the Titan Oceanus. He was second to Zeus in power amongst the gods. His weapon was a trident, with TITAN which he could make the earth S 4 ASTERIA- Goddess of nocturnal Also represented one of the four oracles and shooting stars. pillars that hold the heavens and the earth apart. Daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe and sister of Leto. He was the pillar of the north, Married to the Titan Perses, and while the other three pillars had a daughter, Hecate. were personified by his brothers Hyperion, Iapetus and Crius. ASTRAEUS- God of the dusk and the winds. CRIUS- Crius was considered one of Son of the Titans Crius and the four pillars that hold the heavens Eurybia. and the earth apart. He represented Married to Eos, goddess of the the pillar of the south, while the other dawn, and created numerous three pillars were personified by his children, including the four brothers Iapetus, Coeus and Hyperion. Anemoi (winds) and the five Astra Planeta (wandering stars Son of Uranus and Gaea. or planets). Married Eurybia, daughter of Pontus and Gaea, and had three ATLAS- God of astronomy and children, Astraios, Pallas and navigation. Perses. Son of Iapetus and Clymene. His grandchildren were: Brother of Prometheus, From the marriage of Astraios Epimetheus and Menoetius. (god of dusk) and Eos (goddess Married to his sister, Phoebe. of dawn): the four Anemoi He had numerous children, (Winds - Boreas, Notus, Eurus, including the Hesperides, the Zephyrus), and the five Astra Hyades, Hyas, the Pleiades, Planeta (Wandering Stars, Calypso, Dione and Maera. meaning planets - Phainon, Phaethon, Puroeis, Eosphoros, CLYMENE- Goddess of renown, fame, Stilbon). and infamy. From the marriage of Pallas (god of warcraft) and Styx (goddess Daughter of the Titans Oceanus of the homonymous river): and Tethys. Zelus (glory), Nike (victory), Married to the Titan Iapetus, Kratos (power), Via (force), and they had four sons, Atlas, Scylla, Fontes (fountains), and Epimetheus, Prometheus and Lacus (lakes). Menoetius. CRONUS- The ruling Titan who came COEUS- Titan of inquisitive minds and to power by castrating his father intellect. Uranus. Son of Uranus and Gaia. His wife was Rhea, while their offspring were the first of the Olympians. 4 To ensure his safety, Cronus ate EURYBIA- representing the mastery of each of the children as they the seas. were born. Daughter of the Titans Pontus DIONE- daughter of Oceanus and and Gaea. Tethys. Married to the Titan Crius. Her children were Astraeus, According to some sources, she Perses and Pallas. was the first wife of Zeus, with whom she had a daughter, the EURYNOME- she had the three goddess Aphrodite. Charites, goddesses of grace. EOS- goddess of the dawn. Daughter of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys. Daughter of the Titans Hyperion She was the third wife of Zeus. and Theia. Had two siblings; Helios, god of HYPERION- represented light, wisdom the sun; and Selene, goddess of and watchfulness. the moon. She was married to Astraeus, He was the father of the sun, god of the dusk and together, the moon, and the dawn. they had numerous children Son of Uranus and Gaia. that represented everything Hyperion was married to his that occurred during the union sister, Theia, and they had three of the dusk and the dawn, i.e. children, Helios (the sun), the twilight. Among her children Selene (the moon) and Eos (the were the four Anemoi (winds), dawn). as well as Eosphorus (the Iapetus- god of craftsmanship, Morning Star) and the Astra although other sources site him as the Planeta (wandering stars or god of mortality. planets). Son of Uranus and Gaea. EPIMETHEUS- His name is derived Father of Atlas, Prometheus, from the Greek word meaning Epimetheus and Menoetius. 'afterthought', appeared as a foolish character. LELANTOS- Titan of air, hunter's skill of stalking prey, and the unseen. son of Iapetus and Clymene. Brother of Prometheus, Atlas Son of the Titans Coeus and and Menoetius. Phoebe. Received Pandora as a gift from Brother of Leto and Asteria. the gods; a human created by Husband of Periboa, and had a the gods specifically to punish daughter, Aura. the humans. The marriage of Epimetheus and Pandora is not explicit in MENOETIUS- Titan of violent anger, any source, but only implied; rash action, and human mortality. from their union, Pyrrha, their daughter, was born. 4 Son of Titans Iapetus and During the Titanomachy, Pallas Clymene. was killed by the goddess Brother of Atlas, Prometheus Athena. and Epimetheus. PERSES- represented destruction and METIS- goddess of wisdom, prudence peace. and deep thought. Son of the Titans Crius and Daughter of Oceanus and Eurybia. Tethys. Married to the Titan goddess First wife of Zeus. Asteria, with whom he had one daughter, Hecate; she was the MNEMOSYNE- goddess of memory. goddess of wilderness, Daughter of Uranus and Gaea. witchcraft and magic. She was the oracular goddess of PHOEBE- associated with the moon the underground oracle of and the Oracle of Delphi, and was Trophonios in the region of considered to be the goddess of Boeotia. prophecy. OCEANUS- an ancient Greek god. Daughter of Uranus and Gaea. According to one version, he Married to her brother Coeus, was born by the union of the with whom she had Asteria (the primal gods Chaos and Gaea, starry one) and Leto. sanctified by god Eros. PROMETHEUS- presented to be the Another version has it that he protector and benefactor of mankind. was one of the twelve Titans, thus a son of Gaea and Uranus. Son of Iapetus (also a Titan) and Married to his sister, Tethys, Clymene, an Oceanid. with whom he had numerous His brothers were Epimetheus, children, called Oceanids. Atlas and Menoetius. OPHION- was an elder Titan god in RHEA- considered the "mother of Greek mythology, who was the ruler of gods" the Earth along with his wife Daughter of Uranus and Gaea. Eurynome. The couple was later She was the sister and wife of overthrown by Cronus and Rhea. Cronus, also a Titan. PALLAS- Titan of warcraft. Rhea and Cronus had six children; Hestia, Hades, Son of the Titans Crius and Demeter, Poseidon, Hera and Eurybia.
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