THEUNIVERSITY (3F BRITISHCOLUMBIA UBCathletes take home medals by Abe Hefter Staff writer Three UBC athletes who competed in last month’s Commonwealth Games in Victoria won a total of four medals. Diver PaigeGordon wontwo silver medals, swimmer Kevin Draxinger wona silver andrunner Graeme Fellwon a bronze medal. Gordon took her medalsand a pool full of confidence with herto Rome this week for the World Aquatics Championships which run until Sept 1 1. The UBC Arts student posted second- place finishes in the three-metre spring- board event and the 10-metre platform competition for her best Commonwealth Games showing to date. ‘This has been an important meet in terms of dealing with pressure.”said Gordon following her secondsilver-medal- winning performance.“From that per- spective, it‘s been verygood forthe diving team‘s confidence. “However, the real test will come in Rome at the world championships.” Gordonfinished second toAnne Montminy of Montreal in the 10-metre platform competition,Aug. 20. Five days later, she came withina whisker of taking the gold medal in the three-metre final. “It‘stoo bad we didn’t tie,’’ said Gordon, referring to thc first-place finish postcd by teammate Annie Pelletier 01-Montreal. Three UBC athletes turned in medal performances duringthe Commonwealth Gameslast month. Games veteran ”I’m very proud of Annie.” Graeme Fell, left. won the bronze medal in the steeplechase, while Paige Gordon, right. wonsilver medals in the three-metre springboard andthe 10-metre platform events. Swimmer Kevin Draxingeralso won a silver medal. See Page 9 for stones on Kevin Draxinger and Lawyer to lead inquiry into chargesof Graeme Fell Thiswas Gordon’s second taste of Commonwealth Gamescompetition. She wona bronzemedal in the 10-metre sexism, racism in Political Science Dept. platform in Auckland in 1990. Vancouver lawyer Joan McEwen will mously endorsed and requested by fac- lished department and university proce- A four-year veteran of international lead an inquiry into charges of racism ulty membersin August following allega- dures and we are concerned that some competition, the 2 1-year-old from West and sexism among some faculty mem- tions made by a group of graduate stu- individuals are still not satisfied,“ said Vancouver is part of a strong Canadian bers in theDept. of Political Science. dents. Some of the complaints are that Donald Blake, head of the Dept. of Politi- diving contingent that is being counted Professors emeriti Margaret Prang, from department members are more respon- cal Science.“It is our belief that an inde- on to challenge the Chinese, Germans the Dept. of History, and Ross Stewart, sive in class to male and Caucasian stu- pendent review will help us move forward and Russians for spaceon the medal from the Dept. of Chemistry, have also dents. and thatthey do not treatwomen inour effortsto provide a supportive podium in Rome. beenselected as academic advisors to as the intellectual equals of men. environment for our students and to deal “We’rea very good team, definitely in help with the investigation. “Specificgrievances have been re- with allegations which are detrimental the to top six worldwide,” said Gordon. The independent review was unani- sponded to inaccordance with estab- See INQUIRY Page 2 “We’re goingto take this experienceto Rome and blow themaway.“ she said with a self-effacing grin. Loss of Quebec would harm stability After Gordon helps Canadian divers “blow away”the competition at theWorld Study predicts economic volatility Championships. she’ll returnto UBC and begin her third-year studies in Interna- by Abe Hefter whether it’s a personal portfolio of stocks the higher and/ormore stable the revenuetional Relations. or bonds, or portfolio the of provinces and base. This providesa greater ability to Staff writer “I really enjoy goingto school. It‘s very temtories we call Canada,” saidGoldberg. maintain living standards across regions. important to me.” said Gordon. “It takes The Canadian economywould experi- “Quebec adds noticeablyto the diver- “It may be hard for people to under- my mind off sport and puts things into encemarginally increased sification of Canada. Without See QUEBEC Page 2 perspective a little bit.” growth and a higher degree Quebec. Canada would enjoy of volatility in the form of higher growth. since Quebec booms and busts if Quebec has grown less rapidly than leaves Canada, accordingto Canada as a whole. However, a UBC study of the risks and this highergrowthwould come returns of Quebecsepara- at the expense of increased Easy Access 3 tion. volatility in the form of mlwe Th e study,The Michaelfrequent bybooms busts,and re- New traffic routes are opened to reduce traffic in the core of the campus Goldberg, deansulting inFac-of the more bankruptcies ulty of CommerceandBusi- and Performers employmentinstability. Peak 9 ness Administration,ness ‘TakingQuebecout and i.he of CommerceProf.Maurice i’ portfolio we call Canada would UBC athletes Kevin Draxinger and Graeme Fell plan their nextmoves Levi, is thefirstempirical Goldberg be a riskyaffair.” attempt princi-toGovernments theapply gain from l.he What’s Happening 4h9 ples of portfolio theory- developed in the diversity of the economies they manage, The Calendar lists lectures, seminars, concertsand other campusevents field of finance - to explore the political the authors write. Diversity has signifi- organization of a federalist state. cant benefits for national fiscal manage- “Diversity is essential to the growth ment since the more diverse the constitu-Decision Makers and stability of any financial portfolio, ent provincial and regional economies, A group of 15 dedicated individuals comprisesUBC’s Board of Governors 2 UBC Reports . September 8,1994 Attention job creation. The resulting I thought that the purpose Is UBC training links between UBC researchers of a university is to educate Foreign and industry have enabled people to become critical and or educating? students to receive up-to-date imaginative thinkers. Editor: undergraduate and graduate Strangway's quote implies Students! training from highly skilled and otherwise: we are all here to Are You Considering In the Aug. 1 1, 1994 issue dedicated faculty and interna- become "productive" and Canadian Permanent of UBC Reports, an article on tionally respected visiting "trained" and achieve "higher the economic impactof UBC scholars." It is curious that the incomes." Residence? quotes President David word "education" was not Do You Need Help With Strangway: "UBC is a leader mentioned by either Strangway F.C.S. Tsai StudentNVork in innovation, productivity and or the article's author. Dept. of Chemistry Extensions? Inquiry Van Reekum Veress Continued from Page 1 shouldbe taken. No recom- Daniel Birch, vice-president, Price includes 8% x 11 201b paper Immigration Consulting students, faculty and the uni- mendations will bemade on Academic and Provost, said that I recvcled. white or standard colours I Ltd. versity." punitive actions that might be while the inquiry is being con- Terms of reference for the in- taken with respect to specific ' ducted in private, findings will - Open 7 Days - 1-800-565-5236 vestigation were established by individuals. The terms of ref- be made public and distributed Monday-Friday - SAM - 9pm Saturday .& Sunday - ~OAM- ~PM the deansof Arts and Graduate erence were reviewedby repre- to faculty and graduate studentsI I For All Immigration Studiesin consultation with sentatives from the Graduate in the department. There is no Concerns Albert McClean, associate vice- Student Society and the Fac- completion deadline for the in- president, Academic. The termsAssociation. ulty I quiry's report ~~ ~__ are: to determine whether, or to Berkowitz & Associates what extent, there is any basis for allegations of Statistics and Mathematics Consulting racismand sexismwithin the WE'LLSHOWYOURSTUFF - research design data analysis department, particularly in - sampling - forecasting .. ." _~_~ ~ ~ its treatmentof graduate students; Jonathan Berkowitz, Ph.D to review any actions taken 14160L" Staulo~ Crescent,- Vancouver,. - ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ B.C.,. V6N within the university in response to the allegations: Office: (604) 263-1508 Home: (604) 263-5394 d . <- and to inquire into further *rr I ,l,lj,, "'* \ 1 -A'"$, experienced and knowledgeable * ',,. , d ,, matters, if any, that ariseout , I, I ,, , ,, conferencecoordinators, there's of the inquiry. ,~~, ~ ', , ,' no need to look anywhereelse! ,, Basedon the conclusions ,i f: Vetta Chamber Music & Recital Series arrived at under these terms. ,, I ; Whetheryou're planning a small I ,_ I, -<, . $. ;_1144411. --t <; ,, ? , ,~,, ,,, ,,, McEwen'sreport will advise ,, product presentation or a large i ,, deans on whether the response faculty trade show,the Alma Mater I, 1: 7, Victor Costanzi & Eugene Osadchy !; i I ., ;, , , . ,,,,, ,, ,_,,, of the university has been ad- ;_ : equipped: fully Society is to supply I! 4, equate. It will also make gen- ,, :;,, i Artistic Directors f' ;; ,I > all of yourtrade showneeds, eralrecommendations on i ,., . I I ' complete with electrical services measuresor actions that ;; '.', rru HA anddisplay materials. Friday, September 23, 1994 xa '- 8:OO p.m. Quebec Our qualified conference coordinators have experience all in Conference Facilities StringQuartet in D Minor Continued from Page 1 aspects of trade show preparation. MOZART K421 stand how, for example, twovola- 822-3456 Or 822-3465 We'll handle all your planning DEBUSSY Danses Sacrke etProfane for tile stocks can
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