•' , s •• ? , %: ' • » .?^ THE BOOK OF r . J'- THE STATES SUPPLEMENT I FEBRUARY, 1,961 r- • > I * •^••^ (P», i?f '•«* / If "->> • :• ^ • •: ^•.: ,;.• ,.: i , ••;•••• ••: • • -.•••• .'•../•.,•••• f'- ~i — • . • • . • • • ..' .'. •'•- v-^--.: ".'•"•• '^ ••••'•• "' ' • ' ..- '•• 1 ,-..,.. THE BOOK •^ . * • • • \ "~j- OF THE STATES SUPPLEMENT I February, 1961 •; • ' - . • • - * • . ' • • . ,- ' . ' • * ' , .•'.''• •••'•'• r ************** o ******* ** ********* * * * /^ * ** *** ^B *** * • **jH*_** " • • - ••••:•.. ' . '^ .! THE COUNCIL OF STAUGOrtRN»<tNTS •1 - '• • ' ."^ ' '.•'.•• ^ •''. '. •• -^- • '^ ; ' ^ : ' ••"•• ^' The Gouneil pi State Governments Chicagp ' "^ -%i * • . V '.. '•''••'-.. ••• ; • •'.•:;•• (. • • • • • ' . - ' • • • • • • - .•'•.- V /••' • ,. ' • - //•/ V p^. COPYRIGHT, 1961, BY THE COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 35-11433 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF' AMERICA Price, $2.50 N I f- FOREWORD The Book of. the States, issued biennially, is designed to provide informa­ tion on the structures, working methods,. financing and functional activities of the state' governments. It deals with their, executive, legislative and judicial branches, their intergovernmental relations, and their major areas of. public service. Two Supplements preisent compre­ hensive lists of state officials and members of the legislatures. This volume, Sup^ment I of.the 1960-61 edition of TA^ Book of the . States, is based on information received from the states by the end of .1960 or soon -thereafter. It lists the elective administrative officials, the elective Supreme Court Justices, the members of the legislatures for-1961 J, whether newly elected or holdover, and officers of the legis­ latures. Some of the lists of legislators-are unofficial, but every effort for accuracy has been made by the state officials who prpvided the Information and by the Council of State Governments. , ' Supplement ^I> covers only the state offices that are filled by statewide popular vote and the members and officers of the legislatures. 'Com­ prehensive rosters of appointed administrative officials will aApear in Supplement II, to be published in the summer of 1961. The Council of State'iSovernments acknowledges with thanks the inva;luable help of many state officials and members.of the legislative V service agencies who have furnished the information for this publication. ••'•". « • . •.•-•',„•.• BREVARD CRIHFIELD ' Executive Director The CouncH of State Governments Chicago, Illinois January, 1961 / -A THE BOOK OE THE STATES IS PUBLISHED BIENNIALLY BY THE COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS AT . /• • . • . .• » • . • 1 3 13 E A S T S I X T I E T H S T R E E T CHICAGO 37, ILLINOIS FRANK SMOTHERS, Editor - M. CLAIR COTTERILI., Assistant Editor r K v« i : CONTENTS ELECTIVE OFFICERS OF THE STATES FOR 1959 Alabama 1 Louisiana...;........... 6 Ohio.. 12 Alaska... ... 1 Maine. , . 7 Oklahoma. .: .12 Arizona; ... 1 Marylzind 7 Oregoa. ...... .'7^. ... •. .. .13 Arkansas.......... 2 - ^Massachusetts. ..... ... 7 Pennsylvania. .......... .13 Ceilifomia. ;............ 2 Michigan............... 7 Puerto Rico. .14 .' Colorado;. 2 Minnesota 8 .Rhode Island. .... .... .14 Connecticut 3 Mississippi....!.......,. 8 ' South Caroling. ......... 14 Delaware. 3 Missouri 9 South Dakota.'.......... .14 Florida.. .'. ........ 3 Montana..'. ... .". 9 •-•^Tennessee........". .14 Georgia^............... 3 Nebraska ... 9 .Texas. .....,........._. 15 Hawaii. .:...... 4 Nevada .". ... .10 Utah.. .:... ...:.'.15 • Idaho....,........ : . 4 New.Hcimpshirc. .,..,... .10 Vermont ?4'5 Illinois. ...,,,,.... 4 ; New Jersey 10 Virginia. ...(.. 16 Indiana. 5 New Mexico 10 Washington.......'.,.... 16 Iowa 5 New York. .;.... 11 /West Virginia: . 16 .' Kansas 5 North Carolina.:........ 11 Wisconsin : -^^ Kentucky, .. .• ... 6 North Dakota. ... / 11 Wypming....'... .'". .\7 DIRECTORY OF STATE LEGISLATORS, Alabama. .18 Maine. '. .... .46 Oregon. .79 Alaska. ... 19 Maryland. 47 Pennsylvania .80 Arizona 20 Massachusetts. 49 Puerto Rico.-. .' .83 Arkansas.". ..... .21 Michigan ....!.. 53 Rhode Island.. .'.. .'^. ..84 California =22 Minnesota .55 South Caroliha...... ... 86 Colorado.-«. .24 Mississippi. ^ . : 57 South Dakota... .'. .88 Connecticut. .... 25 Missouri................ 59 Tennessee 89 Delaware 29 Montana. ......: 61 Texas. .90 Florida. 29 Nebraska 62 Utah.........:::::::..,..92 Georgia. 31 Nevada. ...:....,..•.... .62 Vermont. 93 Hawaii . .33 New Hampshire. 63 Virginia 96 Idaho...... ....34 New Jersey 67 Virgin Islands. : . ..... .97 Illinois i . 35 New Mexico............. 68 Washington^ 97 Indiana . • .38 New York 69 West Virginia. .......... .99 Iowa. .40 North Carolina. ; .72 Wisconsin : ^ . , . 100 Kansas. 41 North Dakota. ?. :• .74 Wyoming. .102; Kentucky............... 43 Ohio. ......... ....... .:75 Louisiana 44 OkleJioma. 77 LEGISLATIVE OFFICERS Senates. ,103 Houses of Representatives. ,104 Vit •>••• /' ^, / .^• fe. f r ., pa ELECTIVE OFFICERS OF THE STATES FOR 1961* ^ ,'ALABAMA •• ;;'v Governor......... .JOHN PATTERSON (D") Superintendent of- . , Lieut^na,nt Governor , Education. .FRANK R. STEWART (D) , ALBERT BouTvvELL (D^ Commissioner of Agriculture and Secretary of State.. .. .BETTYE FRINK (D) industries..... .... R. C. BAMBERG (D) Attorney General , ' Public Service Commission .......:;. .MACDONALD GALLION (D) 'President... ; . .C. C. OW^N (D) ^Treasurer. ,:.MRS. AGNES BAGGETT (D) JOE S. FOSTER (D) Auditor. MARY TEXAS HURT GARNER (D) " • SIBYL POOL*(D) V Supreme Court Chief Justice. ........ .J. ED LIVINGSTON ^^ Associate Justices " JAMES S. COLEMAN, JR. PELHAM J. MERRILL JOHN L. GooDWYN ROBERT T. SIMPSON THOMAS S. LAwsoN DAVIS F,. STAKELY • ' ALASKA •••';-'• '• • . ••,-'.••• - Governor. !.. „/. .WILLIAM A. EG AN . Secretary of State...... ... .HUGH J. WADE ;-.•'••"• < ^;..".- • ARIZONA './• Governor......... .'.PAUL J. FANNIN (R) .Corporation Commission, Secretary of State..... WESLEY BoLiN (D) * A. P. BUZARD (D) Attorney General GEORGE F. SENNER, JR. (D) .. ..... .ROBERT W.c|*iCKRELL (R) ' ' E. T. WILLIAMS (D) Treasurer.... .J. W.KELLY (D) - v Auditor MRS. JEWEL W, JORD.'^N (D) Tax Commission Superintiendent of Public THAD E: MOORE (D) Instruction........;. W. W. DICK (D) .- . WILLIAM E. STANFORD (D) Mine Inspector.... .Roy V. HERSEY (D) . , - WARREN PETERSON (D) Supreme Courts .:^ Chief Justice. .FRED C. STRUCKMEYER, JR. Associate Justices' ^ CHARLES C. BERNSTEIN LORNAE. LOCKWOOD RENZL. JENNINGS , '"" JESSE^A.-UDALL '• • Political affiliations are indicated by the following abbreviations: Republicans (R), Democratic (D), Democratic- Farmer-Labor (DFL), Popular Democratic Party (PDP). (NP) signifies that election to the office is on a non-partisan basis and does not necessarily indicate lack of party affiliat ion for the official. .* '••••. • •:•-•• A •- ^ ' • • • :••'-•••-.:. • • 2 THE BOOK OF THE STATES ' ' , •• • ARKANSAS^,, : • " . .'v Governor.,.... .. .ORVAL E. FAUBII^ (D) Attorney General... .J. FRANK HOLT (D) Lieutenant Governor ' Auditor. .. .JIMMY JONES (D) ..... .^,........NATHAN GORDON '(f)) Treasurer......,J. VANCE CLAYTON (D) Secretary of State... ....C. G.HALL (D) Comiiiissibner of State Lands........... .SAM JONES (D) Supreme Court Chief Justice...;.. .GARLETON HARRIS (D) . " Associate Justices . J.S.HOLT SAM ROBINSON - JIM JOHNSON GEORGE ROSE SMITH . ED F. MCFADDIN ' PAUL WARD ^• :^'•••••.^^.•;' •^—•• ,:C;ALIFORNIA , ,: . Governor..., .. .EDMUND G. BROWN (D) Superintendent of Public; Lieutenant Governor Instruction,.'... ROY E. SIMPSON (NP) ... ^, ,.. GLENN \N1. ANDERSON (D) Board of Equali'zatio'n iv Secretary of State.FRANK M. JORDAN (R) Chairman.. .. ,. .JOHN W. LY^^H (D) Attorney General.,.: STANLEY MOSK'(D) • :A PAUL R. LEAKEID-R) Treasurer.. .. BERT A. BETTS (D) RICHARD NEVINS (D) Controller. ....... .ALAN CRANSTON (D) - GEORGE R. REILLY (D-R) Supreme Court* Chief justice. ........... .PHIL S. GIBSOrIBSON Associate Justices MAURICE T. DooLiNG, JR. B. REY SCHAUER MARSHALL F, MCCOMB ROGER J. TRAYNOR RAYMOND E. PETERS THOMAS P. WHITE 'Membersappointcd by Governor and confirmed by popular election. • « COLORADO " Governor , Board of Education.. Ai.VA B. ADAMS (D) . ....... STEPHEN L. R.McNicHOLS (D) ( CLARENCE D. BLISS (D) Lieutenant Governor HUGH E. CHASTAIN (D) .) ....... .... ROBERT L. KNOUS (D) BERNICE S. FRIEDER (D) / l?»- Secretary of State/.GEORGE J. BAKER (D) ' ANNA C. PETTEYS (R) Attorney General . Regents of the University of Colorado ...............'. DUKE W.. DUNB.AR (R) RICHARD R. BERNICK (D) Treasurer.......... TIM ARMSTRONG (P) FRED M. BETZ, JR. (D) Auditor........ .HOMER F. BEDFORD (D) CHARLES D. BROMLEY (R) • , ELWOOD M. BRdoKS (D) PHILIP DANIELSON (D) ALBERT E. SMITH (D) Supreme Court Chief Justice......... ..FRANK H.HALL .^ •"•...•••••..••. /, .\, Associate Justices. •.. .. c:??^*,^^,^^..^^;.. ..;:|- ' / EDWAiRD G. DAY ROBERT H. McWiLLiAirfS r WILLIAM E. DOYLE O. OTTO MOORE . ALBERT T. FRANTZ LEONARD y. B. SUTTON i ' -•' . .•-••.'•»".-." •-••.-•• ••.•--••;••-' ._ . • • •; ELECTIVE OFFICERS FOR 1961 ' 3 CONNECTICUT Governor........ .JOHN N. DEMPSEY (D)* Attorney General..ALBERT L. COLES (D)- Lieutenarit Governor Treasurer. JOHN A. SPEZIALE (D) .. ......... ANTHONY J. ARMENTANO (D) Comptroller , '^ ; . Secretary of Staite... ELLA T. GRASSO (D) ..... RAYMOND S. THATCHER (D) • Assumed office January 20, 1961 on resignation of Gove mor Abraham Ribicoff to become United Stata Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. ',• • DELAWARE • *• '.• ,-^— Governor. ....ELBERT N. CARVEL (D) Treasurer. .MRS. BELLE EVERETT
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