
MAIN 88.1, TRANSLATORS 88.9 - 90.5 - 93.9 - 100.3 - 101.5 Mhz. RADIOGRAM Number 261 2457 State Rt. 118, HUNLOCK CREEK, PA 18621 December 2010 Everyone Can Hear WRGN Everywhere Burl Updyke holds the unit that allows WRGN to be heard anywhere. He said staff members will gladly order and set up the unit. For those whose reception of find this the answer to listening to WRGN is difficult or impossible at WRGN’s broadcasts anywhere they their home, an internet radio can may live, even in other states. “It solve this problem. It provides clear took some time to develop a practi- reception by connecting to WRGN’s cal unit, but this has been accom- audio stream over the internet. Lis- plished,” said Burl Updyke, WRGN teners must have WIFI internet ser- manger. He is very excited about vice to use this receiver. Most people what this development can mean in with computers already have this. spreading the gospel of Christ over The radio is AC operated and the airwaves. It is perfect for those may be used anywhere in the home who live away from the area during where there is a good internet sig- the winter months. nal. It is very easy to use, and does WRGN can arrange to obtain a not require a computer. It costs ap- radio for listeners and even set it up. proximately $140 and no monthly Call for details, or stop at the studio fees are required. Anyone with for a demonstration. Call 800-245- internet service in their home will 3688. Page 2 Shar-A-Thon Was A Winner See Photos Page Four Shar-A-Thon 2010 is over the across the control room during Shar- top! The goal of $148,000 was sur- A-Thon. It still remains in place and passed at 9:40 p.m. on Friday, No- shows the plateaus reached. It vember 19. It ended at $150,269. crosses the room from one end to the “Much praise goes to the hundreds other, the length of chain needed of prayer partners and to the many before the goal could be met. volunteers who answered phones, New this year was the opportu- brought food and served as on-air nity for listeners to use credit cards hosts,” said Burl Updyke, WRGN or automatic draft from their banks. Manager. He said that this year’s Over 30 contributors chose to pay Shar-A-Thon theme, “building a their pledges this way. This conve- strong chain” proved true as over nient way to pay may still be ar- 500 callers formed the bond of lis- ranged for one time or monthly con- teners that will keep WRGN broad- tributions. Call WRGN at 800-245- casting in 2011. Symbolizing this 3688. chain was one being constructed Special Gospel Outreach On WRGN The Sounds of Season are being will the true reason for the season be heard on WRGN the whole month of heard in the station’s music but also December, as Christmas carols and in the gospel spots which are being special Christmas programming is aired especially in December. She being broadcast. “ Invite you friends said, “Hearts are softer during this and families to make themselves at season, and the gospel spots make it home at WRGN during December” clear how a person may accept Christ said WRGN Program Director, as their Savior.” She asks for listen- Shirley Updyke. She said not only ers to pray for this special outreach. Hearing From You Upcoming Events Hearing from listeners is always December 2010 - Special a time of encouragement here at Christmas buttons being WRGN. William Ritsick, West Nanticoke, wrote: “It is very inspir- given away. Listen for ing what you do at WRGN. Please details on WRGN. keep it up.” February 21- WRGN’s Fran Policare, Hanover Twp., February Skate, 6:30 p.m. said, “I listen early morning to WRGN’s “Shirl and You” and I am Skateaway, Wilkes Barre. blessed.” “Keep believing and God will take Listen to care of His people. Thank you for WRGN. I like your newsletter. God Focus On The Family bless, wrote Maria De Grafferreid, Daily at 9:30 am and 7pm Wilkes Barre. Page 3 Please pray with us PRAISE: WRGN’s Shar-A-Thon was films. Pray that many more will a great success. Your prayers were take advantage of the opportuni- much appreciated. God worked ties afforded by the library. through listeners to make another PRAY: Shirl Updyke’s book, “Vi- year of radio ministry possible. sion To Reality,” not only tells the PRAISE: Volunteers worked hard story of the founding of WRGN/ and long hours during Shar-A-Thon. WIVH but gives reason for the reader We thank God for each one of them. to trust God in their lives. It was PRAISE: Response for the Christ- written for God’s honor. It makes mas buttons being given away here an ideal gift. is good. We praise God for the oppor- PRAY: for the staff at WRGNWIVH tunity to honor Him in this small as they seek to honor God through way. the ministry of the radio stations. PRAY: WRGN’s February Skate will Their passion to reach others with be held on Monday, February 21, the gospel moves them to work pray that many young people may faithfully here. attend and see that there are families PRAY: as area families celebrate and friends that have found the bet- Christ’s birth on Christmas and for ter way to live and can have fun and the stations as they broadcast the yet honor God. true reason for the season, that of PRAY: A recent development en- the birth of the Savior of the world. ables everyone to hear WRGN no Pray that many will invite others to matter where they live. After much listen. research, a reliable, inexpensive PRAISE: the Open House held re- internet receiver is available. WRGN cently at WIVH was met with great has taken on a new project that of success. Many attending expressed getting and setting up these radios their love of the station. for listeners. This means no fringe PRAY: for Jonathan and Tiffany areas for WRGN. Anyone can hear Bowman, operators at WIVH. For the station wherever they live. the safe delivery of their fourth child PRAY: This new internet receiver this month. Correspondence may will allow listeners leaving the area be sent to them at 5007 Estate Mt. for the winter to still be able to listen Washington, Lot 20, Christiansted, to their favorite station. Pray many St. Croix, USVI, 00820-4565. The will take advantage of this newest cost for postage is the same as here development in Christian radio. in the states. PRAISE: WRGN’s Good News Li- PRAISE: “For unto us a child is brary enables area people to borrow born, to us a son is given, and the books, DVD’s and CD’s that will aid government will be on his shoul- them in the study of the Bible. Books ders and he will be called Wonderful cover today’s issues that affect fami- Counselor, Mighty God, Everlast- lies and cause addictions. Many li- ing Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah brary items also provide much en- 9:6. couragement and fun as people read (This message of hope was fulfilled good fiction and view family oriented in the birth of Christ.) Page 4 WRGN Shar-A-Thon Goes Over The Top... Much joy is evident as the goal is reached Phone Operators: Caroline Ciak, Barb Jonathan Broscious, Doug Hamilton, Saxe, Rachel Madeira and Janet Carver. Janet Carver, Shirley Updyke, Barb Saxe and Mike Bodek. Jonathan Broscious and Wayne Burl Updyke and Rachel Madeira add another Morgan link to the chain. Page 5 ...Praise The Lord! Shirley Updyke and Pastor Mark Whitmer Artist, Sue Hand Jonathan Broscious and Doug Hamilton David DeCosmo and Burl Updyke Phil Mercandante worked hard for Shar-A-Thon. Page 6 Here at the studios... The chain being constructed Cathy Saroka, Bloomsburg told during Shar-A-Thon can still be seen of her life’s story which turned diffi- here at the studios so come and see cult when raising her children and at it. Don’t miss Shar-A-Thon photos the death of her husband. Now alone, in this issue. They tell the whole she needs WRGN. Circumstances are success story. better and she excitedly said, “With Monday, February 21, marks the Lord’s help I may be able to start the date of WRGN’s biggest skate of a prison ministry.” the year. Don’t miss it. Nick Bukuski, Larksville, Dawn Strohl, Lehighton, had laughed when he said he is been listening to WRGN only a week Lithuanian, but has an Italian first when she called “Shirl and You.” We name and a Polish last name. He’s listened to her story about strokes, legally blind and struggles with pros- diabetes and by-pass surgery and tate cancer, but gives these trials our hearts and prayers went out to credit for drawing him closer to the her and her husband, Myron. Lord. We were able to get acquainted We learned that Susan Zannetti, with Linda Derr, of Slatington, when Forty Fort, has a son serving in the a change in her work schedule al- military in Texas. She has visited lowed her to call Shirl. She is an aide there, but prefers PA. However she on a Carbon Lehigh bus. does like South Dakota. Stephanie Merkagee, Glen Lyon, Brad Freeman, of Utah, is a told of the important role WRGN is trucker who travels Interstate 80.
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