Wednesday, August 13, W»—Iowa City Press-Cltiien—5^ Daughters Star Attraction at 1957 Iowa Fair- Lennon Sisters' Father Killed by Gunman at California Golf Course LOS ANGELES (AP)-A man of television's singing Lennon Golf Range where Lennon-fa- ater his daughters' vocal teach-1 settled in Venice, a Los Angeles from St. Mark's Roman Catho-Uim Lennon, "like a community "He was very calm, patient, Sisters, Tuesday. r—was an instructor. coastal suburb, and grew until lie Church, where Lennon and playground." Jim, a ring an- dedicated. He loved his golf. He with a rifle shot and killed Wil- ther of 11, ex-milkman, teen- The killer, described as Cau-jit now numbers uncles, aunts, his brothers all once were altar The shooting occurred about inouncer for boxing matches at didn't drink, smoke or chase liam Herbert Lennon, 54, father asian, between 30 and 40, 6 cousins and in-laws between 70 boys. around. He never had a mean noon at the Marina Del Key aged singing vaudeville star and eet 2, 200 pounds and wearing and 90, Jim Lennon said. The home's 75-by-100-foot Olympic Auditorium said of his ( word for anyone." green sweater and blue trous- In his early teens, a protege back yard has always been, saidjslain brother: rs, escaped in a blue-and-white of opera star Tito Schipa, Wil- ompact car. Brown-haired and liam Lennon headlined as a ten- Ewers Men's Dollar Days Sales ark-complexioned, he had or on the Fanchon and Marco iree or four days' growth of vaudeville circuit. He sang a 3 Thurs., Aug. 14, Fri., Aug. 15. Sat.. Aug. 16 eard. concert in Hollywood Bowl. The Lennon Sisters were a With his brothers Jim, Ted and Days! tar attraction at the 1937 Iowa Pat he formed the Lennon tate Fair and were accompa- Brothers Quartet, which per ied by their father. 'formed with the Paul U'hiteman He told people in Des Moines and Freddy Martin orchestras hat he attempted to keep as and in vaudeville and night |l much home atmosphere as possi- clubs. le while traveling with his The quartet continued per-ij laughters. orming occasionally until 1955, |, As many of the more than ven after the brothers hadji 0 members of the Lennon clan married and gone into other i', gathered in grief at the big usinesses. Lennon had workedj; ix-bedreom home in nearby his late teens for Douglas |, Venice from which the four sis- Urcraft Co., later drove trucks!! ers rose to fame on the Law- or a soft-drink company and! rence Welk show, police gave vorked as a milkman. | his account: "He liked to be outdoors," Lennon, described by ac- mrther Jim said. "He would quaintances as tall, slender, even take a cut in pay just to be blond, quiet, and unassuming, and for more than two years Swim Trunks was returning his golf clubs to lad been an instructor at the us car. The killer approached, ;olf driving range. 1 an argument ensued. The two 3 struggled over the gun and a In the mid-'50s, Lennon re- shot went into the air. cently recalled: "Our family Lennon broke away and ran was growing rapidly and we Walking Shorts needed another room. But I ran across the parking lot shouting H 'Help!" The assailant fired )ut of money for lumber, then 30% twice. Lennon fell to the ground. happened to think that the girls | The killer approached and fired vere always harmonizing' again. Lennon, hit by at least around the house and that they wo bullets, one of them in the :ounded pretty good. jack, was pronounced dead at "So my wife and I talked it e scene. over and got them a booking at Police said they knew of no small party. They earned $10 motive for the shooting. and I bought some more lum- Jim Lennon, one of the vic- )er. With another engagement tim's six brothers, said, "Bill they got $15 and I bought more was probably the greatest fa- umber. i ther who ever lived. Just look "Eventually they were hired j I at that family. Eleven children to sing at an Elks Club affair!' Every one a marvelous kid." and it just happened that Law- i Lennon's pretty daughters— rence Welk Jr. was there. He|l Dianne, now 30; Peggy, 28; was impressed and got his fath-'l Kathy, 26, and Janet, 23—first er to audition them." became household favorites on Said Lennon's brother Jim: the Lawrence Welk show in the :Bill taught them the feeling of late 1950s. TV fans watchec songs. He didn't read music or them grow to womanhood. Al 1 now are married, with a tota play piano, but he was very of seven children. At the Len sharp on harmony." non family home are seven The sisters appeared on the! younger children, five boys am Welk show for 13 years. Then- two girls. last appearance was in Decem- EWERS NEW TOWERS ALONG THE WALL—The East German People's Army is erecting new Lennon, born in Chicago ber. Their own series, "Jimmy Durante Presents the Lennon concrete towers along the border with West Germany, as here opposite the town of Zich- came to Los Angeles with his parents when he was a year Sisters Hour," starts airing onj Men's Store erie of north of Helmstcdt. Boys watch at border barriers while one soldier is lifted to old. His late father, Bert, wai ABC-TV in September. j join another working on top of the tower. The Berlin Wall is eight years old today. a publicity man for Metro-Gold The Lennon home of more 28 S. Clinton (AP Wirephoto) wyn-Mayer Studios. The family than 40 years is half a block | L Sears Nylon tricot elastic-leg briefs. Long wearing and comfortable with covered elastic waist band. In a colorful package of three includ- ing pink, blue or yellow. Also in white. Sizes 4-7. HOSE HUGGERS STRETCH PANTY HOSE The great hold-up begins with these garterless wonders. Panties in two styles with Clingtex® leg Seamless 100 % stretch bands that hug your hose. Keeps them smooth and Nylon Run Resistant secure. Wear with panty base or stretch hose. Wear Panty Hose. Has Elastic without hose. Panty won't ride up. Waist Band. Nude heel reinforced toe. 4 to Sears ... the fashion stop CHARGE IT on Sears Revolving Charge. Sears Sells Only First Quality Hosiery , No Seconds, No Irregulars MALL STORE HOURS: MALL STORE HOURS: SHOPPING CENTER Tuesday , Wed., Thurs., Fri. Saturday Sears SHOPPING CENTER 10 a.m.-5:3t p.m. II a.m.-* p.m. 9 a.m.-5:3l p.m. FREE PARKING Phone 351-36W 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. II a.m.-f p.m. f a.m.-5:3l p.m. FREE PARKING Phone 35144M •KAMI ftOOTOCX AND C& Tuesday Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. Saturday INEWSPAPERif.
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