JUNE 2019 F EE AND FAI ? The threat of foreign interference in ...and how to our elections... protect them against disinformation and cyber activities. Also INSIDE: Competing in the Empowering Targeting national Responding to innovation economy First Nations pharmacare PRC belligerence 1 PublishedPublished by by the the Macdonald-Laurier Macdonald-Laurier Institute Institute PublishedBrianBrian Lee LeeBrianby Crowley, Crowley,the Lee Macdonald-Laurier Crowley,Managing Managing Managing Director, Director, Director [email protected] [email protected] Institute David Watson,JamesJames Anderson, ManagingAnderson, Managing Editor Managing and Editor, CommunicationsEditor, Inside Inside Policy Policy Director Brian Lee Crowley, Managing Director, [email protected] David McDonough, Deputy Editor James Anderson,ContributingContributing Managing writers:Editor, writers: Inside Policy Contributing writers: ThomasThomas S. S.Axworthy Axworthy PastAndrewAndrew contributors Griffith Griffith BenjaminBenjamin Perrin Perrin Thomas S. Axworthy Andrew Griffith Benjamin Perrin Mary-Jane BennettDonaldDonald Barry Barry Jeremy DepowStanleyStanley H. H. Hartt HarttMarcus Kolga MikeMike RobertPriaro Priaro P. Murphy Massimo BergaminiDonald Barry Peter DeVries Stanley H. HarttAudrey Laporte Mike PriaroDwight Newman Derek BurneyKenKen Coates Coates Brian Dijkema PaulPaul Kennedy KennedyPeter Layton ColinColin Robertson RobertsonGeoff Norquay Ken Coates Paul Kennedy Colin Robertson Charles Burton Ujjal Dosanjh Brad Lavigne Benjamin Perrin BrianBrian Lee Lee Crowley Crowley AudreyAudrey Laporte Laporte RogerRoger Robinson Robinson Catherine CanoBrian Lee CrowleyDon Drummond Audrey Laporte Ian Lee Roger RobinsonJeffrey Phillips Elaine CarsleyCarloCarlo Dade Dade Patrice Dutil IanIan Lee LeeChristian Leuprecht RobinRobin V. V.SearsMike Sears Priaro Carlo Dade Ian Lee Robin V. Sears Duanjie Chen James Fergusson Edward Luttwak Richard Remillard Michael ChongLauraLauraLaura Dawson Dawson DawsonMartha Hall FindlayJaniceJaniceJanice MacKinnon MacKinnon MacKinnonMeredith MacDonald MunirMunirMunir SheikhPhilip Sheikh Sheikh Carl Salzman Dan Ciuriak Chrystia Freeland Janice MacKinnon Munir Sheikh Scott ClarkGuyGuy GuyGiorno Giorno Giorno Stephen Greene LindaLindaLinda Nazareth Nazareth NazarethVelma McColl AlexAlex WilnerAlex Wilner WilnerSean Speer Ken Coates Stanley Hartt David McDonough John Thompson StephenStephenStephen Greene Greene Greene GeoffGeoffGeoff NorquayNorquay Norquay Celine Cooper Carin Holroyd Shuvaloy Majumdar Gil Troy Philip Cross Dean Karalekas Paul Martin Michael Watts Past contributors: Mary-Jane Bennett, Carolyn Bennett, Massimo Bergamini, Ken Boessenkool, Brian Bohunicky, Scott Brison, PastPast contributors: contributors:Laura Dawson Mary-Jane Mary-Jane Bennett, Bennett, CarolynPaul Carolyn Kennedy Bennett, Bennett, Massimo Massimo Bergamini, Bergamini,Ted Menzies Ken Ken Boessenkool, Boessenkool, Brian BrianAlex Bohunicky, Bohunicky, Wilner Scott Scott Brison, Brison, Derek Burney, Catherine Cano, Dan Ciuriak, Scott Clark, Philip Cross, Celine Cooper, Peter DeVries, Don Drummond, John Duffy, DerekDerek Burney, Burney, Catherine Catherine Cano, Cano, Dan Dan Ciuriak, Ciuriak, Scott Scott Clark, Clark, Philip Philip Cross, Cross, Celine Celine Cooper, Cooper, Peter Peter DeVries, DeVries, Don Don Drummond, Drummond, John John Duffy, Duffy, Patrice Dutil, Joseph Fantino, Daniel Gagnier, Brad Lavigne, Tasha Kheiriddin, Jeremy Kinsman, Steven Langdon, Velma McColl, PatricePatrice Dutil, Dutil, Joseph Joseph Fantino, Fantino, Daniel Daniel Gagnier, Gagnier,Cover Brad Bradphoto Lavigne, Lavigne, design: Tasha Tasha Renée Kheiriddin, Kheiriddin, Depocas Jeremy| iStock Jeremy Kinsman, Kinsman, Steven Steven Langdon, Langdon, Velma Velma McColl, McColl, Ted Menzies, Robert P. Murphy, Peggy Nash, Gil Troy, Michael Watts. TedTed Menzies, Menzies, Robert RobertProduction P. Murphy,P. Murphy, designer: Peggy Peggy Nash,Renée Nash, GilDepocas Gil Troy, Troy, Michael Michael Watts. Watts. The contributors to this publication have worked independently and are solely responsible for the views presented here. TheThe contributors contributorsThe toopinions thisto this publication arepublication not necessarily have have worked those worked ofindependently the independently Macdonald-Laurier and and are areInstitute,solely solely responsible itsresponsible Directors for for orthe Supporters. the views views presented presented here. here. The contributors to this publication have worked independently and are solely responsible for the views presented here. 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The The Thecontents contents contents of theof themagazineof the magazine magazine are copyrighted, are arecopyrighted, copyrighted, butbut maybut may bemay bere-produced be re-produced re-produced with withwith permission permission in in print,in print, print, and and and downloadeddownloaded downloaded free free freeof of charge chargeof charge from from fromthe the MLI the MLI website: MLI website: website: macdonaldlaurier.ca macdonaldlaurier.ca macdonaldlaurier.ca For advertising information, please email: [email protected] ForFor advertisingFor advertising advertising information, information,information, please please please email: email: email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Subscriptions: $39.95 per year; single issue, $6.95. | ISSN 1929-9095 (Print) | ISSN 1929-9109 (Online) Subscriptions: $39.95 per year; single issue $6.95 | ISSN 1929-9095 (print) 1929-9109 (online) Subscriptions:Subscriptions:The Macdonald-Laurier $39.95 $39.95 per per year; year;Institute single single is issue, grateful issue, $6.95. $6.95.to Intuit | ISSN | ISSNCanada 1929-9095 1929-9095 for their (Print)support (Print) | ofISSN Inside| ISSN 1929-9109Policy 1929-9109 magazine. (Online) (Online) Inside Policy 323 Chapel Street, Suite 300, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1N 7Z2 | Ph 613-482-8327 TheThe Macdonald-Laurier Macdonald-LaurierInside Policy: 8 InstituteYork Institute Street, is Suitegratefulis grateful 200, to Ottawa toIntuit Intuit ON,Canada Canada Canada for for theirK1N their support5S6, support PH; of613-482-8327 Insideof Inside Policy Policy magazine. magazine. 2 Inside Policy —Inside TheInside PolicyMagazine Policy: 8 :York 8of York The Street, Street,Macdonald-Laurier Suite Suite 200, 200, Ottawa Ottawa Institute ON, ON, Canada Canada K1N K1N 5S6, 5S6, PH; PH; 613-482-8327 613-482-8327 2 2InsideInside Policy Policy — —The The Magazine Magazine of ofThe The Macdonald-Laurier Macdonald-Laurier Institute Institute insidepolicy [march].indd 2 14-04-01 10:00 AM insidepolicyinsidepolicy [march].indd [march].indd 2 2 14-04-0114-04-01 10:00 10:00 AM AM From the editors Contents n October, Canadians will be going to the polls in our 4 Taking partisanship out of Indigenous affairs Ken Coates Iupcoming federal election. We can likely expect foreign interference through disinformation and cyber attacks, 5 Unlocking home ownership is key to the growth of similar to what other democracies have recently faced. In our Indigenous communities Joseph Quesnel cover story, Marcus Kolga looks at the Kremlin’s possible intrusion in our electoral process, and J. Michael Cole paints 6 Wilson-Raybould’s Indigenous agenda is no threat to Canada a worrisome picture of Beijing’s possible interference. Ken Coates and Brian Lee Crowley The possibility of Chinese interference has become 8 Making the Ring of Fire work for everyone particularly acute following the arrest of Huawei CFO Joseph Quesnel Charles Meng Wanzhou in December 2018. As noted by 9 Ensuring First Nations input on the development table Burton, this has set off a diplomatic storm between the Sharleen Gale two countries. Canada needs to be astute in dealing with 10 Determining competitiveness in an increasingly Amy Lai China, which as reminds us is still the regime intangible innovation economy that killed thousands at Tiananmen Square. Sean Speer and Robert Asselin Kolga, Gary Caroline and Chris MacLeod point to 12 Are we ready for Industrial Revolution no.4? the use of targeted sanctions as a means to force China This time is different to free our political prisoners. And, as noted by Brian Linda Nazareth Lee Crowley, we should remain wary of a possible free 13 USMCA makes intellectual-property protections great across trade agreement once this crisis finally ends. J. Berkshire North America Miller points to the historic re-election of Narendra Modi Richard Owens, Stephen Ezell and Alberto Saracho in India as a good opportunity to re-engage and reset its 14 Targeted reforms to drug coverage can ensure no one is left approach to the other rising power in the Indo-Pacific. behind Sean Speer This issue of Inside Policy also deals with other pressing
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