ANNE RICE TALKS WINDY CITY THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 FEB. 16, 2011 VOL 26, NO. 20 PAGE 24 TIMES www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com Equality Illinois Marks 20 Years MAYORAL FORUM ON LGBT ISSUES PAGE 10 Equality Illinois co-founder Art Johnston leads a toast at the group’s gala Feb. 12 at the Hilton Chicago. With him are event chair Mark Cozzi and EI board first vice president Dalila Fridi. The parade of politicians at the event included Gov. Pat Quinn, Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Treasurer Dan Rutherford, Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka, U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley, and mayoral candidates Rahm Emanuel and Gery Chico. Many aldermanic candidates and sitting politicians also attended, and President Barack Obama sent his well wishes on EI’s 20th anniversary in a letter. There was only one protester at the event calling attention to the firing of EI co-founder Rick Garcia, and only one brief mention of his first name was made GLN’S ‘FREEDOM TO at the event. Garcia’s firing several weeks ago caused concern among some activists. Photo by Kat Fitzgerald/www.mysticimagesphotography.com. See many more photos inside and also online at www.windycitymediagroup.com MARRY’ RALLY PAGE 9 Kiss, Congeniality A couple shows affection (left) and National Museum of Mexican Art Director of Perform- ing Arts National Museum of Mexican Art Jorge Valdivia (below) speaks at Lambda Le- gal’s annual Freedom to Marry gala, held Feb. 8 at the museum. Among the events were bouquet-tossing and a skit about the state’s new civil-unions measure, which will take ef- fect June 1. Photos by Kat Fitzgerald (Mys- ticImagesPhotography.com); see page 15. CHICAGO AUTO SHOW PAGE 28 tFebruary 16, 2011 Oscar-worthy Get the red carpet pick it up treatment with Mercedes at the Lincoln Hall Oscar party. take it home page 19 Happy The richness Valentines, of Amanda Nightspots-style. Lepore. page 13 page 11 2 Feb. 16, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES CHICAGO NEEDS A BIG MAYOR TO TAKE ON THIS BIG JOB. CHICAGO NEEDS RAHM EMANUEL. Chicago thrives on its diversity. Rahm Emanuel has been a supporter of equality for the LGBT community throughout his life. He has fought for legal protection, funding and opportunity across the diverse spectrum of our community. WE are proud to be part of the LGBT and Allied Committee in support of Rahm Emanuel for Mayor. We urge you to vote for Rahm February 22. The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable !2!%)'%.(/,4: )+%5)',%9 !29 ..-)4( The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable 2%'!22)3 !2/,/.%. %!4(%24%!.3 The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable !.9.%3 !.#(!+/73+9 /-5..%9 Endorsed by The Honorable The Honorable Human Rights Campaign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eb. 16, 2011 3 You owe it to yourself to visit... this week in Bob Rohrman’s OFFICIAL PROUD OFFICIAL WINDY CITY TIMES ARLINGTON KIA IN PALATINE VEHICLE PARTNER VEHICLE NEWS ENTERTAINMENT/EVENTS Black History Month profiles 4 Scottish Play Scott 19 35($8726+2: Vida/SIDA; Shepard, Wilchins 6 Theater reviews 20 Vernita Gray; arrests; Darrow 8 Knight: Kaboom, ...Number Four 22 GLN protest at Holy Name 9 Gregg Araki interview 23 Election ‘11: Forum 10 Anne Rice talks with WCT 24 Election ‘11: Charts 12 Book review: Axis Sally 25 HBHC’s Ron Nunziato 14 Nora Dunn interview 26 6$/(6(9(17 Freedom to Marry reception 15 Tim Cain on ABSOLUTE Fringe 27 Equality Illinois gala photos 16 Chicago Auto Show pics 28 Brand New 2011 Kia Brand New 2011 Kia View by Monroe; letters 18 Kate Clinton talks comedy 29 Billy Masters 33 FORTE LX SORENTO LX Photos on cover (left, from top): Anne Rice 4038 3871 pic by Matthias Scheer; Carol Moseley Braun OUTLINES image by Hal Baim; Image from Gay Libera- Real estate; classifieds 30 tion Network Feb. 13 rally from the group; Calendar Q 32 Auto image by Andrew Davis Sports: Hudson Taylor 34 WINDY CITY ANNE RICE TALKS ediaGroup.com TIMES.WindyCityM www arks llinois MYears Auto., A/C and much more! 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Discover the interesting bits Diamond Rings had to say during a recent 1(:6(59,&(+2856 plus interview. We service all makes and models! DAILY BREAKING NEWS Photo by Norman Wong MONDAY TUESDAY-FRIDAY SATURDAY 7:30AM-8:00PM 7:30AM-5:30PM 8:00AM-NOON It’s Oscar time with Gay 1400 E. DUNDEE Rd. Mercedes! tFebruary 16, 2011 Parenting One block west of Show #404 Oscar-worthy Get the red carpet treatment with w/ author Rte. 53 on Dundee Rd. Mercedes at the Lincoln Hall Oscar party. nightspots page 19 Mary Bowers Happy The richness 888-844-1089 Valentines, of Amanda Nightspots-style.
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