University of Oklahoma College of Law University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 11-21-1867 Letter from the Clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a list of the judgments in that court since the year 1863. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.law.ou.edu/indianserialset Part of the Indian and Aboriginal Law Commons Recommended Citation H.R. Misc. Doc. No. 50, 40th Congress, 1st Sess. (1867) This House Miscellaneous Document is brought to you for free and open access by University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 by an authorized administrator of University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 40TH CoNG.R~ss,} HOUSE OF REPRESE~'.rATIVES. f Mis. Doc. · 1st Sesswn. t No. 50 . •TUDGMEN'rS IN THE COURT Ol, CLAIMS. FROM TI-IE CLERK OF THE COURT OF CLAIMS, TRANSMITTING A list qf tlte judgments -in _that court since the year 1863. NovEMBER 21, 1867.-Referred to the Committee of Claims and ordered to be printed. CouRT OF CLAIMS, Washington, November 21, 1867. SIR: In compliance with the resolution of the House of Representatives, passed July 17, 1867, I herewith transmit to the House "a list of the judg­ me'nts that have been rendered in the Court of Claims since March 3, 1863, with the amounts of the same; the names and residence of the respective daimants; the nature of the claims, and by whom prosecuted," so far as these various items appear fi·om the files of the court designating the eases appealed. Also, a list of claims pending before said eourt up to the date of said resolu­ tion, the amounts of the same, and the names of the elaimants. I have the honor to be, with great respect, your obedient servant, SAMUEL H. HUNTINGTON, Chiif Clerk Court if Claims. Hon. ScHUYLER CoLFAX, Speaker if the U. S. House cif Representatives. Tlu~ diif clerk if the Court qf Claims, in obedience to a resolution qf the House qf Representatives passed July 17, 1867, furnislus the ~ following l1'st qf j1tdgments rendered by tlw Court qf Claims since March 3, 1863, with the amounts qf tlw same, names and residence rif the claimants, the nature of the claim, and the names of tlw attorneys prosecuting tlte same~· also qf the appeals taken. Date of judg­ Nature of claim. Name. No. Residence. Amount. Attorney. ment. :.... David and Susan E. Gordon, ad- I 1885 Baltimore, M:d ... 1 Dismi8sed * .... 1 H. Bennett. ................. -- I Oct. 26, 1863 For property destroyed in the war of 1812. r:: ministratorH of George Fisher, t; deceased. Q For use of a patent broom machine. Charles A. Pitcher ............... ·\1926 Washington, D.C. I-... do ......... ·1T. Z. D. Fuller ............... ·1 Jan. 11,1864 ls: Daniel D. Sines. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • . 1923 Fairfax, Va .......... do .......... R. II. Duell ................... Jan. 18,1864 For injury to real estate by the United States army ttl during the war. 'Z Augustus Kingsburg, administrator 55 Andover, Conn .. $4, 190 00 I Silas L . Loomis ............... -I Jan. 19, 1864 Contract on Cumberland road. ~ of Daniel Loomis, deceased. rn n. Schle~inger ct al . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1604 Boston, 1\fass . Dismissed* . Milton Andros . Jan. 25, 1864 For duties illegally exacted. John S. Gilbert and Zeno Secor . 1899 New York city ...... do*.·........ James D. Stevenson and James Jan. 27,1864 Contract on building dry dock. H M. Carlisle. z David King ...... ............... 1863 StE>rling, N. Y . .. 1, 204 83 McCallia . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Feb. 9, 1864 For superintendent and custodian on public work. Maine........... 41,530 00* Black, Dunnell, and vVatts ..... Mar. 2,1864 For property taken for public use in the Territory of ~ Wiliiam S. Grant ............ ~ .... 1883 Arizona. ~ ttl Le~ter &Redington ............... 684 Fredonia, N.Y.. 1, 918 43* R. H. Duell .................... Mar. 7,1864 On contract for furnishing timber. WilliamS. Grant ................. 1882 Maine ....... _... Judg't for def't* Black, Dunnell, and Watts..... April 4, 1864 Contract for furnishing commissary stores. vV. I<'. Conway . .. .. .. .. .. 1946 Kansas .......... Dismissed ..... Somes Brown &Co., and \-Valker ...... do .... .. For mileage as member of Congress. a and Stanton. 0 S. ·r. Nicoll"& Co................. 64 Ne"\ov York ........... do*......... Abert ............................... do .... .. For duties illegally exacted. d 'JoHei>hNock .................... 37 New J ersey ..... Judg't for def't* F. C. Brewster ...................... do ..... Contract for mail locks. :;::v AlLert Cooper............ 1848 New York ........... do .......... W.H. L. "Barnes and ·william April 5,1864 For non-delivery of old muskets by the United States ~ D. Booth. government. Moore & Boice . .. .. .. .. 1850 New :r.fexico..... 24,559 06* J. S. Watts.................... Aprill8, 126l On contrad for transportation of military supplies. 0 G. 'I'. Elliot ct al.................. 1877 For duties illegally exacted. "'.1 . ::.::: :: Do. Grace \V. Ogden et al.. 1876 ~~';o~~~~·--··:·:::: ~~-c1~~ -f~~- ~~::~~-~-- ~~-d~!~'-e_t_:::::::.::::::::::: :~~:::: New York etty ...... dot ......... H. Bennett.................... Dec. 20, 1864 Contract for brick on the aqueduct. a William H. De Groot . 1884 ~ Theodore· Adams ................ ·. 1881 Pennsylvania.... 93,760 00* James M. Carlisle .............. Jan. 30,1865 For building warehouse. Selina Gilbert and Pascal P. Per- 785 New York ....... Judg't for def't. J. S. Tyson .......................... do ..... Contract for delivery of stones. >1--4 son, administrators of E. 1<'. Gil­ ls: bert, deceased. 'f1 Honolulu ... - ... · 451 55 J. D. Stevenson ...................... do...... I<' or commissions on disbursements as comul at Hono- James G. Smith, administrator of I 492 - ~ P. A. Brinsmade, deceased. lulu. 2022 Philadelphia, Pa. DiRmissed ...... William Halsted ................... _.do ...... Prize money. Charles Stewart ................ -- ~ Charle~ F. Stansbury ............. 1900 Washington, D.C. Judg't for def't* Robert B. Caverly ................... do ...... Extra compensation. Matthew Bonner, administrator of 25 Ohio ............ , .... do* ......... J. J. Coombs unrl A.G.Thur- ...... do ...... CompensationforVirginialandscrip. Cadwallader \YallacP. man. New England Land 1 495 Boston, l\!ass ........ do .... •...... D. II. Hall, B. F. Hallitt, aud Feb. 1, 1865 For money retained by the Georgia :Mississippi Com- Company. .IUissis~ippi R. H. Gillet. • pany. Sewall B. Corbett . • . • . 1914 Virgiu!a. Dismissed . R. II. Duell.................... Feb. 16, 1865 For damages done by the army of the United State's during the war. Yirginla Scott .................... 1866 .... dQ ............1 ... qq* . ........ T, Sannqers ........................ do ...... Fur dama~es done by the U.S. arm,r durin~ the war, Cbas. Reeder and John Sheckells, I 595 Baltimore, 1\fd ... 3, 054 59 executor of Charles Reeder, de· W. B. Webb, Carlisle, and 1· .. _.. do ...... , Por compensation under an appointment from the ceased. McPherson. · Navy Departmen_t. En genie Lavaliette .............. ·I 247 Florida .......... Dismiss_e d T. 1\I. Bloupt ----------·- ··-- :., P eb. 20,1865 0. B. and 0. S. Latham .... ........ 1967 ! ·-··:1 Claim under the treaty with Spain, February 22, 1819. New York.-----. Judg't for def'tx L. S. Chatfield .. --. ............ Mar. 6,1865 · Claim for coin instead of legal tender in payment under contract. Ricbard Goodman .. ___ --- --- .... 774 I ••• • do ...... - .... 1.•• . do ....... _.. I S. E. Lyons ... .........._ .... 1. _•• _.do._ .. _. Por damages for non-acceptance and non-payment of a draft on the Treasury D epartment. Horace B. Tibbetts ............... 2143 Louisiana ....... Dismissed ..... R.B.Kimbell ..... ........... ...... do .. ... Por proceeds of ninety-two bales of cotton. M:e~haclt.Ross ..................... 2013 .... do ............... do . ........ R. H. Gillet . ... .. ..... ............ do . .. Por proceedR of twenty-nine bales of cotton. Henry Savage _•. _... _... _... ..... 311 Guatemala - - - ... 2l, 625 OOt Lemuel Shaw, jr ... ................. do_ .... _ Por pay as charge in a foreign country. Georgc,V.Nabb ......... ...... 921- Marylan<.l. ··- ---- Judg'tfordef't. J. S. '.I'yson ....... ...•.............. do ..... For recovery of fees from the government. <:.,. I•'. Parlin, executor of Samuel A. 626 U. S. army. .... 4, 475 00 •R.l\1. Yonng, H. L. Stevens, and Mar. 7, 1865 Por prize money. C1 Morse, deceased, et al. , · C. Ingle. t;j et al .. ____ .... ....... H. J ohn Goul<.l. 920 M~ ss acbugetts .. _ 2, 000 00 R. Gillet . D ec. 4, 1865 Por salvage. Q lllilwaukee and R. R. C. Co........ 1827 Wisconsin....... DismisRe d . _... R. M. Young . Dec. 5, 1865 Forth~ Wl'Ongful diversion of the proceeds of lands. ~ Deming-- . ........ -. ----- . 2054 vVashingtou, D.C. Judg"t for def't* Vanclerwerken & Merriman._ ... __ ... do ... .. I~rael Por increased value by the increase of duties and legal t::l tender act. A. K. Josepbsetal . ..... ... .... 592 Louisiana . _..... z R. J. Brint and May ....... - ~ D ec. 11, 1865 Por lauds in L cuisiana in possession of the United ~ States government. w JohnWilson ............ ......... l 1943 Washington, D.C. , . John ''l' il oon .........................do ..... Por extra compen~ation as clerk in the Interior De- ~ Elizabeth Poucher ..............
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