Public Disclosure Authorized REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA DETAILED ASSESSMENT, CONCEPTUAL DESIGN AND ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (ESIA) STUDY Public Disclosure Authorized FOR THE IMPROVED USE OF PRIORITY TRADITIONAL CANALS IN THE BAROTSE SUB-BASIN OF THE ZAMBEZI ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT Public Disclosure Authorized ASSESSMENT Final Report October 2014 Public Disclosure Authorized 15 juillet 2004 BRL ingénierie 1105 Av Pierre Mendès-France BP 94001 30001 Nîmes Cedex5 France NIRAS 4128 , Mwinilunga Road, Sunningdale, Zambia Date July 23rd, 2014 Contact Eric Deneut Document title Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the improved use of priority canals in the Barotse Sub-Basin of the Zambezi Document reference 800568 Code V.3 Date Code Observation Written by Validated by May 2014 V.1 Eric Deneut: ESIA July 2014 V.2 montage, Environmental baseline and impact assessment Charles Kapekele Chileya: Social Eric Verlinden October 2014 V.3 baseline and impact assessment Christophe Nativel: support in social baseline report ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR THE IMPROVED USE OF PRIORITY TRADITIONAL CANALS IN THE BAROTSE SUB-BASIN OF THE ZAMBEZI Table of content 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 2 1.1 Background of the project 2 1.2 Summary description of the project including project rationale 6 1.2.1 Project rationale 6 1.2.2 Summary description of works 6 1.3 Objectives the project 7 1.3.1 Objectives of the Assignment 8 1.3.2 Objective of the ESIA 8 1.4 Brief description of the location 10 1.5 Particulars of Shareholders/Directors 10 1.6 Percentage of shareholding by each shareholder 10 1.7 The developer’s physical address and the contact person and his/her details 10 1.8 Track Record/Previous Experience of Enterprise Elsewhere 11 1.9 Total Project Cost/Investment 11 1.10 Proposed Project Implementation Date 12 2. POLICY, INSTITUTIONAL AND ORGANISATIONAL FRAMEWORK .......... 13 2.1 Legal framework 13 2.2 Organisational framework 17 2.3 International Agreements and Coventions 25 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................. 27 3.1 Location 27 3.2 ESIA Study area 27 p:\brli\dressayre\800568_zambie barotse\5_production\2_esia\esia\final\esia-barotse-final-zemaformat.docx / Eric Deneut Environmental and Social impact Assessment for the improved use of priority traditional canals in the Barotse sub-basin of the Zambezi 3.3 Canal system description 29 3.4 Nature of the Project 35 3.4.1 Raw materials (including hazardous materials and their storage on site) 35 3.4.2 Process and technology 35 3.4.3 Products and by-products 35 3.4.4 Production capacity 36 3.4.5 Schedule and life time of the project 36 3.5 Main activities 36 3.5.1 Participative approach 36 3.5.2 Site preparation phase 37 3.5.3 Construction phase 37 3.5.4 Operation phase 44 4. PROJECT ALTERNATIVES .......................................................................... 45 4.1 Identification of alternatives 45 4.2 Analysis of each of the identified alternatives 45 4.3 List of chosen alternatives in order of preference 47 4.4 Reasons for choosing the preferred alternatives and rejecting the other alternatives 47 5. ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE STUDY ........................................................ 48 5.1 Climate 48 5.2 Air quality 51 5.3 Hydrology 51 5.3.1 Orography of the area 51 5.3.2 Natural water bodies 51 5.3.3 Hydrology and hydraulics of the Barotse flood plain 52 5.3.4 Hydraulic functioning of the canals 54 5.4 Hydrogeology 57 5.5 Topography 57 5.6 Geology and Soils 58 5.7 Land use and land tenure 60 5.8 Built Environment : infrastructure in the floodplain 62 5.8.1 Mongu Harbour 62 5.8.2 Roads 62 5.8.3 Other canals and waterways in the area 63 5.8.4 Telecommunication 64 p:\brli\dressayre\800568_zambie barotse\5_production\2_esia\esia\final\esia-barotse-final-zemaformat.docx / Eric Deneut Environmental and Social impact Assessment for the improved use of priority traditional canals in the Barotse sub-basin of the Zambezi 5.9 Noise and vibration 64 5.10 Fauna 64 5.10.1 Terrestrial and wetland species 64 5.10.2 Fish 71 5.11 Avifauna (Birds) 82 5.11.1 Field survey of bird species 84 5.12 Flora 86 5.12.2 Wetland species 87 5.12.3 Terrestrial species: dry lands 103 5.12.4 Aquatic plant species 106 5.12.5 Identification of species with special status 106 5.13 Archaeological and cultural environment 110 5.13.1 Lealui, Limulunga, Libonda and Nalolo Palaces 110 5.13.2 Royal Burial Sites (Sitinos) 110 5.13.3 Lwatile Church 112 5.13.4 Old Boma Site 112 5.13.5 Lealui Royal Palace and village 112 5.13.6 Survey on cultural heritage sites 112 5.14 Social-economic set up 114 5.14.1 Population 116 5.14.2 Growth rate, population density and distribution 118 5.14.3 Administration 118 5.14.4 Social services and amenities 118 5.14.5 Water uses and navigation 123 5.14.6 Livelihood and market availability on various commodities 131 5.14.7 Literacy levels, health and gender equity 136 5.14.8 Traditional and religious practices and rites 140 5.14.9 Assessment of vulnerability and/or need for resettlement and compensation 142 5.14.10 Conclusion on socio economic and cultural set up 148 6. IMPACTS ..................................................................................................... 149 6.1 Biophysical Environment 152 6.1.1 Environmental impact assessment study limitation 154 6.1.2 Impact on wetland habitats 154 6.1.3 Impact on dry land habitats 162 6.1.4 Impact on fishes 163 6.1.5 Impact on birds 166 6.1.6 Impact on mammals 167 6.1.7 Impact on herpetofauna 168 6.1.8 Impact on wetland dependent insects 170 Eric Deneut Environmental and Social impact Assessment for the improved use of priority traditional canals in the Barotse sub-basin of the Zambezi 6.1.9 Impact on species with special status 171 6.2 Summary of biophysical environmental impact assessment 175 6.3 Socio-economic and cultural 183 6.3.1 Impact identification matrix 183 6.3.2 Impact on land use 184 6.3.3 Impact on resettlement 185 6.3.4 Loss of access routes 185 6.3.5 Loss/restriction of access to common resources (water front, forest) 185 6.3.6 Loss of customary rights 185 6.3.7 Damage to agriculture/fisheries 185 6.3.8 Loss of amenity values 185 6.3.9 Loss of ethnicity (culture/traditions) 186 6.3.10 People’s health and wellbeing 186 6.3.11 Positive impacts 187 7. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................. 192 8. ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN .............................. 194 9. DECOMMISSIONING AND REHABILITATION PLAN ................................ 213 10. BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 214 11. DECLARATION OF AUTHENTICITY OF REPORT CONTENTS ................ 217 12. APPENDICES .............................................................................................. 219 12.1 Annex 1: Minutes of Community Consultations 220 12.2 Annex 2: Fish species of the Upper Zambezi Floodplains 252 12.3 Annex 3: Fish catches in the Upper Zambezi 255 12.4 Annex 4: Plants in the Barotse flood plain 256 12.5 Annex 5: List of bat species 263 12.6 Annex 6: Potential waterbirds in the Study area (Barotse floodplain) 264 12.7 Annex 7: Potential herpetofauna in the Study area (Barotse floodplain) 267 12.8 Annex 8: Wetland dependent butterflies and Odonata 271 12.9 Annex 9: Proof of submission to ZEMA 273 12.10 Annex 10: List of participant of workshops 274 p:\brli\dressayre\800568_zambie barotse\5_production\2_esia\esia\final\esia-barotse-final-zemaformat.docx / Eric Deneut Environmental and Social impact Assessment for the improved use of priority traditional canals in the Barotse sub-basin of the Zambezi 12.11 Annex 11 : Terms of reference for this study 287 Eric Deneut Environmental and Social impact Assessment for the improved use of priority traditional canals in the Barotse sub-basin of the Zambezi 1. Introduction 1 List of acronyms BRE : Barotse Royal Establishment CTF : Clean Technology Fund ESIA: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESMP: Environmental and Social Management Plan FIP : Forest Investment Program PPCR: Pilot Program Climate Resilience PPCR: Pilot Program for Climate Resilience SREP: Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program ZAWA: Zambian Wildlife Authority p:\brli\dressayre\800568_zambie barotse\5_production\2_esia\esia\final\esia-barotse-final-zemaformat.docx / Eric Deneut Environmental and Social impact Assessment for the improved use of priority traditional canals in the Barotse sub-basin of the Zambezi 2 1. Introduction 1. INTRODUCTION This document is an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the “Study for the improved use of priority traditional canals in the Barotse sub-basin of the Zambezi” in the Western Province of Zambia. This ESIA was written by BRLi and NIRAS by the following experts: Eric Deneut (BRLi): ESIA montage, Environmental baseline and impact assessment, Project description. Charles Kapekele Chileya (NIRAS): Social baseline and impact assessment. Christophe Nativel (BRLi): support in social baseline report. Gordon Mudenda (NIRAS): Fish baseline and impact assessment. The priority traditional canals are (see map next page): Muoyowamo canal (further in the study the Namitome, a natural tributary of the Muoyowamo was added to the study); Lubitamei canal (also called “Nangula canal” on its eastern part (from Ndiki to Kate) and “Nonge canal” on the western part (from Kate to its end in the Mongu / Kalabo waterway) ; N’gombala canal (further in the study this canal was divided in N’gombala and Nebubela); Fisheries canal ; Musiamo canal. The Study for the improved use of priority traditional canals in the Barotse sub-basin of the Zambezi has proposed activities to restore canals, these activities are described as the “Project” in this report. These activities were developed in a participative manner, involving local population and stakeholders’ participation through social surveys and workshops.
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