VOL. VIII. 111. NO. I »>Tmrn a« im»xp) I mail vattek. | PRICE FIVE CENTS. CHEBEA6UE PARK. FAIR NETTEO ABOUT $11)0. H C. NEEDHAM THE GETTING HEARTY CHEBEAQUE COTTAGERS AND MERRICONEAG HOUSE R. S. SUPPORT j DAVIS CO. FOR PUBLIC PLAY- HOTEL PEOPLE AIDED FUND. GROUND. SOUTH Sale At Hill Crest Hall Largely Pa- D««da May Put Early in Fall. HARPSWEU tronized Friday Evening. The accompanying cut shows the WE The WANT EVERY FATHER AND fund which Is being raised for MAINE. MOTHER magnlflcient tract of land on the erst the new church at To come into our end of Chebeague Island, which has building the east store this week. We want to show them how end of been taken for a park by the asso- Chebeague, was given a big can lift they provide the right kind of exercise for baby with ciation headed by Mr. H. C. Needham Friday evening through the efforts W. W. of the TIBBETTS. of Hudson. Mass., and is to be a public summer people here. The fair which has playground and forest preserve for been quickly gotten np for Manager. this Chebeague residents and summer peo- purpose, was a pronounced suc- cess ple. The idea has taken very strong and the tables which were ar- Enlarged and Glascock's Walker hold of several well known summer ranged at Hill Crest hall, were quick- rewly furnished. Baby residents and with Mr. Xeedham's ly relieved of their articles by the Always the most forceful promotion of the scheme, the throng of well wishers of the island's Popu I a r H o t el How it necessary money seems to be religious welfare. The hall was must will insure baby's likely In Casco Bay. having more than raised first. decorated and each booth and a back. by September attractively Right out In the straight legs strong There are of twelve acres In was dressed in varied colors of upwards crepe ocean. 14 miles All to of bow the danger baby legs plot, the cottage on the shore not paper showing up in a handsome man- from can Portland by be done away with by the txse being included. It is principally virgin ner, while the comely ladles, who pre- of steamer. 15 this wonderful little invention. miles from A baby can sit in the Walker when Bru n s w Ic k by tired, stand, walk or jump, no jars, read. no of Rates on appli- danger upsetting. cation. Keeps baby from harm, "out of mischief," off the floor away from pins and dirt, etc. Saves the mother worry. Peaks Come in Island and see for yourself. House That's all we ask. Come in for RALPH E. ROWE. Mngr. the baby's sake. Ptakt Island. Cm* to Bay. .Me. PRICE $3.25 Famous for years for its un- equalled loca- tion, liberal management and R. S. fine shore din- DAVIS CO. ners. The East Enil of Cheheague showing Grove on Pro]>osed Park. Every- Portland's thing modern. Complete Homefumishers Electric lights, woodland and will be cleared up, sided at each table, were none less steam heat, pri- swings, seats, etc., put in and an open nealU' attired in white with here ind vate Cor. and F ederal laid out for dining ExchangeJ • Sts. space tennis, etc. there a dash of thv- colors of their re- ': '. rocms, etc. Ac- The plan seems to be one worthy spective booths. A feature of the the F. C. attention of other resorts on She evening which had not been adver- commodates 500. HASKELL, Treasurer. coast Maine and now that Chebeague tised was the appearance of the Che- has taken the lead others may follow. beague Find, which gt'e gratuitously Rates, book- Mr. Xeedham has the hearty support, a program of about an hour's "" length. lets and floor r of who ha* ; il" 4 ***'■ -i everyone »b«» Ktw»t» r.fl I'sdfdiS: u ^rent deal to the pleasure of the island at heart, and is putting in the evening. pl*ns on appli- his time without remuneration. Dur- The proceeds of the fair were ap- cation* ing the latter of an T/ie Store with small part August as*:>- proximately $90 to $100. about a tnlrd Big ciation will be formed profits and the follow- of which was realized from the fancy ing will be asked to *<".e gentlemen articles and another third from tickets exquisite green tea served here punch 172. while those who tied at 140 for In the following offices: President, and door was receipts. The money will a treat and was in constant de- the lowest total H. C. Needham. Vice be were: William G. Hudson. Mass.; added to the amount in the mand. The ice cream table already was a Marple of Dedham and Ivan Bryan of president. George F. Taft. Allston. hands of the church treasurer maker as for the money usual and here Mr. Some rare Ma*s ; John S. Chebeague. s[>ort was wit- Secretary. Crowley, building fund. A lot is George Sweetser of Mr. already paid Wakefield, nessed during the and It was Beverly. Mass.; Treasurer. Al- for and owned the evening Capt. by society. not' until the second fred E. Hamilton: Directors. (Continued on page 7.) string was fin- Henry The tables were respectively In ished IRA \V. that one could be sure of the f. CLARK Bowen, Royal H. Bennett and of the & charge ar- CO. following. Fancy winner. Rufus A. Six of the ten men who en- Soule. and others. ticles. a large boo'h in the center of tered rolled over 100 during the week, the hall: Mrs. Pnilip D. BOWLING PRIZES AWARDED. Hawkins. and the remaining four ranged from Mrs. L. C. Hyde and Miss Dorothy ROLL OFF FOR 9* to 100. CLIFF ISLAND. Hyde of Springfield. Mass. LADIES AND This booth The ladies roll off following Satur- was decorated in white and ALSO FOR GENTLEMEN HELD yellow day morning was again a decided sue- THIS HUSTLING ISLAND 18 EN- crepe pai>er with lanterns Japanese WEEKLY. res« as last week, with the number of TERTAINING A and was lighted handsome THRONG OF by lamps ladies as high as fifteen this week. giving a stunning center piece for the The Sport is One Price Cash. TOURISTS. Becoming Very Popular The prize was a handsome white floor. Candy: Mrs. William Allen Spot With The Summer Visitors at sweater and was won by Miss Alice Harris. Miss Rieta Harris and Miss Happenings Concerning the Social Perkins of Springfield, who is regis- Hart-I^ester Harris. The of Chebeague. Life Here. dressing tered at the Hill Crest, with strings this booth was the first particularly pleasing, Friday evening weekly roll of 7a and 84. total of 159. Mrs. J. having a bower of ferns and off for gentlemen was held at the The number of people on Cliff at the clematis Che- F. Bothfleld of Newton rolled well, Clothiers, end of arranged above a base of white on beague Bowling alleys. Those eli- Hatters, July compares favorably with scoring 149 on the two without a spare, last which candelabra gible *to enter the contest were year, and this means that the antique and lan- the which is exceptionally good rolling thorns gave a mellow ten highest rollers for the island Is entertaining more people light. A Rus- week. At- with very poor breaks. Mrs. O. H. sian dish filled tended a large audience of tban at any other year In Its history. candy with bunch by cheerii.g Burkhardt. also of N»*wton. winner of Its Is berries was placed In the centre ind men and women the contestants bat- popularity growing by leaps and last week's prize, looked like a suro fifty pounds of In tled for two Furnishers, bounds candy antique hand long strings, the prize winner during the first string, she be- painted trays and pewter plates looked being a box of cigars for the The Cliff Island Improvement 8r> fifty Inr tied with Miss Penfleld at 78. but so good that a throng of soon highest total on two strings. The ciety met again last Saturday evening buyers In the second string a score of 66 relieved the table of its weight of winner was John T. Coy of Waltham.l but adjourned until Wednesday on brought her average to third place. sweets. Misses Anibla and Harriet who is registered at the Summit areount of no quorum. Yesterday (he Much enthusiasm was shown during Harris were flower girls, nas- House, his total the adjourned meeting was held at the selling being 198. striking' the rontest. and all were eager to Threa 26 and turtiums and sweet feature of the was on Floors, 28 Monument residence of .Mr. A. A. peas from this evening that make a try for the excellent of- Sq. Holden on the table J prize also. Grab; a brace of st<*«»l each string he rolled 99. The next fered bv North road at 3.30. The business con- J Mr. P. A. Merrlam. This tubs half filled with sea sand In which highest was Wlnfield R. Hamilton' ducted Included the appointment of week, without doubt, more Interest were hidden packages to with 84 and 88. making a total of the executive committee, also fur- tempt the! than ever will be anticipated. children. The process was the ther Investigation of the progress of unique, buyer of a right to grab tx-lnz allowo<l Tolman, Bradford Furniture Co., the petition now In the hands of the to pluck a flower from branches aldermen asking for four ladders ar.d which The Hamilton 17 and 17 1-2 Preble 8t.
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